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Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 305 - 318, 20.09.2022


Hellenistik krallıklar arasında siyasi ittifakları desteklemek amacıyla düzenlenen evlilikler hanedanlar arası barış sembolü niteliği taşımıştır. Bu evlilikler Hellenistik dünyanın önemli iki krallığı Seleukos ve Ptolemaios hanedanlıkları arasında da özellikle uygulanmıştır. Diplomatik evlilikler ile Seleukos ve Ptolemaios krallıkları barış sürecini kalıcı kılmayı hedeflemiştir. Seleukos ve Ptolemaios krallıkları arasındaki İkinci Suriye Savaşı’nın (MÖ 260-253) ardından yürürlüğe girecek olan barış metninde bu iki hanedan arasında gerçekleştirilecek olan evlilik, antlaşma metnine yansıtılmış ve Seleukos Kralı II. Antiokhos Theos ile Ptolemaios Prensesi Berenike Phernophoros MÖ 252 yılındaki evliliklerini resmileştirmiştir. Seleukos ve Ptolemaios krallıkları arasında gerçekleştirilen siyasi evliliklerle barış tesisi korunmaya ve sağlamlaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Ptolemaios kökenli Kleopatraların Seleukos Hanedanlığı’nda yer edinmesi ve krallık içerisinde etkin bir rol üstlenmesi ise MÖ 150 yılı itibariyle Kleopatra Thea ile gerçekleşmiştir. Kraliçe Kleopatra Thea’nın, Seleukos Krallığı’nda siyasi güç elde etme girişimleriyle birlikte artan egemenliği Ptolemaios kökenli Kleopatraların aktif ve kalıcı olmaya çalıştıklarını göstermiştir. Kleopatra Trypheana, IV. Kleopatra ve V. Kleopatra Selene Ptolemaios kökenli Seleukos kraliçeleri olarak Seleukos Hanedanlığı’nda bir dizi siyasi ve sosyal faaliyetlerle varlık mücadeleleri içerisine girmiştir. Bu çalışmada Ptolemaios kökenli Kleopatraların Seleukos Krallığı içerisindeki siyasi varlık mücadeleleri incelenmiş, antik ve modern kaynaklar doğrultusunda bu faaliyetlerin Seleukos Krallığı’na etkilerinin analizi hedeflenmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Birimi

Project Number

KSÜ BAP 2020/6-12 D.


