Bu çalışma, girişimcilik faaliyetini gerçekleştiren Suriyeli göçmenlerde mekânsal aidiyet duygusunun gelişim sürecini ve bu süreçte etkili olan unsurları incelemektedir. Bu kapsamda nitel araştırma yöntemiyle Kayseri ilinde Suriyeli göçmen girişimcilerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı bir mahalle olan Sahabiye Mahallesi’nde bir saha çalışması yürütülerek mahallede girişimcilik faaliyeti sürdüren 11 işletme sahibi ve mahalle muhtarı ile mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcılar genel olarak mekânsal aidiyet duygusunu gelişmiş olarak ifade etmiş ve yer yer misafirlik hissine değinmiş, girişimcilik faaliyetinin göçmenlerde genel olarak mekânsal aidiyet duygusunu artırdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Katılımcılar mahallede insan/müşteri ilişkilerine dair sıklıkla yerli ve yabancılarla karşılaştıklarını, zaman zaman yabancı düşmanlığı deneyimleyebildiklerini belirtmiştir. Katılımcıların büyük bir kısmının park, restoran, alışveriş merkezi gibi mekânları kullanımlarının iş, güvenlik veya ekonomik koşullar dolayısıyla olmadığı; Kayseri üzerine düşüncelerinde yaşam kolaylığı/sakinliğin öne çıktığı; Sahabiye Mahallesi üzerine düşüncelerinde mahallenin ticaret ve alışveriş merkezi olmasının ve yabancı yoğunluğunun öne çıktığı görülmüştür. Son olarak katılımcılar, mekânsal aidiyet duygusunun gelişmesinde etkili olan unsurlarda sosyal çevre, vatandaşlık, ekonomik koşullar, seyahat özgürlüğü, sevilmek/onurlu yaşama sahip olmak, güvenlik, sosyal imkanlar ve kalıcı hayat sürdürebilme inancını vurgulamıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, katılımcılarda mekânsal aidiyet duygusunun genel olarak gelişmiş olmakla birlikte değişkenlik gösterebildiğini, mekânsal aidiyet duygusunun gelişiminde sosyal çevrenin etkili bir unsur olarak ön plana çıktığını ve bunun yanı sıra yasal ve ekonomik koşulların da süreçte etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca bulgular doğrultusunda, girişimcilik faaliyetinin göçmenlerin yeni insanlarla karşılaşmasına ve tanışmasına olanak sağladığı ve bu yolla göçmenlerde mekânsal aidiyet duygusunun gelişiminde önemli bir rol oynadığı görülmüştür.
Değerlendirmeleri için Doç. Dr. Mehmet İnanç Özekmekçi'ye ve Rama Al Abid'e teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
The study used the qualitative research method and phenomenological research design to examine the development of the sense of spatial belonging and determine the effective factors in this process. In this context, interviews were held with people, and observations during the interviews supported the research. Then, the audio recordings of interviews were transcribed in written form; codes were formed by descriptive analysis, gathering similar expressions; similar ones are listed including how often they were mentioned (F), using Maxqda software and analysis.
Under the title of the development process of the sense of spatial belonging of immigrant entrepreneurs, the development of the participants' sense of spatial belonging, the relationship between entrepreneurship and spatial belonging, human and customer relations in the neighborhood, the participants' utilization of space, their reflections on Kayseri, their reflections on Sahabiye Neighborhood, and effective factors in the development of the sense of spatial belonging were examined. The participants' direct expressions were indicated in these headings.
According to the findings, participants generally expressed an enhanced sense of spatial belonging, but some participants mentioned the feeling of guest or that it is not possible to compare the sense of spatial belonging. Regarding the relationship between entrepreneurship and spatial belonging, it was concluded that entrepreneurial activity generally increases the sense of spatial belonging of immigrants, while sometimes it does not affect the sense of spatial belonging. Also, entrepreneurs may begin expanding entrepreneurial activity after feeling of spatial belonging, or as soon as they migrate. Regarding human/customer relations, participants frequently stated that they may always encounter Turkish and foreign people in the neighborhood, and they sometimes may experience xenophobia or experience language barrier. Participants frequently stated that they do not use places such as parks, restaurants, and shopping malls due to work, security, or economic conditions; and a few indicated that they use these places or use very little. In reflections on Kayseri, ease of living/quietness is highlighted, along with cheapness, poor social life, trade, similarity to Syria, central location, and good people; in reflections on Sahabiye Neighborhood, being a trade and shopping center, foreigner density, security problems, and central location were mentioned. Finally, the participants emphasized the elements of social environment, citizenship, economic conditions, freedom of travel, being loved/honorable life, security, social opportunities, belief in being able to maintain a permanent life, as well as language, climate, and contribution to the neighborhood as effective factors in the development of the sense of spatial belonging.
When the code relations browser was analyzed, it was seen that the relationship between entrepreneurship increases the sense of spatial belonging, and social environment codes became prominent, supporting that the social environment was effective in the development of the sense of spatial belonging. The findings revealed that although the sense of spatial belonging is generally developed in the participants, it can vary; the social environment stands out as an effective factor in the development of the sense of spatial belonging, and legal and economic conditions are also effective in this process. In line with the findings, it has been observed that entrepreneurial activity enables immigrants to meet and get to know new people and thus plays an important role in the development of a sense of spatial belonging for immigrants. Finally, focusing on the socio-psychological aspect of immigrant entrepreneurship may enrich the literature and reveal different aspects of immigrant entrepreneurship.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Migration Sociology |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2024 |
Submission Date | June 28, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | October 30, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 |