Research Article
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Year 2022, , 285 - 296, 27.12.2022


Çalışmanın amacı sporcu çocuklarda yoğun aralıklı yüklenmelerin kalp fonksiyonları ve efor kapasitesi üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Çeşitli futbol kulüplerinde oynayan, yaş ortalamaları 16,8±1,2 yıl olup yaşları 15-18 yıl arasında değişen 19 adölesan futbolcu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Futbolculara 8 hafta, haftanın 3 günü günde 1 saat olacak şekilde yüklenme antrenmanı 250 metre(m)-400 m-650 m-950 m koşu mesafelerinin maksimalleri ile %60-%70-%80 yüklenme şiddeti ile piramidal olarak yaptırıldı. Antrenmanlara katılan sporcular egzersiz öncesi ve sonrası elektrokardiyografi (EKG), ekokardiyografi ve efor testi ile değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analizlerde ön test ve son test sonuçlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesinde bağımlı örneklem t testi kullanıldı. Sol ventriküler kitle (LV mass), sol ventriküler kitle indexi (LV mass index), V6 derivasyonu R dalgası, son testte anlamlı farklı bulundu (p<0,05). İstirahatteki kalp hızı ve diyastolik kan basıncı değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık vardı (p<0,05). Efor testinde ise egzersiz süresi son testte anlamlı olarak artmış bulundu (sırasıyla 17,2+2,9; 19,6+2 dakika; p<0,001). Metabolik eşitlik (MET) değerlerinde de son testte anlamlı farklılık saptandı. (Sırasıyla 20,4+3,1; 22,2+2.5; p<0,01). Sporcu çocuklarda yoğun aralıklı antrenmanlar sonucunda kalp fonksiyonları ve efor kapasitesinde anlamlı farklılık bulunmuş olup haftada 3 gün, günde 1 saatlik antrenmanlarla bile performansı arttırdığı gösterilmiştir.


