Geleceğin otomotivleri için hangi sayısal veri yolu?
Year 2025,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 1 - 1
Yasemin Yılmazoğlu
Ufuk Sakarya
Günümüzde yükselen yapay zekâ eğilimi ile otonom sürüşlü otomobillerin önemi giderek artmaktadır. Otonom sürüş yeteneğinin kazanılmasında önemli alt parçalar bulunmaktadır. Bu alt parçalardan birisi otomobilde yer alan gelişmiş sensör verilerinin yapay zekâ işlemcilerine gerçek zamanlı ve güvenilir bir şekilde aktarılmasıdır. Bu tip bir çözüme gitmeden önce yapılması gereken ilk iş ise mevcut durumun bu amaç doğrultusunda analiz edilmesidir. Bu derleme makalesi bu amaç ile oluşturulmuştur. Günümüzde otomotivde kullanılan belli başlı haberleşme veri yolları karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilerek sunulmuştur.
- Bosch. CAN Specification (Version 2.0). Robert Bosch GmbH, 1991.
- LIN Consortium. LIN Specification (Version 2.2A). LIN Consortium, 2010.
- MOST Cooperation. MOST Specification (Version 3.0). MOST Cooperation, 2014.
- FlexRay Consortium. FlexRay Communications System Specification (Version 3.0). FlexRay Consortium, 2010.
- OPEN Alliance. Automotive Ethernet Specification. OPEN Alliance, 2014.
- 3GPP. Release 14: Cellular V2X. 3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2017.
- Li, R., Liu, C., & Luo, F. A design for automotive CAN bus monitoring system. In 2008 IEEE vehicle power and propulsion conference pp. 1-5. IEEE, September, 2008. 544
- Lokman, S. F., Othman, A. T., & Abu-Bakar, M. H. Intrusion detection system for automotive Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system: a review. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019 (1), 2019.
- Guštin, M. CAN Bus Security Protocol: lightweight message confidentiality, authentication, and freshness on an automotive bus (Doctoral dissertation, Graz University of Technology), 2022.
- Keskin, U. In-vehicle communication networks: a literature survey, 2009.
- Gowda, M. B., Biradar, R. C., & Kotgire, M. K. CAN controlled complex real time stimulus for verification and validation of powertrain systems. In 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC) pp. 1-4. IEEE, February, 2018. 9476
- Freiberger, S., Albrecht, M., & Käufl, J. Reverse engineering technologies for remanufacturing of automotive systems communicating via CAN bus. Journal of remanufacturing, 1, 1-14, 2011. 10-4690-1-6
- Bozdal, M., Samie, M., & Jennions, I. A survey on can bus protocol: Attacks, challenges, and potential solutions. In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE) pp. 201-205, IEEE, August 2018. 8720
- Wolf, M., Weimerskirch, A., & Paar, C., "Secure automotive on-board networks," Proceedings of the IEEE, 2006.
- Cho, K., & Shin, K. G., "Fingerprinting electronic control units for vehicle intrusion detection," USENIX Security Symposium, 2016.
- Larson, U. E., & Nilsson, D. K., "Securing Vehicles Against Cyber Attacks," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Embedded Security, 2008.
- Marchetti, M., & Stabili, D., "Anomaly Detection of CAN Bus Messages Through Analysis of ID Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017.
- AREA, B. S. S. A. (n.d.). Automotive Bus Systems. Retrieved from Atmel website.
- Hardt, W., & Schmidt, D. I. R. (n.d.). Automotive Communication Buses.
- Piao, C., Liu, Q., Huang, Z., Cho, C., & Shu, X. VRLA battery management system based on LIN bus for electric vehicle. In Advanced Technology in Teaching Selected papers from the 2012 International Conference, 2013.
- Artal, J. S., Caraballo, J., & Dufo, R. CAN-LIN-Bus protocol. Implementation of a low-cost serial communication network, June 2014. TAEE.2014.6900168
- Xu, Y., Wang, J., Chen, W., Tao, J., & Liu, Q. Application of LIN bus in vehicle network. In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety pp. 119-123. IEEE, December 2006. 0.1109/ICVES.2006.371566
- Berwanger, J., Ebner, C., Schedl, A., Belschner, R., Fluhrer, S., Lohrmann, P. & Mores, R. FlexRay–the communication system for advanced automotive control systems. SAE transactions, 2001. /2001-01-0676
- Shaw, R. & Jackman, B. An introduction to FlexRay as an industrial network. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2008. 008.4676987
- PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS PA technology and application, System Description, Karlsruhe: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V, 2007.
