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Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 119 - 135, 01.08.2012


Mortgage system is a type of funding that has long bee applied in the world and Turkey. Mortgage funds are offered in varriety of to the borrowers. In this system credit users pays their loans back in such a way that they pay rent. Banks extend loans to people who want to take advantage of this system to apply different criteria and different loan terms, interest rates, repayment options. The number of banks and their different mortgage packages makes bank selection, a complex procedures from the point of credit users. The purpose of this study is to show selection of the best mortgage package among others. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method is used in this study. In addition, the application of three different fuzzy ranking method and the results are ranked banks according to the methods used and the result discussed.


  • AZADEH, A., Ghaderi, S.F., MIRJALILI, M., MOGHADDAM M.,(2011), “Integration Of Analytic Hierarchy Process And Data Envelopment Analysis For Assessment And Optimization Of Personnel Productivity in A Large Industrial Bank”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 38, Issue 5, s:5212-5225
  • BAŞLIĞİL, Hüseyin, (2005), “The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process For Software Selection Problems”, Journal Of Engineering And Natural Sciences, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sigma ,2005/3, 24-33
  • BHARAT A. Jain, BARİN N. Nag (1996 ),A Decision-Support Model For Investment Decisions in New Ventures” ,European Journal Of Operational Research, Volume 90, Issue 3, s: 473-486
  • CHANG, D.Y. (1996) “Applications of the extent analysis method on Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 95, 649-655.
  • CHE,Z.H.,WANG,H.S., CHUANG, C.-L.,( 2010), “A Fuzzy AHP and DEA Approach For Making Bank Loan Decisions For Small And Medium Enterprises in Taiwan” Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 10, s: 7189–7199
  • DİNÇER, H.,GÖRENER,A.,(2011), “Performance Evaluation Using AHP-VİKOR and AHP-TOPSİS Approaches: The Case of Service Sector”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Degisi, Sigma 29.
  • ERTUĞRUL İ., (2007), “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Bir Tekstil İşletmesinde Makine Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”, Hacettepe Üiversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 25, sayı 1,s. 171-192.
  • GÜNDEN C., MİRAN, B., (2008), “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Çiftçi Kararlarının Analizi”, Ege üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 45(3) , s.197.
  • HAGHIGHI, M., DIVANDARI A. KEIMASI M. (2010), “The İmpact Of 3D E-Readiness On E-Banking Development in Iran: A Fuzzy AHP Analysis” Expert Systems With Applications,Volume 37, Issue 6, s: 4084–4093
  • KADER M. A., DUGDALE, D., (2001), Evaluating İnvestments in Advenced Manufacturing Technology: A Fuzzy Set Theory Approach”, British Accounting Review, 2001, 33, s: 455-489
  • KAPTANOĞLU D., ÖZOK A. F., (2001), “Akademik Performans Değerlendirilmesi İçin Bulanık Model” İTÜ Dergisi/D Mühendislik, Cilt:5, Sayı:1,Kısım: 2.
  • KAYAL, T., KAHRAMAN, C. (2011) “A Fuzzy Approach To E-Banking Website Quality Assessment Based On An Integrated AHP-Electre Method”, Technologıcal And Economıc Development Of Economy, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, s: 313-334
  • KIYAK, E., KAHVECİOĞLU,A., (2003), Bulanık Mantık ve Uçuş Kontrol Problemine Uygulanması”, Havacılık ve Uzay Teknolojileri Dergisi, Cilt 1, Sayı: 2, s.64
  • LI D.F., YANG, J.B., (2004), “Fuzzy Linear Proğramming Technique for Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making in Fuzzy Environments”, Information Scineces, , s.264
  • LIU G., (2010),“Pattern Selection Of Financial Logistics Based AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation Model”, Computer Design And Applications (ICCDA), International Conference on 25-27 June 2010, Volume: 5, s: 203 - 205
  • MEI J.C., YAN, Q.,( 2012), “AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation on Financing Bottleneck in Energy Performance Contracting in China”, Energy Procedia, Volume 14, s:121-126.
