Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 127 - 135, 05.08.2018


This study aims to analyze maximal heart rate (HR MAX)
values of young soccer players in three different maximal running tests. 13
voluntary male soccer players, (Age: 16,61±0,50 years, Height: 176,95±5,30 cm,
Body Weight: 66,36±5,04 kg) in a soccer team competing in U17 category
participated in this study. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test-Level 1 (YYIRTL1),
Circular Modified Shuttle Run Test (CMSRT) and 20-m Shuttle Run Test (20-MSRT)
were randomly performed by the athletes every three days. At the beginning of
each test, blood concentrations of the rested blood lactic acid were determined
by taking blood from the ears of the volunteers. Rested heart rates of the
volunteers were recorded for 5 minutes before each test. The tests were
maintained until the athletes were exhausted and, heart rates were recorded
with the help of heart rate monitors until the athletes left the test. Lactic
acid concentrations were determined by taking blood from their ears again
within 1 minute after athletes left the test. There is no statistically
significant difference between CMSRT, YYIRTL1 and 20-MSRT in terms of exercise
end maximal heart rate HR MAX and blood lactic acid (BLA) values. In
conclusion, the results of the study puts forward that these three tests can be
used interchangeably in terms of determination of maximum heart rate and in
this context in guiding the exercises.


  • 1.Nes BM, Janszky I, Wisløff U, Støylen A, Karlsen T. Age-predicted maximal heart rate in healthy subjects: The HUNT Fitness Study. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2013; 23: 697–704
  • 2.Reilly T. An ergonomics model of the soccer training process. Journal of Sports Sciences, June, 2005; 23(6): 561–572
  • 3. Zavorsky GS. Evidence and Possible Mechanisms of Altered Maximum Heart Rate With Endurance Training and Tapering. Sports Med, 2000; 29 (1): 13-26
  • 4.Nikolaidis PT. Maximal Heart Rate in Soccer Players: Measured versus Age-predicted. Biomed J, 2014; 37(3): 1-6
  • 5.Silva CD, Cerqueira MS, Moreira DG, Marins JCB. Reliability of maximum heart rate in match’s and comparison with predicted in young soccer players. Rev Andal Med Deporte, 2013;6(4):129-134
  • 6.Drust B, Atkinson G and Reilly T. Future Perspectives in the Evaluation of the Physiological Demands of Soccer. Sports Med 2007; 37 (9): 783-805
  • 7.Antonacci L, Mortimer LF, Rodrigues VM, Coelho DB, Soares DD, Silami-Garcia E. Competition, Estimated, and Test Maximum Hearth Rate. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2007; 47(4):418-421
  • 8.Castanga C, Impellizzeri M, Chamarl K, Carlomengo D, Rampinini E. Aerobic Fitness and Yo-yo Continuous and Intermittent Test Performance in Soccer Players. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Association, 2006; (2), 320-325
  • 9.Günay M. (1998). Egzersiz Fizyolojisi. Ankara: Bağırgan Yayınevi.
  • 10.Akgün N. (1994). Egzersiz ve Spor Fizyolojisi. 1.Cilt. 5. Baskı:69-255, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi: İzmir; S. 89.
  • 11.Chamari K, Hachana Y, Kaouech F, Jeddi R, Moussa-Chamari I, Wisløff U. Endurance Training and Testing With The Ball İn Young Elite Soccer Players. Br J Sports Med, 2005; 39:24–28.
  • 12.Mc Naughton L, Hall P, Cooley D. Validition Of Several Methods Of Estimating Maximal Oxygen Uptake In Young Men. Perceptual And Motor Skills, 1998; 87, 575-84
  • 13.Mayorga-Vega D, Aguilar-Soto P, Viciana J. Criterion-Related Validity of the 20-M Shuttle Run Test for Estimating Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2015; 14, 536-547
  • 14.Castanga C, Grant A, Diottavioi S. Competitive-Level Dıfferences in Yo-Yo Intermıttent Recovery And Twelve Mınute Runtest Performance In Soccer Referees Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research, 2005; 19(4), 805-809
  • 15.Paradisis GP, Zacharogiannis E, Mandila D, Smirtiotou A, Argeitaki P, Cooke C.B. Multi-Stage 20-m Shuttle Run Fitness Test, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Velocity at Maximal Oxygen Uptake. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2014 vol(41), 81-87
  • 16.Hızal A, Açıkada C, Hazır T, Tınazcı C. Wingate Anaerobik Güç Testinin Güvenirliği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1997; 4 (3):21–30
  • 17.Sulaiman N, Din ASN, Adnan R, Ismail SI, Kasim RM. Validity of YYIR1 and MST in Estimating VO2max Among U-15 National Football Players. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014) pp 395-400
  • 18.Lizana CJR, Belozo F, Lourenço T, Brenzikofer R, Macedo DV, ShoitiMisuta M, Scaglia A. Analysis of Aerobic Power of Soccer Players through Field Test and Laboratory Test. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte, 2014; 20(6): 447-450
  • 19.Sağıroğlu İ, Toksöz İ, Dalip M, Erdoğan M. Aerobik Performansın Doğrudan ve Dolaylı Yöntemlerle Saha ve Laboratuvar Ortamında Karşılaştırması. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016; 7(2): 79-85
  • 20.Aziz AR, Tan FHY, Teh KC. A Pilot Study Comparing Two Field Tests with the Treadmill Run Test in Soccer Players. J Sports Sci Med, 2005 Jun; 4(2): 105–112.
  • 21.Arlan E, Müniroğlu S, Alemdaroğlu U, Karakoç B. Investigation of the Performance Responses of Yo-Yo and Shuttle Run Tests with the Treadmill Run Test in Young Soccer Players. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 2012, Vol.3, No.3, Pg:104-112