- Makowitz, R., & Temple, C. Flexray-a communication network for automotive control systems. In 2006 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems pp. 207-12) IEEE, June 2006. S.2006.1704153
- Xu, Y. N., Jang, I. G., Kim, Y. E., Chung, J. G. & Lee, S. C. Implementation of FlexRay protocol with an automotive application. International SoC Design Conference, 2008. 15675
- MOST Cooperation, MOST Specification Rev. 3.0 E2, MOST Cooperation, ch.2, 2010
- Lu, S., Fang, Z., Qu, G., & Gao, S. ETBAC-Based model in media oriented system transport network. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, 2015. CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM.2015.72
- Sumorek, A., & Buczaj, M. The evolution of 'media oriented systems transport' protocol. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa, 14 (3), 115-120, 2014.
- MOST Cooperation, MOST Book, 2st ed. MOST Cooperation, ch.4. 2011.
- Styla S., Walusiak S., Pietrzyk W. Computer simulation possibilities in modelling of ignition advance angle control in motor and agricultural vehicles. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji Energetyki i Rolnictwa, 8, pp. 231-240, 2008.
- Sumorek, A., & Buczaj, M. New elements in vehicle communication 'media oriented systems transport' protocol. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa, 12 (1), 275-279, 2012.
- Zhou, Z., Lee, J., Berger, M. S., Park, S., & Yan, Y. Simulating TSN traffic scheduling and shaping for future automotive Ethernet. Journal of Communications and Networks, 23 (1), 53-62, 2021.
- Douss, A. B. C., Abassi, R., & Sauveron, D. State-of-the-art survey of in-vehicle protocols and automotive Ethernet security and vulnerabilities. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20 (9), 17057-1709, 2023.
- Pamuk A., Sakarya U. Havacılıktaki Video Veri Yolu Standardının Akıllı Taşıtlar İçin Kullanım Olasılığı Üzerine Bir İnceleme, KONJES, 2023.
- Kvaser. Comparing CAN FD with Classical CAN. Kvaser Technical Documents. 2016.
- IEEE Standards Association. Transitioning to automotive Ethernet. IEEE Standards. 2019.
Which digital data bus for the automotive of the future?
Year 2025,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 1 - 1
Yasemin Yılmazoğlu
Ufuk Sakarya
Today, with the rising artificial intelligence trend, the importance of autonomous driving cars is increasing. There are important sub-components in gaining autonomous driving ability. One of these sub-components is the real-time and reliable transfer of advanced sensor data in the car to artificial intelligence processors. The first thing to do before going to such a solution is to analyze the current situation in line with this purpose. This review article was created for this purpose. Today, certain communication data paths used in the automotive industry are comparatively analyzed and presented.
- Bosch. CAN Specification (Version 2.0). Robert Bosch GmbH, 1991.
- LIN Consortium. LIN Specification (Version 2.2A). LIN Consortium, 2010.
- MOST Cooperation. MOST Specification (Version 3.0). MOST Cooperation, 2014.
- FlexRay Consortium. FlexRay Communications System Specification (Version 3.0). FlexRay Consortium, 2010.
- OPEN Alliance. Automotive Ethernet Specification. OPEN Alliance, 2014.
- 3GPP. Release 14: Cellular V2X. 3rd Generation Partnership Project, 2017.
- Li, R., Liu, C., & Luo, F. A design for automotive CAN bus monitoring system. In 2008 IEEE vehicle power and propulsion conference pp. 1-5. IEEE, September, 2008. 544
- Lokman, S. F., Othman, A. T., & Abu-Bakar, M. H. Intrusion detection system for automotive Controller Area Network (CAN) bus system: a review. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019 (1), 2019.
- Guštin, M. CAN Bus Security Protocol: lightweight message confidentiality, authentication, and freshness on an automotive bus (Doctoral dissertation, Graz University of Technology), 2022.
- Keskin, U. In-vehicle communication networks: a literature survey, 2009.
