Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate toxoplasmosis risk on anxiety and perception of cat owner pregnant women
Method: A Health Anxiety Inventory (HAI-18) was used to measure the anxiety of participants. Age and anxiety variables were analyzed using a two-sample independent t-test. Gravida, education, and job status were analyzed using chi-square tests, and Live to abort ratio & pregnancy number were analyzed using Fisher exact test.
Results: Measurement of the anxiety level between the two groups showed that anxiety is significantly higher among the pregnant women who feed cats in their house with an average of 32.03(±8.72). The average anxiety level among the pregnant women who don't have cats in their house was 25.94 (±8.99). The difference between the Health Anxiety Inventory of the two groups was significant (P-Value: 0.0001)
Conclusion: Our results showed that pregnant women who own cats at home had, on average, more environmental anxiety than women who don’t feed cats at home.
Avelino, M.M., et al., Pregnancy as a risk factor for acute toxoplasmosis seroconversion. European Journal of
Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2003. 108(1): p. 19-24.
Bahrami, N. et al, Correlation between prenatal depression with delivery type and neonatal anthropometric indicators. Koomesh, 2013. 15(1): p. 39-45.
Beetz, A., et al., Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin. Frontiers in psychology, 2012. 3: p. 234.
Berrebi, A., et al., Termination of pregnancy for maternal toxoplasmosis. The Lancet, 1994. 344(8914): p. 36-39.
Buttelmann, D.,et al., Anxiety-reducing effect: Dog, fish and plant in direct comparison. Anthrozoös, 2014. 27(2): p. 267-277.
Chaudhry, S.A.,et al.,Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy. Canadian Family Physician, 2014. 60(4): p. 334-336.
Dubey, J. et al., Toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. Infectious diseases of the dog and cat, 2006. 2: p. 493-509.
Dubey, J.P., Toxoplasmosis of animals and humans. 2016: CRC press.
Elbez-Rubinstein, A., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis and reinfection during pregnancy: case report, strain characterization, experimental model of reinfection, and review. The Journal of infectious diseases, 2009. 199(2): p. 280-285.
Foulon, W., et al., Treatment of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy: a multicenter study of impact on fetal transmission and children’s sequelae at age 1 year. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 1999. 180(2): p. 410-415.
Frenkel, J., Pathophysiology of toxoplasmosis. Parasitology Today, 1988. 4(10): p. 273-278.
Friedmann, E., The role of pets in enhancing human well-being: physiological. The Waltham book of human-animal interaction: Benefits and responsibilities of pet ownership, 2013. 33.
Friedmann, E. and S.A. Thomas, Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST). The American journal of cardiology, 1995. 76(17): p. 1213-1217
Gadomski, A.M., et al., Peer Reviewed: Pet Dogs and Children’s Health: Opportunities for Chronic Disease Prevention? Preventing chronic disease, 2015. 12.
Garweg, J.G., et al., Reactivation of ocular toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2005. 112(2): p. 241-242.
Gavinet, M., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis due to maternal reinfection during pregnancy. Journal of clinical microbiology, 1997. 35(5): p. 1276-1277.
Jones, J.L., A. Lopez, and M. Wilson, Congenital toxoplasmosis. American family physician, 2003. 67(10): p. 2131-2138.
Jones, J.L., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis: a review. Obstetrical & gynecological survey, 2001. 56(5): p. 296-305.
Kaminski, M., T. Pellino, and J. Wish, Play and pets: The physical and emotional impact of child-life and pet therapy on hospitalized children. Children's health care, 2002. 31(4): p. 321-335.
Kravetz, J.D. et al., Prevention of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: knowledge of risk factors. Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology, 2005. 13(3): p. 161-165.
Kurki, T., et al., Depression and anxiety in early pregnancy and risk for preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2000. 95(4): p. 487-490.
Lappalainen, M., et al., Cost-benefit analysis of screening for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 1995. 27(3): p. 265-272.
Mugford, R.,et al.,Pet animals and society. 1975, Bailliere Tindall London.