  • ÖZGÖRMÜŞ, M., GÜNER ,H. (2005), “Bulanık AHP Personel Seçimi”, V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 25-27 Kasım 2005
  • SAATY, T.L. (1980), The Analytic Hierarchy Process” Newyork: McGraw-Hill.
  • YALÇIN, N.,BAYRAKDAROĞLU, A., KAHRAMAN, C.,(2009), “Fuzzy Performance Evaluation in Turkish Banking Sector Using Analytic Hierarchy Process And TOPSIS”, Expert Systems With Applications Volume 36, Issue 9, s: 11699– 11709
  • YALÇIN, N., BAYRAKDAROGLU,A., KAHRAMAN C., (2012), “Application Of Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods For Financial Performance Evaluation Of Turkish Manufacturing İndustries” ,Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 1, s: 350-364
  • YAN-LI, L., LI-JIE, C., XIAO-LING, Y., (2008), “Evaluation on Customer Loyalty of Commercial Banking Industry Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process”,Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference
  • WANG, T.C., LIN, Y.L., (2009), “Applying The Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations To Select Merger Strategy For Commercial Banks in New Financial Environments”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 3, Part 2, s: 7019-7026
  • WANG, T.C., LIN, Y.L., (2009b), “Using A Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Approach To Select Merged Strategies For Commercial Banks,” Group Decision And Negotiation, Volume 18, Number 6, 519-536
  • WU,C.R., LIN,C.T., LIN,Y.F.,(2009), “Selecting The Preferable Bancassurance Alliance Strategic By Using Expert Group Decision Technique,”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 36, Issue 2, Part 2, s: 3623-3629
  • WU,C.R., LIN,C.T., TSAI,P.H.,(2010) “Evaluating Business Performance of Wealth Management Banks” ,European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 207, Issue 2, 1, s:971-979.
  • WU, H.Y., TZENG, G.H., CHEN, Y.H. (2009),”A Fuzzy MCDM Approach For Evaluating Banking Performance Based On Balanced Scorecard”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 6, s: 10135-10147
  • WU, H.Y., CHEN, J.K., CHEN, I.S., (2010), “Innovation Capital İndicator Assessment Of Taiwanese Universities: A Hybrid Fuzzy Model Application”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 2, s: 1635-1642.
  • XIE, W., (2009),“Construction And Evaluation Of Post-Evaluation Index System On Loan Projects Of International Financial”, Industrial Engineering And Engineering Management, IE&EM '09. 16th International Conference, s: 95 – 99.
  • ZADEH, L.A. (1965) “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, 338-353.

Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 119 - 135, 01.08.2012


Mortgage sistemi dünyada ve Türkiye’de uzun zamandan beri uygulanmakta olan bir finansman türüdür. Mortgage kredileri çok çeşitli şekillerde, bankalar tarafından kredi alıcılarına sunulmaktadır. Kredi kullanıcıları bu sistem sayesinde kira öder gibi ev sahibi olabilmektedir. Bankalar bu sistemden yararlanmak isteyen kişiye kredi vermek için değişik kriterler uygulamakta ve değişik kredi koşulları, faiz oranları, geri ödeme seçenekleri sunmaktadır. Kredi kullanıcısı açısından, bu alanda birçok bankanın bulunması ve bu bankaların ayrı kriterlere bağlı olarak farklı planlar sunması, banka seçimini, karmaşık ve çözümü için zaman gerektiren bir durum haline getirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, mortgage kredi kullanıcısına alternatif kredi seçenekleri arasından en uygun bankanın seçilmesine yol göstermektir. Bu çalışmada bulanık analitik hiyerarşi süreci yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca, uygulamada üç farklı bulanık sıralama yöntemi kullanılmış (Chang, Liou-Wang, Kareli Ortalama) ve sıralama yöntemlerine göre bankalar sıralanarak ve sonuçlar tartışılmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Bulanık Mantık, Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci, Bulanık AHP, Mortgage Kredileri JEL Sınıflaması: G21. FUZZY ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS AND ITS APPLICATION TO MORTGAGE BANK CREDIT SELECTION PROBLEM ABS Mortgage system is a type of funding that has long bee applied in the world and Turkey. Mortgage funds are offered in varriety of to the borrowers. In this system credit users pays their loans back in such a way that they pay rent. Banks extend loans to people who want to take advantage of this system to apply different criteria and different loan terms, interest rates, repayment options. The number of banks and their different mortgage packages makes bank selection, a complex procedures from the point of credit users. The purpose of this study is to show selection of the best mortgage package among others. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method is used in this study. In addition, the application of three different fuzzy ranking method and the results are ranked banks according to the methods used and the result discussed.


