Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 378 - 383, 28.01.2019
Uğur Çavdar
Pınar Sarı Çavdar
In this study, iron based powder metal (PM) compacts
are sintered by two different sintering methods. One of the sintering method is
conventional sintering, 2kW atmosphere controlled oven is used in the sintering
application. TM compacts are sintered at 1120 ° C for 30 minutes. In the study other used sintering method is
induction. PM compacts are sintered at 6 different temperature from 1000 °C to 1200 ° C for 5 minutes using a 900 kHz ultra-high
frequency induction system (UHFIS) with a power of 2.8 kW. Hardness, density
and microstructure images of PM compacts are examined and compared each other.
When the obtained results are evaluated, 30 minutes conventional sintered PM
compacts test results’ are reached at 1120 °C using by UHFIS. Thus, iron-based PM compacts are sintered in 6 times
less dwell time while using the induction system.
- [1] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., ATAŞ, A., “Mechanical, properties and hardness results of the medium frequency induction sintered iron based powder metal bushing” Science of Sintering,46(2), 195-203, 2014. DOI: 10.2298/SOS1402195CVAN DER GEER, J., HANRAADS, J.A.J., LUPTON, R.A., “The Art of Writing a Scientific Article”, Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51-59, 2010.
- [2] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., AKGÜL, M.B., “Magnetic-Thermal Analysis and rapid consolidation of 3 wt.% Cu mixed iron based powder metal compacts sintered by medium frequency induction heated system” Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 53(3-4), 191-198, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11106-014-9603-5
- [3] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., “Investigation of conventional and induction sintered iron and iron based powder metal compacts” JOM, 66(6), 1027- 1034, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-0977-0
- [4] GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞTAN, M., TAŞKIN, S., SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparatıve Energy Consumptıon Analyses Of An Ultra Hıgh Frequency Inductıon Heatıng System For İnduction Heating, Welding And Sintering Applıcatıons” Materials Testing,. 58(11-12), 1009-1013, 2016. DOI 10.3139/120.110954
- [5] SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “The evaluation of different environments in ultra-high frequency induction sintered powder metal compacts” Revista de Metalurgia 51(1), e036, 1-8, 2015. Doi:
- [6] ÇAVDAR, U., “Mechanical Properties of Hot Forged ANSI 1050 Steel” Materials Testing, 56(3), 258-212, 2014. DOI: 10.3139/120.110555
- [7] TASTAN, M., GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞKIN, S., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparative energy consumption analyses of an ultra-high frequency induction heating system for material processing applications” Revista de Metalurgia, 51(3), e046, 1-8, 2015. Doi:
- [8] GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞTAN, M., TAŞKIN, S., SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparatıve Energy Consumptıon Analyses Of An Ultra Hıgh Frequency Inductıon Heatıng System For Induction Heating, Welding And Sintering Applıcatıons” Materials Testing, 58(11-12), 1009-1013, 2016. DOI 10.3139/120.110954
- [9] ÇAVDAR, U., GÜLŞAHIN, İ., “Ultra high frequency induction welding of powder metal compacts” Revista de Metalurgia, 50 (2), e016, 1-7, 2014. DOI:
- [10] ÇAVDAR, U., YALAMAÇ, E., GÜLŞAHİN, İ., “Effects of surface finishing on the mechanical properties of induction welded iron based sintered compacts” Materials Testing, 56(10), 852–857, 2014. DOI 10.3139/120.110640
- [11] ÇAVDAR, U., KUŞOĞLU, İ.M., “ Effects of coil design on induction welding of sintered iron based compacts” Materials Testing, 56, 11-12, 973–979, 2014. DOI 10.3139/120.110641
- [12] ILIA, E., TUTTON, K., O’NEILL, M., “Forging a way towards a better mix of PM automotive steels“Metal Powder Report, 60, 3, 38-44, 2005.
- [13] FAIS, A., “A faster FAST: Electro-Sinter-Forging”, Metal Powder Report, 73(2), 80-86, 2018.
- [14] CAVDAR, U., ATIK, E. “Properties of Boronized, Carbonitrided and Steamed Iron-Based Compacts”. Materials Testing, 56 (2), 126–130, 2014.
