Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 619 - 640, 28.11.2023


Petrovaradin Regiment was a part of the Military Frontier, a border system of Habsburg Monarchy towards the Ottoman Empire and was located in Syrmia. Frontier regiments were both territorial, as well as military units, introduced in the mid-18th Century, and were of special interest for Emperor Joseph II in his military reforms. During the 1780s several solutions were discussed and tested, and in 1787 one final reform was implemented. The reform was introduced under the umbrella of a new cantonal system and brought significant changes to monolithic military structures of governance, economy, and life in Military Frontier territory. Among others, the cantonal system aimed to dissolve the unity of military governance in the frontier territory, as well as to reduce burdens imposed on local populations by the need to maintain a set number of soldiers on active duty even during a time of peace, which significantly diminished populations economic prosperity, while simultaneously increasing regiments strength and efficiency in times of war. The reform was fully enforced less than 10 months before the outbreak of the Austro-Ottoman War (1788 – 1791), where the new system saw its first major appliance. The process of implementation, as well as the experience of war, is observed in the case of the Petrovaradin Regiment.


  • Unpublished sources
  • Croatian State Archive, Collection of sources concerning Croatia from foreign archives, archive signature HR-HDA-1450, Grenz Infanterie Regiment no. 9.
  • Published sources and literature
  • Aksan, Virginia H. Ottoman Wars 1700-1870 – An Empire Besieged. London and New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Bach, Franz. Povijest Otočke pukovnije. Zagreb, Otočac, 2010.
  • Beales, Derek. Joseph II: Volume 2, Against the World, 1780-1790. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Blanning, T. C. W. Joseph II. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Jozefinska reforma Vojne krajine.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 11-75. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011. Buczynski, Alexander. “Jozefinska reforma Vojne krajine.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 11-75. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Kantonski regulativ.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 175-181. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Pregled vojnoga sustava Habsburške Monarhije.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 183-188. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Projekt podmaršala De Vinsa.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 167-173. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
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  • Buczynski, Alexander. Gradovi vojne krajine, vol. I. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 1997.
  • Dimitrijević, Mira Kolar. “Ratovi s Osmanskim Carstvom na početku i na kraju 18. stoljeća”. In Povijest Hrvata, vol. II, edited by Mirko Valentić and Lovorka Čoralić, 232-236, Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2005.
  • Hietzinger, Carl Bernhard. Statistik der Militärgränze des österreichichen Kaiserthums, vol. 2(a-b). Vienna: Carl Georld Verlag, 1820.-1823
  • Hirtenfeld, Jaromir. Der Militär-Maria-Theresia-Orden und seine Mitglieder. Vienna: K.K. Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei, 1857.
  • Hochedlinger, Michael. Austria's Wars of Emergence, 1683-1797. London, New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Holjevac Željko and Moačanin Nenad. Hrvatsko-slavonska vojna krajina i Hrvati pod vlašću Osmanskog Carstva u ranome novom vijeku. Zagreb: Leykam international, 2007.
  • Kaser, Karl. Slobodni seljak i vojnik, vol. II. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1997.
  • Lázár, Balázs, “Turkish Captives in Hungary during Austria's Last Turkish War (1788–91)”. The Hungarian Historical Review 4, no. 2 (2015): 418-444.
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  • Mayer, Matthew Z. “Joseph II and the Campaign of 1788 against Ottoman Turks”. Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1997.
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  • Nujić, Pavao. “Između očekivanja i stvarnosti – pogled na Petrovaradinsku pukovniju kroz serijalne vojne popise 1765. – 1768.” Acta histriae 26, no. 2 (2007): 429-446
  • Nujić, Pavao. “Protestanti u službi Petrovaradinske pukovnije u drugoj polovici 18. stoljeća”. Povijesni prilozi 56 (2019): 291-319.
  • Özkan, Selim Hilmi. “The Capital of the Ottoman Empire in Europe: Belgrade on the Frontier (Serhad) City (1521-1789)”. Selçuk Türkiyat 53 (2021): 335-351.
  • Roider, Karl A. “Kaunitz, Joseph II and the Turkish War”. The Slavonic and East European Review 54, no. 4 (1976): 538-556.
  • Schmidt-Brentano, Antonio. Kaiserliche und k.k. Generale. Vienna: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, 2006.
  • Tekin, Rahmi, “52 Numaralı Mostar Şer’iyye Sicil Defterine Göre Bosna’da Osmanlı-Avusturya Mücadelesi (1787-1789)”, Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, 8/22 (2021): 519-538.
  • Valentić, Mirko (ed.) Hrvatska na tajnim zemljovidima 18. i 19. stoljeća. Petrovaradinska pukovnija. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2000.
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Petrovardin Alayı Örneğinde Avusturya-Osmanlı Savaşı (1788-1791) ve Askerî Sınırda Joseph Reformu

