Theoretical Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 82 - 95, 23.01.2025


The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively studied in history and literature courses in the West. The Timurid Renaissance, which took place in present-day Uzbekistan in the 16th century AD, shone brightly in architectural, linguistic, poetic, cultural, and scientific aspects. The precious Renaissance spread to the East, leaving its mark on Timurid architecture, which inspired not only the Persians, Turks but also the Russians. In order to cover all areas of the Timurid Renaissance, the present work is based on a review of scientific and historical articles on the subject.
In this work, we have studied the Timurid renaissance as a historical concept by examining its contributions to art and science. It has also been shown that Emir Timur's intention was not simply to become a great conqueror, but that he was the initiator of one of the greatest renaissances in history, namely the Timurid Turkish Renaissance. This work explains the characteristics of the Timurid Renaissance through the study of Timurid architecture, the Timurid science developed in particular by Ulugh Begh and astronomy, the study of Timurid art and in particular the development of literature and the Chagatay Turkish language. Finally, this work ends with an explanation of the place of Timurid women in society.
In short, Timurid women have been shown to have played a key role in the Timurid Renaissance, especially in the construction of important buildings. As a result, the Timurid renaissance was as prestigious as that of the West, from art to science, architecture to literature.


  • Aka, İ. (1984). Timur’un ölümünden sonra Doğu Anadolu, Azerbaycan ve Irak-ı Acem’de hakimiyet mücadeleleri. Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları, 21(1-2).
  • Arbabzadah, N. (2017). Women and religious patronage in the Timurid Empire. Afghanistan’s Islam, 56-70.
  • Beaupertuis-Bressand, F. (1995). Le Prince Savant annexe les étoiles. Samarcande 1400-1500, La cité-oasis de Tamerlan: coeur d’un Empire et d’une Renaissance.
  • Bernardini, M. (Ed.). (1996). La civilta timuride come fenomeno internazionale. Inst. per l'Oriente CA Nallino.
  • Bernus-Taylor, M. (1997). Le décor du « Complexe Vert » à Bursa, reflet de l’art timouride. Cahiers d’Asie centrale, (3/4), 251-266.
  • Blunt, W. (1973). The golden road to Samarkand.
  • Caiozzo, A. (2012). Propagande dynastique et célébrations princières, mythes et images à la cour timouride. Bulletin d’études orientales, 60, 177-201.
  • Chuvin, P. (2010). La Renaissance timouride à Samarcande. Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon), (341), 74-76.
  • Darling, L. T. (2002). The Renaissance and the Middle East. In A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance (pp. 55-69).
  • Delen, M. (2017). Emir Timur ve yönetim ilkeleri. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 73, 144-161. Istanbul University.
  • Dickens, M. (1999). Timurid Architecture in Semerkand. Oxus Central Asia.
  • Fragner, B. (1999). Die “Persophonie”: Regionalität, Identität und Sprachkontakt in der Geschichte Asiens. Fayziyev, T. (1995). Temuriylar hajarasi. Fajziev, (1994). Temurij malikalar. Tachkent.
  • Fourniau, V. (2006). Qu’est-ce que l’Asie centrale? Outre-Terre, (3), 15-29.
  • Fourniau, V., & Fournieau, V. (1996). Quelques aspects du thème timouride dans la culture française du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Oriente moderno, 15(2), 283-304.
  • Goldenchtein, Y. (1995). Samarcande, Boukhara, Chakhrisiabz, Khiva (Vol. 14). Retrieved from
