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Year 2017, , 21 - 48, 30.06.2017


Hisbe kelimesi literatürde
“hesaplamak” ya da “mükâfatlandırmak” anlamlarına gelmektedir. Teknik olarak,
uygun davranışları teşvik eden, her türlü kabahat ve suçu önleyen devletin bir
kurumunu ifade etmektedir. Hisbe teşkilatının, kadılık, mezalim mahkemesi ve
şurta (toplum polisi) gibi İslami yargı müesseseleri ile yakın ilişkisi
bulunmaktadır. Hisbe’nin fonksiyonları arasında kamu hukukunun korunması,
düzenlenmesi ve pazardaki alıcı ve satıcıların davranışlarının denetlenmesi
suretiyle bir anlamda sağlıklı ortamın oluşturulması bulunmaktadır. Hisbe esas
olarak herkesin güvenliğinden emin olacağı şekilde hayatını sürdürebileceği,
sosyal hayatın düzenli ve güvenli olduğu, tüketicilerin haklarının korunduğu ve
toplumdaki ahlaki çürümenin önlendiği bir toplumsal düzen oluşturmak amacıyla
İslami değerler ve ilkeler dikkate alınarak geliştirilmiş bir mekanizmadır.

Gönüllü bir hesap-verebilirlik ve
denetim sistemi olarak Hisbe’nin kökleri İslam’ın devlet olarak teşkilatlandığı
ilk günlere kadar uzanır. Bu dönemde, Müslüman devletler pazarların kontrolü,
yerel bazı hizmetlerin sunulması ve gerek toplumda ve gerekse ekonomide
oluşabilecek bazı küçük sorunların kısa yoldan, etkili ve adil bir şekilde
çözülmesini sağlamak amacıyla ayrı bir kurum teşkil edilmiş olup, bu kurum
zamanla gelişerek işlevlerini artırmıştır. Tarih boyunca, zaman zaman önemi
azalsa da, bu kurum farklı isimlerle ve farklı kurumsal yapılar halinde sürekli
var olmuştur. Günümüzde de, her ne kadar Hisbe kurumu geleneksel haliyle devam
etmemekte ve tüm işlevlerini bir arada yerine getiren bir kuruluş bulunmamaktaysa
da, bu kurumun önemli işlevleri değişik kamu kurumları ve yerel yönetimler
tarafından yerine getirilmeye devam etmektedir.

makalenin iki amacı vardır. Birincisi Hisbe kurumunun tarihi gelişimi, temel
fonksiyonları ve bu kurumun meydana getirilme ve geliştirilmesinin ardında
yatan nedenleri incelemek, ikincisi ise Müslüman ülkelerde bu kurumun fiili
uygulama yöntemlerini incelemektir. Makale, Hisbe kurumunun tarihi gelişim
sürecinin özetlenmesi ile başlamakta, Hisbe kurumunun başlıca işlevleri ile bu
kurumun yöneticisi konumundaki “Muhtesib”in rolü ve görevlerinin kısa bir
analizi ile devam etmekte ve bu kurumun işleyiş yönteminin Osmanlı, Pakistan ve
Malezya örneklerinde incelenmesi ile son bulmaktadır.


