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Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 20.06.2013


Nanoboyutlu malzemelerin günümüzdeki kullanım alanları giderek artmaktadır. Yapılan birçok çalışmada nanopartiküllerin üzerineçeşitli ligantlar bağlanarak hedefe yönelik gıda patojenlerinin yüksek hassasiyette teşhis ve ayırım çalışmaları sürdürülmektedir.Ligant olarak nanopartiküllerin yüzeylerine, özel antikor modifikasyonları ile immünolojik yöntemler kullanılarak bakterilerin,virüslerin ya da toksinlerin özgün ve doğru bir şekilde seçilimi hedeflenmektedir. Son yıllarda besinlerdeki bakteri patojenlerininteşhisi için yüksek hassasiyete sahip sensörler üretilmiştir. Gıda yoluyla bulaşan patojenlerin neden olduğu zehirlenmeler genelliklesüt ve süt ürünleri, et ve et ürünlerinin tüketilmesi ile olmaktadır. Gıda patojenleri ile kontaminasyon gıda endüstrisinde karşılaşılanen önemli sorun olmakla birlikte bu organizmaların belirlenmesinde kullanılan protokoller uzun ve yüksek maliyetlidir. Yapılançalışmalarda nanosensörlerin geliştirilerek bu patojenlerin hızlı ve güvenilir bir şekilde algılanıp tanılanması hedeflenmiştir.Bakterilerin hızlı bir şekilde tanımlanması, gıda güvenliğinin sağlanmasının yanı sıra, tıbbi teşhis konulmasında, ilaç üretiminde,terör ile mücadelede de oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir.


  • Hobson N.S., Tothill I.E., Turner A.P.F., Microbial detection.Biosens. Bioelectron., 11, 455477,1996.
  • Ivnitski D., Abdel-Hamid I., Atasanov P., Wilkins E., Biosensors for detection of pathogenic bacteria,Biosens. Bioelectron.,14, 599-624,1999.
  • Alocilja E., Muhammad-Tahir Z.,“Label-Free Microbial Biosensors” in principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and Microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S.,Turner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 377-413, 2008.
  • Shimizu K., Chinzei I., Nishiyama H., Kakimoto S., Sugaya S., Yokoi H.,Satsuma, A., Hydrogen sensor based on WO3subnano-clusters and Pt co-loaded on ZrO 2 . Sensor. Actuat. BChem,134,618-624, 2008.
  • Schultes G., Koppert R., Goettel D., Freitag-WeberO., ProbstA.C., Werner U.,New perspectives for pressure and force sensors thin films combining high gauge factor and lowTCR. Smart SensorsActuatorsandMEMS4, 7790-7797,2009
  • Asefa T., Duncan C.T.,Krishna K.S., Recent advances in nanostructured chemosensors and biosensors. Analyst, 134, 1980-1990, 2009.
  • Marquis B.J.,Love S.A., Braun K.L.Haynes C.L., Analytical methods to assess nanoparticle toxicity.Analyst, 134,425-439, 2009.
  • PortakalO., Bioassays and nanoparticles. Turk.J. Biochem.,33, 35-38, 2008.
  • Handley D.A.,Colloidal gold, principles, methods and applications. Academic Press, (Ed) Hayat, M.A.,Academic Press, San Diego, 1989. Daniel M., Astruc D., Gold nanoparticles: assembly, supramolecular chemistry, quantum-sizerelated properties, and applications toward biology, catalysis, and nanotechnology. Chem. Rev.,104, 293–346, 2004. Jain K.K., Nanodiagnostics: application of nanotechnology in molecular diagnostics. Expert. Rev.Mol.Diagn.,3, 153–161, 2003.
  • Patel P.D., Overview of affinity biosensors in food analysis. J. AOAC., 89, 805-818, 2006. Yousef A.E., “Detection of bacterial pathogens in different matrices: Current practices and challenges ” in principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 31-48, 200 Mead P.S., Slutsker L., Dietz V., McCaig L.F., Bresee J.S., Shapiro C., Griffin P.M., Tauxe, R.V. Food-related illness and death in the United States. Emerg. Infect. Dis., 5, 607–625, 1999. Wang C.,IrudayarajJ., Goldnanorodprobes forthe detection of multiple pathogens. Birck and NCN Publications, 12,2204-2208, 2008. Suo Z., Yang X., Avci R., Deliorman M., Rughelmore P., Pascaul D.W., Idzerda Y: Antibody selection for immobilizing living bacteria.Anal.Chem., 60, 7571-7578, 2009. ISO. Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogens. Part 1, 11290-11291,1996 Boujday S., Briandet R., Salmain M., Herry J.M., Marnet P.G., Gautier, M., Pradier, C.M., Detection of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by gold based immunosensors. Microchim. Acta, 163, 203-209, 2008. Gracias K.S.,McKillip J.L., A review of conventional detection and enumeration methods for pathogenic bacteria in food.Can. J. Microbiol.,50, 883–890, 2004.
