Yıl 2024,
, 1 - 12, 31.12.2024
Mustafa Özyeşil
Faris Kocaman
Havane Tembelo
Mustafa Çıkrıkçı
This study examines the economic impacts of international sports events such as the World Cup and the Olympics on the economies of host countries. The focus is on the effects of these events on tourism, employment, and investment, with a detailed analysis of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The data is obtained from a dataset consisting of the host country's tourism, employment, and investment data. While the study provides valuable insights into the economic impacts of international sports events, it has some limitations. It primarily examines the events from an economic perspective and overlooks the social and environmental dimensions. Nonetheless, the study concludes that Qatar benefited from hosting the 2022 World Cup, with positive returns estimated at around $11 billion, primarily due to an increase in tourism and trade.
- Allmers, S., Maennig, W. (2009). Economic impacts of the FIFA Soccer World Cups in France 1998, Germany 2006, and outlook for South Africa 2010. Eastern Econ J 35, 500–519.
Baade, R.A., Matheson, V.A. (2004). Olympic Gold: A Review of the Economics of the Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Economics, 5(2), 163-190.
- Başaran, İ. (2021). The Impacts of Mega Sports Events on Urban Development: The Case of Istanbul. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 15(1), 70-83.
- Bohlmann, H.R. ve Engel, D.A. (2011). The Impact of the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2006 on German Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(4), 323-338.
- Coates, D. ve Humphreys, B.R. (2012). The Economics of Hosting the Olympic Games: A Framework for Analysis. In W. Andreff and S. Szymanski (Eds.), Handbook on the Economics of Sport (pp. 343-354). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kılıç, R. (2017). The Economic Impact of Mega Sporting Events on Host Countries: A Literature Review. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Management, 5(2), 27-39.
- Kızıltepe, G., & Günay, G. (2016). The Economic Impact of the World Cup: A Regional Analysis. Journal of Sports Economics & Management, 6(3), 147-163.
- Maennig, W. ve Zimmermann, P. (2018). The Economic Impact of the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany. Journal of Sports Economics, 19(2), 183-212.
- Szymanski, S. (2010). The Economic Impact of the World Cup, Football Economics and Policy, 226-235.
- Preuss, H. (2007). The Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games 1972-2008. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Uğurlu, M. (2020). Mega Events and their Effects on the Economy. Procedia Economics and Finance, 36, 464-472.
- Digital Resources
Bloomberg. (2021). Qatar World Cup May Bring $15 Billion Boost to Economy.,%2C%20according%20to%20Deloitte%20Middle%20East.
- Reuters. (2021). Factbox: What is Qatar Spending on Infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup?
- Arabian Business. (2021). Qatar to Welcome 1.5m Tourists During 2022 World Cup.
- Gulf Business. (2021). Qatar: The Economic Impact of the 2022 World Cup.
- Al Jazeera. (2021). Qatar's World Cup: The Price of Glory.
- Al Jazeera. (2021). "Qatar seeks to capitalise on World Cup to boost tourism industry."
- The Guardian. (2021) "Qatar 2022: the World Cup that everyone wants to forget."
- BBC News. (2018). "Qatar's National Bank sees 2.6% GDP growth in 2022 due to World Cup.",
- Al Jazeera. (2021). "Qatar prepares for 2022 World Cup amid claims of worker exploitation."
- "History of the FIFA World Cup" (
- BBC Sport: "World Cup history: The story of the tournament" ( "The World Cup: A Brief History" (
- The Guardian: "World Cup: a history of the tournament" (
ESPN: "World Cup history: Complete coverage" (
- (2021). Tokyo 2020.
- CNN. (2021). Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony director fired over Holocaust joke.
- NBC News. (2021). The Tokyo Olympics are here. A year later than planned and with COVID-19 looming large.