  • A.C.S.M (Amerikan Collage Of Sports Medicine). (1990). The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardionespiratory and muscular fitness in healthy adults. Medical Science Sports Exercise, 4 (3), 22-265.
  • Baydil, B. (2005). The Effect of Interval Training Program Applied at High Altitude on Some Physiology Parameters of Sedentary Men at High School Level. Kastamonu Journal, 13(1), 299–310.
  • Berger, N., Tolfrey, K., Williams, A. (2006). Influence of Continuous and Interval Training.
  • Bompa, T. O. (2003). Periodization Training Theory and Method (2nd Edition). Dumat Offset, Ankara.
  • Bozdoğan, T. K., Kızılet, A., Çağlayan, A., Erdem, K., Demirel, N. (2016). Farklı lig düzeylerindeki müsabakalarda görev yapan üst klasman hakemlerinin fizyolojik açıdan değerlendirilmesi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 97-102.
  • Buchan,S.,& Young, J.(2012). The effects of a novel high intensity exercise intervention onestablished markers of cardiovascular disease and health in Scottish adolescent youth. Journal of Public Health Research, 1(2), 155.
  • Camacho-Cardenosa, M., Camacho-Cardenosa, A., Brazo-Sayovera, J., Marcos-Serano, M., Timon, R., & Olcina, G. (2016). Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Fat Mass Parameters in Adolescents. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica, 90, 1-9.
  • Cantwell, D., &Allen, L. (2000). ECG variations in college athletes. The Physician and Sports Medicine, 27(9), 68-74.
  • Ceylan, L., Demirkan, E., & Küçük, H. (2016). Examination of sprint duration and repeated sprint level of soccer players in different age group. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 4, 188-199.
  • Currie, D. (2013). Heart rate recovery and heart rate variability are unchanged in patients with coronary artery disease following 12 weeks of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity endurance exercise training. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 38(6), 644-650.
  • Esfandiari, S., Zion,S., &Jack, M.(2014). Short-term high-intensity interval and continuous moderate-intensity training improve maximal aerobic power and diastolic filling during exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(2), 331-343.
  • Gökdemir, K., Koç, H., & Yüksel, O. (2007). The Effect of Aerobic Training Program on Some Respiratory and Circulation Parameters and Body Fat Ratio of University Students. SDÜ Exercises, 1(1), 145-149.
  • Günay, M., Tamer, K., Cicioğlu, İ., & Çevik, C. (2000). The Effect of Two Different Types of Interval Training Programs on Some Physiological Parameters, Ege University Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(4), 143.
  • Hatle, H., Støbakk, P., Mølmen, H., Bronstad, E., Tjonna, A.E., Steinshamn, S., Wisloff, U., İngu, C. (2014). Effect of 24 sessions of high-intensity aerobic interval training carried out at either high or moderate frequency, a randomized trial. PLoS One, 9(2), e88375.
  • Hazer, S., &Koç, H. (2003). Investigation of Heart Structure and Functions of Wrestlers at the Level of Turkish Wrestling National Team by Electrocardiography Method. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sports Sciences, 1; 3-14.
  • Huang, S.(2014). Modified high-intensity interval training increases peak cardiac power output in patients with heart failure. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(9), 1853-1862.
  • Khammassi, M., Ouerghi, N., Hadj-Taieb, S., Feki M., Thivel, D., & Bouassida,A. .(2018) İmpact of a 12-week high-intensity interval training without caloric restriction on body composition and lipid profile in sedentary healthy overweight/obese youth. Journal Exercise Rehabilitation, 14(1),118-125
  • Kirişci, İ., Kızılet, A., & Bozdoğan, T. (2020). Comparison of Physiological Outputs of Different Maximum Aerobic Speed Determination Tests. Progress in Nutrition, 22;3. e2020036.
  • Koç H., Tamer, K., & Çoksevim, B. (2007). The Effect of Continuous and Interval Running Programs on Plasma Urea and Creatine Levels. Journal of Health Sciences, 16 (1), 17–22.
  • Koubaa, A., Trabelsi, H., Masmoudi, L., Sahnoun, Z., Zeghal, K.M., Hakım, A., Koubâa, A. (2013). Effect of Intermittent and continuous training on body composition cardio-respiratory fitness and lipid profile in obese adolescents. IOSR-JPBS, 3(2), 31-37.
  • Köse, B., & Atlı, A. (2020). Genç Futbolcularda Yüksek Şiddetli İnterval Antrenmanın Çeviklik Sürat ve Aerobik Performans Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1),61-68.
  • Kumak, A., Kizilet, A., & Bozdoğan, T. (2021). Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players. Progress in Nutrition, 23(2).
  • Lawal, B., & Venkatseswarul, K. (2010). Effects of intermittent and continuous training on the blood pressure of Nigerian adolescents and children. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(1), 28-28.
  • Matsuo, T., Saotome, K., &Seino, S. (2014). Low-volume, high-intensity, aerobic interval exercise for sedentary adults: VO2max, cardiac mass, and heart rate recovery. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(9), 1963-1972.
  • Mohr, M. (2014). High-intensity intermittent swimming improves cardiovascular health status for women with mild hypertension. BioMed Research International, 2014; 5(2), 1-9.
  • Nakahara, H., Shin-ya, U., Tadayoshi M (2015). Low-frequency severe-intensity interval training improves cardiorespiratory functions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47(4), 789-798.
  • Patlar, S., Sanioğlu, A., Kaplan, T., & Polat,Y. (2003). The Effect of Continuous Run Method and Play Form Method on Endurance Parameters of Football Players. SU Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 5(1), 10–17.
  • Revan, S., Balcı, Ş., Pepe, & Aydaoğmuş, M. (2008). Effects of continuous and internal running training on body composition and aerobic capacity. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 6(4), 193-197.
  • Scharf, M., Schmid, A., Kemmler, W., von Stengel, S., May, M. S., Wuest, W., Lell, M. M. (2015). Myocardial adaptation to high-intensity (interval) training in previously untrained men with a longitudinal cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging study (Running Study and Heart Trial). Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 8(4), e002566.
  • Serkan, H., Koç, H. (2003). Investigation of Heart Structure and Functions of Wrestlers at the Level of Turkish Wrestling National Team by Electrocardiography Method. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 1; 3-14
  • Sevimli, D., Fuat, K. (2009). Effects of aerobic exercise on cardiopulmonary system in children. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8(2), 125-130.
  • Tjønna, A., Leinan, I., &Bartnes ,A.(2013). Low-and high-volume of intensive endurance training significantly improves maximal oxygen uptake after 10-weeks of training in healthy men. PloS one, 8(5), e65382.
  • Trapp, E., Chisholm, D., Freund, J., & Boutcher, S.H. (2008). The Effects of High– Intensity Intermittent Exercise Training on Fat Loss and Fasting Insulin Levels of Young Women. International Journal of Obesity, 32(4), 684–691.
  • Yüksel, O., Koç, H., Özdilek, Ç., &Gökdemir, K. (2007). The effect of continuous and interval training programs on aerobic and anaerobic power of university students. Jounal of Health Sciences, 16(3),133–139.


