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Determination of Nutrient Contents of Some Medicinal Plants Sold by Herbalists in Bingöl

Year 2023, , 41 - 53, 31.08.2023


Objective: In this study, the nutritional parameters such as moisture, ash, crude fiber, crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate and nutritive value of sage (Salvia officinalis), linden (Tilia platyphyllos), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), daisy (Matricaria chamomilla) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) plants sold in Bingol herbalists and widely used for treatment among the public were determined by analysis.
Methods: In 2019, 5 different medicinal plant samples were obtained from 3 different herbalists in Bingöl. Afterwards, the nutritional contents of these plants were analyzed using official Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) methods and different biochemical methods.
Results: Moisture, ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, carbohydrate percentages and nutritional values (kcal/100g) of the studied plant samples (0.10 %- 5.67, 4.67 - 11.89, 6.59 - 18.22, 2.12 - 6.80, 16.65 - 29.16, 40.18 - 63.68 %and 245.66kcal - 347.49kcal), respectively. The moisture contents of sage, linden and daisy samples were determined as 0.85 % to 4.84 % and they were found safe for consumption according to the Herbal Tea Standard of the TS 12933 Turkish Standards Institute,but ash levels exceeding the limit level of thyme samples (10.78-11.89 %) were found to be unsuitable. The moisture content of the thyme and ginger samples (0.10 - 5.67 %) (maximum 12 % for both), as well as the ash content of the thyme samples (maximum 14 %) and ginger (maximum 12 %) all fall within the Turkish Food Codex limit values.While statistically significant differences were observed in moisture, ash, crude fiber, carbohydrate and nutritional value groups (p<0.05), no difference was observed in crude protein and crude fat groups (p>0.05). The crude protein content of daisy (D2,D3) and linden (L1,L2) samples, the crude fiber content of daisy (D2,D3) and thyme (T1,T2,T3) samples, the carbohydrate content of ginger (G1,G2,G3) and sage (S1,S3) samples were all found to be high.
Conclusion: Plants such as Salvia officinalis and Zingiber officinale, which are rich in carbohydrates, crude protein and crude fiber content, are used for medicinal purposes. In addition, plants with high nutritional value can be added to the herbal combination content of individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet.


  • 1. Akgül A, Ünver A. Herbal Teas. Journal of Food Engineering, 2001; 11: 21-24.
  • 2. Karadoğan T, Baydar H, Özçelik H. Determination of Plant Species Included in Lamiaceae Family in Lakes Region and Determination of Medicinal and Aromatic Values. Project number: TOGTAG-2599. Isparta, Index Date:21-08-2023.
  • 3. World Health Organization. WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy: 2014-2023. Geneva, 2013.
  • 4. Faydaoğlu E, Sürücüoğlu MS. History of the Use of Medical and Aromatic Plants and their Economic Importance. Kastamonu Univ J. of Forestry Facult, 2011; 11(1): 52-67.
  • 5. Baytop T. Herbal Treatment in Turkey, Past and Present. Nobel Medical Bookstores, ISBN:9789-7542-002-18, II. Baskı, İstanbul, 1999; 480.
  • 6. Baydar H, Erbaş S, Kineci S, Kazaz S. Effect of Tween-20 Adding to Distillation Water on Rose Oil Yield and Quality in Fresh and Fermented flowers of Oil-bearing Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 2007; 2(1):15-20.
  • 7. Özer Z, Tursun N, Önen H. Healthy Living with Weeds (Food and Treatment). Four Colors Publications, ISBN: 975-8205-08-0. 2st Edition, Ankara, 2001; 293.
  • 8. Aydıner M. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Elite Culture Publications, ISBN: 994-4995-51-7. 1st Edition, İstanbul, 2006; 360.
  • 9. Şeker M. Healing in Plants. Ekin Publishing House, ISBN: 978-6055-431-075. 1st Edition Bursa, 2011; 440.
