Year 2013,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 01.02.2013
Hasan Güllüpunar
Emre Ş. Aslan
Ersin Diker
Seçmen tercihleri çok sayıda faktör tarafından etkilenmektedir. Bu faktörlerden birinin de oy pusulaları olduğu söylenebilir. Dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde yapılan bir çok araştırmada bu etki ortaya konmuştur. Bazı çalışmalarda oy pusulalarındaki aday fotoğrafının, bazılarında yazılı vaatlerin, bazılarında parti logolarının ve bazılarında ise adayların oy pusulasındaki sırasının seçmenleri etkileyebileceği görülmüştür. Ancak Türkiye`de oy pusulaları üzerine yapılan çalışmaların yok denecek kadar az olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışma Gümüşhane merkez bölgesinde bulunan seçmenlerin katılımı ile oy pusulalarındaki aday isimlerinin seçmen tercihleri üzerindeki etkilerini ele almaktadır. Diğer bir anlatımla Türkiye Cumhuriyeti seçim kanununda belirtilen kurallara göre tasarlanan oy pusulasında yapılacak aday merkezli değişikliklerin seçmen tercihlerini nasıl etkilediği üzerinde durulmaktadır. Türkiye 2011 Milletvekili Genel Seçimleri öncesinde gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma seçmenlerin adayları tanıyor olmasına rağmen; oy pusulasında bulunan parti logosunun, parti isminin ve parti genel başkan isminin aday listelerine göre seçmen tercihi bakımından daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.
- Anık, C., (2000). Siyasal İkna. Ankara: Vadi Yayınları.
- Balcı, Ş.; Akar, H. VE Ayhan, B., (2011). Televizyon ve Seçmen İlişkisini Yeniden Düşünmek: 2009 Yerel Seçimlerinde İzleyici Motivasyonları. Selçuk İletişim: Volume:6, Number:2, pp:48-63.
- Banducci, S.A., Karp, J.A., Thrasher, M., and Rallings, C., (2008). Ballot Photographs as Cues in Low-Information Election. Political Psychology: Volume:26, Number:6, pp:903-917.
- Berggren, N., Jordahl, H., and Poutvaara, P., (2010). The Looks of Winner: Beauty and Electoral Success. Journal of Public Economics: Volume:94, pp:8-15.
- Brook, D. and Upton, G.J.G., (1974). Biases in Local Government Election Due to Position on the Ballot Paper. Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Volume:23, Number:3, pp:414-419.
- Buckley, F., Collins, N., and Reidy, T., (2007). Ballot Paper Photographs and Low-Information Elections in Ireland. Politics: Volume:27, Number:3, pp:174-181.
- Chiao, J.Y., Bowman, N.E., and Gill, H., (2008). The Political Gender Gap: Gender Biar in Facial Inferences That Predict Voting Behavior. PloS ONE: Volume:3, Number:10, pp:1-7.
- Devran, Y., (2007). 22 Temmuz Bir Dönemin Sonu mu, Başlangıcı mı?. İstanbul: Sam Yayınları.
- Eroğul, C., (1991). Devlet Yönetimine Katılma Hakkı. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
- Faurie, L.M. and Froneman, J.D., (2001). Political Posters on the Road to Democracy: A Case Study of Two Elections Campaigns in the Nort West Province. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies: Voluma:22, Numbar:2, pp. 177-195.
- Finkelstein, J., (2007). Art of Self Invention: Image and Identity in Popular Visual Culture. London GBR: I B Tauris.
- Güllüpunar, H., (2010). Siyasal İletişim ve Aday İmajı. Konya: Eğitim Akademi Yayınları.
- Hart, W., Ottati, V.C., and Krumdick, N.D., (2011). Physical Attractiveness and Candidate Evaluation: A Model of Correction. Political Psychology: Volume:23, Number:2, pp:181-203.
- Hoegg, J. and Lewis, M.V., (2011). The Impact Candidate of Appearance and Advertising Strategies on Election Results. Journal of Marketing Research: Volume: 48, Number:5, pp:895-909.
- http://www.ysk.gov.tr/ysk/docs/2011MilletvekiliSecimi/KesinSonuc l ar/gumushane.pdf, accessed: 10.08.2012.
- Johns, R. and Shephard, M., (2011). Facing the Voters: The Potantial Impact of Ballot Paper Photograph in British Elections. Political Studies: Volume:59, pp:636 - 658.
- Kalender, A., (2002). Seçmenin Karar Sürecinde İletişim Araç ve Yöntemlerinin Önemi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Selçuk İletişim: Volume:2, Number:4, pp:30-41.
- Kalender, A., (2005). Siyasal İletişim: Seçmenler ve İkna Stratejileri. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
- Kelley, J. and Mcallister, I., (1984). Ballot Paper Cues the Vote Australia and Britain: Alphabetic Voting, Sex and Title. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:48, Number:2, pp:452-466.
- Kimball, D.C. and Kropf, M., (2005). Ballot Design and Unrecorded Votes on Paper-Based Ballots. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:69, Number:4, pp:508-529.
