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AI-Enhanced Nursing Education and Clinical Practice: Transforming with Emerging Technologies

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 5, 31.01.2025


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing nursing education and clinical practice. Nursing students are better prepared for complex clinical situations and make more informed decisions in patient care through AI-based simulations and decision support systems. This review comprehensively addresses the role of AI in nursing students' clinical practice, its impact on education, and the ethical and privacy dimensions. The innovative applications of AI in education, its positive effects on student performance, and its potential future uses have been examined. Additionally, the challenges and ethical responsibilities brought by these technologies are also evaluated. For AI to be effectively used in nursing education, educational institutions and healthcare professionals must adapt to this technology.


  • Abuzaid, M., Elshami, W., McFadden, S. (2022). Integration of artificial intelligence into nursing practice. Health and Technology, 12(6), 1109-1115.
  • Aggarwal, N., Ahmed, M., Basu, S., Curtin, J. J., Evans, B. J., Matheny, M. E., Nundy, S., Sendak, M., Shachar, C., Shah, R. U., & Thadaney-Israni, S. (2020). Advancing Artificial Intelligence in Health Settings Outside the Hospital and Clinic. NAM Perspectives, 30:10.31478/202011f.
  • Ahmed, M., Spooner, B., Isherwood, J., Lane, M.A., Orrock, E., & Dennison, A.R. (2023). A Systematic Review of the Barriers to the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Cureus, 15(10): e46454.
  • Alazzam, M. B., Tayyib, N., Alshawwa, S. Z., & Ahmed, M. K. (2022). Nursing care systematization with case-based reasoning and artificial intelligence. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 1–9.
  • Altmiller, G., Pepe, L. H. (2022). Influence of Technology in Supporting Quality and Safety in Nursing Education. Nurs Clin North Am, 57(4):551-562. doi: 10.1016/j.cnur.2022.06.005.
  • Asiri, H., Househ, M. (2017). The Use of Mobile Technologies in Nursing Education and Practice. In Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Social Networks (pp. 421-433). Elsevier Inc,
  • Bayram, B. S., Çalışkan, N. (2022). The Use of Virtual Reality Simulations in Nursing Education, and Patient Safety. IntechOpen,
  • Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & López, AL. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. BMJ, 14;373: n1190-n1190.
  • Buchanan, C., Howitt, M L., Wilson, R., Booth, R., Risling, T., Bamford, M. (2021). Predicted Influences of Artificial Intelligence on Nursing Education: Scoping Review. JMIR Nursing, 4(1):e23933.
  • Ciecierski-Holmes, T., Singh, R., Axt, M., Brenner, S., & Barteit, S. (2022). Artificial intelligence for strengthening healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review. Nature Portfolio, Digit. Med, 5(1).
  • Clipper, B., Batcheller, J., Thomaz, A L., & Rozga, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: A Nurse Leader's Primer. Nurse Leader,16(6), 379-384.
  • Dave, M., & Patel, N. (2023). Artificial intelligence in healthcare and education. Br Dent J, 234(10), 761-764.
  • Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health: WHO guidance. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Access link:
  • Gagné, J. C. D. (2023a). The State of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education: Past, Present, and Future Directions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20(6), 4884-4884.
  • Gagné, J. C. D. (2023b). Values Clarification Exercises to Prepare Nursing Students for Artificial Intelligence Integration. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20(14), 6409-6409.
  • George, L., Davidson, L. J., Serapiglia, C. P., Barla, S., & Thotakura, A. (2010). Technology in Nursing Education: A Study of PDA Use by Students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6), 371-376.
  • Ghorashi, N., Ismail, A., Ghosh, P., Sidawy, A. N., Javan, R. (2023). AI-Powered Chatbots in Medical Education: Potential Applications and Implications. Cureus, 15(8): e43271.
  • Glauberman, G., Ito-Fujita, A., Katz, S., Callahan, J. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education: Opportunities and Challenges. Hawaii J Health Soc Welf, 82(12):302-305.
  • Gligorea, I., Cioca, M., Oancea, R., Gorski, A., Gorski, H., Tudorache, P. (2023). Adaptive Learning Using Artificial Intelligence in e-Learning: A Literature Review. Educ. Sci, 13(12), 1216-1216.
  • Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermúdez, A., Gasser, U. (2019). Youth and Artificial Intelligence: Where We Stand. Youth and Media, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.
  • Jallad, S. T., Alsaqer, K., Albadareen, B. I, Al-Maghaireh, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence tools utilized in nursing education: Incidence and associated factors. Nurse Educ Today, 142:106355. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106355.
  • Jha, D., Rauniyar, A., Srivastava, A., Hagos, D H., Tomar, N K., Sharma, V., Keleş, E., Zhang, Z., Demir, U., Topcu, A E., Yazidi, A., Håakegård, J E., & Bağcı, U. (2023). Ensuring Trustworthy Medical Artificial Intelligence through Ethical and Philosophical Principles. arXiv preprint arXiv, 2304.11530.
  • Jiang, F., Jiang, Y., Zhi, H., Dong, Y., Li, H., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Dong, Q., Shen, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 2017;2(4): e000101, 230-243.
  • Jin, J., & Bridges, S. (2014). Educational Technologies in Problem-Based Learning in Health Sciences Education: A Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res, 16(12):e251.
  • Koukourikos, Κ., Tsaloglidou, A., Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I V., Iliadis, C., Fratzana, A., & Panagiotou, Α. (2021). Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education. Acta Inform Med, 29(1), 15-20.
  • Kamalov, F., Calonge, D S., & Gurrib, I. (2023). New Era of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Towards a Sustainable Multifaceted Revolution. Sustainability, 15(16), 12451-12451.
  • Khan, B., Fatima, H., Qureshi, A., Kumar, S., Hanan, A., Hussain, J., & Abdullah, S. (2023). Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence and Their Potential Solutions in the Healthcare Sector. Biomedical Materials & Devices, 1(2), 731–738.
  • Lee, S. (2013). Features of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems Supportive of Nursing Practice. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 31(10), 477-495.
  • Mello, R. F., Freitas, E, Pereira, F. D., Cabral, L., Tedesco, P., & Ramalho, G. (2023). Education in the age of Generative AI: Context and Recent Developments. arXiv preprint arXiv, 2309,12332.
  • Milton, C. L. (2021). Risking Human Dignity With Innovations: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Discipline of Nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(3):244-246.
  • Nazer, L., Zatarah, R., Waldrip, S., Ke, J. X. C., Moukheiber, M., Khanna, A. K., Hicklen, R., Moukheiber, L., Moukheiber, D., Ma, H., & Mathur, P. (2023). Bias in artificial intelligence algorithms and recommendations for mitigation. PLOS Digit Health, 2(6): e0000278-e0000278.
  • Ng, Z. Q. P., Ling, L. Y. J., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. (2022). The role of artifi-cial intelligence in enhancing clinical nursing care: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(8), 3654–3674. doi:10.1111/jonm.13425
  • Pailaha, A.D. (2023). The Impact and Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Science and Healthcare Settings. SAGE Open Nurs, 9:23779608231196847.
  • Pasricha, S. (2023). “AI Ethics in Smart Healthcare”. in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 12(4), 12-20.
  • Penaflor-Espinosa, M. J. B. (2016). Technology Integration in Nursing Education: Its Implications to Colleges of Nursing in Western Visayas, Philippines., International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 9(9), 375–392. doi:10.14257/ijhit.2016.9.9.35
  • Pepito, J. A., Locsin, R. C. (2018). Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future? Int J Nurs Sci, 4; 6(1), 106-110.
  • Rudd, J., Igbrude, C. (2023). A global perspective on data powering responsible AI solutions in health applications. AI and Ethics,
  • Shellenbarger, T., & Robb, M. (2014). Technology-Based Strategies for Promoting Clinical Reasoning Skills in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 40(2), 79-82.
  • Soferman, R. (2019). The Transformative Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Engineering, 44(3), E1-E3.
  • Sullivan-Mann, J., Perron, C., Fellner, A. N. (2009). The Effects of Simulation on Nursing Students' Critical Thinking Scores: A Quantitative Study. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 9(2), 111–116.
  • Varma, J. R., Fernando, S., Ting B. Y., Aamir, S., Sivaprakasam, R. (2023). The Global Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: A Systematic Review. Cureus, 15(5): e39701.
  • Wong, F. M. F., Chan, A., Lee, N. P. M., & Luk, K. K. H. (2023). Can High-Fidelity Patient Simulation Be Used for Skill Development in Junior Undergraduate Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Healthcare (Basel), 11(15), 2221-2221.

