Research Article
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Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome

Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 701 - 706, 31.12.2024


This study aimed to examine the depression, suicide likelihood, aggression levels, and second-to-fourth finger measurements in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The study included patients diagnosed with PCOS from our hospital's endocrinology clinic and healthy controls matched for demographic characteristics. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Suicide Probability Scale (SPS), and Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) were administered. The second and fourth finger length of all participants were measured in centimeters using a digital vernier caliper. A total of 124 individuals (62 PCOS patients and 62 controls) participated in our study. Although the scale scores were higher in the PCOS group, the only significant difference was observed in the verbal aggression of the BPAQ. The study identified elevated levels of verbal aggression in PCOS patients. Based on these findings, these patients should be informed about and monitored for psychiatric symptoms.
Keywords: polycystic ovary syndrome, suicide likelihood, aggression, depression


  • Escobar-Morreale, HF. Polycystic ovary syndrome: definition, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2018; 14 (5): 270.
  • Bulsara J, Patel P, Soni A, Acharya S. A review: Brief insight into Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. Endocrine and Metabolic Science. 2021; 3: 100085.
  • Bharathi RV, Swetha S, Neerajaa J, Madhavica JV, Janani DM, Rekha SN, et al. An epidemiological survey: Effect of predisposing factors for PCOS in Indian urban and rural population. Middle East Fertility Society J. 2017; 22 (4): 313–316.
  • El Hayek S, Bitar L, Hamdar LH, Mirza FG, Daoud G. Poly cystic ovarian syndrome: an updated overview. Front Physiol. 2029; 7:124.
  • Goodarzi MO, Dumesic DA, Chazenbalk G, Azziz R. Polycystic ovary syndrome: etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2011; 7 (4): 219-231.
  • Doretto L, Mari FC, Chaves AC. Polycystic ovary syndrome and psychotic disorder. Frontiers in Psyc. 2020; 11: 545724.
  • Hasan M, Sultana S, Sohan M, Parvin S, Rahman MA, Hossain MJ, et al. Prevalence and associated risk factors for mental health problems among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross—Sectional study. PLoS One.2022; 17(6): e0270102.
  • Sadeeqa S, Mustafa T, Latif S. Polycystic ovarian syndrome-related depression in adolescent girls: a review. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2018; 10:55–59.
  • Gomaa MA, Desoky AA, Amer D, Alaa D, Khalil MA. Impulsivity, depression, and suicide in female patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility. Middle East Current Psyc. 2023; 30(1):116.
  • Gul A, Gul H, Ergur AT, Özen NE. Anxiety-anger relationship in hyperandrogenemia: a comparative study with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and healthy control adolescents. J Psychiatry Behavioral Sci.2028; 8:27.
  • Barabasz-Gembczyk A, Mędrala W, Rodek P, Alli-Balogun B, Chrobak J, Cwynar M, et al. Correlation between selected clinical symptoms and severity of aggression, impulsiveness and their selected behavioral manifestations in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype A. Metabolites. 2023; 13(5): 646.
  • Vetulani, J. Neurochemistry of impulsiveness and aggression. Psychiatr. Pol. 2013, 47, 103–115.
  • Sorokowski P, Kowal M. Relationship between the 2D: 4D and prenatal testosterone, adult level testosterone, and testosterone change: Meta‐analysis of 54 studies. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2024; 183(1): 20-38.
  • Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group (2004) Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril 81:19–25.
  • Beck AT. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4(6):561-71.
  • Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanteri’nin Üniversite Öğrencileri için Geçerliği, Güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;6(23):3-13.
  • Buss AH, Perry. The Aggression Questionnaire. J Pers Soc Psych. 1992; 63: 452-9.
  • Demirtaş Madran HA. Buss-Perry Saldırganlık Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Derg. 2012; (23):1-6.
  • Cull JG, Gill WS. Suicide probability scale, Western Psychological Services, 1990, Los Angels.
  • Atlı Z, Eskin M, Dereboy Ç. İntihar Olasılığı Ölçeğinin (İOÖ) klinik örneklemde geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Klinik Psikiyatri Derg. 2009; 12(3): 111-124.
