Conference Paper
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Year 2009, Volume: 26 Issue: 4, 173 - 179, 31.12.2010



  • Abdel-Hamid, I.A., Jannini, E.A., Andersson, K.E., 2009. Premature ejaculation: focus on therapeutic targets.Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets. 13,175-193.
  • Arias, B., Catalán, R., Gastó, C., Gutiérrez, B., Fañanás, L., 2005. Evidence for a combined genetic effect of the 5-HT(1A) receptor and serotonin transporter genes in the clinical outcome of major depressive patients treated with citalopram. J. Psychopharmacol. 19,166-172.
  • Bilge, S.S., Kesim, Y., Kurt, M., Aksoz, E., Celik, S., 2005. Possible role of sildenafil in inhibiting rat vas deferens contractions by influencing the purinergic system. Int. J. Urol. 12,829-834.
  • Bishop, J.R., Ellingrod, V.L., Akroush, M., Moline, J., 2009. The association of serotonin transporter genotypes and selective sero- tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)-associated sexual side effects: possible relationship to oral contraceptives. Hum. Psychophar- macol. 24,207-215.
  • Chen, J., Keren-Paz, G., Bar-Yosef, Y., Matzkin, H., 2007. The role of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in the management of premature ejaculation: a critical analysis of basic science and clinical data. Eur. Urol. 52,1331-1339.
  • Cryan, J.F., Valentino, R.J., Lucki, I., 2005. Assessing substrates underlying the behavioral effects of antidepressants using the mo- dified rat forced swimming test. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 29,547-569.
  • Damis, M., Patel, Y., Simpson, G.M., 1999. Sildenafil in the Treatment of SSRI-Induced Sexual Dysfunction: A Pilot Study. Prim. Care Companion. J. Clin. Psychiatry. 1, 184-187.
  • Giuliano, F., Clement, P., 2005. Neuroanatomy and physiology of ejaculation. Annu. Rev. Sex. Res; 16, 190-216.
  • Giuliano, F., Clement, P., 2006. Serotonin and premature ejaculation: from physiology to patient management. Eur. Urol. 50, 454- 466.
  • Hull, E.M., Muschamp, J.W., Sato, S., 2004. Dopamine and serotonin: influences on male sexual behavior. Physiol. Behav. 83, 291- 307.
  • Janssen, P.K., Bakker, S.C., Réthelyi, J., Zwinderman, A.H., Touw, D.J., Olivier, B., Waldinger, M.D., 2009. Serotonin transporter promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism is associated with the intravaginal ejaculation latency time in Dutch men with lifelong premature ejaculation. J. Sex. Med. 6, 276-284.
  • Kalyoncu, N.I., Ozyavuz, R., Karaoglu, S., 1999. Sertraline inhibits the contractile responses to noradrenaline, KCl and electrical field stimulation of rat isolated vas deferens. J. Auton Pharmacol. 19, 365-369.
  • Lenox, R.A., Frazer, A., 2002. Mechanism of action of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. In: Davis KL et al, editors. Neuropsy- chopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress. Nashville, TN: 1139–1163.
  • Medina, P., Segarra, G., Ballester, R., Chuan, P., Domenech, C., Vila, J.M., Lluch, S., 2000. Effects of antidepressants in adrenergic neurotransmission of human vas deferens. Urology. 55,592-597.
  • Medina, P., Segarra, G., Torondel, B., Chuan, P., Domenech, C., Vila, J.M., Lluch, S., 2000. Inhibition of neuroeffector transmission in human vas deferens by sildenafil. Br. J. Pharmacol. 131, 871-874.
  • Nurnberg, H.G., 2001. Managing treatment-emergent sexual dysfunction associated with serotonergic antidepressants: before and after sildenafil. J. Psychiatr. Pract. 7, 92-108.
  • Nurnberg, H.G., 2008. An evidence-based review updating the various treatment and management approaches to serotonin reuptake inhibitor-associated sexual dysfunction. Drugs Today (Barc). 44, 147-168.
  • Ozbek, E., Tasci, A.I., Tugcu, V., Ilbey, Y.O., Simsek, A., Ozcan, L., Polat, E.C., Koksal, V., 2009. Possible association of the 5-HTTLPR serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism with premature ejaculation in a Turkish population. Asian. J. Androl. 11, 351-355.
  • Ozyavuz, R., Kalyoncu, N.I., Karaoglu, S., 2004. Long-term use of sertraline leads to alterations in contractility of rat isolated vas deferens. Urol. Res. 32, 20-24.
  • Perlis, R.H., Mischoulon, D., Smoller, J.W., Wan, Y.J., Lamon-Fava, S., Lin, K.M., Rosenbaum, J.F., Fava, M., 2003. Serotonin transporter polymorphisms and adverse effects with fluoxetine treatment. Biol. Psychiatry. 54,879-883.
  • Porsolt, R.D., Le Pichon, M., Jalfre, M., 1977. Depression: a new animal model sensitive to antidepressant treatments. Nature. 266,730–732.
  • Rosen, R.C., Lane, R.M., Menza, M., 1999. Effects of SSRIs on sexual function: a critical review. J. Clin. Psychopharmacol. 19, 67-85
  • Salonia, A., Maga, T., Colombo, R., Scattoni, V., Briganti, A., Cestari, A., Guazzoni, G., Rigatti, P., Montorsi, F., 2002. A prospective study comparing paroxetine alone versus paroxetine plus sildenafil in patients with premature ejaculation. J. Urol. 168, 2486- 2489.
  • Seidman, S., 2006. Ejaculatory dysfunction and depression: pharmacological and psychobiological interactions. Int. J. Impot. Res. 18, 33-38.
  • Sukoff Rizzo, S.J., Pulicicchio, C., Malberg, J.E., Andree, T.H., Stack, G.P., Hughes, Z.A., Schechter, L.E., Rosenzweig-Lipson, S., 2009. 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonism reverses and prevents fluoxetine-induced sexual dysfunction in rats. Int. J. Neuropsychop- harmacol. 12, 1045-1053.
  • Tambaro, S., Ruiu, S., Dessi, C., Mongeau, R., Marchese, G., Pani, L., 2005. Evaluation of tamsulosin and alfuzosin activity in the rat vas deferens: relevance to ejaculation delays. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 312, 710-717.
  • Waldinger, M.D., Olivier, B., 2004. Utility of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in premature ejaculation. Curr. Opin. Investig. Drugs. 5, 743-747.
  • Zhu, C.B., Hewlett, W.A., Francis, S.H., Corbin, J.D., Blakely, R.D., 2004. Stimulation of serotonin transport by the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor sildenafil. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 504, 1-6.

SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri

Year 2009, Volume: 26 Issue: 4, 173 - 179, 31.12.2010


Serotonin geri alım inhibitörleri (SSRI) yan etki olarak gecikmiş ejakülasyon oluştururlar. Bu nedenle Prematür Ejakülasyon tedavisinde kullanılmaktadırlar. Son yayınlarda siklik
GMP’ye özgü fosfodiesteraz tip 5 enziminin seçici inhibitörü sildenafilin, prematür ejakülasyon tedavisinde yararlı olabileceği bildirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte; bazı çalışmalarda SSRI kullanımına bağlı olarak oluşan gecikmiş ejakülasyonun tedavisinde de kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir. Biz bu çalışmada, SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının uygulamasının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkilerini sıçan izole vaz deferensinde araştırdık. Kontrol grubundaki sıçanlara 15 gün boyunca 10ml/kg serum fizyolojik (SF) intaperitoneal (i.p) olarak uygulandı. SSRI gruplarına 14 gün boyunca fluoksetin (20mg/kg), sertralin (10mg/kg) ya da sitalopram (10mg/kg) i.p. olarak verildi ve 15. gün 10ml/kg SF uygulandı. Kombinasyon gruplarında, 14 gün boyunca SSRI, 15.gün sildenafil (10mg/kg) uygulandı. Sildenafil grubuna ise 14 gün boyunca SF, 15. gün sildenafil i.p. olarak uygulandı. Sıçanlar zorunlu yüzdürme testine tabi tutuldu. Testi takiben vaz deferensleri çıkarılarak organ banyosuna yerleştirildi ve elektriksel alan stimülasyonu (EAS) uygulanarak kasılma yanıtları kaydedildi. SSRI’lar EAS sonucu oluşan vaz deferens kasılma yanıtlarını baskıladı. Sildenafil, fluoksetin ve sitalopram ile birlikte verildiğinde bu baskılanma azalırken; sertralin ile birlikte verildiğinde azalmadı. Sonuçlar, sildenafilin, serotonerjik taşıyıcı moleküllere bağlanma gücü daha düşük olan fluoksetin ve sitalopramın sinaptik aralıkta 5-HT artırıcı etkilerini sınırlamış, fakat daha güçlü bağlandığı için sertralinin bu etkisini sınırlayamamış olabileceğini düşündürdü. Biz, sildenafil ve SSRI kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılmaları üzerine etkilerinin farklılığında 5-HTT’nin rolü olabileceğini düşünüyoruz.