  • 10. Koç H. Healthy Living with Plants. T.C. Ministry of Culture Publications, ISBN: 975-17-2925-4. 1st Edition, Ankara, 2002; 431.
  • 11. Polat R, Satıl F, Çakılcıoğlu U. Medicinal Plants and Their Use Properties of Sold in Herbal Market in Bingöl Turkey District. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2011; 4(3): 25-35.
  • 12. Akbulut S, Özkan ZC. Herbalist-Customer Profile in Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs Trade: A Case Study of Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2016; 16 (1): 246-252.
  • 13. Gölükçü M, Tokgöz H, Toker R, Structural Analysis of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Enterprises. Western Mediterranean Development Agency Direct Activity Support, Project number: TR61/11/DFD/7. Antalya, 2012; 88.
  • 14. Arslan O, Kahraman F, Bayram ÖT, Turhan H. Investigatıon Of Seed Yield And Some Quality Characteristics in Linseed Genotypes Grown in Çanakkale Conditions. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2011; 8(3):1-7.
  • 15. Arslan M. Quality Charecteristics of Sorghum and Some Plants Silages Mixed at Different Rates. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2017; 14 (2): 34-41.
  • 16. Davis PH, Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. 1965-1985. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Vol 1-9.
  • 17. Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1988; Vol 10.
  • 18. AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Arlington, VA, USA, 1990.
  • 19. Karabulut A, Canbolat Ö. Feed Evaluation and Analysis Methods. Textbook, Uludag University Press, Bursa, 2005; 520.
  • 20. Bengü AŞ, Çınar Yılmaz H, Türkekul İ, Işık H. Determination of Total Protein, Vitamin and Fatty Acid Content of Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus Mushrooms Collected from Nature and Cultured. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, 2019; 6 (2): 222-229.
  • 21. Merrill AL, Watt BK. Energy Value of Foods: Basis and Derivation. Agriculture Handbook, ARS United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, 1973; No. 74.
  • 22. Nile SH, Khobragade CN. Determination of Nutritive Value and Mineral Elements of Some Important Medicinal Plants from The Western Part of India. J Med Plants, 2009; 8:79-88.
  • 23. Anonymous. Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. The National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001, USA, 2005; 77-185.
  • 24. Nielson SS. Food analysis. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, London, 2003
  • 25. Vermani A, Navneet P, Chauhan A. Physico-chemical analysis of ash of some medicinal plants growing in Uttarakhand, India. Nat. Sci, 2006; 8: 88-91.
  • 26. Amr S, Dordevic S. The Investigation of The Quality of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Originating from Jordan. Working and living Environmental Protection, Facta Universitatis, 2000; 1(5): 103-108.
  • 27. Khalil E, Esoh R, Rababah T, Almajwali AM, Aludatt MH.. Minerals, Proximate Composition and Their Correlations of Medicinal Plants from Jordan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2012; 6: 5757-5762.
  • 28. Ajayi OB, Akomolafe SF, Akinyemi FT. Food Value of Two Varieties of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Commonly Consumed in Nigeria. Hindawi, 2013; 1 – 5.
  • 29. Farid M, Ali HFM, Massoud GFA, Abdelgayed SS. Biochemical Studies on Bio Extracts as Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity. J Agric Environ Vet Sci, 2017; 1: 45-69.
  • 30. Farid M, Hana AFM, Sherein SA. Chemical Evaluation of Some Bio Extracts with Pathological Study on Tumor Cell in Mice Model. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2018; 9(4):1-7.
  • 31. Ogbuewu IP, Jiwuba PD, Ezeokeke CT, Uchegbu MC, Okoli IC, Iloeje IU. Evaluation of Phytochemical and Nutritional Composition of Ginger Rhizome Powder. Int’l Journal Agric and Rural Development, 2014; 17 (1): 1663-1670.
