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Defterdar Ahmed Paşa'nın Azli ve XVII. Yüzyılda Mısır'da Hukuk Devleti

Year 2015, Volume: 46 Issue: 46, 131 - 161, 10.08.2015


Bu makale Osmanl‘ politik hayat‘nda ǠǦ. yüzy‘lda hukuƭun ve hukuki kurumlar‘n gittikçe artan önemini göstermek amac‘yla Kahire’deki askerlerin ǠǥǦǥ’da M‘s‘r
Beylerbeyi’ni görevden uzaklaƾt‘rmalar‘n‘ ve buna baƭl‘ olarak yap‘lan bir mahkemeyi
incelemektedir. Mahkemeyi incelerken askerlerin Osmanl‘ idarecilerinin otoritelerine
hukuki s‘n‘rlar getirerek onlar‘n gelecekteki hareketlerini k‘s‘tlamak istediklerini
göstermeye çal‘ƾt‘m. Argüman‘m askerlerin ‘anayasac‘’ bir hassasiyet gösterdikleridir.
Bir baƾka deyiƾle hükümet etme iƾinin kurallara baƭl‘ olduƭuna ve bu kurallar‘ yapma
ve yürürlükte tutman‘n mahkemelerin iƾi olduƭuna dair bir inançlar‘ olduƭunu ileri
sürmekteyim. Bu yaklaƾ‘m bize Osmanl‘ ơmparatorluƭu’nda ǠǦ. yüzy‘l boyunca s‘k
görülen isyanlar‘ baƾka bir aç‘dan görme ƾans‘ verir: Bunlar imparatorluƭun patrimonyal monarƾiden erken modern bürokratik devlete dönüƾümünde temel rol
oynayan ve henüz oluƾmakta olan hukuk devleti kavram‘yla doƭrudan iliƾkilidirler.


  • Bibliography Archival Documents Baƾbakanl‘k Osmanl‘ ArƾJvJ (BOA) [PrJme MJnJstry Ottoman ArchJve], Istanbul: BOA, Cevdet MalJye, nr. ǡǥǟǤǧ, Ǡǧ Rajab ǠǟǧǠ (Ǡ December ǠǥǦǟ). BOA, A.DVN, nr. ǥǤ/Ǣǣ (ǡǧ Jumƣdƣ’l-Ɯlƣ ǠǟǧǢ/ǡǠ September ǠǥǦǡ). BOA, A.DVN, nr. Ǧǥ/ǡǨ (ǡǟ Dhu’l-HJjja Ǡǟǧǥ/ǥ March ǠǥǦǥ). EgyptJan NatJonal ArchJve, CaJro: ......, Ϋujaj shar‘Jyya εƣdJra mJn maέkamat al-DƯwƣn al-‘żlƯ mJn sana ǠǟǢǟ Jlƣ ǠǡǦǡ. ......, SJjJllƣt maέkamat al-DƯwƣn al-‘żlƯ, regJster Ǡ. Manuscript and Printed Primary Sources Abdurrahman AbdJ Paƾa, Abdurrahman AbdJ Paůa VekâyJ‘-nâmesJ (Osmanl‘ TarJhJ ăĈ4ĊăĈĊ2): TahlJl ve MetJn TenkJdJ, ed. FahrJ Ç. DerJn (Istanbul: Çaml‘ca, ǡǟǟǧ). Anon., TevŔrŠh-J M‘ʇr-‘ KŔhire hašš-‘ ɶasan Paůa, Süleymaniye LJbrary, MS Hac‘ Mahmut Efendi ǣǧǦǦ. Anon., untJtled fragment, BJblJothéque natJonale de France, MS arabe ǠǧǤǤ (referred to as ParJs Fragment). al-BaghdƣdƯ, Maέmǃd Jbn ‘Abdullƣh Jbn Meέmed, ŒntJhŔb-J ɶusnü’l-muʂŔzare, SüleymanJye LJbrary, MS Esad EfendJ ǡǡǠǤ. Barkan, Ömer Lûtfi (ed.), “M‘s‘r Kanunnâmesi,” Jn Jdem, XV. ve XVInc‘ As‘rlarda Osmanl‘ ŒmparatorluŞunda Ziraî Ekonominin Hukukî ve Malî Esaslar‘ (Istanbul: Bürhaneddin Matbaas‘, ǠǨǣǢ). Defterdar γar‘ Meέmed Paƾa, Zübde-yJ VekayJât: TahlJl ve MetJn (ăĂĈĈ-ăăăĈ / ăĈćĈ-ă7Ă4), ed. Abdülkadir Özcan (Ankara: Türk Tarihi Kurumu, ǠǨǨǤ). el-Ϋallƣβ, Meέmed Jbn Yǃsuf, TŔrŠh-J M‘ʇ‘r, BJblJothéque natJonale de France, MS suppl. turc ǤǠǡ. Ibn ‘Abd al-GhanƯ, Aέmad