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Kronik Kolesistit Vakalarinda SUV39H1 Ekspresyonu ve Kan Parametreleriyle İlişkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 10 - 13, 30.04.2021


Amaç: SUV39H1 prototip SET-domain içeren histon metil transferazdır. İnsanda H3K9 metilasyonu; SUV39H1, SUV39H2, GLP, G9a, SETDB1 ve SETDB2adlı SUV39 aile üyelerine dayanır. Bütün bu enzimlerin tümü, Pro-SET, SET ve Post-SET domainleri içeren oldukça korunmuş katalitik bölgelere sahiptir. SUV39H1, HistonH3K9 (H3K9me3) üzerinde trimetilasyonu spesifik olarak katalize eder ve onun global seviyesini düzenler. H3K9me3’ün, heterokromatin formasyonunda çok önemli rol oynadığı bilinmektedir, temel hücresel proçeste de önemli rol oynar. Bu çalışmanın amacı; immünohistokimyasal olarak SUV39H1 ekspresyonunun olguların yaş, cinsiyet, boy, kilo, kan parametreleriyle (hemoglobin, lökosit, trombosit) ilişkisi incelemektir.
Yöntemler: Çalışmaya üniversitemiz patoloji anabilim dalı arşivinden 2016-2017 yıllarına ait kronik kolesistit tanısı almış 67 olgu dahil edilmiştir. Olgulara ait parafin bloklar arşivden çıkarılarak immünohistokimyasal çalışma için yeni kesitler alınmıştır. İmmünohistokimyasal olarak SUV39H1 çalışılmıştır. SUV39H1 ekspresyonları ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirilerek SUV39H1 ekspresyonları skorlanmıştır. Skorlama; 0,+1,+2 olarak 3 derece üzerinden semikantitatif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların yaş, cinsiyet, boy, kilo, kan parametreleriyle (hemoglobin, lökosit, trombosit ilişkisi incelenmiştir.
Bulgular: Kronik kolesistit olgularında SUV39H1 ekspresyonu; 53 olguda +1 skor ve 14 olguda +2 skor olarak saptanmıştır, 0 skor görülmemiştir. Çalışmamıza göre +1 skor boyanma gösteren olgularda Hb değeri anlamlı olarak daha yüksek izlenmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada kronik kolesistit olgularında, faydalı bir tanısal diagnostik test olarak SUV39H1'in, hemoglobin düzeyinin belirlenmesinde yardımcı olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Gelecekte daha geniş serilerde yapılacak çalışmalarla daha anlamlı sonuçlar elde edilebileceğini düşünmekteyiz.


  • 1. Saksouk N, Simboeck E, Dejardin J. Constitutive heterochromatin formation and transcription in mammals. Epigenetics Chromatin. 2015; 8(3): 1-17.
  • 2. Peters AH, O'Carroll D, Scherthan H, Mechtler K, Sauer S, Schöfer C, Weipoltshammer K, Pagani M, Lachner M, Kohlmaier A, Opravil S, Doyle M, Sibilia M, Jenuwein T. Loss of the Suv39h histone methyltransferases impairs mammalian heterochromatin and genom estability. Cell. 2001; 107: 323–337.
  • 3. Wu H, Min J, Lunin VV, Antoshenko T, Dombrovski L, Zeng H, Allali-Hassani A, Campagna-Slater V, Vedadi M, Arrowsmith CH, Plotnikov AN, Schapira M. Structural biology of human H3K9 methyltransferases. PLoSOne. 2010; 5(1):e8570.
  • 4. Chen TT, Wu SM, Ho SC, Chuang HC, Liu CY, Chan YF, Kuo LW, Feng PH, Liu WT, Chen KY, Hsiao TC, Juang JN, Lee KY. SUV39H1 Reduction Is Implicated in Abnormal Inflammation in COPD. SciRep. 2017; 7: 1-13.
  • 5. Chiba T, Saito T, Yuki K, Zen Y, Koide S, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV39H1 is a potent target for epigenetic therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136(2): 289–298.
  • 6. Liu X, Guo S, Liu X, Su L. Chaetocin induces endoplasmic reticulum stress response and leads to death receptor 5‐dependent apoptosis in human non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Apoptosis. 2015; 20: 1499–1507.
  • 7. Rodriguesa C, Pattabiramana C, Vijaykumara A, Aroraa R, Narayana SM, Kumar RV, Notania D, Varga-Weiszc P, Krishnaa S. SUV39H1-low chromatin state characterises and promotes migratory properties of cervical cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2019; 378: 206-216.
  • 8. T Yu, C Wang, J Yang, Y Guo, Y Wuand X Li. Metformin inhibits SUV39H1­mediated migration of prostate cancer cells. Oncogenesis. 2017, 6(5): 1-9.
  • 9. Chiba T, Saito T, Yuki K, Zen Y, Koide S, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV39H1 is a potent target for epigenetic therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136(2): 289–298.
  • 10. Liu X, Guo S, Liu X, Su L. Chaetocin induces endoplasmic reticulum stress response and leads to death receptor 5‐dependent apoptosis in human non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Apoptosis. 2015; 20: 1499–1507.
  • 11. Rodriguesa C, Pattabiramana C, Vijaykumara A, Aroraa R, Narayana SM, Kumar RV, Notania D, Varga-Weiszc P, Krishnaa S. SUV39H1-low chromatin state characterises and promotes migratory properties of cervical cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2019; 378: 206-216.
  • 12. Lu C, Yang D, Klement JD, Oh IK, Savage NM, Waller JL, Colby AH, Grinstaff MW, Oberlies NH, Pearce CJ, Xie Z, Kulp SK, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Albers T, Lebedyeva IO, Liu K. SUV39H1 Represses the Expression of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Effector Genes to Promote Colon Tumor Immune Evasion. Cancer Immunol Res. 2019; 7(3): 414-427.