  • Abdel-Hamid, I.A., Jannini, E.A., Andersson, K.E., 2009. Premature ejaculation: focus on therapeutic targets.Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets. 13,175-193.
  • Arias, B., Catalán, R., Gastó, C., Gutiérrez, B., Fañanás, L., 2005. Evidence for a combined genetic effect of the 5-HT(1A) receptor and serotonin transporter genes in the clinical outcome of major depressive patients treated with citalopram. J. Psychopharmacol. 19,166-172.
  • Bilge, S.S., Kesim, Y., Kurt, M., Aksoz, E., Celik, S., 2005. Possible role of sildenafil in inhibiting rat vas deferens contractions by influencing the purinergic system. Int. J. Urol. 12,829-834.
  • Bishop, J.R., Ellingrod, V.L., Akroush, M., Moline, J., 2009. The association of serotonin transporter genotypes and selective sero- tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)-associated sexual side effects: possible relationship to oral contraceptives. Hum. Psychophar- macol. 24,207-215.
  • Chen, J., Keren-Paz, G., Bar-Yosef, Y., Matzkin, H., 2007. The role of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors in the management of premature ejaculation: a critical analysis of basic science and clinical data. Eur. Urol. 52,1331-1339.
  • Cryan, J.F., Valentino, R.J., Lucki, I., 2005. Assessing substrates underlying the behavioral effects of antidepressants using the mo- dified rat forced swimming test. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 29,547-569.
  • Damis, M., Patel, Y., Simpson, G.M., 1999. Sildenafil in the Treatment of SSRI-Induced Sexual Dysfunction: A Pilot Study. Prim. Care Companion. J. Clin. Psychiatry. 1, 184-187.
  • Giuliano, F., Clement, P., 2005. Neuroanatomy and physiology of ejaculation. Annu. Rev. Sex. Res; 16, 190-216.
  • Giuliano, F., Clement, P., 2006. Serotonin and premature ejaculation: from physiology to patient management. Eur. Urol. 50, 454- 466.
  • Hull, E.M., Muschamp, J.W., Sato, S., 2004. Dopamine and serotonin: influences on male sexual behavior. Physiol. Behav. 83, 291- 307.
  • Janssen, P.K., Bakker, S.C., Réthelyi, J., Zwinderman, A.H., Touw, D.J., Olivier, B., Waldinger, M.D., 2009. Serotonin transporter promoter region (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism is associated with the intravaginal ejaculation latency time in Dutch men with lifelong premature ejaculation. J. Sex. Med. 6, 276-284.
  • Kalyoncu, N.I., Ozyavuz, R., Karaoglu, S., 1999. Sertraline inhibits the contractile responses to noradrenaline, KCl and electrical field stimulation of rat isolated vas deferens. J. Auton Pharmacol. 19, 365-369.
  • Lenox, R.A., Frazer, A., 2002. Mechanism of action of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. In: Davis KL et al, editors. Neuropsy- chopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress. Nashville, TN: 1139–1163.
  • Medina, P., Segarra, G., Ballester, R., Chuan, P., Domenech, C., Vila, J.M., Lluch, S., 2000. Effects of antidepressants in adrenergic neurotransmission of human vas deferens. Urology. 55,592-597.
  • Medina, P., Segarra, G., Torondel, B., Chuan, P., Domenech, C., Vila, J.M., Lluch, S., 2000. Inhibition of neuroeffector transmission in human vas deferens by sildenafil. Br. J. Pharmacol. 131, 871-874.
  • Nurnberg, H.G., 2001. Managing treatment-emergent sexual dysfunction associated with serotonergic antidepressants: before and after sildenafil. J. Psychiatr. Pract. 7, 92-108.
  • Nurnberg, H.G., 2008. An evidence-based review updating the various treatment and management approaches to serotonin reuptake inhibitor-associated sexual dysfunction. Drugs Today (Barc). 44, 147-168.
  • Ozbek, E., Tasci, A.I., Tugcu, V., Ilbey, Y.O., Simsek, A., Ozcan, L., Polat, E.C., Koksal, V., 2009. Possible association of the 5-HTTLPR serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism with premature ejaculation in a Turkish population. Asian. J. Androl. 11, 351-355.
  • Ozyavuz, R., Kalyoncu, N.I., Karaoglu, S., 2004. Long-term use of sertraline leads to alterations in contractility of rat isolated vas deferens. Urol. Res. 32, 20-24.
  • Perlis, R.H., Mischoulon, D., Smoller, J.W., Wan, Y.J., Lamon-Fava, S., Lin, K.M., Rosenbaum, J.F., Fava, M., 2003. Serotonin transporter polymorphisms and adverse effects with fluoxetine treatment. Biol. Psychiatry. 54,879-883.
  • Porsolt, R.D., Le Pichon, M., Jalfre, M., 1977. Depression: a new animal model sensitive to antidepressant treatments. Nature. 266,730–732.
  • Rosen, R.C., Lane, R.M., Menza, M., 1999. Effects of SSRIs on sexual function: a critical review. J. Clin. Psychopharmacol. 19, 67-85
  • Salonia, A., Maga, T., Colombo, R., Scattoni, V., Briganti, A., Cestari, A., Guazzoni, G., Rigatti, P., Montorsi, F., 2002. A prospective study comparing paroxetine alone versus paroxetine plus sildenafil in patients with premature ejaculation. J. Urol. 168, 2486- 2489.
  • Seidman, S., 2006. Ejaculatory dysfunction and depression: pharmacological and psychobiological interactions. Int. J. Impot. Res. 18, 33-38.
  • Sukoff Rizzo, S.J., Pulicicchio, C., Malberg, J.E., Andree, T.H., Stack, G.P., Hughes, Z.A., Schechter, L.E., Rosenzweig-Lipson, S., 2009. 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonism reverses and prevents fluoxetine-induced sexual dysfunction in rats. Int. J. Neuropsychop- harmacol. 12, 1045-1053.
  • Tambaro, S., Ruiu, S., Dessi, C., Mongeau, R., Marchese, G., Pani, L., 2005. Evaluation of tamsulosin and alfuzosin activity in the rat vas deferens: relevance to ejaculation delays. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 312, 710-717.
  • Waldinger, M.D., Olivier, B., 2004. Utility of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in premature ejaculation. Curr. Opin. Investig. Drugs. 5, 743-747.
  • Zhu, C.B., Hewlett, W.A., Francis, S.H., Corbin, J.D., Blakely, R.D., 2004. Stimulation of serotonin transport by the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor sildenafil. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 504, 1-6.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Basic Medical Sciences