ShalabƯ, Awʀaʂ al-JshŔrŔt fŠ man tawallŔ MJʇr al-QŔhJra mJn al-wuzarŔ’ wa’l-bŔshŔt, ed. ‘Abd al-RaέƯm ‘Abd al-Raέmƣn ‘Abd al-RaέƯm (CaJro: Maktabat al-KhƣnjƯ, ǠǨǦǧ). Ibn ‘Abdurraέmƣn, ‘AbdülkerJm, TŔrŠh-J M‘ʇr-‘ ɸŔhJre, BrJtJsh LJbrary, MS Add. ǦǧǦǧ. Ibn RJΨwƣn, ‘żlƯ (attrJb.), Zubdat JkhtJʇŔr tŔrŠkh mulŴk MJʇr al-maʂrŴsa, ed. BashƯr Zayn al-‘żbJdƯn (CaJro: Dƣr al-FaΨƯla, ǡǟǟǥ). Îsâ-zâde, ‘Îsâ-zâde TârîhJ (MetJn ve TahlJl), ed. ZJya Y‘lmazer (Istanbul: Fetih Cemiyeti, ǠǨǨǥ). “Osmanl‘ βƣnǃnnƣmeleri,” MJllŠ Tetebbu‘lar MecmŴ‘as‘ Ǡ (ǠǢǢǠ AH), ǣǨǦ-Ǥǣǣ. Shaykhzƣdah, ‘Abd al-Raέmƣn ibn Muέammad, Majma‘ al-anhur sharʂ MultaqŔ’l-abʂur (Beirut: Dƣr al-kutub al-‘ilmiyya, ǠǨǨǧ) Secondary Sources Baer, GabrJel, “Popular Revolt Jn Ottoman CaJro,” Der Islam Ǥǣ (ǠǨǦǦ), ǡǠǢ-ǡǣǡ. Baer, Marc, Honored by the Glory of Islam: ConversJon and Conquest Jn Ottoman Europe (New York: Oxford UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǧ). Barkey, Karen, BandJts and Bureaucrats: The Ottoman Route to State CentralJzatJon (Ithaca: Cornell UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǨǣ). Burke, Edmund, III, “UnderstandJng Arab Protest Movements,” Arab StudJes Quarterly ǧ (ǠǨǧǥ), ǢǢǢ-ǢǣǤ. DarlJng, LJnda, A HJstory of SocJal JustJce and PolJtJcal Power Jn the MJddle East: The CJrcle of JustJce from MesopotamJa to GlobalJzatJon (New York: Routledge, ǡǟǠǢ). Ergene, Boƭaç, Local Court, ProvJncJal SocJety and JustJce Jn the Ottoman EmpJre: Legal PractJce and DJspute ResolutJon Jn Çank‘r‘ and Kastamonu, ăĈć2-ă744 (LeJden: BrJll, ǡǟǟǢ). Ergene, Boƭaç, “Qanun and SharJa,” Jn The Ashgate Research CompanJon to IslamJc Law, ed. Rudolph Peters and PerJ Bearman (Farnham: Ashgate, ǡǟǠǣ), ǠǟǨ-ǡǟ. Gerber, HaJm, State, SocJety and Law Jn Islam: Ottoman Law Jn ComparatJve PerspectJve (Albany: State UnJversJty of New York Press, ǠǨǨǣ). GökbJlgJn, M. TayyJb and R. C. Repp, “Köprülü,” EncyclopaedJa of Islam, ǡnd edJtJon. Grehan, James, “Street VJolence and SocJal ImagJnatJon Jn Late-Mamluk and Ottoman Damascus, ca. ǠǤǟǟ-Ǡǧǟǟ,” InternatJonal Journal of MJddle East StudJes ǢǤ (ǡǟǟǢ), ǡǠǤ-ǡǢǥ. Hathaway, Jane, “The Role of the K‘zlar Aƭas‘ Jn ǠǦth/Ǡǧth-century Ottoman Egypt,” StudJa IslamJca ǦǤ (ǠǨǨǡ). Hathaway, Jane, “The MJlJtary Household Jn Ottoman Egypt,” InternatJonal Journal of MJddle East StudJes ǡǦ (ǠǨǨǤ), ǢǨ-Ǥǡ. Hathaway, Jane, The PolJtJcs of Households Jn Ottoman Egypt: The RJse of the QazdaŞl‘s (CambrJdge: CambrJdge UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǨǦ). Hathaway, Jane, “The Grand VJzJer and the False MessJah: The SabbataJ SevJ Controvery and the Ottoman