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Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 307 - 320, 01.03.2011


ABSTRACT When the philosophical foundations of existential love are examined, it can be seen that "love" is an important aspect that makes Cahit Sytky Tarancy's existence complete. When his poems are scrutinized in light of the philosophical views of Socrates' "Know thyself" and Sartre's "Create yourself", it can be seen that the absence of love will lead to a great lack in Cahit Sytky's life. He understands love to be the greatest cure for loneliness and unhappiness. According to existentialism, love is one of the most important means for different creatures to attain to the same essence. The essence of the love in Islamic mysticism fundamentally depends on this understanding. It must be noted that an understanding that says the main reason of the creation of the universe is love presents a parallelism with the understanding found in Cahit Sytky's poems. And this shows that he aimed at creating depth in the poems that he constructed. The fact that objectified love in the modern world has taken on a mystical "becoming lost in a lover" kind of form in existential philosophy must not be overlooked. Cahit Sytky Tarancy says in his poems that the adventure of life can only be meaningful with love, and that lovelessness will always leave a person lacking and unhappy. And at the core of the longing that will take Cahit Sytky away from "death" and bring him to the shores of "life" is love.


Year 2011, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 307 - 320, 01.03.2011


ÖZET Varolu?çu a?kyn felsefî temellerine bakyldy?ynda, "a?k"yn Cahit Sytky Tarancy'nyn varolu?unu tamamlayan önemli olgulardan biri oldu?u görülecektir. Sokrates'in "Kendini tany" ve Sartre'yn "Kendini yarat" felsefi görü?leri y?y?ynda ?iirleri irdelendi?inde, a?kyn Cahit Sytky'nyn hayatynda olmamasynyn büyük bir eksikli?e yol açaca?y görülecektir. O, a?ky yalnyzlyk ve mutsuzlu?u giderecek en büyük ilaç olarak algylar. Egzistansiyalizm'e göre, farkly varlyklaryn ayny öze ula?masynda a?k en önemli vasytalardan biridir. Yslam tasavvufundaki a?kyn özü de temelde bu anlayy?a dayanyr. Evrenin yaradyly?ynyn temelini a?ka ba?layan bir dü?üncenin Cahit Sytky'nyn ?iirlerindeki dü?ünceyle paralellik arz etti?ini belirtmek gerekir. Bu da onun kurgulady?y ?iirlerine derinlik kazandyrmayy amaçlady?yny gösterir. Modern dünyada nesnelle?tirilen a?kyn varolu?çu felsefede sevgilide yok olma gibi tasavvufî bir görünümle paralellik arz etti?i de gözden yrak tutulmamalydyr. Cahit Sytky Tarancy, ?iirlerinde hayat sergüze?tinin ancak a?k duygusuyla anlamly olabilece?ini, a?ksyzly?yn insany her dem eksik ve mutsuz kylaca?yny dile getirir. Cahit Sytky'yy "ölüm"den uzakla?tyryp, "ya?am"yn kyyysyna götüren arzunun temelinde de a?k vardyr.

There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Public Administration

Nurullah Ulutaş This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Ulutaş, N. (2011). CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K. Humanities Sciences, 6(2), 307-320.
AMA Ulutaş N. CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K. Humanities Sciences. March 2011;6(2):307-320. doi:10.12739/10.12739
Chicago Ulutaş, Nurullah. “CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K”. Humanities Sciences 6, no. 2 (March 2011): 307-20.
EndNote Ulutaş N (March 1, 2011) CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K. Humanities Sciences 6 2 307–320.
IEEE N. Ulutaş, “CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K”, Humanities Sciences, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 307–320, 2011, doi: 10.12739/10.12739.
ISNAD Ulutaş, Nurullah. “CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K”. Humanities Sciences 6/2 (March 2011), 307-320.
JAMA Ulutaş N. CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K. Humanities Sciences. 2011;6:307–320.
MLA Ulutaş, Nurullah. “CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K”. Humanities Sciences, vol. 6, no. 2, 2011, pp. 307-20, doi:10.12739/10.12739.
Vancouver Ulutaş N. CAHYT SITKI TARANCI’NIN VAROLU?UNU TAMAMLAYAN YMGE: A?K. Humanities Sciences. 2011;6(2):307-20.