  • (Ed) Amass, A. K.,Detection of significant bacterial pathogens and toxins of interest.Advances in Homeland Security,Purdue University Press, 1, 109-149, 2006.
  • Cheng V.C.C., Yew W.W.,Yuen K.Y., Molecular diagnostics in tuberculosis. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol.Infect.Dis., 24, 711–720, 2005. Sanvicens N., Pastells C., Pascual N.,Marco M.P.,Nanoparticle-based biosensors for detection of pathogenic bacteria. Trac-Trend Anal.Chem.,28, 1243-1252, 2009. Gu H., Xu K., Xu C., Xu B., Biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles for protein separation and pathogen detection. Chem.Commun. (Camb), 7, 941-949, 2006.
  • Banada P.P., Bhunia A.K. “Antibodies and immunoassays for detection of bacterial pathogens” in Principles of bacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems,(Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 567-602, 2008.
  • Liddell E., “Antibodies” in the immunoassay handbook, (Ed). Wild, D.,3ed., Elsevier, 2005.
  • Kovacs-Nolan J., Marshall P., Mine, Y., Advances in the value of egg and egg components for human health.J.Agric. Food.Chem.,53,8421–8431, 2005.
  • Bhunia, A.K., Antibodies to Listeria monocytogenes. Crit. Rev.Microbiol., 23, 77–107, 1997.
  • WarschkauH., Kiderlen, A.F., A monoclonal antibody directed against the murine macrophage surface molecule F4/80 modulates natural immune response to Listeria monocytogenes. J. Immunol., 163,3409-3416, 1999.
  • Zhao Z.J.,Liu, X.M., Preparation of monoclonal antibody and development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for Escherichia coli O157 in foods. Biomed. Environ.Sci., 18, 254–259, 2005.
  • Kim S.H., Park M.K., Kim J.Y., Chuong P.D., Lee Y.S., Yoon B.S., Hwang K.K., Lim Y.K., Development of a sandwich ELISA for the detection of Listeria spp. using specific flagella antibodies.J. Vet. Sci., 6, 41–602005.
  • Hearty S., Leonard P., Quinn J., O‟Kennedy R.,Production, characterisation and potential application of a novel monoclonal antibody for rapid identification of virulent Listeria monocytogenes. J.Microbiol.Methods, 66, 294–312, 2006. Thirumalapura N.R., Morton R.J., RamachandranA.,Malayer J.R.,Lipopolysaccharide microarrays for the detection of antibodies. J.Immunol. Methods , 298, 73–81, 2005 Bhunia A.K., Johnson M.G.,Monoclonal antibody specific for Listeria monocytogenes associated with 66-kDa cell surface antigen.Appl. Environ.Microbiol.,58, 1924–1929, 1992. Sun S., Zeng H.,Size-controlled synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 8204, 2002. Luo P.G., Stutzenberger F.J.,Nanotechnology in the detection and control of microorganisms. Adv. Appl. Microbiol., 63, 145-181, 2008. Yang H.H., Zhang S.Q., Chen X.L., Zhuang Z.X., Xu J.G., Wang X.R.,Magnetite-containing spherical silica nanoparticles for biocatalysis and bioseparations,Anal. Chem., 76, 1316-1321, 200 Hnaiein M., Hassen W.M., Abdelghani A., Fournier-Wirth C., Coste J., Bessueille., F., Leonard D., Jaffezic-Renault N.A.,A conductometric immunosensor based on functionalized magnetite nanoparticles for E. coli detection, Electrochem.Commun., 10, 1152-1154, 2008.