  • AZADEH, A., Ghaderi, S.F., MIRJALILI, M., MOGHADDAM M.,(2011), “Integration Of Analytic Hierarchy Process And Data Envelopment Analysis For Assessment And Optimization Of Personnel Productivity in A Large Industrial Bank”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 38, Issue 5, s:5212-5225
  • BAŞLIĞİL, Hüseyin, (2005), “The Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process For Software Selection Problems”, Journal Of Engineering And Natural Sciences, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sigma ,2005/3, 24-33
  • BHARAT A. Jain, BARİN N. Nag (1996 ),A Decision-Support Model For Investment Decisions in New Ventures” ,European Journal Of Operational Research, Volume 90, Issue 3, s: 473-486
  • CHANG, D.Y. (1996) “Applications of the extent analysis method on Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 95, 649-655.
  • CHE,Z.H.,WANG,H.S., CHUANG, C.-L.,( 2010), “A Fuzzy AHP and DEA Approach For Making Bank Loan Decisions For Small And Medium Enterprises in Taiwan” Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 10, s: 7189–7199
  • DİNÇER, H.,GÖRENER,A.,(2011), “Performance Evaluation Using AHP-VİKOR and AHP-TOPSİS Approaches: The Case of Service Sector”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Degisi, Sigma 29.
  • ERTUĞRUL İ., (2007), “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Bir Tekstil İşletmesinde Makine Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”, Hacettepe Üiversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Cilt 25, sayı 1,s. 171-192.
  • GÜNDEN C., MİRAN, B., (2008), “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Kullanılarak Çiftçi Kararlarının Analizi”, Ege üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 45(3) , s.197.
  • HAGHIGHI, M., DIVANDARI A. KEIMASI M. (2010), “The İmpact Of 3D E-Readiness On E-Banking Development in Iran: A Fuzzy AHP Analysis” Expert Systems With Applications,Volume 37, Issue 6, s: 4084–4093
  • KADER M. A., DUGDALE, D., (2001), Evaluating İnvestments in Advenced Manufacturing Technology: A Fuzzy Set Theory Approach”, British Accounting Review, 2001, 33, s: 455-489
  • KAPTANOĞLU D., ÖZOK A. F., (2001), “Akademik Performans Değerlendirilmesi İçin Bulanık Model” İTÜ Dergisi/D Mühendislik, Cilt:5, Sayı:1,Kısım: 2.
  • KAYAL, T., KAHRAMAN, C. (2011) “A Fuzzy Approach To E-Banking Website Quality Assessment Based On An Integrated AHP-Electre Method”, Technologıcal And Economıc Development Of Economy, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, s: 313-334
  • KIYAK, E., KAHVECİOĞLU,A., (2003), Bulanık Mantık ve Uçuş Kontrol Problemine Uygulanması”, Havacılık ve Uzay Teknolojileri Dergisi, Cilt 1, Sayı: 2, s.64
  • LI D.F., YANG, J.B., (2004), “Fuzzy Linear Proğramming Technique for Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making in Fuzzy Environments”, Information Scineces, , s.264
  • LIU G., (2010),“Pattern Selection Of Financial Logistics Based AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation Model”, Computer Design And Applications (ICCDA), International Conference on 25-27 June 2010, Volume: 5, s: 203 - 205
  • MEI J.C., YAN, Q.,( 2012), “AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation on Financing Bottleneck in Energy Performance Contracting in China”, Energy Procedia, Volume 14, s:121-126.
