Osmanl klasJk çaƭnda XVI. yüzyl sonlarna kadar hanedana mensup ƾehzadelerJn, tecrübe kazanmak üzere gönderJldJklerJ sancaklardakJ JdarJ
uygulamalar konusunda cJddJ bJr kaynak eksJklJƭJ söz konusudur. Bununla beraber
tarafmdan Baƾbakanlk Osmanl ArƾJvJ’nde ƾehzade dJvannda tutulan baz defterler Jlk defa teƾhJs edJlmJƾ ve bunlarn hem ƾekJl hem de mahJyetlerJ üzerJne baz
deƭerlendJrmeler yaplmƾtr. Burada yaymlanan defter de ƾehzade dJvanna aJt olup
daha çok tayJn, terë ve malJ konular JhtJva eden küçük tezkJrelerden ve üzerJnde yer
alan kararlardan oluƾmaktadr. KanunJ’nJn oƭlu Ɨehzade SelJm’Jn (II.) ManJsa’dakJ
JdarecJlJƭJnJn Jlk yllarn (1544-1546) JçJne alan ve onun görüƾüne sunulan tezkJrelerJ JhtJva eden bu kaytlar “kazyye” ƾeklJnde sunulduƭu JçJn “kazayâ defterJ” adyla
tarafmdan tanmlanmƾtr. DefterdekJ konular Osmanl taƾrasnda hanedan mensubu bJr JdarecJnJn karƾ karƾya kaldƭ meseleler ve JlgJlendJƭJ hususlar anlamak
bakmndan önemlJ olduƭu kadar, bürokratJk olarak taƾradakJ ƾehzade dJvannn
JƾleyJƾJ hakknda da ëkJr vermektedJr.
ɨere Js a dearth of documentatJon regardJng admJnJstratJve practJces of
Ottoman prJnces Jn provJnces where they were sent as governors untJl the end of
the sJxteenth century so that they could gaJn practJcal experJence. PrevJously, I had
located Jn PrJme MJnJstry’s ArchJves Jn Istanbul certaJn regJsters (defter) produced
Jn prJncely courts and made some remarks about theJr format and characterJstJcs.
BelongJng to a prJncely court as well, the regJster under scrutJny here consJsts of
petJtJons regardJng appoJntments, promotJons and other ënancJal dealJngs as well
as answers to those petJtJons. It covers PrJnce SelJm’s (future SelJm II) ërst years as
governor of ManJsa (1544-1546). After the manner they were presented to the sultan (kazyye), I named such regJsters as kazayâ defterJ. Issues Jncluded Jn thJs regJster
demonstrate us problems that an Ottoman prJnce had to deal wJth durJng hJs governorshJp and gJve us an Jdea about how prJncely bureaucracy functJoned.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 10, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2015 |