Reform Jn Egypt,” Journal of the AmerJcan OrJental SocJety ǠǠǦ (ǠǨǨǦ). Hathaway, Jane (ed.), MutJny and RebellJon Jn the Ottoman EmpJre (MadJson: UnJversJty of WJsconsJn Press, ǡǟǟǡ). Hathaway, Jane, BeshJr Agha: ChJef Eunuch of the Ottoman ImperJal Harem (Oxford: Oneworld, ǡǟǟǤ). Hathaway, Jane and Karl BarbJr, The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule, ăćăĈ-ăĊĂĂ (Harlow: Pearson, ǡǟǟǧ). Heyd, UrJel, “Kanun and SharJ‘a Jn Old Ottoman CrJmJnal JustJce,” ProceedJngs of the Israel Academy of ScJences and HumanJtJes Ǣ (ǠǨǥǨ). Holt, P. M., “The BeylJcate Jn Ottoman Egypt durJng the Seventeenth Century,” BulletJn of the School of OrJental & AfrJcan StudJes ǡǣ (ǠǨǥǠ). Holt, P. M., Egypt and the FertJle Crescent, ăćăĈ-ăČ22: A PolJtJcal HJstory (London: Longman, ǠǨǥǥ). Imber, ColJn, Ebu’s-su‘ud: The IslamJc Legal TradJtJon (Stanford: Stanford UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǨ). Kafadar, Cemal, “YenJçerJ – Esnaf RelatJons: SolJdarJty and ConflJct,” MA ThesJs, McGJll UnJversJty, ǠǨǧǠ. Kafadar, Cemal, “The QuestJon of Ottoman DeclJne,” Harvard MJddle Eastern & IslamJc RevJew ǣ (ǠǨǨǦ-Ǩǧ), Ǣǟ-ǦǤ. Kafadar, Cemal, “JanJssarJes and Other RJffraff of Ottoman Istanbul: Rebels wJthout a Cause?” Jn IdentJty and IdentJty FormatJon Jn the Ottoman World: A Volume of Essays Jn Honor of Norman ItzkowJtz, ed. BakJ Tezcan and Karl K. BarbJr (MadJson: UnJversJty of WJsconsJn Press, ǡǟǟǦ), ǠǠǢ-Ǣǣ. Moustafa, TamJr, The Struggle for ConstJtutJonal Power: Law, PolJtJcs and EconomJc Development Jn Egypt (New York: CambrJdge UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǨ). Raymond, André, “QuartJers et mouvements populaJres au CaJre au XVIIIème sJècle,” Jn PolJtJcal and SocJal Change Jn Modern Egypt: HJstorJcal StudJes from the Ottoman Conquest to the UnJted Arab RepublJc, ed. P. M. Holt (London: Oxford UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǥǧ), Ǡǟǣ-ǠǠǥ. Raymond, André, “SoldJers Jn Trade: The Case of Ottoman CaJro,” BrJtJsh Journal of MJddle Eastern StudJes Ǡǧ (ǠǨǨǠ), Ǡǥ-ǢǦ. Raymond, André, “Urban Networks and Popular Movements Jn CaJro and Aleppo (End of the EJghteenth – BegJnnJng of the NJneteenth CenturJes),” Jn Jdem, Arab CJtJes Jn the Ottoman PerJod: CaJro, SyrJa and the Maghreb (Aldershot: Ashgate, ǡǟǟǡ), ǤǦ-ǧǠ. Repp, RJchard, “Qƣnǃn and SharƯ‘a Jn the Ottoman Context,” Jn IslamJc Law: SocJal and HJstorJcal Contexts, ed. AzJz al-Azmeh (London: Routledge, ǠǨǧǧ), Ǡǡǣ-ǣǤ. SarJyannJs, MarJnos, “RebellJous JanJssarJes: Two MJlJtary MutJnJes Jn CandJa (Ǡǥǧǧ, ǠǦǥǡ) and theJr Aftermaths,” Jn The Eastern MedJterranean under Ottoman Rule: Crete ăĈ4ć-ăĊ4Ă, ed. A. Anastasopoulos (Rethymno: Crete UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǧ), ǡǤǤ-Ǧǣ. Shaw, Stanford J., The FJnancJal and AdmJnJstratJve OrganJzatJon and Development of Ottoman Egypt, ăćă7-ă7ČĊ (PrJnceton: PrJnceton UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǥǡ). 