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Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 333 - 346, 01.05.2010


Logo is the door of a foundation, a product or a service which opens to public. Also, logo is a global language which distinguishes it from the others and similar ones, provides respect, which is original, remarkable, aesthetic, classified, available to be used in every sort of advertisement materials and which includes typographic experiments.This global language makes it an indispensable item among the means of visual communication because it reflects the identity of foundation. As the logos which reflect the visual identities of every foundation,product or service are different from each other, the logos of the winter olympic games which take place in specific periods will be different as well. What makes the logos original is the reflection of the content of the foundation, company or organization with an aesthetic and understandable language. Every country who organizes the olympics have made up his own logo which symbolises his own olympic identity since 1920 when the olympic identity came up and 1924 when the first winter olympic games took place in Chamonix region, France. With this research, 20 logos which symbolise the winter olmypics have been examined if they reflect the properties of the country, city and organization in which the games take place with their shape,colour and meaning; and their typogapy and stylistic regulations have been examined aesthetically. Also, the features -which the logos are required to have – have been determined and advises have come up with the critics that came with the result of the research.


Year 2010, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 333 - 346, 01.05.2010


Logo, bir kurumun, bir ürünün veya hizmetin kamuoyuna açylan yüzüdür. Ayryca logo, onu di?erleri ile benzerlerinden ayyrt edilmesini sa?layan ve ona saygynlyk kazandyran; özgün, dikkat çekici, estetik, hizmete özel ve her türlü reklam araçlarynda kullanylabilen ve uygulanabilen, tipografik deneyler içeren, evrensel bir dildir. Bu evrensel dil onu kurum kimli?ini yansytmasy açysyndan görsel ileti?im araçlary arasynda vazgeçilmez bir ö?e olmasyny sa?lamaktadyr. Her kurum, ürün veya hizmetin görsel kimliklerini yansytan logolary nasyl birbirlerinden farkly ise ayny durum belirli periyotlar dahilinde devam eden ky? olimpiyat oyunlarynyn logolary için de geçerlidir. Logolary özgün kylan ?ey kurumun, firmanyn veya organizasyonun içeri?inin estetik ve anla?ylyr bir dille yansytylmasydyr. 1920 yylynda olimpik kimli?in olu?masy ve ilk ky? olimpiyat oyunlarynyn 1924 yylynda Fransa'nyn Chamonix bölgesinde düzenlenmi? olmasyndan bu yana, olimpiyatlary düzenleyen her ülke, kendi olimpik kimliklerini sembolize eden logolar olu?turmu?lardyr. Bu ara?tyrma kapsamynda ky? olimpiyatlaryny sembolize eden 20 logo, oyunlaryn yapyldy?y ülke, kent ve organizasyonun özelliklerini biçim, renk ve anlam bakymyndan yansytyp yansytmady?y; tipografi ve biçimsel düzenlemeleri ise estetik nitelik açysyndan irdelenmi?tir. Ayryca ky? olimpiyat oyunlary logolarynda bulunmasy gereken özellikler belirlenmi? ve ara?tyrma sunucunda getirilen ele?tiriler do?rultusunda öneriler geli?tirilmi?tir.

There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Interior Architecture

Levent Mercin This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 4


APA Mercin, L. (2010). KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY. Fine Arts, 5(4), 333-346. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739
AMA Mercin L. KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY. Fine Arts. May 2010;5(4):333-346. doi:10.12739/10.12739
Chicago Mercin, Levent. “KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY”. Fine Arts 5, no. 4 (May 2010): 333-46. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739.
EndNote Mercin L (May 1, 2010) KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY. Fine Arts 5 4 333–346.
IEEE L. Mercin, “KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY”, Fine Arts, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 333–346, 2010, doi: 10.12739/10.12739.
ISNAD Mercin, Levent. “KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY”. Fine Arts 5/4 (May 2010), 333-346. https://doi.org/10.12739/10.12739.
MLA Mercin, Levent. “KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY”. Fine Arts, vol. 5, no. 4, 2010, pp. 333-46, doi:10.12739/10.12739.
Vancouver Mercin L. KI? OLYMPYYAT OYUNLARI LOGOLARININ ANALYZY. Fine Arts. 2010;5(4):333-46.