When considered from a historical perspective, it is seen that the activities in public relations are formed parallel to socio-economic developments such as advance in communication technologies, institutionalization of democracy and globalization of competition. In the light of these developments and changes, the public relations applications are approached referring to four basic models which are produced by Grunig and Hunt and acknowledged widely. These models are The Press Agentry / Publicity Model, The Public Information Model, The Two-Way Symmetrical Model and The Two-Way Asymmetrical Model. Public relations models have different features. The general purpose of public relations is to proceed communication between corporate and the target public based on trust, positive intent and tolerance. The Two-way symmetrical model coincides with corporate governance which emphasizes principals such as transparency, accountability, responsibility and equality in respect to application and principals. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the similar aspects of public relations and corporate governance with regard to principles and applications as a communication politics.
Keywords: Public Relations, Public Relations Models, Communication Politics, Corporate Governance.
When considered from a historical perspective, it is seen that the activities in public relations are formed parallel to socio-economic developments such as advance in communication technologies, institutionalization of democracy and globalization of competition. In the light of these developments and changes, the public relations applications are approached referring to four basic models which are produced by Grunig and Hunt and acknowledged widely. These models are The Press Agentry / Publicity Model, The Public Information Model, The Two-Way Symmetrical Model and The Two-Way Asymmetrical Model. Public relations models have different features. The general purpose of public relations is to proceed communication between corporate and the target public based on trust, positive intent and tolerance. The Two-way symmetrical model coincides with corporate governance which emphasizes principals such as transparency, accountability, responsibility and equality in respect to application and principals. In this study, it is aimed to analyze the similar aspects of public relations and corporate governance with regard to principles and applications as a communication politics.
Keywords: Public Relations, Public Relations Models, Communication Politics, Corporate Governance.
Tarihsel açıdan bakıldığında halkla ilişkiler faaliyetlerinin ve uygulama alanlarının iletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, demokrasinin kurumsallaşması ve rekabetin küreselleşmesi gibi sosyokültürel ve ekonomik gelişmelere koşut olarak biçimlendiği görülmektedir. Bu gelişmeler ve değişmeler ışığında halkla ilişkiler uygulamaları, Grunig ve Hunt tarafından ortaya konan ve genel kabul gören dört temel model ekseninde ele alınmıştır. Bu modeller Basın Ajansı-Tanıtım Modeli, Kamuyu Bilgilendirme Modeli, İki Yönlü Simetrik Model ve İki Yönlü Asimetrik Model’dir. Halkla ilişkiler modelleri; farklı özelliklere sahiptir. Halkla ilişkilerin temel amacı, kurum ya da kuruluşun hedef kamuları ile arasında güven, iyi niyet ve hoşgörüye dayalı ilişkileri kurup geliştirmek için çeşitli iletişim faaliyetleri yürütmektir. İki yönlü simetrik model, bu anlamda kurumsal açıdan hedef kitleler nezdinde, şeffaflık, hesap verebilirlik, sorumluluk ve eşitlik gibi ilkeleri vurgulayan kurumsal yönetişim ile uygulama ve esaslar bakımından örtüşmektedir. Bu çalışmada bir iletişim politikası olarak halkla ilişkiler ve kurumsal yönetişimin, ilke ve uygulamalar bakımından benzer yönleri üzerine teorik bir analiz yapılmaya çalışılmıştır
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 7, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Volume: 9 Issue: 2 |