Carried out to test the effectiveness of Cooperative Teaching Method in the Visual Arts course of this research; 2008-2009 academic period, the visual arts classrooms, a primary school, 6 grade students, 2 groups of students was tested on a total of 63 subjects. One of the experimental groups created through random sampling, the other one, has been appointed as the control group. Participants in the experimental procedure before and after the measurement of the dependent variables were subjected. Method of Teaching Cooperative activities in the experimental group underwent the same unit in the control group are given on the activities of the traditional teaching method. 6 students during the activities of Cooperative Teaching Method In addition to the expected gains of applying class solidarity, sharing, such as gains in aesthetic thinking was reached.
Görsel Sanatlar dersinde Y?birlikli Ö?retme Yönteminin etkilili?ini synamak amacyyla yapylan bu ara?tyrma; 2008-2009 e?itim-ö?retim döneminde, görsel sanatlar dersli?i olan bir ilkö?retim okulunda, 6. synyf ö?rencilerinden 2 grup olmak üzere toplam 63 denek ö?renci üzerinde uygulanmy?tyr. Seçkisiz örnekleme yoluyla olu?turulan gruplardan birisi deney, di?eri ise; kontrol grubu olarak atanmy?tyr. Katylymcylar deneysel i?lemden önce ve sonra ba?ymly de?i?kenlerle ilgili olarak ölçüme tabi tutulmu?lardyr. Deney grubunda Y?birlikli Ö?retme Yöntemi etkinlikleri uygulanyrken, kontrol grubunda ise ayny üniteye ili?kin geleneksel ö?retim yöntemi etkinliklerine yer verilmi?tir. Y?birlikli Ö?retme Yöntemi etkinlikleri syrasynda ö?rencilerin 6. synyf kazanymlaryna ilave olarak uygulamadan beklenen yardymla?ma, payla?ma, estetik dü?ünme gibi kazanymlara da ula?tyklary görülmü?tür.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Interior Architecture |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 1, 2011 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 |