In this research, we shed light on the most important stylistic phenomena that shaped women's features in the poetic collection of “The Snakes of Paradise” by the poet Ilyas Abu Shabakah.
I chose this poetic collection because it contains a drawing of the woman who destroyed the image of the ideal woman in the thought of Abu Shabakah.
This research is based on the expanded induction of the group, and adopted the stylistic approach in study, approach and analysis.The research concluded with several results, and in its conclusion proved a statistic of the many words in the group that distinguish them from others, and showed the psychological connotations that were planned by the stylistic phenomena with artistic tools.
Stylistics, as a method of reading the text, occupies an important rank in the scale of ranks occupied by the angles of modern critical consideration. The idea of style is an old idea dating back to the beginning of European literary thinking, and its association with rhetoric more than its association with poetry is due to the fact that style has been studied as an element of influence in rhetoric, so it received a kind of special contemplation.
Stylistic research is based on a deep linguistic study of literary texts. This approach found its way after the dominance of impressionistic research in the study of literature on the critical arena.
The most important fields of modern stylistics are identified in the study of the author's style, the style of a particular school, or the study of the style of a particular era. As for the stylistic features, some scholars call them stylistic indicators, and they define them as those linguistic elements that appear only in a specific contextual group, in proportions that vary in frequency from one case to another. The difference between stylistics and stylistics is that stylistics is the writer's way of expressing a position, and expressing his literary personality... Stylistics is the science of studying style.
The poet around whom this study revolves is an honest poet, and he is the free witness to his era and society, the poet who rebelled against literary theories and schools. It was and still is the subject of admiration for the Arab reader. We should mention that he left to the Arab library many of his valuable works and collections of poetry .The poet in this study adores beauty wherever it is found, so it is not surprising that he adores it in women, and if we searched for women in his poetry and writings, we found her in her two faces: the prostitute woman and the pure woman. He always associated this woman with the devil, the snake, darkness, shame, and so on, and he did not stop reprimanding her and giving her lessons in chastity. This work is one poem in thirteen pieces of poetry, which he composed in the period between (1928-1938). The study of stylistic phenomena reflects the poet's poetics and his ability to present his visions.
After this short excursion in the poetic group that I studied in this research, I found that the poet proved an outstanding ability to present his philosophical vision towards women, and he wanted to call her to renounce corruption and sin and to be characterized by the purity that befits her, and he rebuked and disciplined her by shedding light on the horror and ugliness of what sin brings upon her. from pests, and it was issued in all of this from a sincere spirit that pushes towards idealism and morals, and from a spirit that truly lived the emotional experience. The research also concluded that the poet is superior to others with distinction, so one collection of his poetry is sufficient to build his own poetic lexicon, due to its attributional, semantic, and syntactic shifts. The poet was able to include stylistic phenomena, such as intertextuality, parallelism and repetition, displacement in its various forms, paradox, and antithesis, in addition to color spaces; To clarify his intent and draw artistic paintings for the readers that suggest the desired goal of the poetic collection, and confirm the importance of the message he wanted to deliver to the recipients.
Üslupbilimsel özellikler İlyas Ebu Şebeke Üslupbilimsel inceleme Firdevsin Yılanları Kadın. stylistic phenomena - Elias Abu Shabakah - stylistic study - snakes of paradise - women.
Üslupbilimsel özellikler İlyas Ebu Şebeke Üslupbilimsel inceleme Firdevsin Yılanları Kadın.
نُلقي الضَّوءَ في هذا البحثِ على أهمِّ الظَّواهر الأسلوبيَّة التي رسمت ملامحَ المرأةِ في مجموعة (أفاعي الفردوس) الشِّعريّة للشَّاعر إلياس أبي شبكة، وقد اخترتُ هذه المجموعة الشِّعريَّة لأنها تحمل في طَيَّاتها رسماً للمرأة التي حطَّمت صورة المرأة المثال في فكر أبي شبكة، وصورة المرأة التي أنّبها وأدّبها بِكَشفِ الغِطاء عن مَثالِبِها.
