Research Article
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Year 2020, , 112 - 119, 17.08.2020


Bu araştırmanın amacı aktif olarak müsabaka döneminde futbol oynayan amatör futbolcularda mevkilerine göre, seçilmiş parametreler ile çeviklik arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Dört farklı amatör futbol takımından haftada en az 4 antrenman yapan her mevkiden 8’er futbolcu olmak üzere toplam 32 sporcu araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan futbolcuların yaş ortalamaları 23,25±2,95 yıl, boy ortalamaları 179,63±3,63 cm, vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları ise 72,28±4,47 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Seçilmiş parametreler, Anaerobik Güç (AnG(kg.m/sn), Dikey Sıçrama, 10m,20m,30m sürat testi ve 505 çeviklik testi ile sınırlı tutulmuştur. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde SPSS 23 paket program kullanılmıştır, her bir parametreye ait veriler ortalama ve standart sapma olarak verilmiştir, seçilen parametrelerin çeviklik ile ilişkisinde ise Pearson Korelasyon testi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular değerlendirildiğinde 10 m sürat testi değerlerinde forvetlerin en yüksek ortalamaya sahip oldukları, bunu kaleciler ve defans oyuncularının takip ettiği görülmektedir, en düşük ortalamanın ise orta saha oyuncularına ait olduğu görülmüştür. Bu tespitin, kaleci ve forvet oyuncularının pozisyonları gereği algısal farklılık, antrenman durumu ve bireysel farklılıklardan kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir (x2=9,73; p=0,021). Dikey sıçrama ile çeviklik arasındaki ilişkide bütün mevkilerde negatif yönde istatistiksek olarak anlamlı olmayan bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Sporcuların dikey sıçrama mesafesi arttıkça çeviklik becerisi de artmaktadır, bu da futbolun oyun içindeki aksiyonlarının çeviklik gerektirdiğini ve sıçrama yetisinin çevikliği etkilediğini destekleyebilir. Futbolun temel özelliklerinin içinde ani duruşlar ve yön değiştirme gibi çeviklik gerektiren aksiyonlarının olması çevikliğin futbolcularda ne kadar önemli olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmadan çıkan sonuçlar doğrultusunda çeviklik antrenmanlarının yanında sürat ve anaerobik güç geliştirici antrenmanların yapılması futbolcuların müsabaka performansını da artıracağı düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Little T, Williams A.Specificity of acceleration, maximum speed and agility in professional soccer players: Routledge London, UK, 2003.
  • 2. Bloomfield J, Polman R, O'Donoghue P. Physical demands of different positions in FA Premier League soccer. Journal of sports science & medicine 2007;6(1):63.
  • 3. Young W, James R, Montgomery I. Is muscle power related to running speed with changes of direction? Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2002;42(3):282-288.
  • 4. Sheppard JM, Young WB. Agility literature review: Classifications, training and testing. Journal of sports sciences 2006;24(9):919-932.
  • 5. Verstegen M, Marcello B. Agility and coordination. High performance sports conditioning 2001:139-165.
  • 6. Özbay S, Ulupınar S, Özkara AB. Sporda Çeviklik Performansı. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2018;2(2):97-112.
  • 7. Hazır T, Mahir ÖF, Açıkada C. Genç futbolcularda çeviklik ile vücut kompozisyonu ve anaerobik güç arasındaki ilişki. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2010;21(4):146-153.
  • 8. Taşkın H, Erkmen N, Basturk D, Özdil G, Taskin M. Effect of vertical jump on quickness, agility, acceleration and speed performance in children swimmer. Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education & Sport/Science, Movement & Health 2013;13.
  • 9. Markovic G, Dizdar D, Jukic I, Cardinale M. Reliability and factorial validity of squat and countermovement jump tests. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2004;18(3):551-555.
  • 10. Özkan A, Köklü Y, Ersöz G. Anaerobik performans ve ölçüm yöntemleri. Ankara Ofset Matbaacılık 2010.
  • 11. Green BS, Blake C, Caulfield BM. A valid field test protocol of linear speed and agility in rugby union. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2011;25(5):1256-1262.
  • 12. Arslan CS, Koç H. Amatör futbolcuların seçilmiş fiziksel, fizyolojik ve motorik özelliklerinin mevkilerine göre karşılaştırılması. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;10(1):56-65.
  • 13. Draper J. The 505 test: A test for agility in horizontal plane. Aust J Sci Med Sport 1985;17(1):15-18.
  • 14. Alemdaroğlu U. The relationship between muscle strength, anaerobic performance, agility, sprint ability and vertical jump performance in professional basketball players. Journal of human kinetics 2012;31:149-158.
  • 15. Khodaei K, Mohammadi A, Badri N. A comparison of assisted, resisted, and common plyometric training modes to enhance sprint and agility performance. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 2017;57(10):1237-1244.
  • 16. Sassi RH, Dardouri W, Yahmed MH, Gmada N, Mahfoudhi ME, Gharbi Z. Relative and absolute reliability of a modified agility T-test and its relationship with vertical jump and straight sprint. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2009;23(6):1644-1651.
  • 17. Sporiš G, Milanović L, Jukić I, Omrčen D, Sampedro Molinuevo J. The effect of agility training on athletic power performance. Kinesiology: international journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology 2010;42(1):65-72.
  • 18. Sporiš G, Milanović Z, Trajković N, Joksimović A. Correlation between speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) in elite young soccer players. Acta kinesiologica 2011;5(2):36-41.
  • 19. Ek RO, Temoçin S, Tekin TA, Yıldız Y. Futbolculara uygulanan bazı motorsal egzersizlerin birbirlerine etkilerinin incelenmesi. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2007;8(1):19.
  • 20. Köklü Y, Alemdaroğlu U, Özkan A, Koz M, Ersöz G: The relationship between sprint ability, agility and vertical jump performance in young soccer players. Science & Sports 2015;30(1):e1-e5.
  • 21. Armstrong R, Greig M. The functional movement screen and modified star excursion balance test as predictors of t-test agility performance in university rugby union and netball players. Physical Therapy in Sport 2018;31:15-21.
  • 22. Zemková E. Differential contribution of reaction time and movement velocity to the agility performance reflects sport-specific demands. Human movement 2016;17(2):94-101.
  • 23. Marcovic G. Poor relationship between strength and power qualities and agility performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2007;47(3):276.
  • 24. Scanlan A, Humphries B, Tucker PS, Dalbo V. The influence of physical and cognitive factors on reactive agility performance in men basketball players. Journal of sports sciences 2014;32(4):367-374.
  • 25. Hoff J, Helgerud J. Endurance and strength training for soccer players. Sports medicine 2004;34(3):165-180.
  • 26. Stølen T, Chamari K, Castagna C, Wisløff U. Physiology of soccer. Sports medicine 2005;35(6):501-536.
Year 2020, , 112 - 119, 17.08.2020


