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0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 553 - 562, 27.07.2021


Dentin hassasiyeti (DH) tedavisinde invaziv olmayan en etkili yöntemlerden biri dental iyontoforezdir. Dental iyontoforez, insan sağlığına zararsız mikroamper seviyesinde doğru akımın (DC), özel solüsyon ile birlikte DH olan bölgeye uygulanarak tübüllerin tıkanması prensibine dayalı bir tedavi yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada, DH’nin dişe zarar vermeden uzun süre etkili tedavi edilmesi amacıyla, vücut elektriksel direnci ve polarizasyona bağlı olarak sürekli DC kontrolünün yapıldığı mikrodenetleyici tabanlı dental iyontoforez sistemi (mikroDİS) tasarlanmış ve bir prototip geliştirilmiştir. mikroDİS’te iyontoforez akımı hastanın ağrı eşiğine bağlı olarak 0-500 µA aralığında ve 10 µA hassasiyetle, tedavi süresi ise 0-600 s arasında ayarlanabilmektedir. Deneysel çalışmalara göre; mikroDİS vücut direnç değişimine bağlı olarak gerilimi 0-35 V DC arasında ayarlayarak, 0-70 KΩ aralığında 500 µA, 71-140 KΩ aralığında 250 µA ve 141-280 KΩ aralığında 125 µA sürekli sabit akımı ±1 µA doğrulukta verebilmektedir. Sonuç olarak; vücut direnci ve polarizasyon etkisine karşı duyarlı mikroDİS’in, DH’nin tedavi edilmesine yönelik tıbbi uygulamalar ile bilimsel araştırmaların yapılmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

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Bu çalışma KOSGEB (Proje No:16.0.2019/379) ve Farko Dental firması tarafından desteklenmiştir.