  • ÖZGÖRMÜŞ, M., GÜNER ,H. (2005), “Bulanık AHP Personel Seçimi”, V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 25-27 Kasım 2005
  • SAATY, T.L. (1980), The Analytic Hierarchy Process” Newyork: McGraw-Hill.
  • YALÇIN, N.,BAYRAKDAROĞLU, A., KAHRAMAN, C.,(2009), “Fuzzy Performance Evaluation in Turkish Banking Sector Using Analytic Hierarchy Process And TOPSIS”, Expert Systems With Applications Volume 36, Issue 9, s: 11699– 11709
  • YALÇIN, N., BAYRAKDAROGLU,A., KAHRAMAN C., (2012), “Application Of Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods For Financial Performance Evaluation Of Turkish Manufacturing İndustries” ,Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 1, s: 350-364
  • YAN-LI, L., LI-JIE, C., XIAO-LING, Y., (2008), “Evaluation on Customer Loyalty of Commercial Banking Industry Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process”,Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference
  • WANG, T.C., LIN, Y.L., (2009), “Applying The Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations To Select Merger Strategy For Commercial Banks in New Financial Environments”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 3, Part 2, s: 7019-7026
  • WANG, T.C., LIN, Y.L., (2009b), “Using A Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Approach To Select Merged Strategies For Commercial Banks,” Group Decision And Negotiation, Volume 18, Number 6, 519-536
  • WU,C.R., LIN,C.T., LIN,Y.F.,(2009), “Selecting The Preferable Bancassurance Alliance Strategic By Using Expert Group Decision Technique,”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 36, Issue 2, Part 2, s: 3623-3629
  • WU,C.R., LIN,C.T., TSAI,P.H.,(2010) “Evaluating Business Performance of Wealth Management Banks” ,European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 207, Issue 2, 1, s:971-979.
  • WU, H.Y., TZENG, G.H., CHEN, Y.H. (2009),”A Fuzzy MCDM Approach For Evaluating Banking Performance Based On Balanced Scorecard”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 6, s: 10135-10147
  • WU, H.Y., CHEN, J.K., CHEN, I.S., (2010), “Innovation Capital İndicator Assessment Of Taiwanese Universities: A Hybrid Fuzzy Model Application”, Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 2, s: 1635-1642.
  • XIE, W., (2009),“Construction And Evaluation Of Post-Evaluation Index System On Loan Projects Of International Financial”, Industrial Engineering And Engineering Management, IE&EM '09. 16th International Conference, s: 95 – 99.
  • ZADEH, L.A. (1965) “Fuzzy Sets”, Information and Control, 8, 338-353.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Arzu Organ Bu kişi benim

Murat Deniz Kenger Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Organ, A., & Kenger, M. D. (2012). Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 119-135.
AMA Organ A, Kenger MD. Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Ağustos 2012;5(2):119-135.
Chicago Organ, Arzu, ve Murat Deniz Kenger. “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2012): 119-35.
EndNote Organ A, Kenger MD (01 Ağustos 2012) Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 5 2 119–135.
IEEE A. Organ ve M. D. Kenger, “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 119–135, 2012.
ISNAD Organ, Arzu - Kenger, Murat Deniz. “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 5/2 (Ağustos 2012), 119-135.
JAMA Organ A, Kenger MD. Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2012;5:119–135.
MLA Organ, Arzu ve Murat Deniz Kenger. “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci Ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 119-35.
Vancouver Organ A, Kenger MD. Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci ve Mortgage Banka Kredisi Seçim Problemine Uygulanması. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2012;5(2):119-35.