The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between the selected parameters and agility in amateur soccer players who play soccer during the competition period, with respect to their positions. 8 soccer players from 4 different amateur soccer teams each, making a total of 32 athletes, who trained at least 4 times per week were included in the study. The average age of the soccer players was 23.25±2.95 year, their average height was 179.63±3.63 cm, their average weight was 72.28±4.47 kg. The selected parameters were narrowed down to Anaerobic power (AnG(kg.m/sn), Vertical jump, 10, 20 and 30 metre sprint tests and 505 agility test. SPSS 23 package program was used for the analysis of the data, each data that belongs to a parameter was given as the mean value and standard deviation, Pearson correlation test was used for the relationship between selected parameters and agility. When the findings were evaluated, it was seen that the forwards had the best average in the 10 m sprint test values, followed by the goalkeepers and defenders, while midfielders were found to have the worst averages. This is thought to result from goalkeepers’ perceptional differences, training states and individual differences due to their positions (x2=9.73; p=0.021). In all positions, there were statistically insignificant negative correlations between the vertical jump and agility, the athletes’ agility values increased as the vertical jump values (cm) increased, this supports that the actions in soccer require agility and the ability to jump affects agility. The fact that the main features of soccer include actions that require agility such as sudden stoppings and direction changes shows the importance of agility for soccer players. In this context, in line with the results obtained from the study, it is thought that performing exercises that develop speed and anaerobic power as well as agility training will increase the performance of soccer players.