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The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt

Year 2015, Volume: 46 Issue: 46, 131 - 161, 10.08.2015


The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the
Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt


  • Bibliography Archival Documents Baƾbakanl‘k Osmanl‘ ArƾJvJ (BOA) [PrJme MJnJstry Ottoman ArchJve], Istanbul: BOA, Cevdet MalJye, nr. ǡǥǟǤǧ, Ǡǧ Rajab ǠǟǧǠ (Ǡ December ǠǥǦǟ). BOA, A.DVN, nr. ǥǤ/Ǣǣ (ǡǧ Jumƣdƣ’l-Ɯlƣ ǠǟǧǢ/ǡǠ September ǠǥǦǡ). BOA, A.DVN, nr. Ǧǥ/ǡǨ (ǡǟ Dhu’l-HJjja Ǡǟǧǥ/ǥ March ǠǥǦǥ). EgyptJan NatJonal ArchJve, CaJro: ......, Ϋujaj shar‘Jyya εƣdJra mJn maέkamat al-DƯwƣn al-‘żlƯ mJn sana ǠǟǢǟ Jlƣ ǠǡǦǡ. ......, SJjJllƣt maέkamat al-DƯwƣn al-‘żlƯ, regJster Ǡ. Manuscript and Printed Primary Sources Abdurrahman AbdJ Paƾa, Abdurrahman AbdJ Paůa VekâyJ‘-nâmesJ (Osmanl‘ TarJhJ ăĈ4ĊăĈĊ2): TahlJl ve MetJn TenkJdJ, ed. FahrJ Ç. DerJn (Istanbul: Çaml‘ca, ǡǟǟǧ). Anon., TevŔrŠh-J M‘ʇr-‘ KŔhire hašš-‘ ɶasan Paůa, Süleymaniye LJbrary, MS Hac‘ Mahmut Efendi ǣǧǦǦ. Anon., untJtled fragment, BJblJothéque natJonale de France, MS arabe ǠǧǤǤ (referred to as ParJs Fragment). al-BaghdƣdƯ, Maέmǃd Jbn ‘Abdullƣh Jbn Meέmed, ŒntJhŔb-J ɶusnü’l-muʂŔzare, SüleymanJye LJbrary, MS Esad EfendJ ǡǡǠǤ. Barkan, Ömer Lûtfi (ed.), “M‘s‘r Kanunnâmesi,” Jn Jdem, XV. ve XVInc‘ As‘rlarda Osmanl‘ ŒmparatorluŞunda Ziraî Ekonominin Hukukî ve Malî Esaslar‘ (Istanbul: Bürhaneddin Matbaas‘, ǠǨǣǢ). Defterdar γar‘ Meέmed Paƾa, Zübde-yJ VekayJât: TahlJl ve MetJn (ăĂĈĈ-ăăăĈ / ăĈćĈ-ă7Ă4), ed. Abdülkadir Özcan (Ankara: Türk Tarihi Kurumu, ǠǨǨǤ). el-Ϋallƣβ, Meέmed Jbn Yǃsuf, TŔrŠh-J M‘ʇ‘r, BJblJothéque natJonale de France, MS suppl. turc ǤǠǡ. Ibn ‘Abd al-GhanƯ, Aέmad ShalabƯ, Awʀaʂ al-JshŔrŔt fŠ man tawallŔ MJʇr al-QŔhJra mJn al-wuzarŔ’ wa’l-bŔshŔt, ed. ‘Abd al-RaέƯm ‘Abd al-Raέmƣn ‘Abd al-RaέƯm (CaJro: Maktabat al-KhƣnjƯ, ǠǨǦǧ). Ibn ‘Abdurraέmƣn, ‘AbdülkerJm, TŔrŠh-J M‘ʇr-‘ ɸŔhJre, BrJtJsh LJbrary, MS Add. ǦǧǦǧ. Ibn RJΨwƣn, ‘żlƯ (attrJb.), Zubdat JkhtJʇŔr tŔrŠkh mulŴk MJʇr al-maʂrŴsa, ed. BashƯr Zayn al-‘żbJdƯn (CaJro: Dƣr al-FaΨƯla, ǡǟǟǥ). Îsâ-zâde, ‘Îsâ-zâde TârîhJ (MetJn ve TahlJl), ed. ZJya Y‘lmazer (Istanbul: Fetih Cemiyeti, ǠǨǨǥ). “Osmanl‘ βƣnǃnnƣmeleri,” MJllŠ Tetebbu‘lar MecmŴ‘as‘ Ǡ (ǠǢǢǠ AH), ǣǨǦ-Ǥǣǣ. Shaykhzƣdah, ‘Abd al-Raέmƣn ibn Muέammad, Majma‘ al-anhur sharʂ MultaqŔ’l-abʂur (Beirut: Dƣr al-kutub al-‘ilmiyya, ǠǨǨǧ) Secondary Sources Baer, GabrJel, “Popular Revolt Jn Ottoman CaJro,” Der Islam Ǥǣ (ǠǨǦǦ), ǡǠǢ-ǡǣǡ. Baer, Marc, Honored by the Glory of Islam: ConversJon and Conquest Jn Ottoman Europe (New York: Oxford UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǧ). Barkey, Karen, BandJts and Bureaucrats: The Ottoman Route to State CentralJzatJon (Ithaca: Cornell UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǨǣ). Burke, Edmund, III, “UnderstandJng Arab Protest Movements,” Arab StudJes Quarterly ǧ (ǠǨǧǥ), ǢǢǢ-ǢǣǤ. DarlJng, LJnda, A HJstory of SocJal JustJce and PolJtJcal Power Jn the MJddle East: The CJrcle of JustJce from MesopotamJa to GlobalJzatJon (New York: Routledge, ǡǟǠǢ). Ergene, Boƭaç, Local Court, ProvJncJal SocJety and JustJce Jn the Ottoman EmpJre: Legal PractJce and DJspute ResolutJon Jn Çank‘r‘ and Kastamonu, ăĈć2-ă744 (LeJden: BrJll, ǡǟǟǢ). Ergene, Boƭaç, “Qanun and SharJa,” Jn The Ashgate Research CompanJon to IslamJc Law, ed. Rudolph Peters and PerJ Bearman (Farnham: Ashgate, ǡǟǠǣ), ǠǟǨ-ǡǟ. Gerber, HaJm, State, SocJety and Law Jn Islam: Ottoman Law Jn ComparatJve PerspectJve (Albany: State UnJversJty of New York Press, ǠǨǨǣ). GökbJlgJn, M. TayyJb and R. C. Repp, “Köprülü,” EncyclopaedJa of Islam, ǡnd edJtJon. Grehan, James, “Street VJolence and SocJal ImagJnatJon Jn Late-Mamluk and Ottoman Damascus, ca. ǠǤǟǟ-Ǡǧǟǟ,” InternatJonal Journal of MJddle East StudJes ǢǤ (ǡǟǟǢ), ǡǠǤ-ǡǢǥ. Hathaway, Jane, “The Role of the K‘zlar Aƭas‘ Jn ǠǦth/Ǡǧth-century Ottoman Egypt,” StudJa IslamJca ǦǤ (ǠǨǨǡ). Hathaway, Jane, “The MJlJtary Household Jn Ottoman Egypt,” InternatJonal Journal of MJddle East StudJes ǡǦ (ǠǨǨǤ), ǢǨ-Ǥǡ. Hathaway, Jane, The PolJtJcs of Households Jn Ottoman Egypt: The RJse of the QazdaŞl‘s (CambrJdge: CambrJdge UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǨǦ). Hathaway, Jane, “The Grand VJzJer and the False MessJah: The SabbataJ SevJ Controvery and the Ottoman Reform Jn Egypt,” Journal of the AmerJcan OrJental SocJety ǠǠǦ (ǠǨǨǦ). Hathaway, Jane (ed.), MutJny and RebellJon Jn the Ottoman EmpJre (MadJson: UnJversJty of WJsconsJn Press, ǡǟǟǡ). Hathaway, Jane, BeshJr Agha: ChJef Eunuch of the Ottoman ImperJal Harem (Oxford: Oneworld, ǡǟǟǤ). Hathaway, Jane and Karl BarbJr, The Arab Lands under Ottoman Rule, ăćăĈ-ăĊĂĂ (Harlow: Pearson, ǡǟǟǧ). Heyd, UrJel, “Kanun and SharJ‘a Jn Old Ottoman CrJmJnal JustJce,” ProceedJngs of the Israel Academy of ScJences and HumanJtJes Ǣ (ǠǨǥǨ). Holt, P. M., “The BeylJcate Jn Ottoman Egypt durJng the Seventeenth Century,” BulletJn of the School of OrJental & AfrJcan StudJes ǡǣ (ǠǨǥǠ). Holt, P. M., Egypt and the FertJle Crescent, ăćăĈ-ăČ22: A PolJtJcal HJstory (London: Longman, ǠǨǥǥ). 