  • Yang H., Qu L., Wimbrow A.N., Jiang X.,Sun Y.,Rapid detection ofListeria monocytogenes by nanoparticle-based immunomagnetic separation and real-time PCR, Int. J. Food Microbiol,118,132-138, 2007. Pharmeuropha. In,Alternative methods for control of microbiological quality. 16, 555–565, 200 Kretzer J.W., Biebl M., Miller S., “Sample preparation: An essential prerequisite for high quality Bacteria detection” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and Microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 15-30, 200
  • Haik Y., Sawafta R., Ciubotani I., Quablan A., Tan E.L., Ong K.G., “Magnetic techniques for rapid detection of pathogens” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 415-458, 2008.
  • Moldenhauer J.,YvonP.,“Environmental monitoring using Scan RDI Polym‟air” in, Environmental Monitoring: A Comprehensive Handbook(Ed) Moldenhauer, J., 2, 249-260, 200 Yeh K.S., Tsai C.E., Chen S.P.,Liao C.W.,Comparison between VIDAS automatic enzymelinked fluorescent immunoassay and culture method for Salmonella recovery from pork carcass sponge samples. J. Food Prot., 65, 1656–1659, 2002.
  • Haggerty T.D., Perry S., Sanchez L., Perez-Perez G., ParsonnetJ., Significance of transiently positive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay results in detection of helicobacter pylori in stool samples from children. J. Clin.Microbiol., 43,2220–2223, 2005.
  • Speight S.E., Hallis B.A., Bennett A.M., Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of airborne microorganisms used in biotechnology. J. Aerosol Sci, 28, 483–492, 1997.
  • Rowe C.A., Tender L.M., Feldstein M.J., Array biosensor for simultaneous identification of bacterial, viral, andprotein analytes.Anal.Chem., 71, 3846–3852, 1999. Grow A.E., “Label free fingerprinting of pathogens by raman spectroscopy techniques” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 525-564, 2008.
  • Temur E., Boyacı İ.H., Tamer U., Ünsal H., Aydoğan N., A highly sensitive detection platform based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering for Escherichia coli enumeration. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 397, 1595-1604, 2010.
Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 0 - 0, 20.06.2013


Nowadays, the application areas of nano scale materials are increasing. In many studies the targeted diagnosis and distinguishing of food pathogens by attaching various ligands on nanoparticles are continuing to be investigated. Specially modified antibodies and immunologic methods are employed as ligands to select bacteria, viruses and toxins specifically and accurately to be attached to surfaces of nanoparticles. In recent years highly sensitive sensors have been produced for diagnosis of bacterial pathogens in foods. Poisonings caused by pathogens infecting via foods are generally caused by consumption of milk and its products, and meat and meat products. Even though contamination with food pathogens is a frequent and important problem for food industry, the protocols used for diagnosis of these organisms take a long time and are expensive. In conducted studies have targeted development of nanosensors that can diagnose these pathogens quickly and reliably. Diagnosis of bacteria quickly has important applications in not only food safety, but also in medical diagnosis, drug production, and fight against terror.


  • Hobson N.S., Tothill I.E., Turner A.P.F., Microbial detection.Biosens. Bioelectron., 11, 455477,1996.
  • Ivnitski D., Abdel-Hamid I., Atasanov P., Wilkins E., Biosensors for detection of pathogenic bacteria,Biosens. Bioelectron.,14, 599-624,1999.
  • Alocilja E., Muhammad-Tahir Z.,“Label-Free Microbial Biosensors” in principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and Microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S.,Turner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 377-413, 2008.
  • Shimizu K., Chinzei I., Nishiyama H., Kakimoto S., Sugaya S., Yokoi H.,Satsuma, A., Hydrogen sensor based on WO3subnano-clusters and Pt co-loaded on ZrO 2 . Sensor. Actuat. BChem,134,618-624, 2008.
  • Schultes G., Koppert R., Goettel D., Freitag-WeberO., ProbstA.C., Werner U.,New perspectives for pressure and force sensors thin films combining high gauge factor and lowTCR. Smart SensorsActuatorsandMEMS4, 7790-7797,2009
  • Asefa T., Duncan C.T.,Krishna K.S., Recent advances in nanostructured chemosensors and biosensors. Analyst, 134, 1980-1990, 2009.
  • Marquis B.J.,Love S.A., Braun K.L.Haynes C.L., Analytical methods to assess nanoparticle toxicity.Analyst, 134,425-439, 2009.