  • Bahçelioğlu M. Fertil-İnfertil Kişilerde El 2. ve 4. Parmak Uzunluk Oranlarıyla, Sperm ve Hormon Değerleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması. Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, 2002, Ankara, (Doç. Dr. Afitap ANIL)
  • Wang Y, Ni Z, Li K. The prevalence of anxiety and depression of different severity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis. Gynecological Endocrinol. 2021; 37(12): 1072-1078.
  • Dybciak P, Humeniuk E, Raczkiewicz D, Krakowiak J, Wdowiak A, Bojar I. Anxiety and depression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Medicina. 2022; 58(7): 942.
  • Alur-Gupta S, Lee L, Chemerinski A, Liu C, Lipson J, Allison K, et al. Racial differences in anxiety, depression, and quality of life in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. F S Rep. 2021; 2: 230–237.
  • Lin H, Liu M, Zhong D, Ng EHY, Liu J, Li J, et al. Prevalence and Factors Associated With Anxiety-Like and Depression-Like Behaviors in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Front. Psychiatry. 2021; 12: 709674.
  • Shani C, Yelena S, Reut BK, Adrian S, Sami H. Suicidal risk among infertile women undergoing in-vitro fertilization: Incidence and risk factors. Psychiatry Res. 2016; 240: 53- 59.
  • Hsu TW, Kao YC, Tsai SJ, Bai YM, Su TP, Chen TJ, et al. Suicide attempts after a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome: a cohort study. Annals of Int Med. 2024; 177(3):335-342.
  • Williams S, Fido D, Sheffield D. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A community-based study. In Healthcare. 2021; 10 (6): 1-10.
  • Alptekin K, Duyan V. İntihar ve İntihar Girişimi. Yeni İnsan Yayınevi. 2021; 8. Baskı.
  • Özdeş T, Erkol Z, Hosukler E, Turan T, Gündoğdu V, Kurtoğlu Özdeş E. A 16-Year Retrospective Study Examining Socio-Demographic Factors among Suicide Decedents in Bolu Province, Northwestern Turkey. Int J Sci: Basic and Applied Res. 2023; 70(1):86-98.
  • Oyuncakçı S, Güloğlu B. 25-40 Yaş Aralığındaki Bireylerde intihar Olasılığı, Psikolojik Sağlamlık, Affetme ve Olumlu-Olumsuz Duygular Arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Kesitsel Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci. 2022; 7(1):262.
  • Balikci A, Erdem M, Keskin U, Zincir SB, Guelsuen M, Ozcelik F, et al. Depression, anxiety, and anger in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi. 2014; 51(4): 328.
  • Borghi L, Leone D, Vegni E, Galiano V, Lepadatu C, Sulpizio P, et al. Psychological distress, anger and quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome: associations with biochemical, phenotypical andsocio-demographic factors. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2028; 39(2):128-137.
  • Borghi L, Leone D, Vegni E, Galiano V, Lepadatu C, Sulpizio P, et al. Psychological distress, anger and quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome: associations with biochemical, phenotypical andsocio-demographic factors. J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol. 2018; 39(2): 128-137.
  • Yin X, Ji Y, Chan CLW, Chan CHY. The mental health of women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Women's Mental Healt. 2021; 24, 11-27.
  • Pandit VK, Setiya M, Yadav S, Jehan M. Digit ratio (2D: 4D): A potential anatomical biomarker for predicting the risk of development of polycystic ovarian syndrome. IOSR J Dent Medi Sci. 2016; 15(8): 58-64.
  • Roy R, Kundu R, Sengupta M, Som P. Association between digit length ratio (2D: 4D) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)—A study among eastern Indian population. J Anatomic Soci India. 2018; 67: 14-19.
  • Benderlioglu Z, Nelson RJ. Digit length ratios predict reactive aggression in women, but not in men. Hormon Behav. 2004; 46(5): 558-564.
  • Richards G, Browne WV, Aydin E, Constantinescu M, Nave G, et al. Digit ratio (2D: 4D) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Hormon Behav. 2020; 126: 104867.
  • Krajmer P, Spajdel M, Kubranska A, Ostatnikova D. 2D:4D finger ratio in Slovak autism spectrum population. Bratisl Lek Listy 2011; 112: 377-379.
  • Demirci EÖ, DB Öztop. Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan erkek çocuk ve ergenlerde agresyon, empati ve 2D: 4D parmak oranlarının ilişkisi. In Yeni Symp.2015; 53: 2-8.
  • Can Z. Sağlıklı Bireylerde Parmak Uzunluk Oranlarının (2d: 4d); El Tercihi, Nonverbal Zeka, Görsel, İşitsel ve Verbal Yetenekler, Motor Beceri ve Serebral Lateralizasyon ile İlişkisi (Master's thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü), 2018.
Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 701 - 706, 31.12.2024