  • I. C. Porto, A. K. Andrade and M. A. Montes, Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity, Journal of Oral Science, 51(3), 323-332, 2009.
  • F. S. Güngör ve S. Karbekiroğlu, Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity and lasers. Selcuk Dent J, 5, 91-102, 2018.
  • J. W. Kim and J. C. Park, Dentin hypersensitivity and emerging concepts for treatments. Journal of Oral Biosciences, 59, 211–217, 2017. 10.1016/j.job.2017.09.001.
  • L. I. Grossman, A systematic method for the treatment of hypersensitive dentine. The journal of the American Dental Association, 22(4), 592-602, 1935.
  • M. Mantzourani and D. Sharma, Dentine sensivity: Past, present and future. Journal of Dentistry, 4IS4, 3-17, 2013. 70002-2.
  • H. G. Yılmaz, H. Bayındır, E. Cengiz and A. Berberoğlu, Dentin hypersensitivity and treatment methods. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 15(1), 71-82, 2012.
  • N. J. Irudaya, T. Ramakrishnan, P. Sivaranjani, P. Shobana, N. Manisundar and M. Ebenezar, Iontophoresis a boon for treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity: case report. Int J Cur Res Rev, 8(23), 16-20, 2016.
  • P. M. Bartold, Dentinal hypersensitivity: a review. Australian Dental Journal, 51(3), 212-218, 2006.
  • H. E. Kim, H. K. Kwon and B. I. Kim, Application of fluoride iontophoresis to improve remineralization. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 36, 770-775, 2009.
  • F. Sgolastra, A. Petrucci, R. Gatto and A. Monaco, Effectiveness of laser in dentinal hypersensitivity treatment: a systematic review. Journal of Endodontics, 37(3), 297-303, 2011. 2010.11.034.
  • D. A. Kern, M. J. McQuade, M. J. Scheidt, B. Hanson and T. E. Van Dyke, Effectiveness of sodium fluoride on tooth hypersensitivity with and without iontophoresis. Journal of Periodontology, 60(7), 386-389, 1989.
  • S. Shende, S. Ansari, D. Gattani, G. Bhutada, M. Mishra, G. Niswade and A. Wankhede, Comparative evaluation of efficacy of low level laser therapy using diode laser and iontophoresis with 2% sodium fluoride gel in the treatment of patients with dentinal hypersensitivty. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(8), 5368-5373, 2017.
  • A. J. Shinde, A. L. Shinde, K. C. Garala, S. A. Kandekar and H. N. More, Physical penetration enhancement by iontophoresis: a review. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 2(1), 1-9, 2010.
  • N. Kirubakaran, M. Chandrika and K. R .V. Rani, Iontophoresis: controlled transdermal drug delivery system. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(8), 3174-3185, 2015. 4-85.
  • M. Ş. Kaynakçı, Ters iyontoforez yöntemiyle non-invazif kan şekeri ölçümü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2006.
  • A. Linde and M. Goldberg, Dentinogenesis. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, 4(5), 679-728, 1993. 50301.
  • H. J. Shiau, Dentin hypersensitivity. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice Special Issue - Periodontal and Implant Treatment, 12(3), 220-228, 2012.
  • A. M. Kielbassa, Dentin hypersensitivity: Simple steps for everyday diagnosis and management. International Dental Journal, 52(5), 394-396, 2002. 10.1002/j.1875-595X.2002.tb00939.x.
  • M. Addy, Dentin hypersensitivity: new perspectives on an old problem. Internaional Dental Journal, 52(5), 367-375, 2002.
  • P. Bakshi, D. Vora, K. Hemmady and A. K. Banga, Iontophoretic skin delivery systems: Success and failures. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 586, 119584, 1-9, 2020. 2020.119584.
  • J. D. Byrne, J. J. Yeh and J. M. DeSimone, Use of iontophoresis for the treatment of cancer. Journal of Controlled Release, 284, 144-151, 2018.
  • E. Krueger, J. L. Claudino Junior, E. M. Scheeren, E. B. Neves, E. Mulinari and P. Nohama, Iontophoresis: principles and applications. Fisioter Mov, 27(3), 469-481, 2014. 003.AR02.
  • M. Y. Bhat, S. Farhat, V. Sawhney and S. Mir, The use of electric current - Iontophoresis for transcutaneous drug delivery - Novel drug delivery system (NDDS). International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 3(3), 237-245, 2014.
  • P. Singal, R. Gupta and N. Pandit, 2% sodium fluoride-iontophoresis compared to a commercially available desensitizing agent. Journal of Periodontology, 76(3), 351-357, 2005. 351.
  • W. Thongkukiatkun, K. Vongsavan, P. Kraivaphan, P. Rirattanapong, N. Vongsavan and B. Matthews, Effects of the iontophoresis of lignocaine with epinephrine into exposed dentine on the sensitivity of the dentine in man. Archives of Oral Biology, 60, 1098-1103, 2015.
  • G. Gupta, P. Gupta and R. Gupta, Iontophoresis and dentistry. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences, 2(1), 27-31, 2010.
  • Ç. Çınar, M. E. Odabaş ve T. Ulusu, Fluorid iyontoforezin iki farklı adeziv sistemin mikrogerilme bağlanma kuvveti üzerine etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 73-78, 2012.
  • Y. N. Kalia, A. Naik, J. Garrison and R. H. Guy, Iontophoretic drug delivery. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 56, 619-658, 2004. 10.1016/j.addr.2003.10.026.
  • L. C. Li and R. A. Scudds, Iontophoresis: an overview of the mechanisms and clinical application. Arthritis Care and Research, 8(1), 51-61, 1995.
  • T. Marjanovic, Z. Stare and M. Ranilovic, Electrical Properties of Teeth Regarding the Electric Vitality Testing. XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), pp. 391-394, Chalkididi, Greece, 27-30 May 2010.
  • S. P. Sandhu, R. L. Sharma and V. Bharti, Comparative evaluation of different strengths of electrical current in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 21(2), 207-212, 2010.
  • Ş. Dursun, Ü. B. Barutçu, M. C. Akyolcu, M. T. Kalkan, M. A. Körpınar, S. Toplan, M. Ercan, D. Özçelik, H. Tuncel ve S. Özdemir, Biyofizik Uygulama Kitabı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları (Yayın No: 5205), 2015.
  • M. Clemessy, G. Couarraze, B. Bevan and F. Puisieux, Preservation of skin permeability during in vitro iontophoretic experiments. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 101(3), 219-226, 1994.
  • A. Ouazani and I. Habi, The Electric Impedance of the Human Body. 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Civil Engineering (ICEECE'2013), pp. 27-28, Dubai, UAE, 6-7 October 2013.
  • F. Clemente, P. Arpaia, and C. Manna, Characterization of human skin impedance after electrical treatment for transdermal drug delivery. Measurement, 46(9), 3494-3501, 2013.
  • M. Odell, The human body as an electric circuit. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 4, 1-6, 1997.
  • M. E. Aksoy, Elektrik akımlarının neden olduğu yaralanmalar. Adli Tıp Bülteni, 2(1), 25-34, 1997.
  • D. Krizaj, J. Svajger, J. Jan and V. Valencic, Analysis of AC Current Conduction Through the Human Tooth, Bioelectromagnetic Measurements - 3. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, pp. 125-126, Bled, Slovenia, 8-12 October 2000.
  • A. Güngeç, İyontoforezin dişin yapısal ve fiziksel özelliklerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 1982.

