Leptin, which is adipocytes, secreted of the hormone, over food intake regulation, energy expenditure has also an important role in acting as neuroendocrine hormone, and metabolic function.it is interested in glucose metabolism and interacts with insulin metabolism. In addition to distrusting metabolism, leptin also impairs endocrine, immune functions, reproductive function, adipose tissue metabolism and energy order. Leptin also exerts peripheral effects directly on glucose metabolism and gluconeogenesis. it is obvious that leptin deficiency or leptin resistance is responsible for obesity which is also correlated with body fat stores, here we have to refer that is the obesity is one of the most causes of diabetes also it leads to insulin resistance. In these studies, we will focus on the relationship between leptin and diabetes mellitus type 2 and insulin resistance with obesity. In this study, we will focus on the relationship between the leptin hormone and obesity with diabetes.