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Bosna’nın Asi Kapudanı: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)

Year 2014, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 457 - 474, 15.04.2014


Bu makalede yerel bir Bosna beyi olan Hüseyin Kapudan’a odaklanmakta ve
ona, merkezi otoriteye karşı duracak gücü veren 19. yüzyıl Bosna’sının dinamikleri
analiz edilmektedir. İlk olarak Hüseyin Kapudan’ın aile geçmişini incelemekte ve
Bosna’nın küçük bir kazası olan Gradacac’dan gelip de gücünü bu kadar pekiştirmesini sağlayacak uygun ortamı nasıl bulduğu ele alınmaktadır. İkinci olarak Hüseyin
Kapudan’ın kapudanlık yaptığı yıllar olan 1821-1832 arasına yoğunlaşmakta ve Hüseyin Kapudan’ın nasıl inkişaf edip zamanla artan bir zenginliğe sahip olduğu ortaya konmaktadır. Üçüncü olarak Hüseyin Kapudan’ın de facto valilik yaptığı, Eylül
1831’den Haziran 1832’ye kadar olan dönem incelenmektedir. Bu kapsamda Hüseyin
Kapudan’ın Bosna’da yerel halkın desteğiyle nasıl valilik iddiasında bulunduğunu
sorgulamakta ve Bosnalıların merkezin kendilerine gönderdiği valilerin haklarını
koruyamayacağı yönündeki bir yargıya nasıl sahip oldukları tartışılmaktadır. Konuyla ilgili olarak şu soruların cevaplarını aramaya çalıştım: Yerel Bosna halkını
Babıali’ye arzuhallerle başvurmaya ve Hüseyin Kapudan’ın Bosna Veziri olmasını
istemeye yönelten saikler nelerdi? Ve bu isteklere karşı merkezi otoritelerin tavrı ne
oldu? Odaklandığım son konu ise Hüseyin Kapudan’ın ve onun başlattığı hareketin
kaderinin ne olduğudur. Bu kapsamda Hüseyin Kapudan’ı Haziran 1832’de merkezi
güçlerle karşı karşıya getiren ve yenilgisiyle sona eren savaşı inceledim. Akabinde
hareketinin bastırılmasından sonra Avusturya’ya kaçışının, Avusturya makamlarınca İstanbul’a teslim edilişinin ve İstanbul’a gönderildikten sonra zenginliğine ve
yakınlarına ne olduğunun üzerinde durdum ve Hüseyin Kapudan’ın şüpheli ölümü
hakkındaki iddialara değindim