  • APPIANUS, Appian’s Roman History, Translated by Horace White, VIII. II-XII, Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1912-1913 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • ARRIANUS, Arrian, With an English Translation by P.A. Brunt- I-II. Cambridge, Mass.- London, 1976- 1983 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • AUSTIN, M., 2006. The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest, A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BARRETT, E. C., 2011. Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos-A Study in Hellenistic Religion, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Vol. 36, Ed.: W. V. Harris, v.d., Brill, Leiden, Boston.
  • BARTLETT, B., 2016. “The Fate of Kleopatra Tryphaina, or: Poetic Justice in Justin”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 135-142.
  • BEVAN E., 1902. The House of Seleukos, Vol. 1, Edward Arnold Publisher, London.
  • BEVAN, E., 1927. A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York.
  • BIERBRIER, M. L., 2008. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland.
  • BMC SELEUCIDS: GARDNER, P., 1878. Catalogue of Greek Coins: The Seleucid Kings of Syria, London.
  • BUDGE, E. A. W., 1989. The Rosetta Stone, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
  • BURSTEIN, S. M., 2004. The Reign of Cleopatra, Greenwood Press, London.
  • BRYCE, T., 2014. Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • CAMAN, A. F., 2005. Ptolemaioslar Hanedanlığı’nın İlk Yüzyılında Kraliçeler, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 1996. “Alexander and Persian Women”, American Journal of Philology, Vol. 117, No. 4, The Johns Hopkins University Press, ss. 563-583.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 2000. Women and Monarchy in Macedonia, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 2012. “Oikos Keeping: Women and Monarchy in the Macedonian Tradition”, A Companion to Women In the Ancient World, Ed.: Sharon L. James, Sheila Dillon, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, ss. 304-315.
  • CHANIOTIS, A., 2005. War in the Hellenistic World: A Social and Cultural History, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, Oxford.
  • COHEN, G. M., 2006. The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, The Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, University of California Press, California.
  • COŞKUN, A., 2016. “Laodike I, Berenike Phernophoros, Dynastic Murders, and the Outbreak of the Third Syrian War (253-246 BC)”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 107-134.
  • DIMITRU, A. G., 2016. “Kleopatra Selene-A Look at the Moon and Her Bright Side”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 253-272.
  • DIODORUS SICULUS, Diodorus of Sicily, With an English Translation by C. H. Oldfather, Vol. I-VI; C. H. Sherman, Vol. VII; C.B. Welles Vol. VIII; R. M. Geer, Vol. IX-X.; F.R. Walton, Vol. XI-XII. Cambridge, Mass.- London, 1933-2004 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • DOWNEY, G., 1961. A History of Antioch in Syria From Seleucus to the Arab Conquest, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • EHLING, K., 2008. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der späten Seleukiden (164-63 v.Chr.), vom Tode des Antiochos IV. bis zur Einrichtung der Provinz Syria unter Pompeius, Historia Einzelschriften 196, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • ERRINGTON, R. M., 2020. Hellenistik Dünya Tarihi MÖ 323-30, Çev.: Gülşah Günata, 2. Basım, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 1997. A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer, Leiden, New York, Köln, Brill.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 2010. The Syrian Wars, Leiden, Boston, Brill.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 2017. Great Power Diplomacy in The Hellenistic World, by Routladge Taylor and Fracis Group, New York.
  • GREEN, P., 1990. Alexander to Actium: The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles.
  • GÜZEL, E., 2017. “Eski Mısır Tarihindeki Dinsel Yönetim Stratejisinin Ptolemaios Hanedanı’ndaki Yansımaları”, Academic Social Studies/Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar, 2, ss. 27-35.
  • HOLBL, G., 2001. A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Translated by Tina Saavedra, by Routledge, London, New York.
  • İPLİKÇİOĞLU, B., 2007. Hellen ve Roma Tarihinin Anahatları, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • JUSTINUS, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus, Philippic Histories, J. S. Watson, 1853.
  • KUHRT, A., 2019. Eskiçağ’da Yakındoğu-1, Çev.: Dilek Şendil, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • LIGHTMAN, M.-LIGHTMAN, B., 2008. A to Z Ancient Greek and Roman Women, Facts On File Publishing, New York.
  • MACURDY, G., 1932. Hellenistic Queens: A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • MANSEL, A. M., 2014. Ege ve Yunan Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • MILLER, R.- BROWNING, S., 2008. Cleopatra, Chelsea House Publishers, New York.
  • MULLER, S., 2012. “Stories of the Persian Bride: Alexander and Roxane”, The Alexander Romance in Persia and the East, Ed.: Richard Stoneman, Kyle Erickson, Ian Netton, Ancient Narrative Supplementum, 15, Groningen, ss. 295-310.
  • NERPEL, M. M., 2011. “Cleopatra II and III: The Queens of Ptolemy VI and VIII as Guarantors of Kingship and Rivals for Power”, Internationales Symposion Heidelberg, 16-19. 9. 2007, (Philippika 45), Wiesbaden, ss. 58-76.
  • OGDEN, D., 1999. Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, Duckworth with The Classical Press of Wales, London.
  • PLUTARKHOS, Plutarch’s Lives, With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin, In Eleven Volumes I-XI, London, New York, 1950-1959 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • POMEROY, S. B., 1984. Women in Hellenistic Egypt From Alexander to Cleopatra, Schocken Books, New York.
  • PORPHYRIUS, Against The Christians, With an English Translation by G. L. Archer. Michigan 1958.
  • SALISBURY, J. E., 2001. Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World, ABC Clio Publishing, Oxford, England.
  • SARIKAYA, S., 2019. “Barsine: Rhodoslu Mentor’dan Makedonialı İskender’e Uzanan Bir Hayat”, Phaselis V, ss. 257-282.
  • SHERWIN WHITE S.- KUHRT, A., 1993. From Samarkhand to Sardis: A New Approach to the Seleucid Empire, University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles.
  • STANWICK, P. E., 2002. Portraits of the Ptolemies: Greek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs, The University of Texas Press, Texas.
  • STRABON, The Geography of Strabo, With an English Translation by H. L. Jones I-VIII. London, New York, 1917- 1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • TEMİZKAN, M., 2017. Seleukoslar Döneminde Antiokheia (Antakya), Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hatay.
  • TYLDESLEY, J., 2006. Cronicle of The Queens of Egypt: From Early Dynastic Times To The Death of Cleopatra, Thames Hudson, New York.
  • VAN OPPEN DE RUITER, B. F., 2014. “The Susa Marriages: A Historiographic Note”, Ancient Society, 44, ss. 25-41.
  • YILDIRIM, E., 2013. “Antikçağda Evliliklerle Kurulan Müttefikler: I. Antiokhos”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1, ss. 247-268.
  • YILDIRIM, N.- TEMİZKAN, M., 2017. “Seleukoslar Döneminde Yaşanan Suriye Savaşları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14/39, ss. 117-131.
  • YILDIRIM, N.- TEMİZKAN, M., 2021. “The Wars of Dominion Between Seleucid and Parthian Kingdoms in Mesopotamia”, History Studies,13/4, ss. 1357-1368.
  • WHITEHORNE, J., 1994. Cleopatras, by Routledge, London and New York.
  • WONG, K. W. J., 1998. Cleopatra I, The First Female Ptolemaic Regent: Her Predecessors, Policies, and Precedents, University of British Columbia, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kanada.

