Conference Paper
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Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 13.07.2012



  • Benninger, M.S., Gillen, J., Thieme, P., Jacobson, B., Dragovich, J., 1994. Factors associated with recurrence and voice quality following radiation therapy for T1 and T2 glottic carcinomas. Laryngoscope. 104, 294-298.
  • Demiral, A.N., Sarioglu, S., Birlik, B., Sen, M., Kinay, M., 2004. Pronostic significance of EGF receptor expression in early glottic cancer. Auris Nasus Larynx. 31, 417-424.
  • Esassolak, M., Dubova, S., Kamer, S., Aydın, B., 2006. Erken evre glottik larenks kanserlerinde küratif radyoterapi. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi. 21, 28-36.
  • Fein, D.A., Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Million, R.R., 1993. T1-T2 squamous carcinoma of glottic larynx treated with radiotherapy: a multivariate analysis of variables potentially influencing local control. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 25, 605-611.
  • Foote, R.L., Olsen, K.D., Kunselman, S.J., Schaid, D.J., Buskirk, S.J., Grado, G.L., Earle, J.D., 1992. Early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx managed with radiation therapy. Mayo Clin. Proc. 67, 629-636.
  • Fowler, J.F., Lindstrom, M.J., 1992. Loss of local control with prolongation in radiotherapy. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 23, 457-467.
  • Franchin, G., Minatel, E., Gobitti, C., Talamini, R., Vaccher, E., Sartor, G., Politi, D., Trovo, M.G., Barzan, L., 2003. Radiotharapy for patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma: Univariate and multivariate analyses in a group of consecutive, unselected patients. Cancer. 98, 765- 772.
  • Hermans, R., Feron, M., Bellon, E., Dupont, P., Van den Bogaert, W., Baert, A.L., 1998. Laryngeal tumor volume mesurement determined with CT: A study on intra-and interobserver variability. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 40, 553-557.
  • Hirota, S., Soejima, T., Obayashi, K., Hishikawa, Y., Honda, K., Okamoto, Y., Maeda, H., Takada, Y., Inoue, K., Kinishi, M., Amatsu, M., Kimura, S., 1996. Radiotherapy of T1 and T2 glottic cancer: Analysis of anterior commissure involvement. Radiat. Med. 4, 297-302.
  • Johansen, L.V., Overgaard, J., Hjelm-Hansen, M., Gadeber, C.C., 1990. Primary radiotherapy of T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx: analysis of 478 patient treated from 1963 to 1985. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 18, 1307-1313.
  • Kim, R.Y., Marks, M.E., Salter, M.M., 1992. Early-stage glottic cancer: Importance of dose fractionation in radiation therapy. Radiology. 182, 273-275.
  • Korkmaz, H., Du, W., Yoo, G.H., Enamorado, I.I., Lin, H.S., Adsay, V., Kewson, D., Ensley, J.F., Shibuya, T.Y., Jacobs, J.R., Kim, H., 2005. Prognostic significance of G1 cell-cycle inhibitors in early laryngeal cancer. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 26, 77-82.
  • Le, Q.T., Fu, K.K., Kroll, S., Ryu, J.K., Quivey, J.M., Meyler, T.S., Krieg, R.M., Phillips, T.L., 1997. Influence of fraction size, total dose and overall time on local control of T1-T2 glottic carcinoma. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 39, 115-126.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Amdur, R.J., Morris, C.G., Hinerman, R.W., 2001. T1-T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx treated with radiation therapy. J. Clin. Oncol. 19, 4029-4036.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Amdur, R.J., Siemann, D.W., Parsons, J.T., 2000. Altered fractionation in definitive irradiation of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Curr. Opin. Oncol. 12, 207-214.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Million, R.R., Fletcher, G.H., 1988. T1-T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx treated with radiation therapy: Relationship of dose fractionation factors to local control and complications. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 15, 1267-1273.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Stringer, S.P., Cassisi, N.J., 1994. Management of Tis, T1, T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 15, 250-257.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Stringer, S.P., Cassisi, N.J., Million, R.R., 1988. T1-T2 vocal cord carcinoma: A basis for comparing the result of radiotherapy and surgery. Head Neck. 10, 373-377.
  • Merletti, F., Faggiano, F., Boffetta, P., Lehmann, W., Rombola, A., Amasio, E., Tabaro, G., Giordano, C., Terracini, B., 1990. Topographic classification, clinical characteristics, and diagnostic delay of cancer of the larynx/hypopharynx in Torino, Italy. Cancer. 66, 1711-1716.
  • Morris, M.R., Canonico, D., Blank, C., 1994. A critical review of radiotherapy in the management of T1 glottic carcinoma. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 14, 276-280.
  • Narayana, A., Vaughan, A.T., Kathuria, S., Fisher, S.G., Walter, S.A., Reddy, S.P., 2000. P53 overexpression is associated with bulky tumor and poor local control in T1 glottic cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 46, 21-26.
  • Pelitteri, P.K., Kennedy, T.L., Vrabec, D.P., Beiler, D., Hellstrom, M., 1991. Radiotherapy: The mainstay in the treatment of early glottic carcinoma. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 117, 297-302.
  • Raitiola, H., Pukander, J., 2000. Symptoms of laryngeal carcinoma and their prognostic significance. Acta. Oncol. 39, 213-216.
  • Rudoltz, M.S., Benammar, A., Mohiuddin, M., 1993. Prognostic factors for local control and survival in T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 26, 767-772.
  • Sackett, M.K., Bairati, I., Meyer, F., Jobin, E., Lussier, S., Fortin, A., Gelinas, M., Nabid, A., Brochet, F., Tetu, B., 2008. Prognostic significance of cyclooxygenase-2 overexpression in glottic cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 14, 67-73.
  • Shvero, J., Hadar, T., Segal, K., Yaniv, E., Marshak, G., Feinmesser, R., 1994. T1 glottic carcinoma involving the anterior commissure. Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. 20, 557-560.
  • Spector, J.G., Sessions, D.G., Chao, K.S., Haughey, B.H., Hanson, J.M., Simpson, J.R., Perez, C.A., 1999. Stage I (T1 N0 M0) squamous cell carcinoma of the laryngeal glottis: therapeutic results and voice preservation. Head Neck. 21, 707-717.
  • Stevenson, J.M., Juillard, G.J., Selch, M.T., 1992. Stages 1 and 2 epidermoid carcinoma of the glottic larynx: Involment of anterior comissure. Radiology. 182, 797-799.
  • Stewart, M.G., Chen, A.Y., Stach, C.B., 1998. Outcome analysis of voice and quality of life in patient with larengeal cancer. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 124, 143-198.
  • Tombolini, V., Zurlo, A., Cavaceppi, P., Sarro, A., Guidi, C., Osti, M.F., Vitturini, A., Banelli, E., 1995. Radiotherapy for T1 carcinoma of the glottis. Tumori. 81, 414-418.
  • Turesson, I., Sandberg, N., Mercke, C., Johansson, K.A., Sandin, I., Wallgren, A., 1991. Primary radiotherapy of glottic laryngeal carcinoma stage I and II. A retrospective study with special regard to failure patterns. Acta Oncol. 30, 352-362.
  • Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M., Hilgers, F.J., Keus, R.B., Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J., Greven, A.J., de Jong, J.M., Vreeburg, G., Bartelink, H., 1999. Multidimensional assesment of voice characteristics after radiotherapy for early glottic cancer. Laryngoscope. 109, 241-248.
  • Vernham, G.A., Crowther, J.A., 1994. Head and neck carcinoma-stage at presentation. Clin. Otolaryngol. Allied. Sci. 19, 120-124.
  • Warde, P., O’Sullivan, B., Bristow, R.G., Panzarella, T., Keane, T.J., Gullane, P.J., Witterick, I.P., Payne, D., Liu, F.F., McLean, M., Waldron, J., Cummings, B.J., 1998. T1-T2 glottic cancer managed by external beam radiotherapy: Influence of pretreatment hemoglobin on local control. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 41, 347-353.
  • Yamazaki, H., Nishiyama, K., Tanaka, E., Koizumi, M., Chatani, M., 2006. Radiotherapy for early glottic carcinoma (T1N0M0): Results of prospective randomized study of radiation fraction size and overall treatment time. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 64, 77-82.
  • Zouhair, A., Azria, D., Coucke, P., Matzinger, O., Bron, L., Moeckli, R., Do, H.P., Mirimanoff, R.O., Ozsahin, M., 2004. Decreased local control following radiation therapy alone in early-stage glottic carcinoma with anterior comissure extension. Strahlenther. Onkol. 180, 84-90.

Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi

Year 2012, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 13.07.2012


Erken evre glottik larenks kanseri tanısı ile küratif radyoterapi uygulanmış olgularda geriye dönük olarak tedavi sonuçlarının ve prognostik faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. 1993-2010 yılları arasında kliniğimizde radyoterapi uygulanan, biyopsi ile histopatolojik olarak kanser tanısı doğrulanmış ve RT öncesi herhangi bir tedavi uygulanmamış erken evre (T1-2N0) glottik larenks kanserli 73 olgu geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Tüm olguların verileri güncellenerek hasta, tümör ve tedaviye ait parametrelerin lokal-bölgesel kontrol ve sağkalım üzerine olan etkileri araştırıldı. Hastaların medyan yaşı 60 (37-83) olup 69’u erkek, 4’ü kadındır. Evrelere göre dağılım; 41’i (% 56,2) T1a, 8’i (% 10,9) T1b, 24’ü (% 32,9) T2 şeklindedir. Hastalara medyan 66 Gy (58,5-72) eksternal radyoterapi uygulanmıştır. Radyoterapiye bağlı olarak, 1 olguda (% 1,4) grade 3-4 erken ve geç larengeal ödem gelişmiş, bu olgu dışında diğer olguların hiçbirinde grade 3-4 erken ve geç toksisite ile karşılaşılmamıştır. Medyan 73 (5-209) aylık takipte toplam 10 (% 13,7) hastada lokal-bölgesel nüks saptanmış, hiçbir olguda uzak metastaz saptanmamıştır.
Hastaların 5 yıllık lokal-bölgesel kontrol, hastalığa özgü sağkalım ve genel sağkalım oranı sırası ile % 85, % 92 ve % 78’dir. İncelenen faktörlerden “tedaviye 5 gün ve daha fazla ara verilmesi” lokal-bölgesel kontrol ve hastalığa özgü sağkalımı anlamlı olarak azaltırken (sırası ile p=0,008, p=0,036), “tedavi öncesi ses kısıklığı süresinin 5 aydan az olmasının” sadece lokal-bölgesel kontrolü anlamlı olarak azalttığı (p=0,036) saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde primer tedavi olarak radyoterapi yüksek lokal kontrol oranlarına sahip etkin bir tedavi şeklidir. Radyoterapiye çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı verilen aralar lokal-bölgesel kontrolü ve hastalığa özgü sağkalımı olumsuz etkileyen prognostik bir faktördür. Bu nedenle tedavi aralarından mümkün olduğunca kaçınılmalıdır.