Year 2022, , 285 - 296, 27.12.2022


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intense interval training on heart functions and effort capacities of child athletes. Adolescent (n: 19) footballers who play in different football clubs, whose age average is 16.8±1.2 year and also whose ages vary between 15 and 18 year participated in this study. The footballers were given a pyramidal load training with the maximal running distances of 250 meters (m) -400 m-650 m-950 m with 60% -70% -80% load intensity for 8 weeks, 3 days a week, 1 hour per day. Participator athletes were assessed by electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, and effort test before and after the exercises. Paired sample t-test was utilized to comparatively evaluate the pretest and posttest results in statistical analyses. Left ventricular mass (LV mass), left ventricular mass index (LV mass index), V6 derivation R wave are significantly different in the posttest (p<0.05). There is a statistically significant difference in heart rate and diastolic blood pressure values at rest (p<0.05). Duration of exercises significantly increased in the effort test (respectively 17.2+2.9; 19.6+2 minutes; p<0.001). There also was observed a significant difference in metabolic equality values (MET) (respectively 20.4+3.1; 22.2+2.5; p<0.01). There was found a significant difference in heart functions and effort capacity in child athletes at the end of intense interval training. Performance was enhanced even with 1 hour of training for 3 days a week.


  • A.C.S.M (Amerikan Collage Of Sports Medicine). (1990). The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardionespiratory and muscular fitness in healthy adults. Medical Science Sports Exercise, 4 (3), 22-265.
  • Baydil, B. (2005). The Effect of Interval Training Program Applied at High Altitude on Some Physiology Parameters of Sedentary Men at High School Level. Kastamonu Journal, 13(1), 299–310.
  • Berger, N., Tolfrey, K., Williams, A. (2006). Influence of Continuous and Interval Training.
  • Bompa, T. O. (2003). Periodization Training Theory and Method (2nd Edition). Dumat Offset, Ankara.
  • Bozdoğan, T. K., Kızılet, A., Çağlayan, A., Erdem, K., Demirel, N. (2016). Farklı lig düzeylerindeki müsabakalarda görev yapan üst klasman hakemlerinin fizyolojik açıdan değerlendirilmesi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 97-102.
  • Buchan,S.,& Young, J.(2012). The effects of a novel high intensity exercise intervention onestablished markers of cardiovascular disease and health in Scottish adolescent youth. Journal of Public Health Research, 1(2), 155.
  • Camacho-Cardenosa, M., Camacho-Cardenosa, A., Brazo-Sayovera, J., Marcos-Serano, M., Timon, R., & Olcina, G. (2016). Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Fat Mass Parameters in Adolescents. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica, 90, 1-9.
  • Cantwell, D., &Allen, L. (2000). ECG variations in college athletes. The Physician and Sports Medicine, 27(9), 68-74.
  • Ceylan, L., Demirkan, E., & Küçük, H. (2016). Examination of sprint duration and repeated sprint level of soccer players in different age group. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 4, 188-199.
  • Currie, D. (2013). Heart rate recovery and heart rate variability are unchanged in patients with coronary artery disease following 12 weeks of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity endurance exercise training. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 38(6), 644-650.
  • Esfandiari, S., Zion,S., &Jack, M.(2014). Short-term high-intensity interval and continuous moderate-intensity training improve maximal aerobic power and diastolic filling during exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(2), 331-343.
  • Gökdemir, K., Koç, H., & Yüksel, O. (2007). The Effect of Aerobic Training Program on Some Respiratory and Circulation Parameters and Body Fat Ratio of University Students. SDÜ Exercises, 1(1), 145-149.
  • Günay, M., Tamer, K., Cicioğlu, İ., & Çevik, C. (2000). The Effect of Two Different Types of Interval Training Programs on Some Physiological Parameters, Ege University Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(4), 143.
  • Hatle, H., Støbakk, P., Mølmen, H., Bronstad, E., Tjonna, A.E., Steinshamn, S., Wisloff, U., İngu, C. (2014). Effect of 24 sessions of high-intensity aerobic interval training carried out at either high or moderate frequency, a randomized trial. PLoS One, 9(2), e88375.
  • Hazer, S., &Koç, H. (2003). Investigation of Heart Structure and Functions of Wrestlers at the Level of Turkish Wrestling National Team by Electrocardiography Method. Gazi Journal of Physical Education And Sports Sciences, 1; 3-14.