- Gowda, M. B., Biradar, R. C., & Kotgire, M. K. CAN controlled complex real time stimulus for verification and validation of powertrain systems. In 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC) pp. 1-4. IEEE, February, 2018. 9476
- Freiberger, S., Albrecht, M., & Käufl, J. Reverse engineering technologies for remanufacturing of automotive systems communicating via CAN bus. Journal of remanufacturing, 1, 1-14, 2011. 10-4690-1-6
- Bozdal, M., Samie, M., & Jennions, I. A survey on can bus protocol: Attacks, challenges, and potential solutions. In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE) pp. 201-205, IEEE, August 2018. 8720
- Wolf, M., Weimerskirch, A., & Paar, C., "Secure automotive on-board networks," Proceedings of the IEEE, 2006.
- Cho, K., & Shin, K. G., "Fingerprinting electronic control units for vehicle intrusion detection," USENIX Security Symposium, 2016.
- Larson, U. E., & Nilsson, D. K., "Securing Vehicles Against Cyber Attacks," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Embedded Security, 2008.
- Marchetti, M., & Stabili, D., "Anomaly Detection of CAN Bus Messages Through Analysis of ID Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017.
- AREA, B. S. S. A. (n.d.). Automotive Bus Systems. Retrieved from Atmel website.
- Hardt, W., & Schmidt, D. I. R. (n.d.). Automotive Communication Buses.
- Piao, C., Liu, Q., Huang, Z., Cho, C., & Shu, X. VRLA battery management system based on LIN bus for electric vehicle. In Advanced Technology in Teaching Selected papers from the 2012 International Conference, 2013.
- Artal, J. S., Caraballo, J., & Dufo, R. CAN-LIN-Bus protocol. Implementation of a low-cost serial communication network, June 2014. TAEE.2014.6900168
- Xu, Y., Wang, J., Chen, W., Tao, J., & Liu, Q. Application of LIN bus in vehicle network. In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety pp. 119-123. IEEE, December 2006. 0.1109/ICVES.2006.371566
- Berwanger, J., Ebner, C., Schedl, A., Belschner, R., Fluhrer, S., Lohrmann, P. & Mores, R. FlexRay–the communication system for advanced automotive control systems. SAE transactions, 2001. /2001-01-0676
- Shaw, R. & Jackman, B. An introduction to FlexRay as an industrial network. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2008. 008.4676987
- PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS PA technology and application, System Description, Karlsruhe: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V, 2007.
- Makowitz, R., & Temple, C. Flexray-a communication network for automotive control systems. In 2006 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems pp. 207-12) IEEE, June 2006. S.2006.1704153
- Xu, Y. N., Jang, I. G., Kim, Y. E., Chung, J. G. & Lee, S. C. Implementation of FlexRay protocol with an automotive application. International SoC Design Conference, 2008. 15675
- MOST Cooperation, MOST Specification Rev. 3.0 E2, MOST Cooperation, ch.2, 2010
- Lu, S., Fang, Z., Qu, G., & Gao, S. ETBAC-Based model in media oriented system transport network. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, 2015. CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM.2015.72
- Sumorek, A., & Buczaj, M. The evolution of 'media oriented systems transport' protocol. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa, 14 (3), 115-120, 2014.
- MOST Cooperation, MOST Book, 2st ed. MOST Cooperation, ch.4. 2011.
- Styla S., Walusiak S., Pietrzyk W. Computer simulation possibilities in modelling of ignition advance angle control in motor and agricultural vehicles. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji Energetyki i Rolnictwa, 8, pp. 231-240, 2008.
- Sumorek, A., & Buczaj, M. New elements in vehicle communication 'media oriented systems transport' protocol. Teka Komisji Motoryzacji i Energetyki Rolnictwa, 12 (1), 275-279, 2012.
- Zhou, Z., Lee, J., Berger, M. S., Park, S., & Yan, Y. Simulating TSN traffic scheduling and shaping for future automotive Ethernet. Journal of Communications and Networks, 23 (1), 53-62, 2021.
- Douss, A. B. C., Abassi, R., & Sauveron, D. State-of-the-art survey of in-vehicle protocols and automotive Ethernet security and vulnerabilities. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20 (9), 17057-1709, 2023.
- Pamuk A., Sakarya U. Havacılıktaki Video Veri Yolu Standardının Akıllı Taşıtlar İçin Kullanım Olasılığı Üzerine Bir İnceleme, KONJES, 2023.
- Kvaser. Comparing CAN FD with Classical CAN. Kvaser Technical Documents. 2016.
- IEEE Standards Association. Transitioning to automotive Ethernet. IEEE Standards. 2019.