- Leigh, A. and Susilo, T., (2009). Is Voting Skin-Deep? Estimating the Affect of Candidate Ballot Photographs on Election Outcomes. Journal of Economic Psychology: Volume:30, pp:61-70.
- Lenz, G.S. and Lawson, C., (2011). Looking the Part: Television Leads Less Informed Citizens to Vote Based on Candidates’ Appearance. American Journal of Political Science: Volume:55, Number:3, pp:574-589.
- Little, A.C., Burriss, R.P., Jones, B.C., and Roberts S.C., (2007). Facial Appearance Effects Voting Decisions. Evaluation and Human Behavior: Volume:28, pp:18-27.
- Polat, C., Gürbüz, E. ve İnal, M.E., (2004). Hedef: Seçmen Siyasal Pazarlama Yaklaşımı. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
- Reilly, S., (2011). Outdoor Advertising. (Ed. Robert Mann, David D. Perlmutter). Political Communication: LSU Press, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, pp.106-111.
- Reynolds, A. and Steenbergen, M., (2006). How the World Votes? The Political Consequences of Ballot Design, Innovation and Manipulation. Electoral Studies: Volume: 25, pp:570-598.
- Rosenberg, S.W., Bohan, L., MacCafferty, P., and Harris, K., (1986). The Image and the Vote: The Effect of Candidate Presentation on Voter Preference. American Journal of Political Science: Volume: 30, Number:1, pp. 108-127.
- Rosenberg, S.W. and McCafferty, P., (2001). The Image and The Vote: Manipulating Voters’ Preferences. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:51, pp:31-47.
- Schill, D., (2012). The Visual Image and the Political Image: A Review of Visual Communication Research in the Field of Political Communication. Review of Communication: Volume:12 Number:2, pp. 118-142.
- Schubert, J.N., Curran, M.A., and Strungaru, C., (2011). Physical Attractiveness, Issue Aggreement and Assimilation Effects in Candidate Appraisal. Politic and the Life Science: Volume:30, Number:1, pp:33-49.
- Spezio, M.L., Rangel, A., Alvarez, R.M., Q’doherty, J.P.; Mattes, K., Kim, H., and Adolphs, R., (2008). A Neural Basis for the Effect on Candidate Appearance on Election Outcomes. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Volume:3, Number:4, pp:344-32.
- Upton, G.J.G. and Brook, D., (1975). The Determination of the Optimum Position on a Ballot Paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Volume:24(3), pp:279-287.
- Uztuğ, F., (2004). Siyasal İletişim Yönetimi. İstanbul: MediaCat Yayınları.
- Wood, J., Badawood, D., Dykes, J., and Slingsby, A., (2011). Ballotmaps: Detection Name Bias in Alphabetically Ordered Ballot Papers. Visualisation and Computer Graphics I EEE Transaction on: Volume: 17, Number:12, pp:2384-2391.
Year 2013,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 01.02.2013
Hasan Güllüpunar
Emre Ş. Aslan
Ersin Diker
Voters` choices are influenced by many factors. It is possible to say that one of these factors are ballot papers. Quite a few researches conducted in various parts of the world have revealed this impact. Some studies have shown that the candidate`s photograph on the ballot paper and on some ballot papers the candidate`s written promises as well as the party logo and the candidate`s sequence number may also affect voters. However, it can be said that hardly any studies on ballot papers have been conducted in Turkey. This study deals with voters` participation resident in the central part of Gumushane and the impact that candidates` names on ballot papers have on voters. In order words, the main focus is going to be on how the candidate-centric modifications on ballot papers that are designed according the Election Law of the Republic of Turkey affect voters` choices. This study conducted prior to the parliamentary election in 2011 regarding Turkish voter`s perception showed that even though voters gain familiarity with the candidates, the illustration of the party logo, the party`s name and the party leader`s name on ballot papers had a bigger impact on the voters` choices than slates.
- Anık, C., (2000). Siyasal İkna. Ankara: Vadi Yayınları.
- Balcı, Ş.; Akar, H. VE Ayhan, B., (2011). Televizyon ve Seçmen İlişkisini Yeniden Düşünmek: 2009 Yerel Seçimlerinde İzleyici Motivasyonları. Selçuk İletişim: Volume:6, Number:2, pp:48-63.
- Banducci, S.A., Karp, J.A., Thrasher, M., and Rallings, C., (2008). Ballot Photographs as Cues in Low-Information Election. Political Psychology: Volume:26, Number:6, pp:903-917.
- Berggren, N., Jordahl, H., and Poutvaara, P., (2010). The Looks of Winner: Beauty and Electoral Success. Journal of Public Economics: Volume:94, pp:8-15.
- Brook, D. and Upton, G.J.G., (1974). Biases in Local Government Election Due to Position on the Ballot Paper. Journal of Royal Statistical Society: Volume:23, Number:3, pp:414-419.
- Buckley, F., Collins, N., and Reidy, T., (2007). Ballot Paper Photographs and Low-Information Elections in Ireland. Politics: Volume:27, Number:3, pp:174-181.
- Chiao, J.Y., Bowman, N.E., and Gill, H., (2008). The Political Gender Gap: Gender Biar in Facial Inferences That Predict Voting Behavior. PloS ONE: Volume:3, Number:10, pp:1-7.
