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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 105 - 119, 20.04.2015


Today’s consumers can be more effective in consumption processes, be informed easier and behave more organized. In this study, a tool has developed for measuring “customer empowerment” perceptions which is about supporting information, capability and control of consumers. In academic literature the subject of customer empowerment is researched in the theoretical and case study level. But in today’s marketing environment in which customers wish to have a say across the big producers and channel members, measuring customer empowerment perception is empowerment for managing related marketing activities. Under this framework, comprehensive exploratory review of literature was carried out first. Then designed questions about customer empowerment are subjected to statistical analyses with the data obtained from customers of leading furniture brand by survey method. As a result of the analysis, customer empowerment factors summed as; encouraging customer knowledge and capability, autonomy, participation and redress seeking. Research questions have been found reliable and valid. By this way, the structure of customer empowerment is lightened and a scale which would be facilitates the researches about importance and results of the customer empowerment


  • ANSHARI, Muhammad, ALMUNAWAR, Mohammad N., LOW, Patrick K.C. ve WINT, Zaw, (2012), “Customer Empowerment in Healthcare Organizations Through CRM 2.0: Survey Results from Brunei Tracking a Future Path in E-Health Research”, ASEAS, 5(1);139-151.
  • AUH, Seigyoung, BELL, Simon J., MCLEOD, Colin S. ve SHIH, Eric (2007), “Co-production and Customer Loyalty in Financial Services”, Journal of Retailing, 83(2); 359-370.
  • BAGOZZI, Richard P., (1975), “Marketing as Exchange”, Journal of Marketing, (39; 32–39.
  • BAKKER, Lutien ve BRAKEL, Wim H. Van (2012), “Empowerment Assessment Tools in People with Disabilities in Developing Countries. A Systematic Literature Review”, Leprosy Review, (83); 129-152.
  • BHARADWAJ, Neeraj, NEVIN, John R. ve WALLMAN, Jeffrey P. (2012), “Explicating Hearing the Voice of the Customer as a Manifestation of Customer Focus and Assessing its Consequences”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(6);1012-1030.
  • BRYANT, Joanne, SAXTON, Melisa, MADDEN, Annie, BATH, Nicky ve ROBINSON, Suzanne (2008), “Consumer participation in the planning and delivery of drug treatment services: the current arrangements”, Drug and Alcohol Review, (27), 130-137.
  • BULLER, Mary K., KANE, Ilima L., DUNN, Andrea L., EDWARDS, Erika J., BULLER, David B. ve LIU, Xia, (2009), “Marketing Fruit and Vegetable Intake With Interactive Games on the Internet”, Social Marketing Quarterly, (15)1; 136-154.
  • CHAN, Kimmy Wa, KIN, Chi (Bennett) Yim ve LAM, Simon S.K. (2010), “Is Customer Participation in Value Creation a Double-Edged Sword? Evidence from Professional Financial Services Across Cultures”, Journal of Marketing, 74; 48-64.
  • CONSTANTINIDES, Efthymios (2010), “Survival in the era of the empowered customer: Turning the Web 2.0 menace into a strategic opportunity”, Working Paper, 1-20.
  • ÇÖL, Güner (2008), “Algılanan Güçlendirmenin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(1); 35-46.
  • DABHOLKAR, Pratibha A. ve SHENG, Xiaojing (2012), “Consumer Participation in Using Online Recommendation Agents: Effects on Satisfaction, Trust and Purchase Intentions”, The Service Industries Journal, 32(9); 1433-1449.
  • DAVIS, Robert ve SAJTOS, Laszlo (2008), “Measuring Consumer Interactivity in Response to Campaigns Coupling Mobile and Television Media”, Journal of Advertising Research, 48(3), 375-391.
  • DONG, Beibei, EVANS, Kenneth R. ve ZOU, Shaoming (2006), “Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Participation in Service Recovery”, 2006 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference Marketing Theory and Applications, AMA, 30-31.
  • DONG, Beibei, EVANS, Kenneth R. ve ZOU, Shaoming (2011), “What if a Co-Produced Service Fails? An Investigation of Customer Participation in Service Recovery”, Copyright of AMA Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings / Summer; 464.
  • ECHEVERRI, Per ve SKALEN, Per (2011), “Co-creation and Co-destruction: A Practice-Theory Based Study of Interactive Value Formation”, Marketing Theory,11(3); 351-373.
  • FANG, Eric (2008), “Customer Participation and the Trade-Off Between New Product Innovativeness and Speed to Market”, Journal of Marketing, (72); 90-104.
  • FILHO, Luiz Augusto Machado Mendes ve TAN, Felix B. (2008), “An Overview on User Generated Content and the Empowerment of Online Travellers”, Revista da FARN, 7(2); 17-30.
  • FUCHS, Christoph ve SCHREIER, Martin (2011), “Customer Empowerment in New Product Development”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, (28); 17-32.
  • FULLER, Johann ve MATZLER, Kurt (2007), “Virtual Product Experience and Customer Participation- A Chance for Customer-centered, Really New Products”, Texhnovation, 27; 378-387.
  • GEIGER, Susi ve PROTHERA, Andrea (2007), “Rhetoric versus Reality: Exploring Consumer Empowerment in a Maternity Setting”, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 10(4); 375-400.
  • GRISSEMANN, Ursula S. ve STOKBURGER-SAUER, Nicola E. (2012), “Customer co-creation of travel services: The role of company support an customer satisfaction with the co-creation performance”, Tourism Management, (33); 1483-1492.
  • HUNT, Shelby (1976), “The Nature and Scope of Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 40(3); 17–28.
  • KO, Hanjun, CHO, Chang-Hoan, and ROBERTS, Marilyn S., (2005), “Internet Uses and Gratifications: A Structural Equation Model of Interactive Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 34(2); 57-70.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. ve MERZ, Mary Ann (2001), “Structural Analysis of the Consumer-Directed Theory of Empowerment”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 44(4); 209-216.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. (2005), “Structural Equation Model of the Consumer-Directed Theory of Empowerment in a Vocational Rehabilitation Context”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 40(1); 40-49.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. (1999), “The consumer-directed theory of empowerment”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 42(3); 196–213.
  • LUSCH, R. F., & VARGO, S. (2006), “Service dominant logic: Reactions, reflections and refinements”, Marketing Theory, (6); 281–288.
  • M’ZUNGU, Simon D. M., MERRILEES, Bill ve MILLER, Dale (2010), “Brand Management to Protect Brand Equity: A Conceptual Model”, Journal of Brand Management, (17); 605-617.
  • MARSDEN, Paul ve OETTİNG, Martin (2005), “Consumer Empowerment Reloaded: Why Your Customers Should Drive Your Marketing”,, (29); 1-5.
  • MATHWICK, Charla (2002), “Understanding the Online Consumer: A Typology of Online Relational Norms and Behavior”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16(1); 40-5
  • MCKEMMISH, Sue, MANASZEWICZ, Rosetta, BURSTEIN, Frada ve FISHER, Julie (2009), “Consumer Empowerment Through Metadata-Based Information Quality Reporting: The Breast Cancer Knowledge Online Portal”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(9); 1792-1807.
  • MENON, Sanjay T. (2001), “Employee Empowerment: An Integrative Psychological Approach”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(1); 153-180.
  • NARDO, Michela, LOI, Massimo, ROSATI, Rossana, MANCA, Anna (2011), “The Consumer Empowerment Index, A Measure of skills, awareness and engagement of European Consumers”, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, European Union 2011; 1-232.
  • O’BRİEN, Janice L. (2010), Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment and Burnout in Registered Staff Nurses Working in Outpatient Dialysis, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Newark Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey.
  • OFIR Chezy, SIMONSON Itamar ve YOON, Song-Oh, “The Robustness of the Effects of Consumers’ Participation in Market Research: The Case of Service”, Journal of Marketing, cilt 73, 2009, s.105-114.
  • OUSCHAN, Robyn, SWEENEY, Jillian ve JOHNSON, Lester (2006), “Customer empowerment and relationship outcomes in healthcare consultations”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(9); 1068-1086.
  • PIRES, Guilherme D., STANTON, John ve RITA, Paulo (2006), “The Internet, Consumer Empowerment and Marketing Strategies”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(9/10); 936-949.
