Language which is defined as a multi-directional and developed communicative tool providing for the utilization of the valid common items and rules in terms of sound and meaning, transfers the thoughts and feelings of individuals constituting a society and it is also a symbol of culture while at the same time it is an instrument providing for the development and transfer of culture. This transfer is realized through education. Within this context, the present study is a review. The study primarily begins with the definitions relating to language and investigates the language-thought and language-society relationships. Then, based on the definitions relating to culture, the language-culture relationship is addressed and finally the relationship between language, culture and education is emphasized.
Bir toplumu olu?turan bireylerin dü?ünce ve duygularynyn o toplumda ses ve anlam bakymyndan geçerli ortak ö?eler ve kurallardan yararlanylarak ba?kalaryna aktarylmasyny sa?layan çok yönlü ve geli?mi? bir bildiri?im aracy olarak tanymlanan dil, kültürün bir simgesi olup ayny zamanda onun geli?imi ve aktarylmasyny da sa?layan araçtyr. Bu aktarym ise e?itim yoluyla gerçekle?mektedir. Bu ba?lamda özü itibariyle bir derleme olan bu çaly?mada, öncelikle dile ili?kin tanymlardan yola çykylarak dil-dü?ünce ve dil-toplum ili?kisi ele alynmy?tyr. Ardyndan kültüre dair tanymlamalar y?y?ynda dil-kültür ili?kisi ortaya konulmu? ve son a?amada ise dil, kültür ve e?itim arasyndaki ili?kiye dikkat çekilmi?tir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Public Administration |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 1, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 |