The Power Wars of Cleopatras of Ptolemaic Origin, Who Attended the Seleucid Kingdom Through Marriage

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 305 - 318, 20.09.2022


Marriages arranged to support political alliances between Hellenistic kingdoms were a symbol of peace between dynasties. These marriages were especially applied between the two important kingdoms of the Hellenistic world, the Seleucid and Ptolemaic dynasties. With diplomatic marriages, the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms aimed to make the peace process permanent. In the peace text that will come into effect after the Second Syrian War (260-253 BC) between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, the marriage to be realized between these two dynasties was reflected in the text of the treaty and the Seleucid King II. Antiochos Theos and Ptolemaic Princess Berenike Phernophoros formalized their marriage in 252 BC. With the political marriages between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, the peace establishment was tried to be preserved and consolidated. Cleopatras of Ptolemaic origin took place in the Seleucid Dynasty and assumed an active role in the kingdom, with Cleopatra Thea as of 150 BC. The increasing dominance of Queen Cleopatra Thea with her attempts to gain political power in the Seleucid Kingdom showed that Cleopatras of Ptolemaic origin tried to be permanent and active. Cleopatra Trypheana, Cleopatra IV and Cleopatra V Selene, as Seleucid queens of Ptolemaic origin, entered into a struggle for existence with a series of political and social activities in the Seleucid Dynasty. In this study, the political existence struggles of the Ptolemaic origin Cleopatras in the Seleucid Kingdom were examined, and it was aimed to analyze the effects of these activities on the Seleucid Kingdom in line with ancient and modern sources.

Project Number

KSÜ BAP 2020/6-12 D.