  • PRAHALAD, C. K. ve RANGASWAMY, Venkatram (2000), “Co-opting Customer Competence”, Harvard Business Review, 78(1); 79-87.
  • PRANIC, Ljudevit ve ROEHL, Wesley S. (2012), “Development and Validation of the Customer Empowerment Scale in Hotel Service Recovery”, Current Issues in Tourism, 1-19.
  • PRANIC, Ljudevit ve ROEHL, Wesley S. (2012), “Rethinking Service Recovery: A Customer Empowerment (CE) Perspective”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 13(2); 242-245.
  • RAMANI, Girish ve KUMAR, Vipin (2008), “Interaction Orientation and Firm Performance”, Journal of Marketing, (72); 27-45.
  • REPPEL, Alexander E. ve SZMIGIN, Isabelle (2010), “Consumer Managed Profiling: A Contemporary Interpretation of Privacy in Buyer-Seller Interactions”, Journal of Marketing Management, 26(3-4);321-342.
  • ROGERS, E. Sally, CHAMBERLIN, Judi, ELLISON, Marsha Langer ve CREAN, Tim (1997), “A Consumer Constructed Scale to Measure Empowerment Among Users of Mental Health Services”, Psychiatric Services, 48(8); 1042-1047.
  • RUDAWSKA, Edyta (2011), “Customer As an Active Partner in Creating Offer in Banking Services”, International Journal of Management Cases, 13(3); 50-58.
  • SHIH, Pai Cheng, HU, Hsin-Yun ve FARN, Cheng-Kiang (2012), “Lead User Participation in Brand Community: The Case of Microsoft MVPS”, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(4); 323-331.
  • SOLOMON, Michael R (2003), Tüketici Krallığının Fethi, Markalar Diyarında Pazarlama Stratejileri, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • VARGO, Stephen L. ve LUSCH, Robert F. (2008), “Service-dominant Logic: Continuing the Evolution”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (36); 1-10.
  • WANG, Miao, WANG, Jiaxin ve ZHAO, Jinlin (2007), “An Empirical Study of the Effect of Customer Participation on Service Quality”, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality&Tourism,8(1); 37-41.
  • WATHIEU, Luc, BRENNER, Lyle, CARMON, Zıv, CHATTOPADHYAY, Amitava, WERTENBROCH, Klaus, DROLET, Aimee, GOURVILLE, John, A.V., NOVEMSKY, Muthukrishnan, Nathan, RATNER, Rebecca K., WU, George (2002), “Consumer Control and Empowerment: A Primer”, Marketing Letters, 13(3); 297-305.
  • WIND, Jerry ve RANGASWAMY, Arvind (2001), “Customerization: The Next Revolution in Mass Customization”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(1); 13-32.
  • WU, Cedric Hsi-Jui (2011), “A re-examination of the Antecedents and Impact of Customer Participation in Service”, The Service Industries Journal, 31(6); 863-876
  • YÜKSELEN, Cemal (2011), Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Detay Yayıncılık, 5. Baskı, Ankara.
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, Judith, L. (1985), “Measuring the Involvement Construct” Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3); 341-352.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2, 105 - 119, 20.04.2015


Günümüz tüketicisinin, çok daha kolay bir şekilde bilgilenmesi, örgütlü hareket etmesi, becerilerini artırması ve tüketim süreçlerinde daha etkili olması söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada, günümüzün daha bilinçli tüketicileri için; bilgi, beceri ve kontrolünü desteklendiği yönündeki “müşteri güçlendirme” algısının ölçülmesine yönelik bir araç geliştirilmektedir. Akademik yazında müşteri güçlendirme konusu daha çok teorik nitelikte ve örnek olay düzeyinde incelenmektedir. Ancak günümüzde büyük üretici ve dağım kanalı üyeleri karşısında tüketicilerin de söz sahibi olmak istediği pazar ortamında, müşteri güçlendirme algısının ölçülmesi bu faaliyetlerin yönetilmesi için öncelikle gereklidir. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle kapsamlı keşifsel literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ardından müşteri güçlendirme ile ilgili tasarlanan sorular mobilya sektöründe lider bir mobilya markasının müşterilerinden anket yöntemi ile elde edilen veriler yardımıyla analize tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarında müşteri güçlendirme; müşteri bilgi ve becerilerinin, özerkliğinin, katılımının ve telafi arayışının desteklenmesi faktörleri altında toplanmaktadır. Araştırma sorularının güvenilir ve geçerli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böylelikle müşteri güçlendirmenin yapısı aydınlatılmakta ve müşteri güçlendirmenin sonuçları hakkında yapılacak çalışmaları kolaylaştıracak bir ölçek geliştirilmektedir.


