Recycle potential of thermoplastic composites
Year 2023,
Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 919 - 925, 15.07.2023
Bengü Yıldız Zeyrek
Buse Aydoğan
Esra Dilekcan
Fahrettin Öztürk
Thermoplastic composite materials have become indispensable for the aerospace industry due to their processing and recycling potentials. The use of recyclable thermoplastic composites in aerospace manufacturing, offers a solution to the composite waste. It is a fact that a lot of waste convenient materials emerge every year. In this study, the advantages of thermoplastic composites being suitable for recycling and the benefits of recycling as a waste management in terms of environment, economy and energy were evaluated. Current outcomes indicate that thermoplastic composites are quite convenient for recycling and reshaping. In this context, the use of recyclable thermoplastics in production provides economic and environmental benefit by reducing the production of zero materials.
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- C. O. Agbomerie, E.O. Orok and L. Ye, Economic aspects of fiber reinforced polymer composite recycling. Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, 377–392, 2020.
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Termoplastik kompozitlerin geri dönüşüm potansiyeli
Year 2023,
Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 919 - 925, 15.07.2023
Bengü Yıldız Zeyrek
Buse Aydoğan
Esra Dilekcan
Fahrettin Öztürk
Termoplastik kompozit malzemeler, geri dönüşüm potansiyelleri nedeniyle havacılık endüstrisi için vazgeçilmez bir seçenek haline gelmiştir. Havacılık sanayinde her yıl birçok atık malzemenin ortaya çıktığı kaçınılmaz bir gerçektir. Havacılık ve uzay araçları imalatında geri dönüştürülebilir termoplastik kompozitlerin kullanımı, kompozit atıklara bir çözüm sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, termoplastik kompozitlerin geri dönüştürülebilirliğinin avantajları ve atık yönetimi olarak geri dönüşümün çevre, ekonomi ve enerji açısından faydaları araştırılmıştır. Mevcut sonuçlar, termoplastik kompozitlerin geri dönüşüm ve yeniden şekillendirme için oldukça uygun olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu kapsamda geri dönüştürülebilir termoplastiklerin üretimde kullanılması sıfır malzeme üretimini azaltarak ekonomik ve çevresel kazanımlar sağlamaktadır.
- Aero Articles, The afterlife of retired aircraft: What are old planes turned into., Accessed 23 December 2022.
- ASD Reports, Commercial aircraft disassembly, dismantling & recycling market report., Accessed 22 May 2022.
- Clean Aviation, Material gain clean sky's "ecotech" innovative eco-friendly airframe., Accessed 16 January 2022.
- Cw Collections, Thermoplastic composites., Accessed 3 February 2022.
- Composites World, Recycled thermoplastic composites for production., Accessed 15 January 2022.
- Clean Aviation, Born again: Obsolete composites find a second life with reset., Accessed 22 February 2022.
- S. K. Gopalraj and T. Kärki, A review on the recycling of waste carbon fibre/glass fibre-reinforced composites: fibre recovery, properties and life-cycle analysis. SN Applied Sciences, 2 (3), 433, 2020.
- N. Rudolph, R. Kiesel and C. Aumnate, Understanding Plastics Recycling, Hanser, 2017.
- EUR-Lex, Summaries of EU legislation., Accessed 20 February 2022.
- European Comission, Causes of climate change., Accessed 20 February 2022.
- Iberdola, Climate negotiations: 25 years of searching for consensus on the fight against climate change., Accessed 20 February 2022.
- A. E. Krauklis, C. W. Karl, A. I. Gagani and J. K. Jørgensen, Composite material recycling technology-state of the art and sustainable development for the 2020s. Journal of Composites Science, 5 (1), 28, 2021.
- Ticona, A comparison of the environmental attributes of thermoplastic vs. thermoset composites., Accessed 6 March 2022.
- Recycling International, Axions' recycled polymers bring large carbon footprint savings., Accessed 20 February 2022.
- G. Oliveux, J. L. Bailleul, A. Gillet, O. Mantaux and G. A. Leeke, Recovery and reuse of discontinuous carbon fibres by solvolysis: Realignment and properties of remanufactured materials. Composites Science and Technology, 139, 99–108, 2017.
- M. Nirmala, T. Yoshiaki and S. A. Janya, The ımplications of packaging plastic recycling on climate change mitigation and fossil resource savings – A case study in Japan. 3R International Scientific conference on Material Cycle and Waste Management, 1-4, Kyoto, Japan, 2014.
- DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office 2020 Peer Review, United States, Technical Report, 1660367, 01 September 2020.
- C. O. Agbomerie, E.O. Orok and L. Ye, Economic aspects of fiber reinforced polymer composite recycling. Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, 377–392, 2020.
- S. Eichhorn and K. D. Potter, Manufacturing of High Performance Cellulose Fibres to Replace Glass Fibres and Non-Renewable Precursors of Carbon Fibres, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, EP/L017679/1, 2020
- A. V. Oudheusden, Recycling of composite materials. Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering Delft University of Technology, 116212275, Netherlands, 2019.
- G. Oliveux, L. O. Dandy and G. A. Leeke, Current status of recycling of fibre reinforced polymers: Review of technologies, reuse and resulting properties. Progress in Material Materials Science, 72, 61–99, 2015.