وسبب مقاربة هذه المجموعة الشِّعرية مقاربةً أُسلوبيَّة هو أنَّ أحداً لم يدرس تفصيل الظَّواهر الأسلوبيَّة فيها باستقراء تامّ أو مُوسَّع، وهذا ما عمدت إليه في دراستي، إذ استقرأت بعض الظَّواهر الأسلوبيَّة في المجموعة استقراء تامّاً كالتّكرار والمفارقة، واستقرأتُ بعضها استقراءً موسَّعًا لأنَّ البحث يضيق عن استيعابها باستقراءٍ تامّ كالانزياح.
وخَلُصَ البحثُ إلى نتائج عدّة، وأثبتُّ في ختامه إحصائيّة للألفاظ التي كَثُرت في المجموعة كَثْرَةً تُمَيِّزُها مِن غيرها، وبيّنتُ ما لذلك من دلالاتٍ نفسيّة خطَّتها الظَّواهر الأسلوبيَّة بأدواتٍ فنِّيّة وعبقريّة فذّة.
Üslupbilimsel özellikler İlyas Ebu Şebeke Üslupbilimsel inceleme Firdevsin Yılanları Kadın. ظواهر أسلوبيَّة- إلياس أبو شبكة- دراسة أسلوبيَّة- أفاعي الفردوس- المرأة
Bu araştırmada İlyas Ebû Şebeke’nin “Firdevsin Yılanları” adlı şiir mecmuasında kadının karakteristik özelliklerini betimlemede kullandığı üslup özelliklerine ışık tutulacaktır. Bu mecmuayı seçmemin nedeni, mecmuanın satır aralarında, Ebû Şebeke’nin ideal kadın portresini yerle bir eden bir kadın betimi bulunuyor olmasıdır. Ebû Şebeke bu kadının kötülüklerini açığa çıkararak onu kınar ve yola getirmeye çalışır.
Kadın konusu çağlar boyunca kalpler üzerinde baskınlığını sürdürmüş, ruhlar bu konunun gizemli yönlerini gün yüzüne çıkarma özlemi duymuştur. Ebû Şebeke, ilgili mecmuasıyla destekleyici ve karşıt birçok görüşün duyarlılığını harekete geçirmiştir. Bununla beraber çok sayıda eleştirmenden “mecmuanın modern Arap şiirinin en önemli eserleri arasında yer aldığı” itirafını çekip almayı da başarmıştır.
Mecmuanın üslupbilimsel değerlendirmeyle ele alınmasının sebebi, birçok araştırmacının ilgisine konu olmasına rağmen üslupbilimsel özelliklerinin tam veya eksik tümevarıma dayanan bir incelemesinin yapılmamış olmasıdır. Çalışmamda bunu gerçekleştirmeyi amaçladım. Mecmuada yer alan tekrar ve ironi gibi bazı üslup özelliklerini tam tümevarımla inceledim. Dil sapması gibi bazı özellikleri ise araştırmanın sınırları elverişli olmadığı için eksik tümevarımla inceledim. Bu nedenle bu araştırmanın, mecmuanın büyük ölçüde eksik tümevarım yöntemiyle tetkikine dayandığını söylemek mümkündür. İnceleme, değerlendirme ve analizde ise üslupbilimsel yöntem esas alınmıştır.
Ebû Şebeke’nin zihin dünyasına hakim olan, iffet ve fahişelik arasında gidip gelen kadın portresinin betiminde rol oynayan bazı üslupbilimsel özelliklerin incelenmesinin ardından araştırma birçok sonuca ulaşarak tamamlanmıştır. Ayrıca araştırmanın sonunda, mecmuada belirgin bir sıklıkla kullanılan sözcüklere ilişkin bir istatistik verilmiş, bu kullanım sıklığının psikolojik gönderimleri olduğu ve üslupbilimsel özelliklerin sanatsal araçlar ve eşsiz bir başarı ile bu gönderimleri görünür hale getirdiği ortaya konmuştur.
Üslupbilimsel özellikler İlyas Ebu Şebeke Üslupbilimsel inceleme Firdevsin Yılanları Kadın.
Primary Language | Arabic |
Subjects | Literary Studies |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2023 |
Submission Date | January 5, 2023 |
Acceptance Date | June 5, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023 |