Elif Aksöz This is me

S.Sırrı Bilge

Fatih İlkaya

Duygu Baş This is me

Yüksel Kesim This is me

Süleyman Çelik This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2010
Submission Date May 21, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 26 Issue: 4


APA Aksöz, E., Bilge, S., İlkaya, F., Baş, D., et al. (2010). SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 26(4), 173-179.
AMA Aksöz E, Bilge S, İlkaya F, Baş D, Kesim Y, Çelik S. SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri. J. Exp. Clin. Med. December 2010;26(4):173-179.
Chicago Aksöz, Elif, S.Sırrı Bilge, Fatih İlkaya, Duygu Baş, Yüksel Kesim, and Süleyman Çelik. “SSRI Ve Sildenafil kombinasyonlarının Vaz Deferens kasılması üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26, no. 4 (December 2010): 173-79.
EndNote Aksöz E, Bilge S, İlkaya F, Baş D, Kesim Y, Çelik S (December 1, 2010) SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26 4 173–179.
IEEE E. Aksöz, S. Bilge, F. İlkaya, D. Baş, Y. Kesim, and S. Çelik, “SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri”, J. Exp. Clin. Med., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 173–179, 2010.
ISNAD Aksöz, Elif et al. “SSRI Ve Sildenafil kombinasyonlarının Vaz Deferens kasılması üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26/4 (December 2010), 173-179.
JAMA Aksöz E, Bilge S, İlkaya F, Baş D, Kesim Y, Çelik S. SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2010;26:173–179.
MLA Aksöz, Elif et al. “SSRI Ve Sildenafil kombinasyonlarının Vaz Deferens kasılması üzerine Etkileri”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, vol. 26, no. 4, 2010, pp. 173-9.
Vancouver Aksöz E, Bilge S, İlkaya F, Baş D, Kesim Y, Çelik S. SSRI ve sildenafil kombinasyonlarının vaz deferens kasılması üzerine etkileri. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2010;26(4):173-9.