  • ABDULLAH, A. (2010), “Harking back to Hisbah”, Accountants Today, 12-14, AL-HAMAR, A. (1999), Enhancing Ethics in Private Sector through Hisbah, last retrieved in August 2008 from AL-MAWARDI, A.H. (1966), Al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah: The Laws of Islamic Governance, London: Ta-Ha Publishers. ATTAHIRU, Mustapha Sidi, Al-Hasan Al-Aidaros and Syarifah Binti Md Yusof (2016), "Moderating Role of Hisbah Institution on the Relationship of Religiosity and Islamic Culture to Islamic Work Ethics in Nigeria", International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S8) 125-132 BARKINDO, I. (2011), The Role of the Institution of Hisbah in the Sharia Implementing States in Northern Nigeria, LLM Thesis submitted to the Postgraduate School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. COOK, Michael (2003), Commanding Right And Forbidding Wrong In Islamic Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • DOGARAWA, Ahmad Bello (2011), "Role Of Hisbah (Ombudsmanship) Institution In Ensuring Ethical Business Practices: Reflection For Shari’ah Implementing States In Nigeria", Paper Presented At The 2011 Ben-Africa Conference Zanzibar, Tanzania 31 October – 2 November 2011 DOGARAWA, A.B. (2013), “Hisbah and the promotion of ethical business practices: A reflection for the shari’ah implementing states in Nigeria”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(1), 51-63. Available from: http://www.doi. org/10.1108/17538391111144515. ELSERGANY, R. (2010), “Hisbah in the Islamic administration system”, Islamic story, Available from: FEENER, R. M. (2012), "Social Engineering through Sharia: Islamic Law and State-Directed Da’wa in Contemporary Aceh". Islamic Law and Society 19 (2012), pp. 275-311. GARBA, Ahmed S. (2017), The Place Of Community Policing Under The Sharia’h And The Advent Of Hisbah, (visited at 21.03.2017). GHIBIN, Ahmad (2011), The Role of the Muslim Institutions in Architectural Activity in Medieval Islam: The Case of Hisba and Muhtasib, ahmad_ghibin_e.pdf. HAKEEM, F. B., M. R. Haberfeld & A. Verma (2012), Policing Muslim Communities: Comparative International Context, New York: Springer. IBN KHALDUN (2012). The Muqaddimah. Trans by Franz Rosenthal. https:asadullaahali. Files. Ibn Manzur Jamal al-Din IBN TAYMIYAH (1992), Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of Hisbah, trans. Muhtar Holland. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1992. IBRAHIM, Azrin (2015), "Accountability (Hisbah) in Islamic Management: The Philosophy and Ethics behind its Implementation", International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 8; August 2015 IBRAHIM, Azrin (2016), "Hisbah And The Sustainability Of Islamic-Based Development Institutions: An Observation" , International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities Volume No 4 No 4 November2016 INALCIK, Halil (1990), "Istanbul: An Islamic City", Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (1990 ) pp 1-23 IPS (2017), “Institiution of Hisbah and The Demand for its Revival”, Institute of Policy Studies of Pakistan,, (on 08.07.2017) ISLAHI, A. A. (2005), Contributions of Muslim Scholars to the History of Economic Thought and Analysis, Scientific Publishing Centre, KAAU, Jeddah. (retrieved on 22. 04.2017). KAYA, Mustafa İsmail (2006), Shops and Shopkeepers in the Istanbul İhtisâb Register OF 1092/1681, A Master’s Thesis, The Department Of History, Bilkent University Ankara. KAHF, M. (2000), “Principles, Objectives and Tools of Market Regulation in Islamic Perspective”, Paper Presented at a Seminar on Islamic Approach to Market Regulation and Economic Stability, Tehran, Iran. Retrieved on July 25, 2007 from KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (1994), An Introduction to Islamic Economics, 1st ed. Pakistan: Intermational Institutue of Islamic Thought and Institute of Policy Studies. KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (1999), “Al-Hisbah and the Islamic Economy”, published as Appendix in Ibn Taymiya, Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of Hisbah translated by Mukhtar Holland, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. KHAN, Muhammed Akbar (2011), “The Role of Islamic State in Consumer Protection” Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Vol 8. KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (2012), "The Institution of Hisba (Ombudsman) and Consumer Protection" Hamdard Islamicus, Jul-Sep2012, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p57-87. MD SHAH, Mohd Ab Malek bin, Mohd Harun bin Shahudin, Sulaiman bin Mahzan Rani Diana Othman, Jeniwaty Mohd Jody (2015), "The Institution of Hisbah: In the Purview of Its Significances and Development", Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review GJBSSR, Vol. 1 (2), January-March, pp. 386-394 MUHAMMAD, Ramizah wan (2016), “Hisbah in Malaysia: Preventing vices and immoralities”, International Journal of Islamic Thoughts, 5 (2). pp. 35-53 MUHTAR, H. (1987), Public Duties in Islam. 2nd ed. Leicester, United Kingdom: The Islamic Foundation, Markfield Dawah Centre MURTUZA, A. (2000), “Hisbah: the Islamic Variation for the Regulation of Marketplace and Commerce”, paper presented at 6th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Manchester, UK. SALEH, Fauzan (2009), "The Institution of hisbah: Its Roles in Nurturing Fair And Just Economic System in Islam", Seminar Ekonomi Islam Peringkat Kebangsaan (SEIPK ’09) “Ke Arah Pengukuhan Dan Pemahaman Aplıkası Sıstem Ekonomı Islam Dı Malaysıa” SALIM, Ssuna, Syahrul Faizaz Binti Abdullah, Kamarudin bin Ahmad (2015), "Wilayat Al-Hisba; A Means to Achieve Justice and Maintain High Ethical Standards in Societies", Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6 No 4 S2 July.
Year 2017, , 21 - 48, 30.06.2017



