Year 2013,
Volume: 30 Issue: 1s, 133 - 135, 29.11.2013
Çağatay Zengin
Birol Gülman
- Asp, J.P., Rand, J.A., 1990. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop. 261, 233-237.
- Beller, J., Trockel, U., Lukoschek, M., 2008. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty under continuous epidural anesthesia. Orthopade. 37, 475- 480.
- Horlocker, T.T., Cabanela, M.E., Wedel, D.J., 1994. Does postoperative epidural analgesia increase the risk of peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty. Anesth. Analg. 79, 495-500.
- Idusuyi, O.B., Morrey, B.F., 1996. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty: Assessment of predisposing and prognostic factors. J. Bone Joint Surg. 78, 177-184.
- Krackow, K.A., Jones, M.M., Teeny, S.M., 1991. Primary total knee arthroplasty in patients with fixed valgus deformity. Clin. Orthop. 273, 9-18. Miyasaka, K.C., Ranawat C.S., Mullaji, A., 1997. 10- to 20 year follow up of total knee arthroplasty for valgus deformities. Clin. Orthop. 345, 29Mont, M.A., Dellon, A.L., Chen, F., 1996. The operative treatment of peroneal nerve palsy. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 78, 863-869.
- Nercessian, O.A., Ugwonali, O.F., Park, S., 2005. Peroneal nevre palsy after total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 20, 1068-1073.
- Ohannes, A., Nercessian, M.D., Obinwanne, F.C., 2005. Peroneal nerve palsy after totak knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 20, 1068-1073.
- Rose, H.A., Hood, R.W., Otis, J.C., 1982. Peroneal-nerve palsy following total knee arthroplasty: A review of the hospital for special surgery experience. J. Bone Joint Surg. 64, 347-351.
- Schinsky, M.F., Macaulay, W., Parks, M.L., 2001. Nerve injury after primary total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 16, 1048-1054.
- Ulrich, S.D., Bhave, A., Marker, D.R., 2007. Focused rehabilitation treatment of poorly functioning total knee arthroplasties. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 464, 138-145.
- Webster, D.A., Murray, D.G., 1985. Complications of variable axis total knee arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop. 193, 160-167.
- Zywiel, M.G., Mont, M.A., McGrath, M.S., 2011. Peroneal nerve dysfunction after total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 26, 379-385.
Total diz artroplastisi sonrası görülen peroneal sinir hasarı
Year 2013,
Volume: 30 Issue: 1s, 133 - 135, 29.11.2013
Çağatay Zengin
Birol Gülman
Peroneal sinir hasarı total diz artroplastisi sonrası gelişebilecek nadir fakat ciddi bir komplikasyondur. Farklı merkezlerde yapılan geniş serilerde insidansı % 0,3-% 1,3 arasında değişmektedir. Popliteal fossada siyatik sinirden ayrılan peroneal sinir, popliteal çukurun dış yüzünde gastroknemius kasının lateral başını geçer. Diz altında, fibula başı ve boynu
hizasında yüzeyel seyreder. Bu bölgede sadece cilt ve fasya tarafından korunur. Bu alanda peroneus longus kası ve intermuskuler septum tarafından oluşturulmuş fibröz bir ark içinden geçer. Peroneal sinirin genellikle yaralandığı alan burasıdır. Bu olgu sunumunda; sol dizine total diz artroplastisi uygulanan hastamızda postoperatif görülen peroneal sinir hasarını tartıştık.
- Asp, J.P., Rand, J.A., 1990. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop. 261, 233-237.
- Beller, J., Trockel, U., Lukoschek, M., 2008. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty under continuous epidural anesthesia. Orthopade. 37, 475- 480.
- Horlocker, T.T., Cabanela, M.E., Wedel, D.J., 1994. Does postoperative epidural analgesia increase the risk of peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty. Anesth. Analg. 79, 495-500.
- Idusuyi, O.B., Morrey, B.F., 1996. Peroneal nerve palsy after total knee arthroplasty: Assessment of predisposing and prognostic factors. J. Bone Joint Surg. 78, 177-184.
- Krackow, K.A., Jones, M.M., Teeny, S.M., 1991. Primary total knee arthroplasty in patients with fixed valgus deformity. Clin. Orthop. 273, 9-18. Miyasaka, K.C., Ranawat C.S., Mullaji, A., 1997. 10- to 20 year follow up of total knee arthroplasty for valgus deformities. Clin. Orthop. 345, 29Mont, M.A., Dellon, A.L., Chen, F., 1996. The operative treatment of peroneal nerve palsy. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 78, 863-869.
- Nercessian, O.A., Ugwonali, O.F., Park, S., 2005. Peroneal nevre palsy after total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 20, 1068-1073.
- Ohannes, A., Nercessian, M.D., Obinwanne, F.C., 2005. Peroneal nerve palsy after totak knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 20, 1068-1073.
- Rose, H.A., Hood, R.W., Otis, J.C., 1982. Peroneal-nerve palsy following total knee arthroplasty: A review of the hospital for special surgery experience. J. Bone Joint Surg. 64, 347-351.
- Schinsky, M.F., Macaulay, W., Parks, M.L., 2001. Nerve injury after primary total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 16, 1048-1054.
- Ulrich, S.D., Bhave, A., Marker, D.R., 2007. Focused rehabilitation treatment of poorly functioning total knee arthroplasties. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 464, 138-145.
- Webster, D.A., Murray, D.G., 1985. Complications of variable axis total knee arthroplasty. Clin. Orthop. 193, 160-167.
- Zywiel, M.G., Mont, M.A., McGrath, M.S., 2011. Peroneal nerve dysfunction after total knee arthroplasty. J. Arthroplasty. 26, 379-385.