Year 2012,
Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 239 - 241, 22.10.2012
Gülali Aktaş
Aytekin Alcelik
Edip Yılmaz
Hydatid cyst is the most common cause of parasitic cysts in spleen. Hydatid cysts may be isolated in spleen or as a part of disseminated echinoccosis. We report here a case of splenic hydatid cyst which we treated with splenectomy and autotransplantation. A seventeen year old female admitted to hospital complaining dull abdominal pain. Patient was diagnosed with primary splenic cyst hydatic and we performed splenectomy and autotransplantation. In conclusion, we recommend that cystic lesions of the spleen should be examined for hydatid cyst. Splenectomy and autotransplantation is useful for both treatment and for preservation of splenic functions.
- Ajaz Malik, A., ul Bari, S., Younis, M., Wani, K.A., Rather, A.A., 2011. Primary splenic hydatidosis Indian J. Gastroenterol. 30, 175-177.
- Alfageme, I., Martin, M., Hernandez, J., Huertas, C., 1994. Rupture of a long-standing splenic hydatid cyst into the bronchial tree. Clin. Infect. Dis. 19, 992-994.
- Amman, R.W., Eckert, J., 1996. Echinococcus. Gastroenterol. Clin. N. 25, 655-689.
- Amr, S.S., Amr, Z.S., Jitawi, S., Annab, H., 1994. Hydatidosis in Jordan: An epidemiological study of 306 cases. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. 88, 623-627.
- Bitton, M., Kleiner-Baumgarten, A., Peiser, J., Barki, Y., Sukenik, S., 1992. Anaphylactic shock after traumatic rupture of a splenic echinococcal cyst. Harefuah. 122, 226-228.
- Durgun, V., Kapan, S., Kapan, M., Karabiçak, I., Aydogan, F., Goksoy, E., 2003. Primary splenic hydatidosis. Digest. Surg. 20, 38-41.
- Fashing, M.C., Cooney, D.R., 1980. Reimmunization and splenic autotransplantation: A long-term study of immunologic response and survival following pneumococcal challenge. J. Surg. Res. 28, 449-459.
- Karagulle, E., Hoscoskun, Z., Kutlu, A.K., Kaya, M., Baydar, S., 2007. The effectiveness of splenic autotransplantation: An experimental study. Ulus. Travma Acil Cer. 13, 13-19.
- Hamamci, E.O., Besim, H., Korkmaz, A., 2004. Unusual locations of hydatid disease and surgical approach. ANZ J. Surg. 74, 356-360.
- Kireşi, D.A., Karabacakoğlu, A., Odev, K., Karaköse, S., 2003. Uncommon locations of hydatid cysts. Acta Radiol. 44, 622-636.
- Kune, G.A., Morris, D.L., 1990. Hydatid disease. In: Schwartz, S.I., Ellis, H., editors. Maingots abdominal operations. London: Appleton and Lange. 1225-1240.
- Lewall, D.B., McCorkell, S.J., 1986. Rupture of echinococcal cysts: Diagnosis, classification, and clinical implications. AJR Am. J. Roentgenol. 146, 391-394.
- McManus, D.P., Zhang, W., Li, J., Bartley, P.B., 2003. Echinococcosis. Lancet. 362, 1295-1304.
- Ozdogan, M., Baykal, A., Keksek, M., Yorgancy, K., Hamaloglu, E., Sayek, I., 2001. Hydatid cyst of the spleen: Treatment options. Int. Surg. 86, 122-126.
- Patel, J.M., Williams, J.S., Naim, J.O., Hinshaw, J.R., 1986. The effect of site and technique of splenic tissue reimplantation on pneumococcal clearance from the blood. J. Pediatr. Surg. 21, 877-880.
- Safioleas, M., Misiakos, E., Manti, C., 1997. Surgical treatment for splenic hydatidosis. World J. Surg. 21, 374-377.
- Sharif, M.A., Mahmood, A., Murtaza, B., Malik, I.B., Khan, A., Asghar, Z., Arif, A., 2009. Primary perisplenic hydatid cyst. JCPSP-J. Coll. Physici 19, 380-382.
- Shukla, R.A., Hathia, W.P., Dadhagara, K.M., 1991. Hydatid disease in Saurashtra study of 210 cases. In: Saksena, D.S., Jhawar, D.K., Purohit, A., editors. Surgery in the Tropics. New Delhi: Macmillan. 450-460.
- Singh, H., Arora, S., 2003. Primary hydatid cyst of the spleen. Med. J. Armed. Forces India. 59, 169-170.
- Timens, W., Leemans, R., 1992. Splenic autotranspiantation and the immune system. Ann. Surg. 215, 256-260.
- Traub, A., Giebink, G.S., Smith, C., Kuni, C.C., Brekke, M.L., Edlund, D., Perry, J.F., 1987. Splenic reticulo-endothelial function after splenectomy, spleen repair and spleen autotransplantation. New Engl. J. Med. 317, 1559-1564.
- Uriarte, C., Pomares, N., Martin, M., Conde, A., Alonso, N., Bueno, M.G., 1991. Splenic hydatidosis. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 44, 420-423.
- Vasilescu, C., Tudor, S., Popa, M., Tiron, A., Lupescu, I., 2010. Robotic partial splenectomy for hydatid cyst of the spleen. Langenbeck Arch. Surg. 395, 1169-1174.
- Wani, R.A., Malik, A.A., Chowdri, N.A., Wani, K.A., Naqash, S.H., 2005. Primary extrahepatic abdominal hydatidosis. Int. J. Surg. 3, 125-127.