  • Benninger, M.S., Gillen, J., Thieme, P., Jacobson, B., Dragovich, J., 1994. Factors associated with recurrence and voice quality following radiation therapy for T1 and T2 glottic carcinomas. Laryngoscope. 104, 294-298.
  • Demiral, A.N., Sarioglu, S., Birlik, B., Sen, M., Kinay, M., 2004. Pronostic significance of EGF receptor expression in early glottic cancer. Auris Nasus Larynx. 31, 417-424.
  • Esassolak, M., Dubova, S., Kamer, S., Aydın, B., 2006. Erken evre glottik larenks kanserlerinde küratif radyoterapi. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi. 21, 28-36.
  • Fein, D.A., Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Million, R.R., 1993. T1-T2 squamous carcinoma of glottic larynx treated with radiotherapy: a multivariate analysis of variables potentially influencing local control. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 25, 605-611.
  • Foote, R.L., Olsen, K.D., Kunselman, S.J., Schaid, D.J., Buskirk, S.J., Grado, G.L., Earle, J.D., 1992. Early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx managed with radiation therapy. Mayo Clin. Proc. 67, 629-636.
  • Fowler, J.F., Lindstrom, M.J., 1992. Loss of local control with prolongation in radiotherapy. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 23, 457-467.
  • Franchin, G., Minatel, E., Gobitti, C., Talamini, R., Vaccher, E., Sartor, G., Politi, D., Trovo, M.G., Barzan, L., 2003. Radiotharapy for patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma: Univariate and multivariate analyses in a group of consecutive, unselected patients. Cancer. 98, 765- 772.
  • Hermans, R., Feron, M., Bellon, E., Dupont, P., Van den Bogaert, W., Baert, A.L., 1998. Laryngeal tumor volume mesurement determined with CT: A study on intra-and interobserver variability. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 40, 553-557.
  • Hirota, S., Soejima, T., Obayashi, K., Hishikawa, Y., Honda, K., Okamoto, Y., Maeda, H., Takada, Y., Inoue, K., Kinishi, M., Amatsu, M., Kimura, S., 1996. Radiotherapy of T1 and T2 glottic cancer: Analysis of anterior commissure involvement. Radiat. Med. 4, 297-302.
  • Johansen, L.V., Overgaard, J., Hjelm-Hansen, M., Gadeber, C.C., 1990. Primary radiotherapy of T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx: analysis of 478 patient treated from 1963 to 1985. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 18, 1307-1313.
  • Kim, R.Y., Marks, M.E., Salter, M.M., 1992. Early-stage glottic cancer: Importance of dose fractionation in radiation therapy. Radiology. 182, 273-275.
  • Korkmaz, H., Du, W., Yoo, G.H., Enamorado, I.I., Lin, H.S., Adsay, V., Kewson, D., Ensley, J.F., Shibuya, T.Y., Jacobs, J.R., Kim, H., 2005. Prognostic significance of G1 cell-cycle inhibitors in early laryngeal cancer. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 26, 77-82.
  • Le, Q.T., Fu, K.K., Kroll, S., Ryu, J.K., Quivey, J.M., Meyler, T.S., Krieg, R.M., Phillips, T.L., 1997. Influence of fraction size, total dose and overall time on local control of T1-T2 glottic carcinoma. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 39, 115-126.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Amdur, R.J., Morris, C.G., Hinerman, R.W., 2001. T1-T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx treated with radiation therapy. J. Clin. Oncol. 19, 4029-4036.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Amdur, R.J., Siemann, D.W., Parsons, J.T., 2000. Altered fractionation in definitive irradiation of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Curr. Opin. Oncol. 12, 207-214.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Million, R.R., Fletcher, G.H., 1988. T1-T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx treated with radiation therapy: Relationship of dose fractionation factors to local control and complications. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 15, 1267-1273.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Stringer, S.P., Cassisi, N.J., 1994. Management of Tis, T1, T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 15, 250-257.
  • Mendenhall, W.M., Parsons, J.T., Stringer, S.P., Cassisi, N.J., Million, R.R., 1988. T1-T2 vocal cord carcinoma: A basis for comparing the result of radiotherapy and surgery. Head Neck. 10, 373-377.