  • Bibliography Archival Sources Hatt-ı Hümayun collection 294/17478, 347/19732, 406/21191, 413/21919 C, 416/21529, 419/21667, 421/21715 D, 422/21745, 422/21746, 422/21749, 422/21755, 423/21775, 423/21764, 426/21851, 428/21874, 428/21874 A, 429/21886 H, 431/21919, 431/21919 D, 433/21989, 435/22039 A, 435/22039 B, 436/22063, 436/22063 G, 436/22063 H, 438/22091, 431/21919, 431/21919 H, 431/21924, 432/21963, 435/22039 A, 437/22077 C, 437/22077 D, 437/22080, 437/22081 D, 438/22095 A, 438/22095 D, 438/22095 F, 438/22095 G, 438/22118, 438/22118 A, 438/22118 B, 439/22130, 439/22132, 440/22147, 440/22148, 440/22148 B, 440/22148 C, 440/22149, 440/22154 D, 441/22175, 441/22176 A, 441/22183, 441/22185, 441/22189, 442/22200, 442/22201, 442/22205, 442/22213, 442/22215, 442/22217, 442/22218, 443/22221 A, 443/22221 F, 443/22221 İ, 443/22221 J, 443/22221 K, 443/22221 L, 443/22221 M, 443/22221 N, 443/22221 O, 443/22221 Ö, 443/22221 P, 443/22221 R, 443/22221 S, 443/22221 T, 443/22221 U, 443/22224, 495/24281, 658/32140, 716/34202, 716/34202 A, 756/35776, 909/39784, 942/40659, 1109/44685, 1109/45032 A, 1109/44685 B, 1109/44685 Ç, 1109/44685 E, 1109/44685 H, 1109/44685 İ, 1109/44685 V, 1127/45030, 1117/44858, 1117/44858 A, 1426/58368, 1426/58370, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi, Istanbul, Turkey. Kalender Narodna Uzdacina (1353–1354/1935). Sarejevo, A. 73. Saraybosna Sicilleri, vol. 69, vol. 70, vol. 72, ISAM. Published Sources Aličić, Ahmed S.: Pokret za Autonomiju Bosne od 1831 do 1832 Godine, Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1996. Bašagić, Safvetbeg: Kratka Uputa u Prošlost Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo: Vlastita Naklada 1900. Brummett, Palmira: “Classifying Ottoman Mutiny: The Act and Vision of the Rebellion,” Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 22 (1) (1998), pp. 91–107. Erdem, Hakan: “Perfidious Albanians” and “Zealous Governors”: Ottomans, Albanians, and Turks in the Greek War of Independence,” Ottoman Rule and the Balkans, 1760–1850: Conflict, Transformation, Adaptation, eds. Antonis Anastasopoulos and Elias Kolovos, (Rethymno: University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology), 2007, pp. 213-240. Eren, Ahmet Cevat: Mahmud II. Zamanında Bosna-Hersek, İstanbul: Nurgök Matbaası 1965. Jelavich, Barbara: History of the Balkans, vol. I, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1983. Kreševljaković, Hamdija: Izabrana Djela IV, Prilozi za Političku Istoriju Bosne I Hercegovine u XVIII i XIX Stoljeću, Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša 1991. Raşid, Belgradî: Vak’a-i Hayretnüma, Istanbul 1291. Sel Turhan, Fatma: Rebelling for the Old Order: Ottoman Bosnia, 1826-1836, (Unpublished PhD. Dissertation) Boğaziçi University, 2009. Shaw, Stanford J.: History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. II, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1977.

The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)

Year 2014, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 457 - 474, 15.04.2014


This paper examines a local elite from Bosnia, Hüseyin Kapudan, and analyzes the dynamics of Bosnia that gave him the power to resist the central authority
at the beginning of the nineteenth century. I first study his family background and
try to show how he, coming from a relatively small city of Bosnia, Gradacac, found
a suitable environment for establishing his power and preserving it. In that part, by
tracing back the biographical details of Hüseyin Kapudan, I aim to reflect the surrounding conditions in Bosnia which eased the path of Hüseyin Kapudan. Secondly, I
concentrate on his kapudanlık years between 1821 and 1832, and explain how Hüseyin
Kapudan had thrived and become increasingly prosperous. Thirdly, I analyze the de
facto governorship of Hüseyin Kapudan which started in September 1831 and lasted
till June 1832. I inquire how Hüseyin Kapudan claimed his governorship in Bosnia
with the support of inhabitants and how the Bosnians held the general belief that the
valis whom the center sent did not protect their rights properly. I seek to answer the
following questions: What were the reasons that directed local inhabitants to apply to the Porte with petitions and the demand that Hüseyin Kapudan should be the
vizier of Bosnia? And how did the central authorities react to those demands? I will
then concentrate on the fate of Hüseyin Kapudan and his movement. I investigate
his defeat by central forces in June 1832, his escape to Austria after the suppression of
his movement, his capitulation and the circumstances concerning his wealth and his
relatives after he was sent to Istanbul as an exile. Finally, I will account for his death,
suggesting that he was likely poisoned by the hand of the state.