- Devran, Y., (2007). 22 Temmuz Bir Dönemin Sonu mu, Başlangıcı mı?. İstanbul: Sam Yayınları.
- Eroğul, C., (1991). Devlet Yönetimine Katılma Hakkı. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
- Faurie, L.M. and Froneman, J.D., (2001). Political Posters on the Road to Democracy: A Case Study of Two Elections Campaigns in the Nort West Province. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies: Voluma:22, Numbar:2, pp. 177-195.
- Finkelstein, J., (2007). Art of Self Invention: Image and Identity in Popular Visual Culture. London GBR: I B Tauris.
- Güllüpunar, H., (2010). Siyasal İletişim ve Aday İmajı. Konya: Eğitim Akademi Yayınları.
- Hart, W., Ottati, V.C., and Krumdick, N.D., (2011). Physical Attractiveness and Candidate Evaluation: A Model of Correction. Political Psychology: Volume:23, Number:2, pp:181-203.
- Hoegg, J. and Lewis, M.V., (2011). The Impact Candidate of Appearance and Advertising Strategies on Election Results. Journal of Marketing Research: Volume: 48, Number:5, pp:895-909.
- http://www.ysk.gov.tr/ysk/docs/2011MilletvekiliSecimi/KesinSonuc l ar/gumushane.pdf, accessed: 10.08.2012.
- Johns, R. and Shephard, M., (2011). Facing the Voters: The Potantial Impact of Ballot Paper Photograph in British Elections. Political Studies: Volume:59, pp:636 - 658.
- Kalender, A., (2002). Seçmenin Karar Sürecinde İletişim Araç ve Yöntemlerinin Önemi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Selçuk İletişim: Volume:2, Number:4, pp:30-41.
- Kalender, A., (2005). Siyasal İletişim: Seçmenler ve İkna Stratejileri. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
- Kelley, J. and Mcallister, I., (1984). Ballot Paper Cues the Vote Australia and Britain: Alphabetic Voting, Sex and Title. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:48, Number:2, pp:452-466.
- Kimball, D.C. and Kropf, M., (2005). Ballot Design and Unrecorded Votes on Paper-Based Ballots. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:69, Number:4, pp:508-529.
- Leigh, A. and Susilo, T., (2009). Is Voting Skin-Deep? Estimating the Affect of Candidate Ballot Photographs on Election Outcomes. Journal of Economic Psychology: Volume:30, pp:61-70.
- Lenz, G.S. and Lawson, C., (2011). Looking the Part: Television Leads Less Informed Citizens to Vote Based on Candidates’ Appearance. American Journal of Political Science: Volume:55, Number:3, pp:574-589.
- Little, A.C., Burriss, R.P., Jones, B.C., and Roberts S.C., (2007). Facial Appearance Effects Voting Decisions. Evaluation and Human Behavior: Volume:28, pp:18-27.
- Polat, C., Gürbüz, E. ve İnal, M.E., (2004). Hedef: Seçmen Siyasal Pazarlama Yaklaşımı. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
- Reilly, S., (2011). Outdoor Advertising. (Ed. Robert Mann, David D. Perlmutter). Political Communication: LSU Press, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, pp.106-111.
- Reynolds, A. and Steenbergen, M., (2006). How the World Votes? The Political Consequences of Ballot Design, Innovation and Manipulation. Electoral Studies: Volume: 25, pp:570-598.
- Rosenberg, S.W., Bohan, L., MacCafferty, P., and Harris, K., (1986). The Image and the Vote: The Effect of Candidate Presentation on Voter Preference. American Journal of Political Science: Volume: 30, Number:1, pp. 108-127.
- Rosenberg, S.W. and McCafferty, P., (2001). The Image and The Vote: Manipulating Voters’ Preferences. Public Opinion Quarterly: Volume:51, pp:31-47.
- Schill, D., (2012). The Visual Image and the Political Image: A Review of Visual Communication Research in the Field of Political Communication. Review of Communication: Volume:12 Number:2, pp. 118-142.
- Schubert, J.N., Curran, M.A., and Strungaru, C., (2011). Physical Attractiveness, Issue Aggreement and Assimilation Effects in Candidate Appraisal. Politic and the Life Science: Volume:30, Number:1, pp:33-49.
- Spezio, M.L., Rangel, A., Alvarez, R.M., Q’doherty, J.P.; Mattes, K., Kim, H., and Adolphs, R., (2008). A Neural Basis for the Effect on Candidate Appearance on Election Outcomes. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Volume:3, Number:4, pp:344-32.
- Upton, G.J.G. and Brook, D., (1975). The Determination of the Optimum Position on a Ballot Paper. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Volume:24(3), pp:279-287.
- Uztuğ, F., (2004). Siyasal İletişim Yönetimi. İstanbul: MediaCat Yayınları.
- Wood, J., Badawood, D., Dykes, J., and Slingsby, A., (2011). Ballotmaps: Detection Name Bias in Alphabetically Ordered Ballot Papers. Visualisation and Computer Graphics I EEE Transaction on: Volume: 17, Number:12, pp:2384-2391.