  • Escobar-Morreale, HF. Polycystic ovary syndrome: definition, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2018; 14 (5): 270.
  • Bulsara J, Patel P, Soni A, Acharya S. A review: Brief insight into Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. Endocrine and Metabolic Science. 2021; 3: 100085.
  • Bharathi RV, Swetha S, Neerajaa J, Madhavica JV, Janani DM, Rekha SN, et al. An epidemiological survey: Effect of predisposing factors for PCOS in Indian urban and rural population. Middle East Fertility Society J. 2017; 22 (4): 313–316.
  • El Hayek S, Bitar L, Hamdar LH, Mirza FG, Daoud G. Poly cystic ovarian syndrome: an updated overview. Front Physiol. 2029; 7:124.
  • Goodarzi MO, Dumesic DA, Chazenbalk G, Azziz R. Polycystic ovary syndrome: etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 2011; 7 (4): 219-231.
  • Doretto L, Mari FC, Chaves AC. Polycystic ovary syndrome and psychotic disorder. Frontiers in Psyc. 2020; 11: 545724.
  • Hasan M, Sultana S, Sohan M, Parvin S, Rahman MA, Hossain MJ, et al. Prevalence and associated risk factors for mental health problems among patients with polycystic ovary syndrome in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross—Sectional study. PLoS One.2022; 17(6): e0270102.
  • Sadeeqa S, Mustafa T, Latif S. Polycystic ovarian syndrome-related depression in adolescent girls: a review. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2018; 10:55–59.
  • Gomaa MA, Desoky AA, Amer D, Alaa D, Khalil MA. Impulsivity, depression, and suicide in female patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility. Middle East Current Psyc. 2023; 30(1):116.
  • Gul A, Gul H, Ergur AT, Özen NE. Anxiety-anger relationship in hyperandrogenemia: a comparative study with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and healthy control adolescents. J Psychiatry Behavioral Sci.2028; 8:27.
  • Barabasz-Gembczyk A, Mędrala W, Rodek P, Alli-Balogun B, Chrobak J, Cwynar M, et al. Correlation between selected clinical symptoms and severity of aggression, impulsiveness and their selected behavioral manifestations in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype A. Metabolites. 2023; 13(5): 646.
  • Vetulani, J. Neurochemistry of impulsiveness and aggression. Psychiatr. Pol. 2013, 47, 103–115.
  • Sorokowski P, Kowal M. Relationship between the 2D: 4D and prenatal testosterone, adult level testosterone, and testosterone change: Meta‐analysis of 54 studies. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. 2024; 183(1): 20-38.
  • Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored PCOS Consensus Workshop Group (2004) Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril 81:19–25.
  • Beck AT. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4(6):561-71.
  • Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanteri’nin Üniversite Öğrencileri için Geçerliği, Güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi. 1989;6(23):3-13.
  • Buss AH, Perry. The Aggression Questionnaire. J Pers Soc Psych. 1992; 63: 452-9.
  • Demirtaş Madran HA. Buss-Perry Saldırganlık Ölçeği’nin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Derg. 2012; (23):1-6.
  • Cull JG, Gill WS. Suicide probability scale, Western Psychological Services, 1990, Los Angels.
  • Atlı Z, Eskin M, Dereboy Ç. İntihar Olasılığı Ölçeğinin (İOÖ) klinik örneklemde geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Klinik Psikiyatri Derg. 2009; 12(3): 111-124.
  • Bahçelioğlu M. Fertil-İnfertil Kişilerde El 2. ve 4. Parmak Uzunluk Oranlarıyla, Sperm ve Hormon Değerleri Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılması. Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi, 2002, Ankara, (Doç. Dr. Afitap ANIL)
  • Wang Y, Ni Z, Li K. The prevalence of anxiety and depression of different severity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a meta-analysis. Gynecological Endocrinol. 2021; 37(12): 1072-1078.
  • Dybciak P, Humeniuk E, Raczkiewicz D, Krakowiak J, Wdowiak A, Bojar I. Anxiety and depression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Medicina. 2022; 58(7): 942.
  • Alur-Gupta S, Lee L, Chemerinski A, Liu C, Lipson J, Allison K, et al. Racial differences in anxiety, depression, and quality of life in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. F S Rep. 2021; 2: 230–237.
  • Lin H, Liu M, Zhong D, Ng EHY, Liu J, Li J, et al. Prevalence and Factors Associated With Anxiety-Like and Depression-Like Behaviors in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Front. Psychiatry. 2021; 12: 709674.
  • Shani C, Yelena S, Reut BK, Adrian S, Sami H. Suicidal risk among infertile women undergoing in-vitro fertilization: Incidence and risk factors. Psychiatry Res. 2016; 240: 53- 59.
  • Hsu TW, Kao YC, Tsai SJ, Bai YM, Su TP, Chen TJ, et al. Suicide attempts after a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome: a cohort study. Annals of Int Med. 2024; 177(3):335-342.
  • Williams S, Fido D, Sheffield D. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A community-based study. In Healthcare. 2021; 10 (6): 1-10.
  • Alptekin K, Duyan V. İntihar ve İntihar Girişimi. Yeni İnsan Yayınevi. 2021; 8. Baskı.
  • Özdeş T, Erkol Z, Hosukler E, Turan T, Gündoğdu V, Kurtoğlu Özdeş E. A 16-Year Retrospective Study Examining Socio-Demographic Factors among Suicide Decedents in Bolu Province, Northwestern Turkey. Int J Sci: Basic and Applied Res. 2023; 70(1):86-98.
  • Oyuncakçı S, Güloğlu B. 25-40 Yaş Aralığındaki Bireylerde intihar Olasılığı, Psikolojik Sağlamlık, Affetme ve Olumlu-Olumsuz Duygular Arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Kesitsel Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci. 2022; 7(1):262.
  • Balikci A, Erdem M, Keskin U, Zincir SB, Guelsuen M, Ozcelik F, et al. Depression, anxiety, and anger in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Nöro Psikiyatri Arşivi. 2014; 51(4): 328.
  • Borghi L, Leone D, Vegni E, Galiano V, Lepadatu C, Sulpizio P, et al. Psychological distress, anger and quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome: associations with biochemical, phenotypical andsocio-demographic factors. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2028; 39(2):128-137.
  • Borghi L, Leone D, Vegni E, Galiano V, Lepadatu C, Sulpizio P, et al. Psychological distress, anger and quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome: associations with biochemical, phenotypical andsocio-demographic factors. J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol. 2018; 39(2): 128-137.
  • Yin X, Ji Y, Chan CLW, Chan CHY. The mental health of women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Women's Mental Healt. 2021; 24, 11-27.
  • Pandit VK, Setiya M, Yadav S, Jehan M. Digit ratio (2D: 4D): A potential anatomical biomarker for predicting the risk of development of polycystic ovarian syndrome. IOSR J Dent Medi Sci. 2016; 15(8): 58-64.
  • Roy R, Kundu R, Sengupta M, Som P. Association between digit length ratio (2D: 4D) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)—A study among eastern Indian population. J Anatomic Soci India. 2018; 67: 14-19.
  • Benderlioglu Z, Nelson RJ. Digit length ratios predict reactive aggression in women, but not in men. Hormon Behav. 2004; 46(5): 558-564.
  • Richards G, Browne WV, Aydin E, Constantinescu M, Nave G, et al. Digit ratio (2D: 4D) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Hormon Behav. 2020; 126: 104867.
  • Krajmer P, Spajdel M, Kubranska A, Ostatnikova D. 2D:4D finger ratio in Slovak autism spectrum population. Bratisl Lek Listy 2011; 112: 377-379.
  • Demirci EÖ, DB Öztop. Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan erkek çocuk ve ergenlerde agresyon, empati ve 2D: 4D parmak oranlarının ilişkisi. In Yeni Symp.2015; 53: 2-8.
  • Can Z. Sağlıklı Bireylerde Parmak Uzunluk Oranlarının (2d: 4d); El Tercihi, Nonverbal Zeka, Görsel, İşitsel ve Verbal Yetenekler, Motor Beceri ve Serebral Lateralizasyon ile İlişkisi (Master's thesis, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü), 2018.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Endocrinology, Psychiatry
Journal Section Research Article