Year 2019,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 378 - 383, 28.01.2019
Uğur Çavdar
Pınar Sarı Çavdar
çalışmada, demir esaslı toz metal (TM) malzemeler iki farklı metot kullanılarak
sinterlenmiştir. TM numunelerin bir
kısmı 2kW güce sahip atmosfer kontrollü fırında, 1120 °C sıcaklıkta ve 30
dakika sürede geleneksel yöntemle sinterlenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan diğer TM numunelerde 2.8kW
güce sahip 900kHz’lik ultra yüksek frekanslı indüksiyon sistemi (UYFİS)
kullanılarak, 1000 °C -1200 °C sıcaklıkları arasında 6 farklı sıcaklıkta 5
dakika sürelerde sinterlenmiştir. TM numunelerin sertlik, yoğunluk ve mikro
yapı görüntüleri incelenmiş ve kendi aralarında karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde
edilen sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde konvansiyonel sinterleme metot ile 30
dakikada elde edilen değerlere UYFIS kullanılarak 1120 °C sıcaklıkta ulaşılmıştır.
Böylece demir esaslı TM numuneler indüksiyon sistemi kullanılarak
sinterlendiğinde 6 kat daha kısa sürede elde edildiği görülmüştür.
- [1] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., ATAŞ, A., “Mechanical, properties and hardness results of the medium frequency induction sintered iron based powder metal bushing” Science of Sintering,46(2), 195-203, 2014. DOI: 10.2298/SOS1402195CVAN DER GEER, J., HANRAADS, J.A.J., LUPTON, R.A., “The Art of Writing a Scientific Article”, Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51-59, 2010.
- [2] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., AKGÜL, M.B., “Magnetic-Thermal Analysis and rapid consolidation of 3 wt.% Cu mixed iron based powder metal compacts sintered by medium frequency induction heated system” Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 53(3-4), 191-198, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11106-014-9603-5
- [3] ÇAVDAR, U., ATİK, E., “Investigation of conventional and induction sintered iron and iron based powder metal compacts” JOM, 66(6), 1027- 1034, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-0977-0
- [4] GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞTAN, M., TAŞKIN, S., SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparatıve Energy Consumptıon Analyses Of An Ultra Hıgh Frequency Inductıon Heatıng System For İnduction Heating, Welding And Sintering Applıcatıons” Materials Testing,. 58(11-12), 1009-1013, 2016. DOI 10.3139/120.110954
- [5] SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “The evaluation of different environments in ultra-high frequency induction sintered powder metal compacts” Revista de Metalurgia 51(1), e036, 1-8, 2015. Doi:
- [6] ÇAVDAR, U., “Mechanical Properties of Hot Forged ANSI 1050 Steel” Materials Testing, 56(3), 258-212, 2014. DOI: 10.3139/120.110555
- [7] TASTAN, M., GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞKIN, S., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparative energy consumption analyses of an ultra-high frequency induction heating system for material processing applications” Revista de Metalurgia, 51(3), e046, 1-8, 2015. Doi:
- [8] GÖKOZAN, H., TAŞTAN, M., TAŞKIN, S., SARI ÇAVDAR, P., ÇAVDAR, U., “Comparatıve Energy Consumptıon Analyses Of An Ultra Hıgh Frequency Inductıon Heatıng System For Induction Heating, Welding And Sintering Applıcatıons” Materials Testing, 58(11-12), 1009-1013, 2016. DOI 10.3139/120.110954
- [9] ÇAVDAR, U., GÜLŞAHIN, İ., “Ultra high frequency induction welding of powder metal compacts” Revista de Metalurgia, 50 (2), e016, 1-7, 2014. DOI:
- [10] ÇAVDAR, U., YALAMAÇ, E., GÜLŞAHİN, İ., “Effects of surface finishing on the mechanical properties of induction welded iron based sintered compacts” Materials Testing, 56(10), 852–857, 2014. DOI 10.3139/120.110640
- [11] ÇAVDAR, U., KUŞOĞLU, İ.M., “ Effects of coil design on induction welding of sintered iron based compacts” Materials Testing, 56, 11-12, 973–979, 2014. DOI 10.3139/120.110641
- [12] ILIA, E., TUTTON, K., O’NEILL, M., “Forging a way towards a better mix of PM automotive steels“Metal Powder Report, 60, 3, 38-44, 2005.
- [13] FAIS, A., “A faster FAST: Electro-Sinter-Forging”, Metal Powder Report, 73(2), 80-86, 2018.
- [14] CAVDAR, U., ATIK, E. “Properties of Boronized, Carbonitrided and Steamed Iron-Based Compacts”. Materials Testing, 56 (2), 126–130, 2014.