  • APPIANUS, Appian’s Roman History, Translated by Horace White, VIII. II-XII, Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1912-1913 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • ARRIANUS, Arrian, With an English Translation by P.A. Brunt- I-II. Cambridge, Mass.- London, 1976- 1983 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • AUSTIN, M., 2006. The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest, A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BARRETT, E. C., 2011. Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos-A Study in Hellenistic Religion, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Vol. 36, Ed.: W. V. Harris, v.d., Brill, Leiden, Boston.
  • BARTLETT, B., 2016. “The Fate of Kleopatra Tryphaina, or: Poetic Justice in Justin”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 135-142.
  • BEVAN E., 1902. The House of Seleukos, Vol. 1, Edward Arnold Publisher, London.
  • BEVAN, E., 1927. A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, New York.
  • BIERBRIER, M. L., 2008. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland.
  • BMC SELEUCIDS: GARDNER, P., 1878. Catalogue of Greek Coins: The Seleucid Kings of Syria, London.
  • BUDGE, E. A. W., 1989. The Rosetta Stone, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.
  • BURSTEIN, S. M., 2004. The Reign of Cleopatra, Greenwood Press, London.
  • BRYCE, T., 2014. Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • CAMAN, A. F., 2005. Ptolemaioslar Hanedanlığı’nın İlk Yüzyılında Kraliçeler, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 1996. “Alexander and Persian Women”, American Journal of Philology, Vol. 117, No. 4, The Johns Hopkins University Press, ss. 563-583.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 2000. Women and Monarchy in Macedonia, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
  • CARNEY, E. D., 2012. “Oikos Keeping: Women and Monarchy in the Macedonian Tradition”, A Companion to Women In the Ancient World, Ed.: Sharon L. James, Sheila Dillon, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, ss. 304-315.
  • CHANIOTIS, A., 2005. War in the Hellenistic World: A Social and Cultural History, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, Oxford.
  • COHEN, G. M., 2006. The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, The Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, University of California Press, California.
  • COŞKUN, A., 2016. “Laodike I, Berenike Phernophoros, Dynastic Murders, and the Outbreak of the Third Syrian War (253-246 BC)”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 107-134.
  • DIMITRU, A. G., 2016. “Kleopatra Selene-A Look at the Moon and Her Bright Side”, Seleukid Royal Women Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Ed.: Altay Coşkun, Alex McAuley, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, ss. 253-272.
  • DIODORUS SICULUS, Diodorus of Sicily, With an English Translation by C. H. Oldfather, Vol. I-VI; C. H. Sherman, Vol. VII; C.B. Welles Vol. VIII; R. M. Geer, Vol. IX-X.; F.R. Walton, Vol. XI-XII. Cambridge, Mass.- London, 1933-2004 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • DOWNEY, G., 1961. A History of Antioch in Syria From Seleucus to the Arab Conquest, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • EHLING, K., 2008. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der späten Seleukiden (164-63 v.Chr.), vom Tode des Antiochos IV. bis zur Einrichtung der Provinz Syria unter Pompeius, Historia Einzelschriften 196, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • ERRINGTON, R. M., 2020. Hellenistik Dünya Tarihi MÖ 323-30, Çev.: Gülşah Günata, 2. Basım, Homer Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 1997. A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer, Leiden, New York, Köln, Brill.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 2010. The Syrian Wars, Leiden, Boston, Brill.
  • GRAINGER, J. D., 2017. Great Power Diplomacy in The Hellenistic World, by Routladge Taylor and Fracis Group, New York.
  • GREEN, P., 1990. Alexander to Actium: The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles.
  • GÜZEL, E., 2017. “Eski Mısır Tarihindeki Dinsel Yönetim Stratejisinin Ptolemaios Hanedanı’ndaki Yansımaları”, Academic Social Studies/Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar, 2, ss. 27-35.
  • HOLBL, G., 2001. A History of the Ptolemaic Empire, Translated by Tina Saavedra, by Routledge, London, New York.
  • İPLİKÇİOĞLU, B., 2007. Hellen ve Roma Tarihinin Anahatları, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • JUSTINUS, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus, Philippic Histories, J. S. Watson, 1853.