Design and performance review of 0-500 µA continuous DC controlled dental iontophoresis system

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 553 - 562, 27.07.2021


One of the most effective non-invasive methods in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is dental iontophoresis. Dental iontophoresis is a treatment method based on the principle of occlusion of tubules by applying direct current (DC) with a special solution to DH area at the level of microamper harmless to human health. In this study, for the long-term effective treatment of DH without damaging the tooth, a microcontroller-based dental iontophoresis system (microDIS) is designed, which controls continuous DC depending on body resistance and polarization, and a prototype is also developed. Iontophoresis current in microDIS can be adjusted between 0-500 µA and 10 µA resolution, depending on the pain threshold of the patient, and the duration of treatment between 0-600 s. According to experimental studies, depending on the body resistance change, the voltage is adjusted automatically between 0-35 V DC, and thus continuous constant current of 500 µA in the 0-70 KΩ range, 250 µA in the 71-140 KΩ range, and 125 µA in the 141-280 KΩ range can be given with ±1 µA accuracy. As a result, microDIS, which is sensitive to body electrical resistance and polarization effect, is thought to contribute to scientific researches and medical applications for the treatment of DH.

Project Number



  • I. C. Porto, A. K. Andrade and M. A. Montes, Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity, Journal of Oral Science, 51(3), 323-332, 2009.
  • F. S. Güngör ve S. Karbekiroğlu, Treatment of dentin hypersensitivity and lasers. Selcuk Dent J, 5, 91-102, 2018.
  • J. W. Kim and J. C. Park, Dentin hypersensitivity and emerging concepts for treatments. Journal of Oral Biosciences, 59, 211–217, 2017. 10.1016/j.job.2017.09.001.
  • L. I. Grossman, A systematic method for the treatment of hypersensitive dentine. The journal of the American Dental Association, 22(4), 592-602, 1935.
  • M. Mantzourani and D. Sharma, Dentine sensivity: Past, present and future. Journal of Dentistry, 4IS4, 3-17, 2013. 70002-2.
  • H. G. Yılmaz, H. Bayındır, E. Cengiz and A. Berberoğlu, Dentin hypersensitivity and treatment methods. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 15(1), 71-82, 2012.
  • N. J. Irudaya, T. Ramakrishnan, P. Sivaranjani, P. Shobana, N. Manisundar and M. Ebenezar, Iontophoresis a boon for treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity: case report. Int J Cur Res Rev, 8(23), 16-20, 2016.
  • P. M. Bartold, Dentinal hypersensitivity: a review. Australian Dental Journal, 51(3), 212-218, 2006.
  • H. E. Kim, H. K. Kwon and B. I. Kim, Application of fluoride iontophoresis to improve remineralization. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 36, 770-775, 2009.
  • F. Sgolastra, A. Petrucci, R. Gatto and A. Monaco, Effectiveness of laser in dentinal hypersensitivity treatment: a systematic review. Journal of Endodontics, 37(3), 297-303, 2011. 2010.11.034.
  • D. A. Kern, M. J. McQuade, M. J. Scheidt, B. Hanson and T. E. Van Dyke, Effectiveness of sodium fluoride on tooth hypersensitivity with and without iontophoresis. Journal of Periodontology, 60(7), 386-389, 1989.
  • S. Shende, S. Ansari, D. Gattani, G. Bhutada, M. Mishra, G. Niswade and A. Wankhede, Comparative evaluation of efficacy of low level laser therapy using diode laser and iontophoresis with 2% sodium fluoride gel in the treatment of patients with dentinal hypersensitivty. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 6(8), 5368-5373, 2017.
  • A. J. Shinde, A. L. Shinde, K. C. Garala, S. A. Kandekar and H. N. More, Physical penetration enhancement by iontophoresis: a review. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 2(1), 1-9, 2010.
  • N. Kirubakaran, M. Chandrika and K. R .V. Rani, Iontophoresis: controlled transdermal drug delivery system. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(8), 3174-3185, 2015. 4-85.
  • M. Ş. Kaynakçı, Ters iyontoforez yöntemiyle non-invazif kan şekeri ölçümü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2006.
  • A. Linde and M. Goldberg, Dentinogenesis. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, 4(5), 679-728, 1993. 50301.