Year 2018, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 127 - 135, 05.08.2018


araştırmada, genç futbolculara uygulanan üç farklı maksimal koşu testindeki,
maksimal kalp atım hızı (KAHmaks) değerlerinin incelenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya bir profesyonel futbol takımının U17 kategorisinde mücadele
eden 13 erkek futbolcu (Yaş= 16,61 ± 0,50 yıl, Boy Uzunluğu= 176,95 ± 5,30 cm,
Vücut Ağırlığı=66,36 ± 5,04 kg) katılmıştır. Sporculara üçer gün arayla 20
Metre Mekik Koşusu Testi (MKT), Yo-yo Aralıklı Toparlanma Testi Düzey 1(YYT1)
ve Dairesel Modifiye Mekik Koşusu Testi (DMMKT) rastgele olarak uygulanmıştır.
Her testin başında gönüllülerin kulaklarından kan alınmak sureti ile dinlenik
kan LA (LAdin) konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Her test öncesinde
5 dakika boyunca dinlenik kalp atım hızları (KAHdin) kaydedilmiştir.
Testler sporcular tükenene kadar devam ettirilmiş ve testi bırakana kadar kalp
atım hızları (KAH), kalp atım monitörleri yardımıyla kaydedilmiştir. Sporcu
testi bıraktıktan sonra 1 dakika içinde yine kulağından kan alınmak suretiyle LA
konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. DMMKT, YY1 ve MKT arasında egzersiz sonu KAHmaks
ve LA değerleri açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark
bulunmamıştır.  Bu çalışmanın sonucunda
söz konusu olan her üç testin de KAHmaks’ ı belirleme açısından ve bu
bağlamda antrenmanları yönlendirmede birbirlerinin yerine kullanılabilecekleri