  • ABDULLAH, A. (2010), “Harking back to Hisbah”, Accountants Today, 12-14, AL-HAMAR, A. (1999), Enhancing Ethics in Private Sector through Hisbah, last retrieved in August 2008 from AL-MAWARDI, A.H. (1966), Al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah: The Laws of Islamic Governance, London: Ta-Ha Publishers. ATTAHIRU, Mustapha Sidi, Al-Hasan Al-Aidaros and Syarifah Binti Md Yusof (2016), "Moderating Role of Hisbah Institution on the Relationship of Religiosity and Islamic Culture to Islamic Work Ethics in Nigeria", International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(S8) 125-132 BARKINDO, I. (2011), The Role of the Institution of Hisbah in the Sharia Implementing States in Northern Nigeria, LLM Thesis submitted to the Postgraduate School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. COOK, Michael (2003), Commanding Right And Forbidding Wrong In Islamic Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • DOGARAWA, Ahmad Bello (2011), "Role Of Hisbah (Ombudsmanship) Institution In Ensuring Ethical Business Practices: Reflection For Shari’ah Implementing States In Nigeria", Paper Presented At The 2011 Ben-Africa Conference Zanzibar, Tanzania 31 October – 2 November 2011 DOGARAWA, A.B. (2013), “Hisbah and the promotion of ethical business practices: A reflection for the shari’ah implementing states in Nigeria”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(1), 51-63. Available from: http://www.doi. org/10.1108/17538391111144515. ELSERGANY, R. (2010), “Hisbah in the Islamic administration system”, Islamic story, Available from: FEENER, R. M. (2012), "Social Engineering through Sharia: Islamic Law and State-Directed Da’wa in Contemporary Aceh". Islamic Law and Society 19 (2012), pp. 275-311. GARBA, Ahmed S. (2017), The Place Of Community Policing Under The Sharia’h And The Advent Of Hisbah, (visited at 21.03.2017). GHIBIN, Ahmad (2011), The Role of the Muslim Institutions in Architectural Activity in Medieval Islam: The Case of Hisba and Muhtasib, ahmad_ghibin_e.pdf. HAKEEM, F. B., M. R. Haberfeld & A. Verma (2012), Policing Muslim Communities: Comparative International Context, New York: Springer. IBN KHALDUN (2012). The Muqaddimah. Trans by Franz Rosenthal. https:asadullaahali. Files. Ibn Manzur Jamal al-Din IBN TAYMIYAH (1992), Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of Hisbah, trans. Muhtar Holland. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation, 1992. IBRAHIM, Azrin (2015), "Accountability (Hisbah) in Islamic Management: The Philosophy and Ethics behind its Implementation", International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 8; August 2015 IBRAHIM, Azrin (2016), "Hisbah And The Sustainability Of Islamic-Based Development Institutions: An Observation" , International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities Volume No 4 No 4 November2016 INALCIK, Halil (1990), "Istanbul: An Islamic City", Journal of Islamic Studies 1 (1990 ) pp 1-23 IPS (2017), “Institiution of Hisbah and The Demand for its Revival”, Institute of Policy Studies of Pakistan,, (on 08.07.2017) ISLAHI, A. A. (2005), Contributions of Muslim Scholars to the History of Economic Thought and Analysis, Scientific Publishing Centre, KAAU, Jeddah. (retrieved on 22. 