  • ANSHARI, Muhammad, ALMUNAWAR, Mohammad N., LOW, Patrick K.C. ve WINT, Zaw, (2012), “Customer Empowerment in Healthcare Organizations Through CRM 2.0: Survey Results from Brunei Tracking a Future Path in E-Health Research”, ASEAS, 5(1);139-151.
  • AUH, Seigyoung, BELL, Simon J., MCLEOD, Colin S. ve SHIH, Eric (2007), “Co-production and Customer Loyalty in Financial Services”, Journal of Retailing, 83(2); 359-370.
  • BAGOZZI, Richard P., (1975), “Marketing as Exchange”, Journal of Marketing, (39; 32–39.
  • BAKKER, Lutien ve BRAKEL, Wim H. Van (2012), “Empowerment Assessment Tools in People with Disabilities in Developing Countries. A Systematic Literature Review”, Leprosy Review, (83); 129-152.
  • BHARADWAJ, Neeraj, NEVIN, John R. ve WALLMAN, Jeffrey P. (2012), “Explicating Hearing the Voice of the Customer as a Manifestation of Customer Focus and Assessing its Consequences”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(6);1012-1030.
  • BRYANT, Joanne, SAXTON, Melisa, MADDEN, Annie, BATH, Nicky ve ROBINSON, Suzanne (2008), “Consumer participation in the planning and delivery of drug treatment services: the current arrangements”, Drug and Alcohol Review, (27), 130-137.
  • BULLER, Mary K., KANE, Ilima L., DUNN, Andrea L., EDWARDS, Erika J., BULLER, David B. ve LIU, Xia, (2009), “Marketing Fruit and Vegetable Intake With Interactive Games on the Internet”, Social Marketing Quarterly, (15)1; 136-154.
  • CHAN, Kimmy Wa, KIN, Chi (Bennett) Yim ve LAM, Simon S.K. (2010), “Is Customer Participation in Value Creation a Double-Edged Sword? Evidence from Professional Financial Services Across Cultures”, Journal of Marketing, 74; 48-64.
  • CONSTANTINIDES, Efthymios (2010), “Survival in the era of the empowered customer: Turning the Web 2.0 menace into a strategic opportunity”, Working Paper, 1-20.
  • ÇÖL, Güner (2008), “Algılanan Güçlendirmenin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(1); 35-46.
  • DABHOLKAR, Pratibha A. ve SHENG, Xiaojing (2012), “Consumer Participation in Using Online Recommendation Agents: Effects on Satisfaction, Trust and Purchase Intentions”, The Service Industries Journal, 32(9); 1433-1449.
  • DAVIS, Robert ve SAJTOS, Laszlo (2008), “Measuring Consumer Interactivity in Response to Campaigns Coupling Mobile and Television Media”, Journal of Advertising Research, 48(3), 375-391.
  • DONG, Beibei, EVANS, Kenneth R. ve ZOU, Shaoming (2006), “Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Participation in Service Recovery”, 2006 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference Marketing Theory and Applications, AMA, 30-31.
  • DONG, Beibei, EVANS, Kenneth R. ve ZOU, Shaoming (2011), “What if a Co-Produced Service Fails? An Investigation of Customer Participation in Service Recovery”, Copyright of AMA Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings / Summer; 464.
  • ECHEVERRI, Per ve SKALEN, Per (2011), “Co-creation and Co-destruction: A Practice-Theory Based Study of Interactive Value Formation”, Marketing Theory,11(3); 351-373.