  • Golombek, L., Wilber, D. N., & Allen, T. (1988). The Timurid Architecture of Iran and Turan. Golombek, L. (2008). From Timur to Tivoli: Reflections on il giardino all’italiana. Muqarnas, 25, 243-254.
  • Ismailovich, I. U. B. (2023). Source studies of libraries in Central Asia during the "Second Muslim Renaissance". World Bulletin of Management and Law, 28, 33-36.
  • Jaxongirovna, U. G. (2024). Temuriylar davridagi me’moriy yodgorliklar tavsifi. Pedagogical Reforms and Their Solutions, 2(1), 46-48.
  • Kim, T. S. (2018). The renaissance revisited: from a silk road perspective. Acta Via Serica, 3(1), 11-25. Kim, T. S. (2016). The Development of the Silk Road: The Postal Relay Route of Mongol and Goryeo. Acta Via Serica, 105-117.
  • Krisciunas, K., & Paksoy, H. B. (1992). The Legacy of Ulugh Beg. Isis Press.
  • Masharif o‘g‘li, D. A. (2023). Mirzo Ulug’bekning ilm fanga qo‘shgan hissasi. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 1(5), 235-239.
  • Minor Planet Center, the International Astronomical Union. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Moranvillé, H. (1894). Mémoire sur Tamerlan et sa Cour par un Dominicain, en 1403. Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes, 433-464.
  • Mukminova, R. (1997). Le rôle de la femme dans la société de l’Asie centrale sous les Timourides et les Sheybanides. Cahiers d’Asie centrale, (3/4), 203-212.
  • Omonullo, B. (2023). Edges of Timurid Renaissance: Sultan Ibrahim. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 3(05), 46-50.
  • Özcan, E. S. (2022). Ulugh Begh’s Mathematics-Astronomy Climate in Samarkand. Rahmatov, M., Yusupjonova, M., & Maxamadov, A. (2023). Temuriylar davrida madaniyat va san’at. Общественные науки в современном мире: теоретические и практические исследования, 2(13), 28-30.
  • Rasulovna, X. S., & Mirkomilovich, M. B. (2023). Amir Temur va temuriylar davri me’morchiligining rivojlanish tarixidan. Scientific Approach to the Modern Education System, 1(12), 48-53.
  • Ruggiero, G. (2007). A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance. Print ISBN: 9781405157834 | Online ISBN: 9780470751626.
  • Rustamova, M. T. (2023). Markaziy Osiyoda miniatyura san'ati maktablarining shakllanishida Kamoliddin Behzodning o'rni. Journal of New Century Innovations, 27(5), 81-87.
  • Salimovna, S. M. (2023). Renaissance of Timurid Period and Its Place in World Civilization. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 89-92.
  • Scharlipp, W. (1989). Le Livre de Babur. Baburnama.
  • Shahloxon, I. (2024). Amir Temur va temuriylar davrida ta’lim-tarbiya. Universal Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture, 2(9), 66-72.
  • Shakirova, S., & Tojiboyev, M. (2023). Gavharshodbegimning ijtimoiy hayotdagi o'rni. Евразийский журнал права, финансов и прикладных наук, 3(9), 23-26.
  • Subtelny, M. E. (2018). The symbiosis of Turk and Tajik. In Central Asia in historical perspective (pp. 45-61). Routledge.
  • Sugdiyona, V. (2024). Amir Temur davrida madaniyat va san'at. O'zbekistonda fanlararo innovatsiyalar va ilmiy tadqiqotlar jurnali, 3(29), 77-79.
  • Szuppe, M. (2004). Circulation des lettrés et cercles littéraires. Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales, 59(5-6), 997-1018.
  • Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. (1822). Mémoire sur une correspondance inédite de Tamerlan avec Charles VI. Mémoires de l'Institut de France, 6(1), 470-522.
  • Yodgorov, N., & Nurullayeva, M. (2023). Temuriylar davrida sharq miniatyurasining rivojlanishi. Академические исследования в современной науке, 2(5), 69-73.

THE PERIOD OF THE TEMURID RENAISSANCE, a Central Asian Renaissance as prestigious as the Italian Renaissance

