Yunanca bilgelik sevgisi anlamyna gelen "philosophia" terimi, Yunan felsefi ve bilimsel gelene?indeki rasyonel zihinsel etkinli?i ifade eder. Ayny zihinsel etkinlik Arapça konu?an ve yazan ortaça? Yakyn Do?u dü?ünürleri tarafyndan felsefe olarak adlandyrylmy?tyr. Kimi zaman bu zihinsel etkinlik hikmet olarak adlandyrylmy? ise de standart terim olarak felsefe sözcü?ü kullanylagelmi?tir. Yslam felsefesinin olu?umuna en fazla katkyda bulunan ?ey, ortaça? Yslam dünyasyndaki çeviri hareketleri sonucunda Antik Yunana ait felsefi ve bilimsel eserlerdeki tarty?malaryn Müslüman dü?ünürlerin teolojik tarty?malarynyn içinde yer almaya ba?lamasydyr. Bu süreçte Yskenderiye Akademisi'nin önemli bir rolü vardyr. Bu çaly?ma, Yslam felsefesinin do?up geli?mesinde Yskenderiye Kenti, Yskenderiye Kütüphanesi ve Yskenderiye Akademisinin rolünü ve önemini de?erlendirmektedir.
The term "philosophia" which means love of wisdom in Greek designates the rational intellectual activity in Greek philosophical and scientific tradition. The same intellectual activity was named falsafa by medieval Near East thinkers who spoke and wrote Arabic. Although this intellectual activity was sometimes called "hikmet", term the word "philosophy" has been used as a standard term. What contributed most to the formation of Islamic philosophy is the incorporation of the discussions found in the works of ancient Greek philosophers into the theological discussions medieval Muslim thinkers were engaged with. In this process, The Academy of Alexandria had a significant role. This study evaluates the crucial role the Alexandria town, library and academy played in the birth and development of Islamic philosophy.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Public Administration |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2011 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 |