SUV39H1 Expression and Its Relationship with Blood Parameters in Chronic Cholecystitis Cases

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 10 - 13, 30.04.2021


Objective: SUV39H1 is a prototype SET-domain-containing histone methyl transferase. H3K9 methylation in human; It is based on SUV39 family members named SUV39H1, SUV39H2, GLP, G9a, SETDB1 and SETDB2. All of these enzymes have highly conserved catalytic domains containing Pro-SET, SET, and Post-SET domains.
SUV39H1 specifically catalyzes trimethylation on HistoneH3K9 (H3K9me3) and regulates its global level. H3K9me3 is known to play a crucial role in heterochromatin formation and plays an important role in the basic cellular process. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the expression of SUV39H1 immunohistochemically and the age, height, weight, gender, blood parameters (hemoglobin, thrombocyte, leukocyte) of the cases.
Methods: 67 cases diagnosed with chronic cholecystitis from the archive of our university's Pathology department between the years 2016-2017 were included in the study. Paraffin blocks of the cases were removed from the pathology archive, new sections were taken for immunohistochemical study. SUV39H1 was studied immunohistochemically. Scoring; It was evaluated semi-quantitatively over 3 degrees as 0,+1,+2. SUV39H1 expressions were evaluated with light microscopy. The relationship between SUV39H1 expressions scoring values and age, height, weight, gender, blood parameters (hemoglobin, thrombocyte, leukocyte) of the cases were investigated.
Results: Expression of SUV39H1 in chronic cholecystitis cases was determined as +1 score in 53 cases and +2 score in 14 cases, 0 score not seen. According to our study, the hb value was found to be significantly higher in cases with +1 score staining
Conclusion: In this study, it was thought that SUV39H1 as a useful diagnostic test in cases of chronic cholecystitis may be helpful in determining the hemoglobin level. We think that more meaningful results can be obtained with studies to be conducted in larger series in the future.


  • 1. Saksouk N, Simboeck E, Dejardin J. Constitutive heterochromatin formation and transcription in mammals. Epigenetics Chromatin. 2015; 8(3): 1-17.
  • 2. Peters AH, O'Carroll D, Scherthan H, Mechtler K, Sauer S, Schöfer C, Weipoltshammer K, Pagani M, Lachner M, Kohlmaier A, Opravil S, Doyle M, Sibilia M, Jenuwein T. Loss of the Suv39h histone methyltransferases impairs mammalian heterochromatin and genom estability. Cell. 2001; 107: 323–337.
  • 3. Wu H, Min J, Lunin VV, Antoshenko T, Dombrovski L, Zeng H, Allali-Hassani A, Campagna-Slater V, Vedadi M, Arrowsmith CH, Plotnikov AN, Schapira M. Structural biology of human H3K9 methyltransferases. PLoSOne. 2010; 5(1):e8570.
  • 4. Chen TT, Wu SM, Ho SC, Chuang HC, Liu CY, Chan YF, Kuo LW, Feng PH, Liu WT, Chen KY, Hsiao TC, Juang JN, Lee KY. SUV39H1 Reduction Is Implicated in Abnormal Inflammation in COPD. SciRep. 2017; 7: 1-13.
  • 5. Chiba T, Saito T, Yuki K, Zen Y, Koide S, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV39H1 is a potent target for epigenetic therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136(2): 289–298.
  • 6. Liu X, Guo S, Liu X, Su L. Chaetocin induces endoplasmic reticulum stress response and leads to death receptor 5‐dependent apoptosis in human non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Apoptosis. 2015; 20: 1499–1507.
  • 7. Rodriguesa C, Pattabiramana C, Vijaykumara A, Aroraa R, Narayana SM, Kumar RV, Notania D, Varga-Weiszc P, Krishnaa S. SUV39H1-low chromatin state characterises and promotes migratory properties of cervical cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2019; 378: 206-216.
  • 8. T Yu, C Wang, J Yang, Y Guo, Y Wuand X Li. Metformin inhibits SUV39H1­mediated migration of prostate cancer cells. Oncogenesis. 2017, 6(5): 1-9.
  • 9. Chiba T, Saito T, Yuki K, Zen Y, Koide S, Kanogawa N, Motoyama T, Ogasawara S, Suzuki E, Ooka Y, Tawada A, Otsuka M, Miyazaki M, Iwama A, Yokosuka O. Histone lysine methyltransferase SUV39H1 is a potent target for epigenetic therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136(2): 289–298.
  • 10. Liu X, Guo S, Liu X, Su L. Chaetocin induces endoplasmic reticulum stress response and leads to death receptor 5‐dependent apoptosis in human non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Apoptosis. 2015; 20: 1499–1507.
  • 11. Rodriguesa C, Pattabiramana C, Vijaykumara A, Aroraa R, Narayana SM, Kumar RV, Notania D, Varga-Weiszc P, Krishnaa S. SUV39H1-low chromatin state characterises and promotes migratory properties of cervical cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2019; 378: 206-216.
  • 12. Lu C, Yang D, Klement JD, Oh IK, Savage NM, Waller JL, Colby AH, Grinstaff MW, Oberlies NH, Pearce CJ, Xie Z, Kulp SK, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Albers T, Lebedyeva IO, Liu K. SUV39H1 Represses the Expression of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Effector Genes to Promote Colon Tumor Immune Evasion. Cancer Immunol Res. 2019; 7(3): 414-427.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Articles

Mürüvvet Akçay Çelik This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


Vancouver Akçay Çelik M. Kronik Kolesistit Vakalarinda SUV39H1 Ekspresyonu ve Kan Parametreleriyle İlişkisi. ODU Med J. 2021;8(1):10-3.