Dünya Kupası Organizasyonunun Ülke Ekonomisinin Büyümesine Etkisi: Katar Ekonomisi Örneği
Yıl 2024,
, 1 - 12, 31.12.2024
Mustafa Özyeşil
Faris Kocaman
Havane Tembelo
Mustafa Çıkrıkçı
Bu çalışma, Dünya Kupası ve Olimpiyatlar gibi uluslararası spor etkinliklerinin ev sahibi ülkelerin ekonomileri üzerindeki ekonomik etkilerini incelemektedir. Katar'da yapılan 2022 Dünya Kupası'nın ayrıntılı bir analizi ile bu olayların turizm, istihdam ve yatırım üzerindeki etkilerine odaklanılmkatadır. Veriler, ev sahibi ülkenin turizm, istihdam ve yatırım verilerinden oluşan bir veri setinden elde edilmektedir. Çalışma, uluslararası spor etkinliklerinin ekonomik etkilerine dair değerli bilgiler sağlasa da, çalışmada bazı sınırlamalar söz konusudur. Organizator ülkenin kazanımları sadece ekonomik bir perspektiften incelenmekte, sosyal ve çevresel boyutları gözardı edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, bu çalışmada, Katar'ın 2022 Dünya Kupası'na ev sahipliği yapmaktan ekonomik olarak net pozitif fayda sağladığı ve elde edilen net ekonomik kazanımın turizm ve ticari aktivitedeki artış sayesiyle yaklaşık 11 milyar dolar olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
- Allmers, S., Maennig, W. (2009). Economic impacts of the FIFA Soccer World Cups in France 1998, Germany 2006, and outlook for South Africa 2010. Eastern Econ J 35, 500–519.
Baade, R.A., Matheson, V.A. (2004). Olympic Gold: A Review of the Economics of the Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Economics, 5(2), 163-190.
- Başaran, İ. (2021). The Impacts of Mega Sports Events on Urban Development: The Case of Istanbul. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 15(1), 70-83.
- Bohlmann, H.R. ve Engel, D.A. (2011). The Impact of the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2006 on German Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 14(4), 323-338.
- Coates, D. ve Humphreys, B.R. (2012). The Economics of Hosting the Olympic Games: A Framework for Analysis. In W. Andreff and S. Szymanski (Eds.), Handbook on the Economics of Sport (pp. 343-354). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kılıç, R. (2017). The Economic Impact of Mega Sporting Events on Host Countries: A Literature Review. Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Management, 5(2), 27-39.
- Kızıltepe, G., & Günay, G. (2016). The Economic Impact of the World Cup: A Regional Analysis. Journal of Sports Economics & Management, 6(3), 147-163.
- Maennig, W. ve Zimmermann, P. (2018). The Economic Impact of the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany. Journal of Sports Economics, 19(2), 183-212.
- Szymanski, S. (2010). The Economic Impact of the World Cup, Football Economics and Policy, 226-235.
- Preuss, H. (2007). The Economics of Staging the Olympics: A Comparison of the Games 1972-2008. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Uğurlu, M. (2020). Mega Events and their Effects on the Economy. Procedia Economics and Finance, 36, 464-472.
- Digital Resources
Bloomberg. (2021). Qatar World Cup May Bring $15 Billion Boost to Economy.,%2C%20according%20to%20Deloitte%20Middle%20East.
- Reuters. (2021). Factbox: What is Qatar Spending on Infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup?
- Arabian Business. (2021). Qatar to Welcome 1.5m Tourists During 2022 World Cup.
- Gulf Business. (2021). Qatar: The Economic Impact of the 2022 World Cup.
- Al Jazeera. (2021). Qatar's World Cup: The Price of Glory.
- Al Jazeera. (2021). "Qatar seeks to capitalise on World Cup to boost tourism industry."
- The Guardian. (2021) "Qatar 2022: the World Cup that everyone wants to forget."
- BBC News. (2018). "Qatar's National Bank sees 2.6% GDP growth in 2022 due to World Cup.",
- Al Jazeera. (2021). "Qatar prepares for 2022 World Cup amid claims of worker exploitation."
- "History of the FIFA World Cup" (
- BBC Sport: "World Cup history: The story of the tournament" ( "The World Cup: A Brief History" (
- The Guardian: "World Cup: a history of the tournament" (
ESPN: "World Cup history: Complete coverage" (
- (2021). Tokyo 2020.
- CNN. (2021). Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony director fired over Holocaust joke.
- NBC News. (2021). The Tokyo Olympics are here. A year later than planned and with COVID-19 looming large.