  • H. J. Shiau, Dentin hypersensitivity. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice Special Issue - Periodontal and Implant Treatment, 12(3), 220-228, 2012.
  • A. M. Kielbassa, Dentin hypersensitivity: Simple steps for everyday diagnosis and management. International Dental Journal, 52(5), 394-396, 2002. 10.1002/j.1875-595X.2002.tb00939.x.
  • M. Addy, Dentin hypersensitivity: new perspectives on an old problem. Internaional Dental Journal, 52(5), 367-375, 2002.
  • P. Bakshi, D. Vora, K. Hemmady and A. K. Banga, Iontophoretic skin delivery systems: Success and failures. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 586, 119584, 1-9, 2020. 2020.119584.
  • J. D. Byrne, J. J. Yeh and J. M. DeSimone, Use of iontophoresis for the treatment of cancer. Journal of Controlled Release, 284, 144-151, 2018.
  • E. Krueger, J. L. Claudino Junior, E. M. Scheeren, E. B. Neves, E. Mulinari and P. Nohama, Iontophoresis: principles and applications. Fisioter Mov, 27(3), 469-481, 2014. 003.AR02.
  • M. Y. Bhat, S. Farhat, V. Sawhney and S. Mir, The use of electric current - Iontophoresis for transcutaneous drug delivery - Novel drug delivery system (NDDS). International Journal of Research in Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, 3(3), 237-245, 2014.
  • P. Singal, R. Gupta and N. Pandit, 2% sodium fluoride-iontophoresis compared to a commercially available desensitizing agent. Journal of Periodontology, 76(3), 351-357, 2005. 351.
  • W. Thongkukiatkun, K. Vongsavan, P. Kraivaphan, P. Rirattanapong, N. Vongsavan and B. Matthews, Effects of the iontophoresis of lignocaine with epinephrine into exposed dentine on the sensitivity of the dentine in man. Archives of Oral Biology, 60, 1098-1103, 2015.
  • G. Gupta, P. Gupta and R. Gupta, Iontophoresis and dentistry. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences, 2(1), 27-31, 2010.
  • Ç. Çınar, M. E. Odabaş ve T. Ulusu, Fluorid iyontoforezin iki farklı adeziv sistemin mikrogerilme bağlanma kuvveti üzerine etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 73-78, 2012.
  • Y. N. Kalia, A. Naik, J. Garrison and R. H. Guy, Iontophoretic drug delivery. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 56, 619-658, 2004. 10.1016/j.addr.2003.10.026.
  • L. C. Li and R. A. Scudds, Iontophoresis: an overview of the mechanisms and clinical application. Arthritis Care and Research, 8(1), 51-61, 1995.
  • T. Marjanovic, Z. Stare and M. Ranilovic, Electrical Properties of Teeth Regarding the Electric Vitality Testing. XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010), pp. 391-394, Chalkididi, Greece, 27-30 May 2010.
  • S. P. Sandhu, R. L. Sharma and V. Bharti, Comparative evaluation of different strengths of electrical current in the management of dentinal hypersensitivity. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 21(2), 207-212, 2010.
  • Ş. Dursun, Ü. B. Barutçu, M. C. Akyolcu, M. T. Kalkan, M. A. Körpınar, S. Toplan, M. Ercan, D. Özçelik, H. Tuncel ve S. Özdemir, Biyofizik Uygulama Kitabı. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları (Yayın No: 5205), 2015.
  • M. Clemessy, G. Couarraze, B. Bevan and F. Puisieux, Preservation of skin permeability during in vitro iontophoretic experiments. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 101(3), 219-226, 1994.
  • A. Ouazani and I. Habi, The Electric Impedance of the Human Body. 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Civil Engineering (ICEECE'2013), pp. 27-28, Dubai, UAE, 6-7 October 2013.
  • F. Clemente, P. Arpaia, and C. Manna, Characterization of human skin impedance after electrical treatment for transdermal drug delivery. Measurement, 46(9), 3494-3501, 2013.
  • M. Odell, The human body as an electric circuit. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 4, 1-6, 1997.
  • M. E. Aksoy, Elektrik akımlarının neden olduğu yaralanmalar. Adli Tıp Bülteni, 2(1), 25-34, 1997.
  • D. Krizaj, J. Svajger, J. Jan and V. Valencic, Analysis of AC Current Conduction Through the Human Tooth, Bioelectromagnetic Measurements - 3. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, pp. 125-126, Bled, Slovenia, 8-12 October 2000.
  • A. Güngeç, İyontoforezin dişin yapısal ve fiziksel özelliklerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 1982.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Serkan Dişlitaş 0000-0001-8293-6598