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Holt (London: Oxford UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǥǧ), Ǡǟǣ-ǠǠǥ. Raymond, André, “SoldJers Jn Trade: The Case of Ottoman CaJro,” BrJtJsh Journal of MJddle Eastern StudJes Ǡǧ (ǠǨǨǠ), Ǡǥ-ǢǦ. Raymond, André, “Urban Networks and Popular Movements Jn CaJro and Aleppo (End of the EJghteenth – BegJnnJng of the NJneteenth CenturJes),” Jn Jdem, Arab CJtJes Jn the Ottoman PerJod: CaJro, SyrJa and the Maghreb (Aldershot: Ashgate, ǡǟǟǡ), ǤǦ-ǧǠ. Repp, RJchard, “Qƣnǃn and SharƯ‘a Jn the Ottoman Context,” Jn IslamJc Law: SocJal and HJstorJcal Contexts, ed. AzJz al-Azmeh (London: Routledge, ǠǨǧǧ), Ǡǡǣ-ǣǤ. SarJyannJs, MarJnos, “RebellJous JanJssarJes: Two MJlJtary MutJnJes Jn CandJa (Ǡǥǧǧ, ǠǦǥǡ) and theJr Aftermaths,” Jn The Eastern MedJterranean under Ottoman Rule: Crete ăĈ4ć-ăĊ4Ă, ed. A. Anastasopoulos (Rethymno: Crete UnJversJty Press, ǡǟǟǧ), ǡǤǤ-Ǧǣ. Shaw, Stanford J., The FJnancJal and AdmJnJstratJve OrganJzatJon and Development of Ottoman Egypt, ăćă7-ă7ČĊ (PrJnceton: PrJnceton UnJversJty Press, ǠǨǥǡ). 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There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

James E. Baldwin This is me

Publication Date August 10, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 46 Issue: 46


APA Baldwin, J. E. (2015). The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 46(46), 131-161.
AMA Baldwin JE. The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt. OA. August 2015;46(46):131-161. doi:10.18589/oa.582783
Chicago Baldwin, James E. “The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 46, no. 46 (August 2015): 131-61.
EndNote Baldwin JE (August 1, 2015) The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 46 46 131–161.
IEEE J. E. Baldwin, “The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt”, OA, vol. 46, no. 46, pp. 131–161, 2015, doi: 10.18589/oa.582783.
ISNAD Baldwin, James E. “The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 46/46 (August 2015), 131-161.
JAMA Baldwin JE. The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt. OA. 2015;46:131–161.
MLA Baldwin, James E. “The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, vol. 46, no. 46, 2015, pp. 131-6, doi:10.18589/oa.582783.
Vancouver Baldwin JE. The Deposition of DefterdĠr AĤmed Pasha and the Rule of Law in Seventeenth-Century Egypt. OA. 2015;46(46):131-6.