Muschel, I.J., Pet therapy with terminal cancer patients. Social Casework, 1984. 65(8): p. 451-458.
Neshat, R., et al., Investigation the relationship between preterm delivery and prevalence of anxiety, stress and depression in pregnant women of dorrod health center, Iran in 2010. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 2013. 16(67): p. 16-24
Perkins, E., Ocular toxoplasmosis. The British journal of ophthalmology, 1973. 57(1): p. 1.
Ruskin, J. et al., Toxoplasmosis in the compromised host. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1976. 84(2): p. 193-199.
Salkovskis, P.M., et al., The Health Anxiety Inventory: development and validation of scales for the measurement of health anxiety and hypochondriasis. Psychological medicine, 2002. 32(5): p. 843-853.
Schetter, C.D. at al., Anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy: implications for mothers, children, research, and practice. Current opinion in psychiatry, 2012. 25(2): p. 141.
Serpell, J., Beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of human health and behaviour. Journal of the royal society of medicine, 1991. 84(12): p. 717-720.
Straede, C.M. et al., Psychological health in a population of Australian cat owners. Anthrozoös, 1993. 6(1): p. 30-42.
Weiss, L.M. et al., Toxoplasmosis: a history of clinical observations. International journal for parasitology, 2009. 39(8): p. 895-901.
Wong, S.-Y. et al., Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. Clinical infectious diseases, 1994: p. 853-861.
Wright, H., et al., Pet dogs improve family functioning and reduce anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. Anthrozoös, 2015. 28(4): p. 611-624.
Year 2021,
Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 154 - 158, 03.04.2021
Avelino, M.M., et al., Pregnancy as a risk factor for acute toxoplasmosis seroconversion. European Journal of
Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2003. 108(1): p. 19-24.
Bahrami, N. et al, Correlation between prenatal depression with delivery type and neonatal anthropometric indicators. Koomesh, 2013. 15(1): p. 39-45.
Beetz, A., et al., Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin. Frontiers in psychology, 2012. 3: p. 234.
Berrebi, A., et al., Termination of pregnancy for maternal toxoplasmosis. The Lancet, 1994. 344(8914): p. 36-39.
Buttelmann, D.,et al., Anxiety-reducing effect: Dog, fish and plant in direct comparison. Anthrozoös, 2014. 27(2): p. 267-277.
Chaudhry, S.A.,et al.,Toxoplasmosis and pregnancy. Canadian Family Physician, 2014. 60(4): p. 334-336.
Dubey, J. et al., Toxoplasmosis and neosporosis. Infectious diseases of the dog and cat, 2006. 2: p. 493-509.
Dubey, J.P., Toxoplasmosis of animals and humans. 2016: CRC press.
Elbez-Rubinstein, A., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis and reinfection during pregnancy: case report, strain characterization, experimental model of reinfection, and review. The Journal of infectious diseases, 2009. 199(2): p. 280-285.
Foulon, W., et al., Treatment of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy: a multicenter study of impact on fetal transmission and children’s sequelae at age 1 year. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 1999. 180(2): p. 410-415.
Frenkel, J., Pathophysiology of toxoplasmosis. Parasitology Today, 1988. 4(10): p. 273-278.
Friedmann, E., The role of pets in enhancing human well-being: physiological. The Waltham book of human-animal interaction: Benefits and responsibilities of pet ownership, 2013. 33.
Friedmann, E. and S.A. Thomas, Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST). The American journal of cardiology, 1995. 76(17): p. 1213-1217
Gadomski, A.M., et al., Peer Reviewed: Pet Dogs and Children’s Health: Opportunities for Chronic Disease Prevention? Preventing chronic disease, 2015. 12.
Garweg, J.G., et al., Reactivation of ocular toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2005. 112(2): p. 241-242.
Gavinet, M., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis due to maternal reinfection during pregnancy. Journal of clinical microbiology, 1997. 35(5): p. 1276-1277.
Jones, J.L., A. Lopez, and M. Wilson, Congenital toxoplasmosis. American family physician, 2003. 67(10): p. 2131-2138.