Project Number 16.0.2019/379
Publication Date July 27, 2021
Submission Date February 20, 2021
Acceptance Date May 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Dişlitaş, S. (2021). 0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 553-562.
AMA Dişlitaş S. 0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi. NOHU J. Eng. Sci. July 2021;10(2):553-562. doi:10.28948/ngumuh.883349
Chicago Dişlitaş, Serkan. “0-500 A sürekli DC Kontrollü Dental Iyontoforez Sistemi tasarımı Ve Performans Incelemesi”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10, no. 2 (July 2021): 553-62.
EndNote Dişlitaş S (July 1, 2021) 0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10 2 553–562.
IEEE S. Dişlitaş, “0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi”, NOHU J. Eng. Sci., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 553–562, 2021, doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.883349.
ISNAD Dişlitaş, Serkan. “0-500 A sürekli DC Kontrollü Dental Iyontoforez Sistemi tasarımı Ve Performans Incelemesi”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10/2 (July 2021), 553-562.
JAMA Dişlitaş S. 0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi. NOHU J. Eng. Sci. 2021;10:553–562.
MLA Dişlitaş, Serkan. “0-500 A sürekli DC Kontrollü Dental Iyontoforez Sistemi tasarımı Ve Performans Incelemesi”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2021, pp. 553-62, doi:10.28948/ngumuh.883349.
Vancouver Dişlitaş S. 0-500 µA sürekli DC kontrollü dental iyontoforez sistemi tasarımı ve performans incelemesi. NOHU J. Eng. Sci. 2021;10(2):553-62.