  • 32. Tomescu A, Rus C, Pop G, Alexa E, Radulov I, Imbrea IM, Negrea M. Researches Regarding Proximate and Selected Elements Composition of Some Medicinal Plants belonging to The Lamiaceae family, Lucrări Ştiinţifice. Seria Agronomie, 2015; 58(2):1-6.
  • 33. El-Zainy ARM, Shalaby AO, El-Zamzamy FM, Mostafa, MYA. Effect of Chamomile, Marjoram and Their Oils Incorporation on Properties of Oat Biscuits.‏ Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences, 2016; 6 (1): 162-177‏.
  • 34. Anonymous. Herbal Teas. Turkish Standardization Institute (TS -12933), Ankara, 2003.
  • 35. Anonymous. Turkish Food Codex Spices Communiqué (No: 2000/16), Published in The Official Gazette dated 31/07/2000 with the number 24126, Ankara, 2000.
  • 36. Rahmatollah R, Mahbobeh R. Mineral contents of some plants used in Iran. Pharmacognosy Res, 2010; 2(4):267-70.
  • 37. Roger P, Elie E, Rose L, Martin F, Jacop S, Mercy AB, Felicite MT. Methods of preparation and nutritional evaluation of Dishes consumed in a malaria endemic zonein Cameroon (Ngali II). Afr. J Biotechnol, 2005; 4(3):273-278.
  • 38. Pearson D. The Chemical Analysis of Foods, 7th ed. Churchill Living Stone Edinburgh, London and NewYork, 1976; 27-72.
  • 39. Ullah I, Gul S, Rehman HU, Ahmad N, Ullah I, Aziz-ud-Din Jawad SM, Ali J, Ahmad A, Akbar MU. Analysis of nutrients and minerals of some wild edible plants. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2017; 4: 35-39.
  • 40. Kris-Etherton PM, Hecker KD, Bonanome A, CovalSM, Binkoski AE, HilpertKF, Griel AE, Etherton TD. Bioactive compounds in foods: their role in theprevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Am. J.Med, 2002; 113: 71-88.
  • 41. Imran M, Talpur FM, Jan MI, Khan A, Khan I. Analysis of nutritional components of some wild edible plants. J. Chem. Soc. Pak, 2007; 29(5):500-505.
  • 42. Vadival V, Janardhanan K. Nutritional and Antinutritional characteristics of seven South Indian wild legumes. Plant Food Hum. Nutri, 2005; 60:69-75.
  • 43. FAO. Carbohydrate in human nutrition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation: Rome Report of a joint FAO/WHO expert consultation FAO. Food and Nutrition, 1995; 66.
  • 44. Al-Farsi MA, Lee CY. Nutritional and functional properties of dates: A review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr, 2008; 48: 877-887.
  • 45. Eleazu CO, Ikpeama AI, Amajor JU, Eleazu KC. Proximate Composition, Essential Oils and Energy Value of 10 New Varieties of Ginger (zingiber officinale roscoe). International Journal of Biology. Pharmacy and Allied Science (IJBPAS), 2012; 1(9): 1293-1303.
  • 46. Anonymous. Salvia officinalis, Thymus vulgaris, Plant Resources of South-East Asia, 2017. Spices(PROSEA).
  • 47. Lalitha ST, Vijayalakshmi K. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Evaluation and Mineral Analysis in the Leaves of an Indigenous Medicinal Plant, Alternanthera sessilis. Int J Health Sci, 2018; 8(7):55-62.

Bingöl'deki Aktarlarda Satılan Bazı Tıbbi Bitkilerin Besin Madde İçeriklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2023, , 41 - 53, 31.08.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Bingöl aktarlarında satılan ve halk arasında yaygın olarak tedavi amacıyla kullanılan adaçayı (Salvia officinalis), ıhlamur (Tilia platyphyllos), kekik (Thymus vulgaris), papatya (Matricaria chamomilla) vezencefil (Zingiber officinale) bitkilerinin nem, kül, ham lif, ham protein, ham yağ, karbonhidrat ve besin değeri gibi parametreleri tespit edilmiştir.