Year 2012,
Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 239 - 241, 22.10.2012
Gülali Aktaş
Aytekin Alcelik
Edip Yılmaz
Kist hidatik dalakta en sık görülen parazitik kist sebebidir. Dalakta izole olabilecekleri gibi dissemine ekinokokkozisin bir parçası olarak da bulunabilirler. Bu yazıda splenektomi ve ototransplantasyonla tedavi ettiğimiz bir splenik kist hidatik vakasını sunmaktayız. On yedi yaşında bayan hasta hastanemize karın ağrısı şikayetiyle başvurdu. Hastaya primer dalak kist hidatiği tanısı konularak splenektomi ve ototransplantasyon yapıldı. Sonuç olarak dalaktaki kistik lezyonların kist hidatik açısından değerlendirilmesini öneriyoruz. Splenektomi ve ototransplantasyon hem tedavide hem de dalak fonksiyonlarının korunmasında etkindir.
- Ajaz Malik, A., ul Bari, S., Younis, M., Wani, K.A., Rather, A.A., 2011. Primary splenic hydatidosis Indian J. Gastroenterol. 30, 175-177.
- Alfageme, I., Martin, M., Hernandez, J., Huertas, C., 1994. Rupture of a long-standing splenic hydatid cyst into the bronchial tree. Clin. Infect. Dis. 19, 992-994.
- Amman, R.W., Eckert, J., 1996. Echinococcus. Gastroenterol. Clin. N. 25, 655-689.
- Amr, S.S., Amr, Z.S., Jitawi, S., Annab, H., 1994. Hydatidosis in Jordan: An epidemiological study of 306 cases. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. 88, 623-627.
- Bitton, M., Kleiner-Baumgarten, A., Peiser, J., Barki, Y., Sukenik, S., 1992. Anaphylactic shock after traumatic rupture of a splenic echinococcal cyst. Harefuah. 122, 226-228.
- Durgun, V., Kapan, S., Kapan, M., Karabiçak, I., Aydogan, F., Goksoy, E., 2003. Primary splenic hydatidosis. Digest. Surg. 20, 38-41.
- Fashing, M.C., Cooney, D.R., 1980. Reimmunization and splenic autotransplantation: A long-term study of immunologic response and survival following pneumococcal challenge. J. Surg. Res. 28, 449-459.
- Karagulle, E., Hoscoskun, Z., Kutlu, A.K., Kaya, M., Baydar, S., 2007. The effectiveness of splenic autotransplantation: An experimental study. Ulus. Travma Acil Cer. 13, 13-19.
- Hamamci, E.O., Besim, H., Korkmaz, A., 2004. Unusual locations of hydatid disease and surgical approach. ANZ J. Surg. 74, 356-360.
- Kireşi, D.A., Karabacakoğlu, A., Odev, K., Karaköse, S., 2003. Uncommon locations of hydatid cysts. Acta Radiol. 44, 622-636.
- Kune, G.A., Morris, D.L., 1990. Hydatid disease. In: Schwartz, S.I., Ellis, H., editors. Maingots abdominal operations. London: Appleton and Lange. 1225-1240.
- Lewall, D.B., McCorkell, S.J., 1986. Rupture of echinococcal cysts: Diagnosis, classification, and clinical implications. AJR Am. J. Roentgenol. 146, 391-394.
- McManus, D.P., Zhang, W., Li, J., Bartley, P.B., 2003. Echinococcosis. Lancet. 362, 1295-1304.
- Ozdogan, M., Baykal, A., Keksek, M., Yorgancy, K., Hamaloglu, E., Sayek, I., 2001. Hydatid cyst of the spleen: Treatment options. Int. Surg. 86, 122-126.
- Patel, J.M., Williams, J.S., Naim, J.O., Hinshaw, J.R., 1986. The effect of site and technique of splenic tissue reimplantation on pneumococcal clearance from the blood. J. Pediatr. Surg. 21, 877-880.
- Safioleas, M., Misiakos, E., Manti, C., 1997. Surgical treatment for splenic hydatidosis. World J. Surg. 21, 374-377.
- Sharif, M.A., Mahmood, A., Murtaza, B., Malik, I.B., Khan, A., Asghar, Z., Arif, A., 2009. Primary perisplenic hydatid cyst. JCPSP-J. Coll. Physici 19, 380-382.
- Shukla, R.A., Hathia, W.P., Dadhagara, K.M., 1991. Hydatid disease in Saurashtra study of 210 cases. In: Saksena, D.S., Jhawar, D.K., Purohit, A., editors. Surgery in the Tropics. New Delhi: Macmillan. 450-460.
- Singh, H., Arora, S., 2003. Primary hydatid cyst of the spleen. Med. J. Armed. Forces India. 59, 169-170.
- Timens, W., Leemans, R., 1992. Splenic autotranspiantation and the immune system. Ann. Surg. 215, 256-260.
- Traub, A., Giebink, G.S., Smith, C., Kuni, C.C., Brekke, M.L., Edlund, D., Perry, J.F., 1987. Splenic reticulo-endothelial function after splenectomy, spleen repair and spleen autotransplantation. New Engl. J. Med. 317, 1559-1564.
- Uriarte, C., Pomares, N., Martin, M., Conde, A., Alonso, N., Bueno, M.G., 1991. Splenic hydatidosis. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 44, 420-423.
- Vasilescu, C., Tudor, S., Popa, M., Tiron, A., Lupescu, I., 2010. Robotic partial splenectomy for hydatid cyst of the spleen. Langenbeck Arch. Surg. 395, 1169-1174.
- Wani, R.A., Malik, A.A., Chowdri, N.A., Wani, K.A., Naqash, S.H., 2005. Primary extrahepatic abdominal hydatidosis. Int. J. Surg. 3, 125-127.