  • 1.Nes BM, Janszky I, Wisløff U, Støylen A, Karlsen T. Age-predicted maximal heart rate in healthy subjects: The HUNT Fitness Study. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2013; 23: 697–704
  • 2.Reilly T. An ergonomics model of the soccer training process. Journal of Sports Sciences, June, 2005; 23(6): 561–572
  • 3. Zavorsky GS. Evidence and Possible Mechanisms of Altered Maximum Heart Rate With Endurance Training and Tapering. Sports Med, 2000; 29 (1): 13-26
  • 4.Nikolaidis PT. Maximal Heart Rate in Soccer Players: Measured versus Age-predicted. Biomed J, 2014; 37(3): 1-6
  • 5.Silva CD, Cerqueira MS, Moreira DG, Marins JCB. Reliability of maximum heart rate in match’s and comparison with predicted in young soccer players. Rev Andal Med Deporte, 2013;6(4):129-134
  • 6.Drust B, Atkinson G and Reilly T. Future Perspectives in the Evaluation of the Physiological Demands of Soccer. Sports Med 2007; 37 (9): 783-805
  • 7.Antonacci L, Mortimer LF, Rodrigues VM, Coelho DB, Soares DD, Silami-Garcia E. Competition, Estimated, and Test Maximum Hearth Rate. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2007; 47(4):418-421
  • 8.Castanga C, Impellizzeri M, Chamarl K, Carlomengo D, Rampinini E. Aerobic Fitness and Yo-yo Continuous and Intermittent Test Performance in Soccer Players. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Association, 2006; (2), 320-325
  • 9.Günay M. (1998). Egzersiz Fizyolojisi. Ankara: Bağırgan Yayınevi.
  • 10.Akgün N. (1994). Egzersiz ve Spor Fizyolojisi. 1.Cilt. 5. Baskı:69-255, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi: İzmir; S. 89.
  • 11.Chamari K, Hachana Y, Kaouech F, Jeddi R, Moussa-Chamari I, Wisløff U. Endurance Training and Testing With The Ball İn Young Elite Soccer Players. Br J Sports Med, 2005; 39:24–28.
  • 12.Mc Naughton L, Hall P, Cooley D. Validition Of Several Methods Of Estimating Maximal Oxygen Uptake In Young Men. Perceptual And Motor Skills, 1998; 87, 575-84
  • 13.Mayorga-Vega D, Aguilar-Soto P, Viciana J. Criterion-Related Validity of the 20-M Shuttle Run Test for Estimating Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2015; 14, 536-547
  • 14.Castanga C, Grant A, Diottavioi S. Competitive-Level Dıfferences in Yo-Yo Intermıttent Recovery And Twelve Mınute Runtest Performance In Soccer Referees Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research, 2005; 19(4), 805-809
  • 15.Paradisis GP, Zacharogiannis E, Mandila D, Smirtiotou A, Argeitaki P, Cooke C.B. Multi-Stage 20-m Shuttle Run Fitness Test, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Velocity at Maximal Oxygen Uptake. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2014 vol(41), 81-87
  • 16.Hızal A, Açıkada C, Hazır T, Tınazcı C. Wingate Anaerobik Güç Testinin Güvenirliği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1997; 4 (3):21–30
  • 17.Sulaiman N, Din ASN, Adnan R, Ismail SI, Kasim RM. Validity of YYIR1 and MST in Estimating VO2max Among U-15 National Football Players. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014) pp 395-400
  • 18.Lizana CJR, Belozo F, Lourenço T, Brenzikofer R, Macedo DV, ShoitiMisuta M, Scaglia A. Analysis of Aerobic Power of Soccer Players through Field Test and Laboratory Test. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte, 2014; 20(6): 447-450
  • 19.Sağıroğlu İ, Toksöz İ, Dalip M, Erdoğan M. Aerobik Performansın Doğrudan ve Dolaylı Yöntemlerle Saha ve Laboratuvar Ortamında Karşılaştırması. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016; 7(2): 79-85
  • 20.Aziz AR, Tan FHY, Teh KC. A Pilot Study Comparing Two Field Tests with the Treadmill Run Test in Soccer Players. J Sports Sci Med, 2005 Jun; 4(2): 105–112.
  • 21.Arlan E, Müniroğlu S, Alemdaroğlu U, Karakoç B. Investigation of the Performance Responses of Yo-Yo and Shuttle Run Tests with the Treadmill Run Test in Young Soccer Players. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 2012, Vol.3, No.3, Pg:104-112
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

Hüseyin Özkamçı This is me

Gürkan Diker This is me

Raif Zileli

Publication Date August 5, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Özkamçı, H., Diker, G., & Zileli, R. (2018). ELİT FUTBOLCULARDA FARKLI TEST PROTOKOLLERİ İLE MAKSİMUM KALP ATIM HIZI DEĞERLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Spor Ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 127-135.