Metod: 2019 yılında Bingöldeki 3 farklı aktardan 5 farklı tıbbi bitki örnekleri temin edilmiş. Sonrasında bu bitkilerin besin içerikleri resmi AOAC yöntemler ile farklı biyokimyasal yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışılan bitki örneklerine ait nem, kül, ham protein, ham yağ, ham lif, karbonhidrat yüzde oranları ve besin değerleri sırasıyla (% 0,10 - 5,67, 4,67 - 11,89, 6,59 - 18,22, 2,12 - 6,80, 16,65 - 29,16, 40,18 - %63,68 ve 245,66kkal - 347,49kkal) olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada adaçayı, ıhlamur ve papatya örneklerinin nem içeriği % 0,85 ile 4,84 arasında, TS 12933 Türk Standartları Enstitüsü'nün Bitkisel Çay Standardı’na göre tüketim için güvenli bulunmuş, ancak kekik örneklerinde (% 10,78-11,89) limiti aşan kül seviyeleri tüketime uygun bulunmamıştır. Kekik ve zencefil numunelerinin nem içeriği (% 0,10 – 5,67) (her ikisi için en fazla % 12), kekik (en fazla % 14) ve zencefil (en fazla % 12) numunelerinin kül içeriğinin tümü, Türk Gıda Kodeksi sınır değerleri arasında bulunmuştur. Nem, kül, ham lif, karbonhidrat ve besin değeri gruplarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar görülürken (p<0,05), ham protein ve ham yağ gruplarında farklılık görülmemiştir (p> 0,05). Papatya (D2,D3) ve ıhlamur (L1,L2) örneklerinin ham protein içeriği, papatya (D2,D3) ve kekik (T1,T2,T3) örneklerinin ham lif içeriği, zencefilin (G1, G2, G3) karbonhidrat içeriğizencefil (G1,G2,G3) ve adaçayı (S1,S3) örneklerinin karbonhidrat içeriği yüksek bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Karbonhidrat, ham protein ve ham lif içeriği bakımından zengin olan Salvia officinalis ve Zingiber officinale gibi bitkiler tıbbi amaçlı kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca vejeteryan veya vegan diyeti uygulayan bireylerin bitkisel kombinasyon içeriğine besin değeri yüksek bitkiler de eklenebilir.


  • 1. Akgül A, Ünver A. Herbal Teas. Journal of Food Engineering, 2001; 11: 21-24.
  • 2. Karadoğan T, Baydar H, Özçelik H. Determination of Plant Species Included in Lamiaceae Family in Lakes Region and Determination of Medicinal and Aromatic Values. Project number: TOGTAG-2599. Isparta, Index Date:21-08-2023.
  • 3. World Health Organization. WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy: 2014-2023. Geneva, 2013.
  • 4. Faydaoğlu E, Sürücüoğlu MS. History of the Use of Medical and Aromatic Plants and their Economic Importance. Kastamonu Univ J. of Forestry Facult, 2011; 11(1): 52-67.
  • 5. Baytop T. Herbal Treatment in Turkey, Past and Present. Nobel Medical Bookstores, ISBN:9789-7542-002-18, II. Baskı, İstanbul, 1999; 480.
  • 6. Baydar H, Erbaş S, Kineci S, Kazaz S. Effect of Tween-20 Adding to Distillation Water on Rose Oil Yield and Quality in Fresh and Fermented flowers of Oil-bearing Rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 2007; 2(1):15-20.
  • 7. Özer Z, Tursun N, Önen H. Healthy Living with Weeds (Food and Treatment). Four Colors Publications, ISBN: 975-8205-08-0. 2st Edition, Ankara, 2001; 293.
  • 8. Aydıner M. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants. Elite Culture Publications, ISBN: 994-4995-51-7. 1st Edition, İstanbul, 2006; 360.