  • PortakalO., Bioassays and nanoparticles. Turk.J. Biochem.,33, 35-38, 2008.
  • Handley D.A.,Colloidal gold, principles, methods and applications. Academic Press, (Ed) Hayat, M.A.,Academic Press, San Diego, 1989. Daniel M., Astruc D., Gold nanoparticles: assembly, supramolecular chemistry, quantum-sizerelated properties, and applications toward biology, catalysis, and nanotechnology. Chem. Rev.,104, 293–346, 2004. Jain K.K., Nanodiagnostics: application of nanotechnology in molecular diagnostics. Expert. Rev.Mol.Diagn.,3, 153–161, 2003.
  • Patel P.D., Overview of affinity biosensors in food analysis. J. AOAC., 89, 805-818, 2006. Yousef A.E., “Detection of bacterial pathogens in different matrices: Current practices and challenges ” in principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 31-48, 200 Mead P.S., Slutsker L., Dietz V., McCaig L.F., Bresee J.S., Shapiro C., Griffin P.M., Tauxe, R.V. Food-related illness and death in the United States. Emerg. Infect. Dis., 5, 607–625, 1999. Wang C.,IrudayarajJ., Goldnanorodprobes forthe detection of multiple pathogens. Birck and NCN Publications, 12,2204-2208, 2008. Suo Z., Yang X., Avci R., Deliorman M., Rughelmore P., Pascaul D.W., Idzerda Y: Antibody selection for immobilizing living bacteria.Anal.Chem., 60, 7571-7578, 2009. ISO. Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogens. Part 1, 11290-11291,1996 Boujday S., Briandet R., Salmain M., Herry J.M., Marnet P.G., Gautier, M., Pradier, C.M., Detection of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by gold based immunosensors. Microchim. Acta, 163, 203-209, 2008. Gracias K.S.,McKillip J.L., A review of conventional detection and enumeration methods for pathogenic bacteria in food.Can. J. Microbiol.,50, 883–890, 2004.
  • (Ed) Amass, A. K.,Detection of significant bacterial pathogens and toxins of interest.Advances in Homeland Security,Purdue University Press, 1, 109-149, 2006.
  • Cheng V.C.C., Yew W.W.,Yuen K.Y., Molecular diagnostics in tuberculosis. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol.Infect.Dis., 24, 711–720, 2005. Sanvicens N., Pastells C., Pascual N.,Marco M.P.,Nanoparticle-based biosensors for detection of pathogenic bacteria. Trac-Trend Anal.Chem.,28, 1243-1252, 2009. Gu H., Xu K., Xu C., Xu B., Biofunctional magnetic nanoparticles for protein separation and pathogen detection. Chem.Commun. (Camb), 7, 941-949, 2006.
  • Banada P.P., Bhunia A.K. “Antibodies and immunoassays for detection of bacterial pathogens” in Principles of bacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems,(Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 567-602, 2008.
  • Liddell E., “Antibodies” in the immunoassay handbook, (Ed). Wild, D.,3ed., Elsevier, 2005.
  • Kovacs-Nolan J., Marshall P., Mine, Y., Advances in the value of egg and egg components for human health.J.Agric. Food.Chem.,53,8421–8431, 2005.
  • Bhunia, A.K., Antibodies to Listeria monocytogenes. Crit. Rev.Microbiol., 23, 77–107, 1997.
  • WarschkauH., Kiderlen, A.F., A monoclonal antibody directed against the murine macrophage surface molecule F4/80 modulates natural immune response to Listeria monocytogenes. J. Immunol., 163,3409-3416, 1999.
  • Zhao Z.J.,Liu, X.M., Preparation of monoclonal antibody and development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for Escherichia coli O157 in foods. Biomed. Environ.Sci., 18, 254–259, 2005.
  • Kim S.H., Park M.K., Kim J.Y., Chuong P.D., Lee Y.S., Yoon B.S., Hwang K.K., Lim Y.K., Development of a sandwich ELISA for the detection of Listeria spp. using specific flagella antibodies.J. Vet. Sci., 6, 41–602005.