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 82 - 95, 23.01.2025


Sanatsal, kültürel, bilimsel, edebi vb. bir yenilenme çağı olan Rönesans, Batı'da tarih ve edebiyat derslerinde kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmektedir. MS 16. yüzyılda bugünkü Özbekistan'da gerçekleşen Timurlu Rönesansı, mimari, dilbilimsel, şiirsel, kültürel ve bilimsel yönlerden parlak bir şekilde parladı. Değerli Rönesans Doğu'ya yayıldı ve sadece Perslere, Türklere değil Ruslara da ilham veren Timurlu mimarisine damgasını vurdu. Timurlu Rönesansı'nın tüm alanlarını kapsayabilmek için bu çalışma, konuyla ilgili bilimsel ve tarihi makalelerin gözden geçirilmesine dayanmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, Timurlu Rönesansı'nı sanata ve bilime katkılarını inceleyerek tarihsel bir kavram olarak inceledik. Ayrıca Emir Timur'un niyetinin sadece büyük bir fatih olmak olmadığı, tarihin en büyük rönesanslarından birinin, yani Timurlu Türk Rönesansı'nın başlatıcısı olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışma, Timurlu mimarisi, özellikle Uluğ Bey tarafından geliştirilen Timurlu bilimi ve astronomi, Timurlu sanatının incelenmesi ve özellikle edebiyatın ve Çağatay Türkçesinin gelişimi yoluyla Timurlu Rönesansının özelliklerini açıklamaktadır. Son olarak, bu çalışma Timurlu kadınların toplumdaki yerinin açıklanmasıyla sona ermektedir. Kısacası, Timurlu kadınların Timurlu Rönesansı'nda, özellikle de önemli yapıların inşasında kilit bir rol oynadıkları gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Timurlu rönesansı, sanattan bilime, mimariden edebiyata, Batı'nınki kadar prestijliydi.