  • 9. Şeker M. Healing in Plants. Ekin Publishing House, ISBN: 978-6055-431-075. 1st Edition Bursa, 2011; 440.
  • 10. Koç H. Healthy Living with Plants. T.C. Ministry of Culture Publications, ISBN: 975-17-2925-4. 1st Edition, Ankara, 2002; 431.
  • 11. Polat R, Satıl F, Çakılcıoğlu U. Medicinal Plants and Their Use Properties of Sold in Herbal Market in Bingöl Turkey District. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2011; 4(3): 25-35.
  • 12. Akbulut S, Özkan ZC. Herbalist-Customer Profile in Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs Trade: A Case Study of Kahramanmaraş, Turkey. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2016; 16 (1): 246-252.
  • 13. Gölükçü M, Tokgöz H, Toker R, Structural Analysis of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Enterprises. Western Mediterranean Development Agency Direct Activity Support, Project number: TR61/11/DFD/7. Antalya, 2012; 88.
  • 14. Arslan O, Kahraman F, Bayram ÖT, Turhan H. Investigatıon Of Seed Yield And Some Quality Characteristics in Linseed Genotypes Grown in Çanakkale Conditions. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2011; 8(3):1-7.
  • 15. Arslan M. Quality Charecteristics of Sorghum and Some Plants Silages Mixed at Different Rates. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2017; 14 (2): 34-41.
  • 16. Davis PH, Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. 1965-1985. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, Vol 1-9.
  • 17. Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1988; Vol 10.
  • 18. AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Arlington, VA, USA, 1990.
  • 19. Karabulut A, Canbolat Ö. Feed Evaluation and Analysis Methods. Textbook, Uludag University Press, Bursa, 2005; 520.
  • 20. Bengü AŞ, Çınar Yılmaz H, Türkekul İ, Işık H. Determination of Total Protein, Vitamin and Fatty Acid Content of Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus Mushrooms Collected from Nature and Cultured. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, 2019; 6 (2): 222-229.
  • 21. Merrill AL, Watt BK. Energy Value of Foods: Basis and Derivation. Agriculture Handbook, ARS United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, 1973; No. 74.
  • 22. Nile SH, Khobragade CN. Determination of Nutritive Value and Mineral Elements of Some Important Medicinal Plants from The Western Part of India. J Med Plants, 2009; 8:79-88.
  • 23. Anonymous. Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate. The National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001, USA, 2005; 77-185.
  • 24. Nielson SS. Food analysis. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, London, 2003
  • 25. Vermani A, Navneet P, Chauhan A. Physico-chemical analysis of ash of some medicinal plants growing in Uttarakhand, India. Nat. Sci, 2006; 8: 88-91.
  • 26. Amr S, Dordevic S. The Investigation of The Quality of Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Originating from Jordan. Working and living Environmental Protection, Facta Universitatis, 2000; 1(5): 103-108.
  • 27. Khalil E, Esoh R, Rababah T, Almajwali AM, Aludatt MH.. Minerals, Proximate Composition and Their Correlations of Medicinal Plants from Jordan. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2012; 6: 5757-5762.
  • 28. Ajayi OB, Akomolafe SF, Akinyemi FT. Food Value of Two Varieties of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Commonly Consumed in Nigeria. Hindawi, 2013; 1 – 5.
  • 29. Farid M, Ali HFM, Massoud GFA, Abdelgayed SS. Biochemical Studies on Bio Extracts as Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity. J Agric Environ Vet Sci, 2017; 1: 45-69.
  • 30. Farid M, Hana AFM, Sherein SA. Chemical Evaluation of Some Bio Extracts with Pathological Study on Tumor Cell in Mice Model. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2018; 9(4):1-7.
  • 31. Ogbuewu IP, Jiwuba PD, Ezeokeke CT, Uchegbu MC, Okoli IC, Iloeje IU. Evaluation of Phytochemical and Nutritional Composition of Ginger Rhizome Powder. Int’l Journal Agric and Rural Development, 2014; 17 (1): 1663-1670.