  • Hearty S., Leonard P., Quinn J., O‟Kennedy R.,Production, characterisation and potential application of a novel monoclonal antibody for rapid identification of virulent Listeria monocytogenes. J.Microbiol.Methods, 66, 294–312, 2006. Thirumalapura N.R., Morton R.J., RamachandranA.,Malayer J.R.,Lipopolysaccharide microarrays for the detection of antibodies. J.Immunol. Methods , 298, 73–81, 2005 Bhunia A.K., Johnson M.G.,Monoclonal antibody specific for Listeria monocytogenes associated with 66-kDa cell surface antigen.Appl. Environ.Microbiol.,58, 1924–1929, 1992. Sun S., Zeng H.,Size-controlled synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 8204, 2002. Luo P.G., Stutzenberger F.J.,Nanotechnology in the detection and control of microorganisms. Adv. Appl. Microbiol., 63, 145-181, 2008. Yang H.H., Zhang S.Q., Chen X.L., Zhuang Z.X., Xu J.G., Wang X.R.,Magnetite-containing spherical silica nanoparticles for biocatalysis and bioseparations,Anal. Chem., 76, 1316-1321, 200 Hnaiein M., Hassen W.M., Abdelghani A., Fournier-Wirth C., Coste J., Bessueille., F., Leonard D., Jaffezic-Renault N.A.,A conductometric immunosensor based on functionalized magnetite nanoparticles for E. coli detection, Electrochem.Commun., 10, 1152-1154, 2008.
  • Yang H., Qu L., Wimbrow A.N., Jiang X.,Sun Y.,Rapid detection ofListeria monocytogenes by nanoparticle-based immunomagnetic separation and real-time PCR, Int. J. Food Microbiol,118,132-138, 2007. Pharmeuropha. In,Alternative methods for control of microbiological quality. 16, 555–565, 200 Kretzer J.W., Biebl M., Miller S., “Sample preparation: An essential prerequisite for high quality Bacteria detection” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and Microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 15-30, 200
  • Haik Y., Sawafta R., Ciubotani I., Quablan A., Tan E.L., Ong K.G., “Magnetic techniques for rapid detection of pathogens” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 415-458, 2008.
  • Moldenhauer J.,YvonP.,“Environmental monitoring using Scan RDI Polym‟air” in, Environmental Monitoring: A Comprehensive Handbook(Ed) Moldenhauer, J., 2, 249-260, 200 Yeh K.S., Tsai C.E., Chen S.P.,Liao C.W.,Comparison between VIDAS automatic enzymelinked fluorescent immunoassay and culture method for Salmonella recovery from pork carcass sponge samples. J. Food Prot., 65, 1656–1659, 2002.
  • Haggerty T.D., Perry S., Sanchez L., Perez-Perez G., ParsonnetJ., Significance of transiently positive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay results in detection of helicobacter pylori in stool samples from children. J. Clin.Microbiol., 43,2220–2223, 2005.
  • Speight S.E., Hallis B.A., Bennett A.M., Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of airborne microorganisms used in biotechnology. J. Aerosol Sci, 28, 483–492, 1997.
  • Rowe C.A., Tender L.M., Feldstein M.J., Array biosensor for simultaneous identification of bacterial, viral, andprotein analytes.Anal.Chem., 71, 3846–3852, 1999. Grow A.E., “Label free fingerprinting of pathogens by raman spectroscopy techniques” in Principles ofbacterial detection: biosensors, recognition receptors and microsystems, (Ed) Zourob, M., Elwary, S. andTurner,A., Springer, New York, USA, 525-564, 2008.
  • Temur E., Boyacı İ.H., Tamer U., Ünsal H., Aydoğan N., A highly sensitive detection platform based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering for Escherichia coli enumeration. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 397, 1595-1604, 2010.
There are 27 citations in total.


Journal Section Biyoloji

Hande Yeğenoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 20, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Yeğenoğlu, H. (2013). Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1).
AMA Yeğenoğlu H. Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı. nufbed. June 2013;2(1).
Chicago Yeğenoğlu, Hande. “Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı”. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2, no. 1 (June 2013).
EndNote Yeğenoğlu H (June 1, 2013) Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2 1
IEEE H. Yeğenoğlu, “Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı”, nufbed, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013.
ISNAD Yeğenoğlu, Hande. “Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı”. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2/1 (June 2013).
JAMA Yeğenoğlu H. Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı. nufbed. 2013;2.
MLA Yeğenoğlu, Hande. “Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı”. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013.
Vancouver Yeğenoğlu H. Gıda Patojenlerinin Tanısında Kullanılan NanoBoyutlu İmmünosensör Tasarımı. nufbed. 2013;2(1).