  • 1. Little T, Williams A.Specificity of acceleration, maximum speed and agility in professional soccer players: Routledge London, UK, 2003.
  • 2. Bloomfield J, Polman R, O'Donoghue P. Physical demands of different positions in FA Premier League soccer. Journal of sports science & medicine 2007;6(1):63.
  • 3. Young W, James R, Montgomery I. Is muscle power related to running speed with changes of direction? Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2002;42(3):282-288.
  • 4. Sheppard JM, Young WB. Agility literature review: Classifications, training and testing. Journal of sports sciences 2006;24(9):919-932.
  • 5. Verstegen M, Marcello B. Agility and coordination. High performance sports conditioning 2001:139-165.
  • 6. Özbay S, Ulupınar S, Özkara AB. Sporda Çeviklik Performansı. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2018;2(2):97-112.
  • 7. Hazır T, Mahir ÖF, Açıkada C. Genç futbolcularda çeviklik ile vücut kompozisyonu ve anaerobik güç arasındaki ilişki. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2010;21(4):146-153.
  • 8. Taşkın H, Erkmen N, Basturk D, Özdil G, Taskin M. Effect of vertical jump on quickness, agility, acceleration and speed performance in children swimmer. Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education & Sport/Science, Movement & Health 2013;13.
  • 9. Markovic G, Dizdar D, Jukic I, Cardinale M. Reliability and factorial validity of squat and countermovement jump tests. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2004;18(3):551-555.
  • 10. Özkan A, Köklü Y, Ersöz G. Anaerobik performans ve ölçüm yöntemleri. Ankara Ofset Matbaacılık 2010.
  • 11. Green BS, Blake C, Caulfield BM. A valid field test protocol of linear speed and agility in rugby union. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2011;25(5):1256-1262.
  • 12. Arslan CS, Koç H. Amatör futbolcuların seçilmiş fiziksel, fizyolojik ve motorik özelliklerinin mevkilerine göre karşılaştırılması. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;10(1):56-65.
  • 13. Draper J. The 505 test: A test for agility in horizontal plane. Aust J Sci Med Sport 1985;17(1):15-18.
  • 14. Alemdaroğlu U. The relationship between muscle strength, anaerobic performance, agility, sprint ability and vertical jump performance in professional basketball players. Journal of human kinetics 2012;31:149-158.
  • 15. Khodaei K, Mohammadi A, Badri N. A comparison of assisted, resisted, and common plyometric training modes to enhance sprint and agility performance. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 2017;57(10):1237-1244.
  • 16. Sassi RH, Dardouri W, Yahmed MH, Gmada N, Mahfoudhi ME, Gharbi Z. Relative and absolute reliability of a modified agility T-test and its relationship with vertical jump and straight sprint. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2009;23(6):1644-1651.
  • 17. Sporiš G, Milanović L, Jukić I, Omrčen D, Sampedro Molinuevo J. The effect of agility training on athletic power performance. Kinesiology: international journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology 2010;42(1):65-72.
  • 18. Sporiš G, Milanović Z, Trajković N, Joksimović A. Correlation between speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) in elite young soccer players. Acta kinesiologica 2011;5(2):36-41.
  • 19. Ek RO, Temoçin S, Tekin TA, Yıldız Y. Futbolculara uygulanan bazı motorsal egzersizlerin birbirlerine etkilerinin incelenmesi. ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2007;8(1):19.
  • 20. Köklü Y, Alemdaroğlu U, Özkan A, Koz M, Ersöz G: The relationship between sprint ability, agility and vertical jump performance in young soccer players. Science & Sports 2015;30(1):e1-e5.
  • 21. Armstrong R, Greig M. The functional movement screen and modified star excursion balance test as predictors of t-test agility performance in university rugby union and netball players. Physical Therapy in Sport 2018;31:15-21.
  • 22. Zemková E. Differential contribution of reaction time and movement velocity to the agility performance reflects sport-specific demands. Human movement 2016;17(2):94-101.
  • 23. Marcovic G. Poor relationship between strength and power qualities and agility performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2007;47(3):276.
  • 24. Scanlan A, Humphries B, Tucker PS, Dalbo V. The influence of physical and cognitive factors on reactive agility performance in men basketball players. Journal of sports sciences 2014;32(4):367-374.
  • 25. Hoff J, Helgerud J. Endurance and strength training for soccer players. Sports medicine 2004;34(3):165-180.
  • 26. Stølen T, Chamari K, Castagna C, Wisløff U. Physiology of soccer. Sports medicine 2005;35(6):501-536.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

Samet Aktas 0000-0001-6857-2599

Uğur Mehmet Uçar This is me 0000-0002-0507-0476

Turgut Kaplan 0000-0002-6150-5235

Publication Date August 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020