  • 32. Tomescu A, Rus C, Pop G, Alexa E, Radulov I, Imbrea IM, Negrea M. Researches Regarding Proximate and Selected Elements Composition of Some Medicinal Plants belonging to The Lamiaceae family, Lucrări Ştiinţifice. Seria Agronomie, 2015; 58(2):1-6.
  • 33. El-Zainy ARM, Shalaby AO, El-Zamzamy FM, Mostafa, MYA. Effect of Chamomile, Marjoram and Their Oils Incorporation on Properties of Oat Biscuits.‏ Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences, 2016; 6 (1): 162-177‏.
  • 34. Anonymous. Herbal Teas. Turkish Standardization Institute (TS -12933), Ankara, 2003.
  • 35. Anonymous. Turkish Food Codex Spices Communiqué (No: 2000/16), Published in The Official Gazette dated 31/07/2000 with the number 24126, Ankara, 2000.
  • 36. Rahmatollah R, Mahbobeh R. Mineral contents of some plants used in Iran. Pharmacognosy Res, 2010; 2(4):267-70.
  • 37. Roger P, Elie E, Rose L, Martin F, Jacop S, Mercy AB, Felicite MT. Methods of preparation and nutritional evaluation of Dishes consumed in a malaria endemic zonein Cameroon (Ngali II). Afr. J Biotechnol, 2005; 4(3):273-278.
  • 38. Pearson D. The Chemical Analysis of Foods, 7th ed. Churchill Living Stone Edinburgh, London and NewYork, 1976; 27-72.
  • 39. Ullah I, Gul S, Rehman HU, Ahmad N, Ullah I, Aziz-ud-Din Jawad SM, Ali J, Ahmad A, Akbar MU. Analysis of nutrients and minerals of some wild edible plants. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2017; 4: 35-39.
  • 40. Kris-Etherton PM, Hecker KD, Bonanome A, CovalSM, Binkoski AE, HilpertKF, Griel AE, Etherton TD. Bioactive compounds in foods: their role in theprevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Am. J.Med, 2002; 113: 71-88.
  • 41. Imran M, Talpur FM, Jan MI, Khan A, Khan I. Analysis of nutritional components of some wild edible plants. J. Chem. Soc. Pak, 2007; 29(5):500-505.
  • 42. Vadival V, Janardhanan K. Nutritional and Antinutritional characteristics of seven South Indian wild legumes. Plant Food Hum. Nutri, 2005; 60:69-75.
  • 43. FAO. Carbohydrate in human nutrition. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation: Rome Report of a joint FAO/WHO expert consultation FAO. Food and Nutrition, 1995; 66.
  • 44. Al-Farsi MA, Lee CY. Nutritional and functional properties of dates: A review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr, 2008; 48: 877-887.
  • 45. Eleazu CO, Ikpeama AI, Amajor JU, Eleazu KC. Proximate Composition, Essential Oils and Energy Value of 10 New Varieties of Ginger (zingiber officinale roscoe). International Journal of Biology. Pharmacy and Allied Science (IJBPAS), 2012; 1(9): 1293-1303.
  • 46. Anonymous. Salvia officinalis, Thymus vulgaris, Plant Resources of South-East Asia, 2017. Spices(PROSEA).
  • 47. Lalitha ST, Vijayalakshmi K. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Evaluation and Mineral Analysis in the Leaves of an Indigenous Medicinal Plant, Alternanthera sessilis. Int J Health Sci, 2018; 8(7):55-62.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Articles

Yusuf Karagözoğlu 0000-0003-4201-0904

Tuğba Raika Kıran 0000-0002-3724-0249

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Karagözoğlu Y, Kıran TR. Determination of Nutrient Contents of Some Medicinal Plants Sold by Herbalists in Bingöl. ODU Tıp Derg. 2023;10(2):41-53.