Jones, J.L., et al., Congenital toxoplasmosis: a review. Obstetrical & gynecological survey, 2001. 56(5): p. 296-305.
Kaminski, M., T. Pellino, and J. Wish, Play and pets: The physical and emotional impact of child-life and pet therapy on hospitalized children. Children's health care, 2002. 31(4): p. 321-335.
Kravetz, J.D. et al., Prevention of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: knowledge of risk factors. Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology, 2005. 13(3): p. 161-165.
Kurki, T., et al., Depression and anxiety in early pregnancy and risk for preeclampsia. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2000. 95(4): p. 487-490.
Lappalainen, M., et al., Cost-benefit analysis of screening for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 1995. 27(3): p. 265-272.
Mugford, R.,et al.,Pet animals and society. 1975, Bailliere Tindall London.
Muschel, I.J., Pet therapy with terminal cancer patients. Social Casework, 1984. 65(8): p. 451-458.
Neshat, R., et al., Investigation the relationship between preterm delivery and prevalence of anxiety, stress and depression in pregnant women of dorrod health center, Iran in 2010. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 2013. 16(67): p. 16-24
Perkins, E., Ocular toxoplasmosis. The British journal of ophthalmology, 1973. 57(1): p. 1.
Ruskin, J. et al., Toxoplasmosis in the compromised host. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1976. 84(2): p. 193-199.
Salkovskis, P.M., et al., The Health Anxiety Inventory: development and validation of scales for the measurement of health anxiety and hypochondriasis. Psychological medicine, 2002. 32(5): p. 843-853.
Schetter, C.D. at al., Anxiety, depression and stress in pregnancy: implications for mothers, children, research, and practice. Current opinion in psychiatry, 2012. 25(2): p. 141.
Serpell, J., Beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of human health and behaviour. Journal of the royal society of medicine, 1991. 84(12): p. 717-720.
Straede, C.M. et al., Psychological health in a population of Australian cat owners. Anthrozoös, 1993. 6(1): p. 30-42.
Weiss, L.M. et al., Toxoplasmosis: a history of clinical observations. International journal for parasitology, 2009. 39(8): p. 895-901.
Wong, S.-Y. et al., Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. Clinical infectious diseases, 1994: p. 853-861.
Wright, H., et al., Pet dogs improve family functioning and reduce anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. Anthrozoös, 2015. 28(4): p. 611-624.
Dokuzeylül Güngör, N., Gürbüz, T., Bozkurt, S., Dokuzeylül, B., et al. (2021). Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 38(2), 154-158.
Dokuzeylül Güngör N, Gürbüz T, Bozkurt S, Dokuzeylül B, Or E, Cengiz F. Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women. J. Exp. Clin. Med. April 2021;38(2):154-158.
Dokuzeylül Güngör, Nur, Tuğba Gürbüz, Selma Bozkurt, Banu Dokuzeylül, Erman Or, and Ferhat Cengiz. “Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 38, no. 2 (April 2021): 154-58.
Dokuzeylül Güngör N, Gürbüz T, Bozkurt S, Dokuzeylül B, Or E, Cengiz F (April 1, 2021) Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 38 2 154–158.
N. Dokuzeylül Güngör, T. Gürbüz, S. Bozkurt, B. Dokuzeylül, E. Or, and F. Cengiz, “Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women”, J. Exp. Clin. Med., vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 154–158, 2021.
Dokuzeylül Güngör, Nur et al. “Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 38/2 (April 2021), 154-158.
Dokuzeylül Güngör N, Gürbüz T, Bozkurt S, Dokuzeylül B, Or E, Cengiz F. Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2021;38:154–158.
Dokuzeylül Güngör, Nur et al. “Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, vol. 38, no. 2, 2021, pp. 154-8.
Dokuzeylül Güngör N, Gürbüz T, Bozkurt S, Dokuzeylül B, Or E, Cengiz F. Evaluation of Toxoplasmosis Risk on Anxiety And Perception of Cat Owner Pregnant Women. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2021;38(2):154-8.