  • Merletti, F., Faggiano, F., Boffetta, P., Lehmann, W., Rombola, A., Amasio, E., Tabaro, G., Giordano, C., Terracini, B., 1990. Topographic classification, clinical characteristics, and diagnostic delay of cancer of the larynx/hypopharynx in Torino, Italy. Cancer. 66, 1711-1716.
  • Morris, M.R., Canonico, D., Blank, C., 1994. A critical review of radiotherapy in the management of T1 glottic carcinoma. Am. J. Otolaryngol. 14, 276-280.
  • Narayana, A., Vaughan, A.T., Kathuria, S., Fisher, S.G., Walter, S.A., Reddy, S.P., 2000. P53 overexpression is associated with bulky tumor and poor local control in T1 glottic cancer. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 46, 21-26.
  • Pelitteri, P.K., Kennedy, T.L., Vrabec, D.P., Beiler, D., Hellstrom, M., 1991. Radiotherapy: The mainstay in the treatment of early glottic carcinoma. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 117, 297-302.
  • Raitiola, H., Pukander, J., 2000. Symptoms of laryngeal carcinoma and their prognostic significance. Acta. Oncol. 39, 213-216.
  • Rudoltz, M.S., Benammar, A., Mohiuddin, M., 1993. Prognostic factors for local control and survival in T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 26, 767-772.
  • Sackett, M.K., Bairati, I., Meyer, F., Jobin, E., Lussier, S., Fortin, A., Gelinas, M., Nabid, A., Brochet, F., Tetu, B., 2008. Prognostic significance of cyclooxygenase-2 overexpression in glottic cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 14, 67-73.
  • Shvero, J., Hadar, T., Segal, K., Yaniv, E., Marshak, G., Feinmesser, R., 1994. T1 glottic carcinoma involving the anterior commissure. Eur. J. Surg. Oncol. 20, 557-560.
  • Spector, J.G., Sessions, D.G., Chao, K.S., Haughey, B.H., Hanson, J.M., Simpson, J.R., Perez, C.A., 1999. Stage I (T1 N0 M0) squamous cell carcinoma of the laryngeal glottis: therapeutic results and voice preservation. Head Neck. 21, 707-717.
  • Stevenson, J.M., Juillard, G.J., Selch, M.T., 1992. Stages 1 and 2 epidermoid carcinoma of the glottic larynx: Involment of anterior comissure. Radiology. 182, 797-799.
  • Stewart, M.G., Chen, A.Y., Stach, C.B., 1998. Outcome analysis of voice and quality of life in patient with larengeal cancer. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 124, 143-198.
  • Tombolini, V., Zurlo, A., Cavaceppi, P., Sarro, A., Guidi, C., Osti, M.F., Vitturini, A., Banelli, E., 1995. Radiotherapy for T1 carcinoma of the glottis. Tumori. 81, 414-418.
  • Turesson, I., Sandberg, N., Mercke, C., Johansson, K.A., Sandin, I., Wallgren, A., 1991. Primary radiotherapy of glottic laryngeal carcinoma stage I and II. A retrospective study with special regard to failure patterns. Acta Oncol. 30, 352-362.
  • Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M., Hilgers, F.J., Keus, R.B., Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J., Greven, A.J., de Jong, J.M., Vreeburg, G., Bartelink, H., 1999. Multidimensional assesment of voice characteristics after radiotherapy for early glottic cancer. Laryngoscope. 109, 241-248.
  • Vernham, G.A., Crowther, J.A., 1994. Head and neck carcinoma-stage at presentation. Clin. Otolaryngol. Allied. Sci. 19, 120-124.
  • Warde, P., O’Sullivan, B., Bristow, R.G., Panzarella, T., Keane, T.J., Gullane, P.J., Witterick, I.P., Payne, D., Liu, F.F., McLean, M., Waldron, J., Cummings, B.J., 1998. T1-T2 glottic cancer managed by external beam radiotherapy: Influence of pretreatment hemoglobin on local control. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 41, 347-353.
  • Yamazaki, H., Nishiyama, K., Tanaka, E., Koizumi, M., Chatani, M., 2006. Radiotherapy for early glottic carcinoma (T1N0M0): Results of prospective randomized study of radiation fraction size and overall treatment time. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 64, 77-82.
  • Zouhair, A., Azria, D., Coucke, P., Matzinger, O., Bron, L., Moeckli, R., Do, H.P., Mirimanoff, R.O., Ozsahin, M., 2004. Decreased local control following radiation therapy alone in early-stage glottic carcinoma with anterior comissure extension. Strahlenther. Onkol. 180, 84-90.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Internal Medical Sciences