04.2017). KAYA, Mustafa İsmail (2006), Shops and Shopkeepers in the Istanbul İhtisâb Register OF 1092/1681, A Master’s Thesis, The Department Of History, Bilkent University Ankara. KAHF, M. (2000), “Principles, Objectives and Tools of Market Regulation in Islamic Perspective”, Paper Presented at a Seminar on Islamic Approach to Market Regulation and Economic Stability, Tehran, Iran. Retrieved on July 25, 2007 from KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (1994), An Introduction to Islamic Economics, 1st ed. Pakistan: Intermational Institutue of Islamic Thought and Institute of Policy Studies. KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (1999), “Al-Hisbah and the Islamic Economy”, published as Appendix in Ibn Taymiya, Public Duties in Islam: The Institution of Hisbah translated by Mukhtar Holland, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK. KHAN, Muhammed Akbar (2011), “The Role of Islamic State in Consumer Protection” Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Vol 8. KHAN, Muhammad Akbar (2012), "The Institution of Hisba (Ombudsman) and Consumer Protection" Hamdard Islamicus, Jul-Sep2012, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p57-87. MD SHAH, Mohd Ab Malek bin, Mohd Harun bin Shahudin, Sulaiman bin Mahzan Rani Diana Othman, Jeniwaty Mohd Jody (2015), "The Institution of Hisbah: In the Purview of Its Significances and Development", Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review GJBSSR, Vol. 1 (2), January-March, pp. 386-394 MUHAMMAD, Ramizah wan (2016), “Hisbah in Malaysia: Preventing vices and immoralities”, International Journal of Islamic Thoughts, 5 (2). pp. 35-53 MUHTAR, H. (1987), Public Duties in Islam. 2nd ed. Leicester, United Kingdom: The Islamic Foundation, Markfield Dawah Centre MURTUZA, A. (2000), “Hisbah: the Islamic Variation for the Regulation of Marketplace and Commerce”, paper presented at 6th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Manchester, UK. SALEH, Fauzan (2009), "The Institution of hisbah: Its Roles in Nurturing Fair And Just Economic System in Islam", Seminar Ekonomi Islam Peringkat Kebangsaan (SEIPK ’09) “Ke Arah Pengukuhan Dan Pemahaman Aplıkası Sıstem Ekonomı Islam Dı Malaysıa” SALIM, Ssuna, Syahrul Faizaz Binti Abdullah, Kamarudin bin Ahmad (2015), "Wilayat Al-Hisba; A Means to Achieve Justice and Maintain High Ethical Standards in Societies", Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6 No 4 S2 July.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section 2017 Yılı 6. Sayı

Hamza Ateş

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Acceptance Date August 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Ateş, H. (2017). A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH. Ombudsman Akademik(6), 21-48.
AMA Ateş H. A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH. OA. June 2017;(6):21-48. doi:10.32002/ombudsmanakademik.440042
Chicago Ateş, Hamza. “A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH”. Ombudsman Akademik, no. 6 (June 2017): 21-48.
EndNote Ateş H (June 1, 2017) A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH. Ombudsman Akademik 6 21–48.
IEEE H. Ateş, “A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH”, OA, no. 6, pp. 21–48, June 2017, doi: 10.32002/ombudsmanakademik.440042.
ISNAD Ateş, Hamza. “A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH”. Ombudsman Akademik 6 (June 2017), 21-48.
MLA Ateş, Hamza. “A PIONEERING INSTITUTION FOR OMBUDSMAN: HISBAH”. Ombudsman Akademik, no. 6, 2017, pp. 21-48, doi:10.32002/ombudsmanakademik.440042.