  • FANG, Eric (2008), “Customer Participation and the Trade-Off Between New Product Innovativeness and Speed to Market”, Journal of Marketing, (72); 90-104.
  • FILHO, Luiz Augusto Machado Mendes ve TAN, Felix B. (2008), “An Overview on User Generated Content and the Empowerment of Online Travellers”, Revista da FARN, 7(2); 17-30.
  • FUCHS, Christoph ve SCHREIER, Martin (2011), “Customer Empowerment in New Product Development”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, (28); 17-32.
  • FULLER, Johann ve MATZLER, Kurt (2007), “Virtual Product Experience and Customer Participation- A Chance for Customer-centered, Really New Products”, Texhnovation, 27; 378-387.
  • GEIGER, Susi ve PROTHERA, Andrea (2007), “Rhetoric versus Reality: Exploring Consumer Empowerment in a Maternity Setting”, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 10(4); 375-400.
  • GRISSEMANN, Ursula S. ve STOKBURGER-SAUER, Nicola E. (2012), “Customer co-creation of travel services: The role of company support an customer satisfaction with the co-creation performance”, Tourism Management, (33); 1483-1492.
  • HUNT, Shelby (1976), “The Nature and Scope of Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 40(3); 17–28.
  • KO, Hanjun, CHO, Chang-Hoan, and ROBERTS, Marilyn S., (2005), “Internet Uses and Gratifications: A Structural Equation Model of Interactive Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 34(2); 57-70.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. ve MERZ, Mary Ann (2001), “Structural Analysis of the Consumer-Directed Theory of Empowerment”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 44(4); 209-216.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. (2005), “Structural Equation Model of the Consumer-Directed Theory of Empowerment in a Vocational Rehabilitation Context”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 40(1); 40-49.
  • KOSCIULEK, John F. (1999), “The consumer-directed theory of empowerment”, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 42(3); 196–213.
  • LUSCH, R. F., & VARGO, S. (2006), “Service dominant logic: Reactions, reflections and refinements”, Marketing Theory, (6); 281–288.
  • M’ZUNGU, Simon D. M., MERRILEES, Bill ve MILLER, Dale (2010), “Brand Management to Protect Brand Equity: A Conceptual Model”, Journal of Brand Management, (17); 605-617.
  • MARSDEN, Paul ve OETTİNG, Martin (2005), “Consumer Empowerment Reloaded: Why Your Customers Should Drive Your Marketing”,, (29); 1-5.
  • MATHWICK, Charla (2002), “Understanding the Online Consumer: A Typology of Online Relational Norms and Behavior”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16(1); 40-5
  • MCKEMMISH, Sue, MANASZEWICZ, Rosetta, BURSTEIN, Frada ve FISHER, Julie (2009), “Consumer Empowerment Through Metadata-Based Information Quality Reporting: The Breast Cancer Knowledge Online Portal”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(9); 1792-1807.
  • MENON, Sanjay T. (2001), “Employee Empowerment: An Integrative Psychological Approach”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50(1); 153-180.
  • NARDO, Michela, LOI, Massimo, ROSATI, Rossana, MANCA, Anna (2011), “The Consumer Empowerment Index, A Measure of skills, awareness and engagement of European Consumers”, European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, European Union 2011; 1-232.
  • O’BRİEN, Janice L. (2010), Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment and Burnout in Registered Staff Nurses Working in Outpatient Dialysis, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Newark Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Jersey.
  • OFIR Chezy, SIMONSON Itamar ve YOON, Song-Oh, “The Robustness of the Effects of Consumers’ Participation in Market Research: The Case of Service”, Journal of Marketing, cilt 73, 2009, s.105-114.
  • OUSCHAN, Robyn, SWEENEY, Jillian ve JOHNSON, Lester (2006), “Customer empowerment and relationship outcomes in healthcare consultations”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(9); 1068-1086.
  • PIRES, Guilherme D., STANTON, John ve RITA, Paulo (2006), “The Internet, Consumer Empowerment and Marketing Strategies”, European Journal of Marketing, 40(9/10); 936-949.
  • PRAHALAD, C. K. ve RANGASWAMY, Venkatram (2000), “Co-opting Customer Competence”, Harvard Business Review, 78(1); 79-87.