Merve Çatak 0000-0003-2654-3911

Filiz Özsoy 0000-0002-5198-8827

Bahadır Demir 0000-0003-2798-6255

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date June 11, 2024
Acceptance Date November 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 41 Issue: 4


APA Çatak, M., Özsoy, F., & Demir, B. (2024). Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 41(4), 701-706.
AMA Çatak M, Özsoy F, Demir B. Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. J. Exp. Clin. Med. December 2024;41(4):701-706.
Chicago Çatak, Merve, Filiz Özsoy, and Bahadır Demir. “Relationship Between the Likelihood of Suicide and Aggression Levels With 2D/4D Ratios in Patients Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 41, no. 4 (December 2024): 701-6.
EndNote Çatak M, Özsoy F, Demir B (December 1, 2024) Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 41 4 701–706.
IEEE M. Çatak, F. Özsoy, and B. Demir, “Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome”, J. Exp. Clin. Med., vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 701–706, 2024.
ISNAD Çatak, Merve et al. “Relationship Between the Likelihood of Suicide and Aggression Levels With 2D/4D Ratios in Patients Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 41/4 (December 2024), 701-706.
JAMA Çatak M, Özsoy F, Demir B. Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2024;41:701–706.
MLA Çatak, Merve et al. “Relationship Between the Likelihood of Suicide and Aggression Levels With 2D/4D Ratios in Patients Diagnosed With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, vol. 41, no. 4, 2024, pp. 701-6.
Vancouver Çatak M, Özsoy F, Demir B. Relationship between the likelihood of suicide and aggression levels with 2D/4D ratios in patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2024;41(4):701-6.