  • KUHRT, A., 2019. Eskiçağ’da Yakındoğu-1, Çev.: Dilek Şendil, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • LIGHTMAN, M.-LIGHTMAN, B., 2008. A to Z Ancient Greek and Roman Women, Facts On File Publishing, New York.
  • MACURDY, G., 1932. Hellenistic Queens: A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
  • MANSEL, A. M., 2014. Ege ve Yunan Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara.
  • MILLER, R.- BROWNING, S., 2008. Cleopatra, Chelsea House Publishers, New York.
  • MULLER, S., 2012. “Stories of the Persian Bride: Alexander and Roxane”, The Alexander Romance in Persia and the East, Ed.: Richard Stoneman, Kyle Erickson, Ian Netton, Ancient Narrative Supplementum, 15, Groningen, ss. 295-310.
  • NERPEL, M. M., 2011. “Cleopatra II and III: The Queens of Ptolemy VI and VIII as Guarantors of Kingship and Rivals for Power”, Internationales Symposion Heidelberg, 16-19. 9. 2007, (Philippika 45), Wiesbaden, ss. 58-76.
  • OGDEN, D., 1999. Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, Duckworth with The Classical Press of Wales, London.
  • PLUTARKHOS, Plutarch’s Lives, With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin, In Eleven Volumes I-XI, London, New York, 1950-1959 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • POMEROY, S. B., 1984. Women in Hellenistic Egypt From Alexander to Cleopatra, Schocken Books, New York.
  • PORPHYRIUS, Against The Christians, With an English Translation by G. L. Archer. Michigan 1958.
  • SALISBURY, J. E., 2001. Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World, ABC Clio Publishing, Oxford, England.
  • SARIKAYA, S., 2019. “Barsine: Rhodoslu Mentor’dan Makedonialı İskender’e Uzanan Bir Hayat”, Phaselis V, ss. 257-282.
  • SHERWIN WHITE S.- KUHRT, A., 1993. From Samarkhand to Sardis: A New Approach to the Seleucid Empire, University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles.
  • STANWICK, P. E., 2002. Portraits of the Ptolemies: Greek Kings as Egyptian Pharaohs, The University of Texas Press, Texas.
  • STRABON, The Geography of Strabo, With an English Translation by H. L. Jones I-VIII. London, New York, 1917- 1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • TEMİZKAN, M., 2017. Seleukoslar Döneminde Antiokheia (Antakya), Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hatay.
  • TYLDESLEY, J., 2006. Cronicle of The Queens of Egypt: From Early Dynastic Times To The Death of Cleopatra, Thames Hudson, New York.
  • VAN OPPEN DE RUITER, B. F., 2014. “The Susa Marriages: A Historiographic Note”, Ancient Society, 44, ss. 25-41.
  • YILDIRIM, E., 2013. “Antikçağda Evliliklerle Kurulan Müttefikler: I. Antiokhos”, Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1, ss. 247-268.
  • YILDIRIM, N.- TEMİZKAN, M., 2017. “Seleukoslar Döneminde Yaşanan Suriye Savaşları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14/39, ss. 117-131.
  • YILDIRIM, N.- TEMİZKAN, M., 2021. “The Wars of Dominion Between Seleucid and Parthian Kingdoms in Mesopotamia”, History Studies,13/4, ss. 1357-1368.
  • WHITEHORNE, J., 1994. Cleopatras, by Routledge, London and New York.
  • WONG, K. W. J., 1998. Cleopatra I, The First Female Ptolemaic Regent: Her Predecessors, Policies, and Precedents, University of British Columbia, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kanada.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Meltem Temizkan 0000-0001-5591-502X

Project Number KSÜ BAP 2020/6-12 D.
Early Pub Date September 17, 2022
Publication Date September 20, 2022
Submission Date January 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Temizkan, M. (2022). Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, 4(2), 305-318.
AMA Temizkan M. Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları. OANNES. September 2022;4(2):305-318. doi:10.33469/oannes.1054958
Chicago Temizkan, Meltem. “Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4, no. 2 (September 2022): 305-18.
EndNote Temizkan M (September 1, 2022) Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4 2 305–318.
IEEE M. Temizkan, “Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları”, OANNES, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 305–318, 2022, doi: 10.33469/oannes.1054958.
ISNAD Temizkan, Meltem. “Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4/2 (September 2022), 305-318.
JAMA Temizkan M. Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları. OANNES. 2022;4:305–318.
MLA Temizkan, Meltem. “Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, pp. 305-18, doi:10.33469/oannes.1054958.
Vancouver Temizkan M. Seleukos Krallığı’na Evlilik Yolu İle Katılan Ptolemaios Kökenli Kleopatraların Güç Savaşları. OANNES. 2022;4(2):305-18.

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