Deniz Meydan

Bilge Gürsel

Nilgün Şahin This is me

Nilgün Özbek

Publication Date July 13, 2012
Submission Date April 7, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 29 Issue: 2


APA Meydan, D., Gürsel, B., Şahin, N., Özbek, N. (2012). Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 29(2), 141-147.
AMA Meydan D, Gürsel B, Şahin N, Özbek N. Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. J. Exp. Clin. Med. July 2012;29(2):141-147. doi:10.5835/jecm.omu.29.02.012
Chicago Meydan, Deniz, Bilge Gürsel, Nilgün Şahin, and Nilgün Özbek. “Erken Evre Glottik Larenks Kanserinde Radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 29, no. 2 (July 2012): 141-47.
EndNote Meydan D, Gürsel B, Şahin N, Özbek N (July 1, 2012) Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 29 2 141–147.
IEEE D. Meydan, B. Gürsel, N. Şahin, and N. Özbek, “Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi”, J. Exp. Clin. Med., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 141–147, 2012, doi: 10.5835/jecm.omu.29.02.012.
ISNAD Meydan, Deniz et al. “Erken Evre Glottik Larenks Kanserinde Radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 29/2 (July 2012), 141-147.
JAMA Meydan D, Gürsel B, Şahin N, Özbek N. Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2012;29:141–147.
MLA Meydan, Deniz et al. “Erken Evre Glottik Larenks Kanserinde Radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, vol. 29, no. 2, 2012, pp. 141-7, doi:10.5835/jecm.omu.29.02.012.
Vancouver Meydan D, Gürsel B, Şahin N, Özbek N. Erken evre glottik larenks kanserinde radyoterapi sonuçları: Tek merkez deneyimi. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2012;29(2):141-7.