  • Aka, İ. (1984). Timur’un ölümünden sonra Doğu Anadolu, Azerbaycan ve Irak-ı Acem’de hakimiyet mücadeleleri. Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları, 21(1-2).
  • Arbabzadah, N. (2017). Women and religious patronage in the Timurid Empire. Afghanistan’s Islam, 56-70.
  • Beaupertuis-Bressand, F. (1995). Le Prince Savant annexe les étoiles. Samarcande 1400-1500, La cité-oasis de Tamerlan: coeur d’un Empire et d’une Renaissance.
  • Bernardini, M. (Ed.). (1996). La civilta timuride come fenomeno internazionale. Inst. per l'Oriente CA Nallino.
  • Bernus-Taylor, M. (1997). Le décor du « Complexe Vert » à Bursa, reflet de l’art timouride. Cahiers d’Asie centrale, (3/4), 251-266.
  • Blunt, W. (1973). The golden road to Samarkand.
  • Caiozzo, A. (2012). Propagande dynastique et célébrations princières, mythes et images à la cour timouride. Bulletin d’études orientales, 60, 177-201.
  • Chuvin, P. (2010). La Renaissance timouride à Samarcande. Les Dossiers d'archéologie (Dijon), (341), 74-76.
  • Darling, L. T. (2002). The Renaissance and the Middle East. In A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance (pp. 55-69).
  • Delen, M. (2017). Emir Timur ve yönetim ilkeleri. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 73, 144-161. Istanbul University.
  • Dickens, M. (1999). Timurid Architecture in Semerkand. Oxus Central Asia.
  • Fragner, B. (1999). Die “Persophonie”: Regionalität, Identität und Sprachkontakt in der Geschichte Asiens. Fayziyev, T. (1995). Temuriylar hajarasi. Fajziev, (1994). Temurij malikalar. Tachkent.
  • Fourniau, V. (2006). Qu’est-ce que l’Asie centrale? Outre-Terre, (3), 15-29.
  • Fourniau, V., & Fournieau, V. (1996). Quelques aspects du thème timouride dans la culture française du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Oriente moderno, 15(2), 283-304.
  • Goldenchtein, Y. (1995). Samarcande, Boukhara, Chakhrisiabz, Khiva (Vol. 14). Retrieved from
  • Golombek, L., Wilber, D. N., & Allen, T. (1988). The Timurid Architecture of Iran and Turan. Golombek, L. (2008). From Timur to Tivoli: Reflections on il giardino all’italiana. Muqarnas, 25, 243-254.
  • Ismailovich, I. U. B. (2023). Source studies of libraries in Central Asia during the "Second Muslim Renaissance". World Bulletin of Management and Law, 28, 33-36.
  • Jaxongirovna, U. G. (2024). Temuriylar davridagi me’moriy yodgorliklar tavsifi. Pedagogical Reforms and Their Solutions, 2(1), 46-48.
  • Kim, T. S. (2018). The renaissance revisited: from a silk road perspective. Acta Via Serica, 3(1), 11-25. Kim, T. S. (2016). The Development of the Silk Road: The Postal Relay Route of Mongol and Goryeo. Acta Via Serica, 105-117.
  • Krisciunas, K., & Paksoy, H. B. (1992). The Legacy of Ulugh Beg. Isis Press.
  • Masharif o‘g‘li, D. A. (2023). Mirzo Ulug’bekning ilm fanga qo‘shgan hissasi. Journal of Science-Innovative Research in Uzbekistan, 1(5), 235-239.
  • Minor Planet Center, the International Astronomical Union. (2021). Retrieved from
  • Moranvillé, H. (1894). Mémoire sur Tamerlan et sa Cour par un Dominicain, en 1403. Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes, 433-464.
  • Mukminova, R. (1997). Le rôle de la femme dans la société de l’Asie centrale sous les Timourides et les Sheybanides. Cahiers d’Asie centrale, (3/4), 203-212.
  • Omonullo, B. (2023). Edges of Timurid Renaissance: Sultan Ibrahim. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Fundamentals, 3(05), 46-50.
  • Özcan, E. S. (2022). Ulugh Begh’s Mathematics-Astronomy Climate in Samarkand. Rahmatov, M., Yusupjonova, M., & Maxamadov, A. (2023). Temuriylar davrida madaniyat va san’at. Общественные науки в современном мире: теоретические и практические исследования, 2(13), 28-30.
  • Rasulovna, X. S., & Mirkomilovich, M. B. (2023). Amir Temur va temuriylar davri me’morchiligining rivojlanish tarixidan. Scientific Approach to the Modern Education System, 1(12), 48-53.
  • Ruggiero, G. (2007). A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance. Print ISBN: 9781405157834 | Online ISBN: 9780470751626.
  • Rustamova, M. T. (2023). Markaziy Osiyoda miniatyura san'ati maktablarining shakllanishida Kamoliddin Behzodning o'rni. Journal of New Century Innovations, 27(5), 81-87.
  • Salimovna, S. M. (2023). Renaissance of Timurid Period and Its Place in World Civilization. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(9), 89-92.
  • Scharlipp, W. (1989). Le Livre de Babur. Baburnama.
  • Shahloxon, I. (2024). Amir Temur va temuriylar davrida ta’lim-tarbiya. Universal Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture, 2(9), 66-72.
  • Shakirova, S., & Tojiboyev, M. (2023). Gavharshodbegimning ijtimoiy hayotdagi o'rni. Евразийский журнал права, финансов и прикладных наук, 3(9), 23-26.
  • Subtelny, M. E. (2018). The symbiosis of Turk and Tajik. In Central Asia in historical perspective (pp. 45-61). Routledge.
  • Sugdiyona, V. (2024). Amir Temur davrida madaniyat va san'at. O'zbekistonda fanlararo innovatsiyalar va ilmiy tadqiqotlar jurnali, 3(29), 77-79.
  • Szuppe, M. (2004). Circulation des lettrés et cercles littéraires. Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales, 59(5-6), 997-1018.
  • Silvestre de Sacy, A. I. (1822). Mémoire sur une correspondance inédite de Tamerlan avec Charles VI. Mémoires de l'Institut de France, 6(1), 470-522.
  • Yodgorov, N., & Nurullayeva, M. (2023). Temuriylar davrida sharq miniatyurasining rivojlanishi. Академические исследования в современной науке, 2(5), 69-73.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects South-East (Latest Uyghur/Uzbek) Turkic Dialects and Literatures, Historical Studies (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Derya Soysal 0009-0000-3240-8850

Publication Date January 23, 2025
Submission Date October 17, 2024
Acceptance Date January 23, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Soysal, D. (2025). THE TIMURID RENAISSANCE PERIOD IS A CENTRAL ASIAN RENAISSANCE AS PRESTIGIOUS AS THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Orta Doğu Ve Orta Asya-Kafkaslar Araştırma Ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 4(2), 82-95.

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