  • Bibliography Archival Sources Hatt-ı Hümayun collection 294/17478, 347/19732, 406/21191, 413/21919 C, 416/21529, 419/21667, 421/21715 D, 422/21745, 422/21746, 422/21749, 422/21755, 423/21775, 423/21764, 426/21851, 428/21874, 428/21874 A, 429/21886 H, 431/21919, 431/21919 D, 433/21989, 435/22039 A, 435/22039 B, 436/22063, 436/22063 G, 436/22063 H, 438/22091, 431/21919, 431/21919 H, 431/21924, 432/21963, 435/22039 A, 437/22077 C, 437/22077 D, 437/22080, 437/22081 D, 438/22095 A, 438/22095 D, 438/22095 F, 438/22095 G, 438/22118, 438/22118 A, 438/22118 B, 439/22130, 439/22132, 440/22147, 440/22148, 440/22148 B, 440/22148 C, 440/22149, 440/22154 D, 441/22175, 441/22176 A, 441/22183, 441/22185, 441/22189, 442/22200, 442/22201, 442/22205, 442/22213, 442/22215, 442/22217, 442/22218, 443/22221 A, 443/22221 F, 443/22221 İ, 443/22221 J, 443/22221 K, 443/22221 L, 443/22221 M, 443/22221 N, 443/22221 O, 443/22221 Ö, 443/22221 P, 443/22221 R, 443/22221 S, 443/22221 T, 443/22221 U, 443/22224, 495/24281, 658/32140, 716/34202, 716/34202 A, 756/35776, 909/39784, 942/40659, 1109/44685, 1109/45032 A, 1109/44685 B, 1109/44685 Ç, 1109/44685 E, 1109/44685 H, 1109/44685 İ, 1109/44685 V, 1127/45030, 1117/44858, 1117/44858 A, 1426/58368, 1426/58370, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi, Istanbul, Turkey. Kalender Narodna Uzdacina (1353–1354/1935). Sarejevo, A. 73. Saraybosna Sicilleri, vol. 69, vol. 70, vol. 72, ISAM. Published Sources Aličić, Ahmed S.: Pokret za Autonomiju Bosne od 1831 do 1832 Godine, Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut u Sarajevu 1996. Bašagić, Safvetbeg: Kratka Uputa u Prošlost Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo: Vlastita Naklada 1900. Brummett, Palmira: “Classifying Ottoman Mutiny: The Act and Vision of the Rebellion,” Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, 22 (1) (1998), pp. 91–107. Erdem, Hakan: “Perfidious Albanians” and “Zealous Governors”: Ottomans, Albanians, and Turks in the Greek War of Independence,” Ottoman Rule and the Balkans, 1760–1850: Conflict, Transformation, Adaptation, eds. Antonis Anastasopoulos and Elias Kolovos, (Rethymno: University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology), 2007, pp. 213-240. Eren, Ahmet Cevat: Mahmud II. Zamanında Bosna-Hersek, İstanbul: Nurgök Matbaası 1965. Jelavich, Barbara: History of the Balkans, vol. I, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1983. Kreševljaković, Hamdija: Izabrana Djela IV, Prilozi za Političku Istoriju Bosne I Hercegovine u XVIII i XIX Stoljeću, Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša 1991. Raşid, Belgradî: Vak’a-i Hayretnüma, Istanbul 1291. Sel Turhan, Fatma: Rebelling for the Old Order: Ottoman Bosnia, 1826-1836, (Unpublished PhD. Dissertation) Boğaziçi University, 2009. Shaw, Stanford J.: History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. II, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1977.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatma Sel Turhan This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 44 Issue: 44


APA Sel Turhan, F. (2014). The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834). Osmanlı Araştırmaları, 44(44), 457-474.
AMA Sel Turhan F. The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834). OA. April 2014;44(44):457-474. doi:10.18589/oa.562143
Chicago Sel Turhan, Fatma. “The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 44, no. 44 (April 2014): 457-74.
EndNote Sel Turhan F (April 1, 2014) The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834). Osmanlı Araştırmaları 44 44 457–474.
IEEE F. Sel Turhan, “The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)”, OA, vol. 44, no. 44, pp. 457–474, 2014, doi: 10.18589/oa.562143.
ISNAD Sel Turhan, Fatma. “The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları 44/44 (April 2014), 457-474.
JAMA Sel Turhan F. The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834). OA. 2014;44:457–474.
MLA Sel Turhan, Fatma. “The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834)”. Osmanlı Araştırmaları, vol. 44, no. 44, 2014, pp. 457-74, doi:10.18589/oa.562143.
Vancouver Sel Turhan F. The Rebellious Kapudan of Bosnia: Hüseyin Kapudan (1802-1834). OA. 2014;44(44):457-74.