Kriyostat, acil cerrahi biyopsilerin mikroskobik olarak incelenebilmesi için elde edilecek kesitlerin hazyrlanmasynda kullanylan bir cihazdyr. So?uk alan içerisine yerle?tirilmi? bir çe?it rotary mikrotom yapysyndadyr. Dondurularak alynan kesitlerin ototeknikon takibi gerektirmeksizin hemen boyanarak y?yk mikroskobunda incelenebilmesi olana?y vermesi cihazyn en büyük avantajlarydyr. Dezavantajlary ise rotary mikrotoma göre pahaly ve ta?ynmalarynyn zor olmasydyr. Ayryca kullanylabilecek çaly?ma sycaklyk de?erine ula?masy uzun zaman almaktadyr. Bu çaly?mada rotary microtoma termoelektrik sistem yardymyyla, kriyostat özelli?i kazandyrylmy?tyr. Gerçekle?tirilen sistem dokuyu çok kysa zamanda dondurma ve kesme özelli?ine sahiptir. Ayryca hafif oldu?undan kolayca ta?ynabilmektedir. Bu sayede Kriyostat cihazynyn dezavantajlary ortadan kaldyrylmy?tyr. Gerçekle?tirilen sistemin performans analizi Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Typ Fakültesi Patoloji A.D'da yapylmy?tyr.
Cryostat is a device used in the preparation of fractions to be gained in order to be researched in emergency surgical biopsy as microscopic. It is structured as a kind of rotary microtome replaced in the cool area. That the device enables to research cooled fractions without taking tissue tracking in light microscope by painting immediately is one of the most significant advantage of the device. As to disadvantages of the device are their costliness and hard mobilization comparing with rotary microtome. Besides it takes long time to reach operating temperature value. In this study, cryostat feature has been gained to rotary microtome by means of thermoelectric system. Performed system has the feature of freezing and cutting tissues in a very short time. Besides it can be moved easily owing to being very light. By this way, disadvantages of the cryostat device have been annihilated. Performance analysis of performed system has been made in Selcuk University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Pathology
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Computer Engineering |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 |