The story of Kerem and Asly is known throughout the entire Turkic world, especially in Anatolia. yt is a common folk tale among the Anatolian Armenians and Turks. These two cultures meet in this story. In this study, it has been determined that there are two published different co-texts. One of them has been published at an Armenian printhouse, and the other is a manuscript engraved on stone. Also, the social values of the themes covered in the story have been assessed. The ethnical and religious differences and the themes of the values in the traditional Armenian and Turkish cultures have been handled within the framework of this story.
Kerem ile Asly hikâyesi, ba?ta Anadolu olmak üzere bütün Türk dünyasynda bilinmektedir. Anadolu Ermenilerinin ve Türklerinin ortak bir halk hikâyesidir. Yki kültür bu hikâyede kar?yla?yr. Bu çaly?mada, hikâyenin basylmy? iki farkly e? metnini kar?yla?tyrdyk. Bunlardan birisi Ermeni matbaasynda basylan, di?eri ise bir el yazmasynyn ta? baskysydyr. Ayryca hikâyede i?lenen temalaryn sosyal de?eri konusunda da bir de?erlendirme yaptyk. Etnik ve dini farklylyklar ile geleneksel Ermeni ve Türk kültürüne ait de?erlerin temalary hikâye kapsamynda ele alyndy.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Public Administration |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2011 |
Published in Issue | Year 2011 Volume: 6 Issue: 2 |