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Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1961 - 1971, 01.04.2011


Örgütsel davrany?lar güç ili?kilerine göre ?ekillenmekte ve bütün sosyal ili?kiler bir çe?it güç ili?kisini yansytmaktadyr. Güç türünden ve onu kullanandan ba?ymsyz olarak her örgütsel etkinli?in arka planynda bir tür güç ili?kisini görmek mümkündür. . Bu anlamda güç, bireylerin sosyal ya?amda di?er insanlary etkilemek için kullandyklary yetenek olarak tanymlanmaktadyr. Gücü kullanan ki?inin tarzyna, çaly?anlarla olan ileti?im biçimine ve örgüt iklimine göre farkly synyflandyrmalara ayrylan güç konusu, genel anlamda karizmatik, yasal ve geleneksel güç türleri ?eklinde alt kategorilere ayrylabildi?i gibi daha ayryntyly olarak ödül, zorlayycy, yasal, karizmatik, uzmanlyk ve bilgi güç türleri ?eklinde synyflandyrmalara da tabi tutulmu?tur. Bu çaly?mada geçmi?ten günümüze kadar örgütsel ya?amda geçerli olan güç ili?kileri irdelenmekte ve teorik bir çerçeve sunulmasy amaçlanmaktadyr.


Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1961 - 1971, 01.04.2011


Organizational behaviour could be understood around some key concepts perhaps one of the most critical of which is social power. Regardless of the power holder and power types, social power could be prevalent for any types of organizations if something is being performed. Although social power have begun to formulate since 20th. century, people in the past, especially governor or forerunner of society, had also used power sources to affect each other some of the most widespread of which are charismatic and traditional authority. In modern and postmodern management world, more interactive, communicative and humanistic power types have become prominent to appeal the members of the organizations where as bureaucratic and mechanic types were prevalent at the beginning of former century. This article have intended to analyse social power types formulated by scholars from past to now briefly.

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Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Educational Sciences

Engin Aslanargun This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Aslanargun, E. (2011). SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE. Education Sciences, 6(3), 1961-1971. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739
AMA Aslanargun E. SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE. Education Sciences. April 2011;6(3):1961-1971. doi:10.12739/10.12739
Chicago Aslanargun, Engin. “SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE”. Education Sciences 6, no. 3 (April 2011): 1961-71. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739.
EndNote Aslanargun E (April 1, 2011) SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE. Education Sciences 6 3 1961–1971.
IEEE E. Aslanargun, “SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE”, Education Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1961–1971, 2011, doi: 10.12739/10.12739.
ISNAD Aslanargun, Engin. “SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE”. Education Sciences 6/3 (April 2011), 1961-1971. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739.
JAMA Aslanargun E. SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE. Education Sciences. 2011;6:1961–1971.
MLA Aslanargun, Engin. “SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE”. Education Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3, 2011, pp. 1961-7, doi:10.12739/10.12739.
Vancouver Aslanargun E. SOCIAL POWER IN ORGANIZATIONS: A THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE. Education Sciences. 2011;6(3):1961-7.