In this research, need to determine the nature of the technical elements were studied in the construction sector companies. For t is aim, the advertisements which printed in the newspaper Hürriyet's addition Humann Resours'64 copies which published between 03.02.2008 and 19.04.2009 by construction firms, investigated. Some of the issues in this advertisements are; announcement dates, customs declaration to the poster companies, announced languages, candidates will be evaluated in the position of the company, sought specific fields, candidates will be working places (inland, abroad, requested to use computer software, to have the desired duration of professional experience, desired to know foreign languages, age limits, the preferred gender, veteran status preferred and driver's license has been like want. Acquired findings are expressed with the help of charts and figures.
Bu ara?tyrmada in?aat sektöründe çaly?an firmalaryn ihtiyaç duydu?u teknik elemanlaryn nitelikleri belirlenmeye çaly?ylmy?tyr. Bu amaçla Hürriyet Gazetesi, Ynsan Kaynaklary Eki'nin 03.02.2008 ile 19.04.2009 tarihleri arasyndaki 64 nüshasynda, in?aat firmalarynyn verdikleri Yn?aat Teknikerli?i i? ilanlary incelenmi?tir. Bu ilanlarda incelenen konulardan bazylary; ilan tarihleri, ilan adetleri, ilan veren ?irketler, ilan dilleri, adaylaryn firmalarda de?erlendirilece?i pozisyonlar, aranan uzmanlyk alanlary, adaylar, çaly?ylacak yerler (yurt içi, yurt dy?y), kullanylmasy istenen bilgisayar yazylymlary, sahip olunmasy istenen mesleki tecrübe süreleri, bilinmesi istenen yabancy diller, ya? synyrlary, tercih edilen cinsiyetler, tercih edilen askerlik durumlary ve sürücü belgesine sahip olunmasynyn istenip istenmedi?idir. Edinilen bulgular çizelge ve ?ekiller yardymyyla ifade edilmi?tir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Computer Engineering |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 1, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 |