The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficiency of balanced literacy in improving composition skills of 5th grade students in primary education. The research was designed as action research. The study was conducted through the 2007-2008 education year, the spring term in Eski?ehir, a primary school, in Turkish course with 5th grade students. Teaching was provided to the whole class. However, a total of 6 students, three girls and three boys were focused on and in the presentation of the findings, the data of these students were made use of intensively. In the study, writing process approach, which balanced literacy appreciates was made use of. Data were collected through "video records", "reflective diaries", composition tests", and "balanced literacy control forms" via quantitative and qualitative data collection tools. The analysis of the data was conducted as the analysis during data collection and the analysis after data collection. In the analysis of quantitative data, the "SPSS for windows" package program was used. In the analysis of qualitative data a descriptive method was used. The findings obtained from quantitative data in improving writing expression skills showed that students improved in written expression skills. However, this result was not supported by qualitative data. While students showed improvement in the "outer structure" dimension of written expression, in the "inner structure" and in language and expression dimension of written expression this improvement was observed as limited compared to "outer structure" dimension. Results from the qualitative data revealed that, during the improvement of written expression skills, the teaching writing process through balanced literacy components in an interactive teaching environment made progress in these skills.
Bu ara?tyrmanyn amacy, ilkö?retim be?inci synyf ö?rencilerinin yazyly anlatym becerilerini geli?tirmede dengeli okuma yazma yakla?ymynyn uygulanabilirli?ini incelemektir. Ara?tyrma, eylem ara?tyrmasy olarak desenlenmi?tir. Ara?tyrmanyn uygulamasy, 2007-2008 ö?retim yyly bahar döneminde, Eski?ehir'de resmi bir ilkö?retim okulu 5/A synyfy ö?rencileri ile Türkçe derslerinde gerçekle?tirilmi?tir. Ara?tyrmanyn ö?retim uygulamalary synyfyn tümüne yönelik gerçekle?tirilmi?; ancak üçü kyz, üçü erkek, toplam 6 ö?renci odak olarak belirlenmi? ve bulgularyn sunulmasynda yo?un olarak bu ö?rencilerin verilerinden yararlanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrmada dengeli okuma yazma yakla?ymynyn benimsedi?i ö?retim modellerinden yazma süreci modellerinden yararlanylmy?tyr. Ara?tyrma verileri "video kayytlary", "yary-yapylandyrylmy? görü?me", "yansytycy günlük", "synyf ö?retmeni günlü?ü", "kompozisyon testi" ve "dengeli okuma yazma yakla?ymy ders de?erlendirme aracy" olmak üzere farkly nicel ve nitel veri toplama araçlaryyla toplanmy?tyr. Verilerin analizi, verilerin toplanma sürecindeki analizler ve veriler toplandyktan sonra yapylan analizler olmak üzere iki a?amada gerçekle?tirilmi?tir. Nicel verilerin analizinde "SPSS for Windows" paket programyndan yararlanylmy?tyr. Nitel verilerin analizi ise betimsel analizlerle gerçekle?tirilmi?tir. Yazyly anlatym becerilerinin geli?imde nicel verilerden elde edilen bulgular ö?rencilerin yazyly anlatym becerilerinde geli?im gösterdiklerini ortaya koymu?tur. Ancak, nitel veriler bu sonucu desteklememi?tir. Ö?rencilerin yazyly anlatym becerilerinin "dy? yapy" boyutunda geli?im göstermesine kar?yn yazyly anlatymda "iç yapy" ve "dil ve anlatym" boyutlarynda dy? yapy boyutuna göre geli?imlerinin synyrly oldu?u gözlemlenmi?tir. Nitel verilerden elde edilen bulgular, ö?rencilere yazma süreci modelinin etkile?imli bir ortamda, yazma süreci modeli dengeli okuma yazma bile?enlerinden yararlanarak a?amaly ö?retimsel destekle ö?retiminin ö?rencilerin yazma sürecini kullanma durumlarynda geli?im gösterdiklerini ortaya koymu?tur.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Educational Sciences in Qualitative Research |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2010 Volume: 5 Issue: 4 |