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 619 - 640, 28.11.2023


Syrmia’da bulunan Petrovaradin Alayı, Habsburg Monarşisi'nin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na karşı sınır sistemi olan Askerî Sınırın bir parçasıydı. 18. yüzyılın ortalarında tanıtılan coğrafi ve askerî birimler olan sınır alayları, İmparator II. Joseph’in askerî reformlarında özel ilgi gösterdiği alanlardandı. 1780'lerde birkaç çözüm tartışılarak denendi ve 1787'de son bir reform uygulandı. Yeni bir kantonal sistem çerçevesinde tanıtılan reform, askerî sınır bölgesindeki yekpare askerî yönetim, ekonomi ve yaşam yapısında önemli değişiklikler getirdi. Kantonal sistem, askerî yönetimin sınır bölgesindeki birliği çözmeyi amaçladığı gibi, barış zamanlarında da belirli sayıda askeri görevde tutarak yerel nüfus üzerindeki yükü azaltmayı hedefledi. Bu durum, ekonomik refahı önemli ölçüde azaltmasına karşılık savaş dönemlerinde alayların gücünü ve etkinliğini artırdı. Avusturya-Osmanlı Savaşı'nın (1788-1791) patlak vermesinden sadece 10 ay kadar önce tam olarak uygulanan reform bu süreçte tam olarak test edilmiş oldu. Çalışmada, bu uygulama süreci ile savaş deneyimi, Petrovaradin Alayı örneği üzerinden incelenmektedir.