  • Huang, S.(2014). Modified high-intensity interval training increases peak cardiac power output in patients with heart failure. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(9), 1853-1862.
  • Khammassi, M., Ouerghi, N., Hadj-Taieb, S., Feki M., Thivel, D., & Bouassida,A. .(2018) İmpact of a 12-week high-intensity interval training without caloric restriction on body composition and lipid profile in sedentary healthy overweight/obese youth. Journal Exercise Rehabilitation, 14(1),118-125
  • Kirişci, İ., Kızılet, A., & Bozdoğan, T. (2020). Comparison of Physiological Outputs of Different Maximum Aerobic Speed Determination Tests. Progress in Nutrition, 22;3. e2020036.
  • Koç H., Tamer, K., & Çoksevim, B. (2007). The Effect of Continuous and Interval Running Programs on Plasma Urea and Creatine Levels. Journal of Health Sciences, 16 (1), 17–22.
  • Koubaa, A., Trabelsi, H., Masmoudi, L., Sahnoun, Z., Zeghal, K.M., Hakım, A., Koubâa, A. (2013). Effect of Intermittent and continuous training on body composition cardio-respiratory fitness and lipid profile in obese adolescents. IOSR-JPBS, 3(2), 31-37.
  • Köse, B., & Atlı, A. (2020). Genç Futbolcularda Yüksek Şiddetli İnterval Antrenmanın Çeviklik Sürat ve Aerobik Performans Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1),61-68.
  • Kumak, A., Kizilet, A., & Bozdoğan, T. (2021). Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players. Progress in Nutrition, 23(2).
  • Lawal, B., & Venkatseswarul, K. (2010). Effects of intermittent and continuous training on the blood pressure of Nigerian adolescents and children. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(1), 28-28.
  • Matsuo, T., Saotome, K., &Seino, S. (2014). Low-volume, high-intensity, aerobic interval exercise for sedentary adults: VO2max, cardiac mass, and heart rate recovery. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(9), 1963-1972.
  • Mohr, M. (2014). High-intensity intermittent swimming improves cardiovascular health status for women with mild hypertension. BioMed Research International, 2014; 5(2), 1-9.
  • Nakahara, H., Shin-ya, U., Tadayoshi M (2015). Low-frequency severe-intensity interval training improves cardiorespiratory functions. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47(4), 789-798.
  • Patlar, S., Sanioğlu, A., Kaplan, T., & Polat,Y. (2003). The Effect of Continuous Run Method and Play Form Method on Endurance Parameters of Football Players. SU Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 5(1), 10–17.
  • Revan, S., Balcı, Ş., Pepe, & Aydaoğmuş, M. (2008). Effects of continuous and internal running training on body composition and aerobic capacity. Spormeter Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 6(4), 193-197.
  • Scharf, M., Schmid, A., Kemmler, W., von Stengel, S., May, M. S., Wuest, W., Lell, M. M. (2015). Myocardial adaptation to high-intensity (interval) training in previously untrained men with a longitudinal cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging study (Running Study and Heart Trial). Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 8(4), e002566.
  • Serkan, H., Koç, H. (2003). Investigation of Heart Structure and Functions of Wrestlers at the Level of Turkish Wrestling National Team by Electrocardiography Method. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 1; 3-14
  • Sevimli, D., Fuat, K. (2009). Effects of aerobic exercise on cardiopulmonary system in children. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8(2), 125-130.
  • Tjønna, A., Leinan, I., &Bartnes ,A.(2013). Low-and high-volume of intensive endurance training significantly improves maximal oxygen uptake after 10-weeks of training in healthy men. PloS one, 8(5), e65382.
  • Trapp, E., Chisholm, D., Freund, J., & Boutcher, S.H. (2008). The Effects of High– Intensity Intermittent Exercise Training on Fat Loss and Fasting Insulin Levels of Young Women. International Journal of Obesity, 32(4), 684–691.
  • Yüksel, O., Koç, H., Özdilek, Ç., &Gökdemir, K. (2007). The effect of continuous and interval training programs on aerobic and anaerobic power of university students. Jounal of Health Sciences, 16(3),133–139.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Durmuş Samet Kösemen This is me 0000-0002-1636-3979

Özlem Kayabey 0000-0002-9111-1608

Abdulkadir Babaoğlu 0000-0001-9026-0532

Okan Tuğral 0000-0002-2506-4663

Deniz Demirci 0000-0003-4672-2378

Publication Date December 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kösemen, D. S., Kayabey, Ö., Babaoğlu, A., Tuğral, O., et al. (2022). EFFECT OF HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING ON HEART FUNCTIONS AND EFFORT CAPACITIES OF CHILD ATHLETES. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 285-296.