  • PRANIC, Ljudevit ve ROEHL, Wesley S. (2012), “Development and Validation of the Customer Empowerment Scale in Hotel Service Recovery”, Current Issues in Tourism, 1-19.
  • PRANIC, Ljudevit ve ROEHL, Wesley S. (2012), “Rethinking Service Recovery: A Customer Empowerment (CE) Perspective”, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 13(2); 242-245.
  • RAMANI, Girish ve KUMAR, Vipin (2008), “Interaction Orientation and Firm Performance”, Journal of Marketing, (72); 27-45.
  • REPPEL, Alexander E. ve SZMIGIN, Isabelle (2010), “Consumer Managed Profiling: A Contemporary Interpretation of Privacy in Buyer-Seller Interactions”, Journal of Marketing Management, 26(3-4);321-342.
  • ROGERS, E. Sally, CHAMBERLIN, Judi, ELLISON, Marsha Langer ve CREAN, Tim (1997), “A Consumer Constructed Scale to Measure Empowerment Among Users of Mental Health Services”, Psychiatric Services, 48(8); 1042-1047.
  • RUDAWSKA, Edyta (2011), “Customer As an Active Partner in Creating Offer in Banking Services”, International Journal of Management Cases, 13(3); 50-58.
  • SHIH, Pai Cheng, HU, Hsin-Yun ve FARN, Cheng-Kiang (2012), “Lead User Participation in Brand Community: The Case of Microsoft MVPS”, International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8(4); 323-331.
  • SOLOMON, Michael R (2003), Tüketici Krallığının Fethi, Markalar Diyarında Pazarlama Stratejileri, Kapital Medya, İstanbul.
  • VARGO, Stephen L. ve LUSCH, Robert F. (2008), “Service-dominant Logic: Continuing the Evolution”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (36); 1-10.
  • WANG, Miao, WANG, Jiaxin ve ZHAO, Jinlin (2007), “An Empirical Study of the Effect of Customer Participation on Service Quality”, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality&Tourism,8(1); 37-41.
  • WATHIEU, Luc, BRENNER, Lyle, CARMON, Zıv, CHATTOPADHYAY, Amitava, WERTENBROCH, Klaus, DROLET, Aimee, GOURVILLE, John, A.V., NOVEMSKY, Muthukrishnan, Nathan, RATNER, Rebecca K., WU, George (2002), “Consumer Control and Empowerment: A Primer”, Marketing Letters, 13(3); 297-305.
  • WIND, Jerry ve RANGASWAMY, Arvind (2001), “Customerization: The Next Revolution in Mass Customization”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(1); 13-32.
  • WU, Cedric Hsi-Jui (2011), “A re-examination of the Antecedents and Impact of Customer Participation in Service”, The Service Industries Journal, 31(6); 863-876
  • YÜKSELEN, Cemal (2011), Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Detay Yayıncılık, 5. Baskı, Ankara.
  • ZAICHKOWSKY, Judith, L. (1985), “Measuring the Involvement Construct” Journal of Consumer Research, 12(3); 341-352.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Bozacı

Tülin Durukan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozacı, İ., & Durukan, T. (2015). MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 105-119.
AMA Bozacı İ, Durukan T. MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Nisan 2015;8(2):105-119.
Chicago Bozacı, İbrahim, ve Tülin Durukan. “MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8, sy. 2 (Nisan 2015): 105-19.
EndNote Bozacı İ, Durukan T (01 Nisan 2015) MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 105–119.
IEEE İ. Bozacı ve T. Durukan, “MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, ss. 105–119, 2015.
ISNAD Bozacı, İbrahim - Durukan, Tülin. “MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (Nisan 2015), 105-119.
JAMA Bozacı İ, Durukan T. MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;8:105–119.
MLA Bozacı, İbrahim ve Tülin Durukan. “MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA”. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 2, 2015, ss. 105-19.
Vancouver Bozacı İ, Durukan T. MÜŞTERİ GÜÇLENDİRMENİN ÖLÇÜLMESİ: İÇ ANADOLU’DA BİR UYGULAMA. Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;8(2):105-19.