  • Unpublished sources
  • Croatian State Archive, Collection of sources concerning Croatia from foreign archives, archive signature HR-HDA-1450, Grenz Infanterie Regiment no. 9.
  • Published sources and literature
  • Aksan, Virginia H. Ottoman Wars 1700-1870 – An Empire Besieged. London and New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Bach, Franz. Povijest Otočke pukovnije. Zagreb, Otočac, 2010.
  • Beales, Derek. Joseph II: Volume 2, Against the World, 1780-1790. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Blanning, T. C. W. Joseph II. New York and London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Jozefinska reforma Vojne krajine.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 11-75. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011. Buczynski, Alexander. “Jozefinska reforma Vojne krajine.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 11-75. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Kantonski regulativ.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 175-181. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Pregled vojnoga sustava Habsburške Monarhije.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 183-188. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Projekt podmaršala De Vinsa.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 167-173. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. “Temeljna načela za budući krajiški sustav.” In Pa to su samo Hrvati, 161-165. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2011.
  • Buczynski, Alexander. Gradovi vojne krajine, vol. I. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 1997.
  • Dimitrijević, Mira Kolar. “Ratovi s Osmanskim Carstvom na početku i na kraju 18. stoljeća”. In Povijest Hrvata, vol. II, edited by Mirko Valentić and Lovorka Čoralić, 232-236, Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2005.
  • Hietzinger, Carl Bernhard. Statistik der Militärgränze des österreichichen Kaiserthums, vol. 2(a-b). Vienna: Carl Georld Verlag, 1820.-1823
  • Hirtenfeld, Jaromir. Der Militär-Maria-Theresia-Orden und seine Mitglieder. Vienna: K.K. Hof- u. Staatsdruckerei, 1857.
  • Hochedlinger, Michael. Austria's Wars of Emergence, 1683-1797. London, New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Holjevac Željko and Moačanin Nenad. Hrvatsko-slavonska vojna krajina i Hrvati pod vlašću Osmanskog Carstva u ranome novom vijeku. Zagreb: Leykam international, 2007.
  • Kaser, Karl. Slobodni seljak i vojnik, vol. II. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1997.
  • Lázár, Balázs, “Turkish Captives in Hungary during Austria's Last Turkish War (1788–91)”. The Hungarian Historical Review 4, no. 2 (2015): 418-444.
  • Matanović, Damir. Grad na granici - Slobodni vojni komunitet Brod na Savi od sredine 18. do sredine 19. stoljeća. Slavonski Brod: Croatian Institute of History, 2008. Matanović, Damir. Između reformi i tradicije. Slavonski Brod: Posavska Hrvatska, 2013.
  • Mayer, Matthew Z. “Joseph II and the Campaign of 1788 against Ottoman Turks”. Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1997.
  • Mayer, Matthew Z. “The Price for Austria’s Security: Part I – Joseph II, the Russian Alliance, and the Ottoman War, 1787-1789”. The International History Review 26, no. 2 (2004): 257-299.
  • Moačanin, Nenad. Slavonija i Srijem u razdoblju osmanske vladavine. Slavonski Brod: Croatian Institute of History, 2001.
  • Nujić, Pavao. “Između očekivanja i stvarnosti – pogled na Petrovaradinsku pukovniju kroz serijalne vojne popise 1765. – 1768.” Acta histriae 26, no. 2 (2007): 429-446
  • Nujić, Pavao. “Protestanti u službi Petrovaradinske pukovnije u drugoj polovici 18. stoljeća”. Povijesni prilozi 56 (2019): 291-319.
  • Özkan, Selim Hilmi. “The Capital of the Ottoman Empire in Europe: Belgrade on the Frontier (Serhad) City (1521-1789)”. Selçuk Türkiyat 53 (2021): 335-351.
  • Roider, Karl A. “Kaunitz, Joseph II and the Turkish War”. The Slavonic and East European Review 54, no. 4 (1976): 538-556.
  • Schmidt-Brentano, Antonio. Kaiserliche und k.k. Generale. Vienna: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, 2006.
  • Tekin, Rahmi, “52 Numaralı Mostar Şer’iyye Sicil Defterine Göre Bosna’da Osmanlı-Avusturya Mücadelesi (1787-1789)”, Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, 8/22 (2021): 519-538.
  • Valentić, Mirko (ed.) Hrvatska na tajnim zemljovidima 18. i 19. stoljeća. Petrovaradinska pukovnija. Zagreb: Croatian Institute of History, 2000.
  • Valentić, Mirko. “Vojna krajina 1790-1881”. In Vojna krajina, edited by Dragutin Pavličević. Zagreb: Liber University Press, 1984.
  • Vaniček, Franz. Specialgeschichte der Militärgrenze, vol. 3. Vienna, 1875.
  • Wrede, Alphons Freiherrn von. Geschichte der K. und K. Wehrmacht, vol. V. Vienna: L.W Seidel & Sohn, 1903.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ottoman history
Journal Section Research Articles

Pavao Nujıć This is me 0000-0002-9930-8464

Damir Matanovıć This is me 0000-0002-9485-6699

Publication Date November 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 28


Chicago Nujıć, Pavao, and Damir Matanovıć. “JOSEPHINE REFORM OF THE MILITARY FRONTIER AND THE AUSTRO-OTTOMAN WAR (1788 - 1791) ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE PETROVARADIN REGIMENT”. Osmanlı Mirası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, no. 28 (November 2023): 619-40.


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