Yapay Zeka ile Zenginleştirilmiş Hemşirelik Eğitimi ve Klinik Uygulama: Gelişen Teknolojilerle Dönüşüm

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 1 - 5, 31.01.2025


Yapay zeka (AI) hemşirelik eğitiminde ve klinik uygulamalarda devrim yaratıyor. Hemşirelik öğrencileri, karmaşık klinik durumlara daha iyi hazırlanmakta ve YZ tabanlı simülasyonlar ve karar destek sistemleri aracılığıyla hasta bakımında daha bilinçli kararlar vermektedir. Bu derleme, YZ'nin hemşirelik öğrencilerinin klinik uygulamalarındaki rolünü, eğitim üzerindeki etkisini ve etik ve gizlilik boyutlarını kapsamlı bir şekilde ele almaktadır. YZ'nin eğitimdeki yenilikçi uygulamaları, öğrenci performansı üzerindeki olumlu etkileri ve gelecekteki potansiyel kullanımları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu teknolojilerin getirdiği zorluklar ve etik sorumluluklar da değerlendirilmiştir. YZ'nin hemşirelik eğitiminde etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi için eğitim kurumlarının ve sağlık çalışanlarının bu teknolojiye uyum sağlaması gerekmektedir.


  • Abuzaid, M., Elshami, W., McFadden, S. (2022). Integration of artificial intelligence into nursing practice. Health and Technology, 12(6), 1109-1115.
  • Aggarwal, N., Ahmed, M., Basu, S., Curtin, J. J., Evans, B. J., Matheny, M. E., Nundy, S., Sendak, M., Shachar, C., Shah, R. U., & Thadaney-Israni, S. (2020). Advancing Artificial Intelligence in Health Settings Outside the Hospital and Clinic. NAM Perspectives, 30:10.31478/202011f.
  • Ahmed, M., Spooner, B., Isherwood, J., Lane, M.A., Orrock, E., & Dennison, A.R. (2023). A Systematic Review of the Barriers to the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Cureus, 15(10): e46454.
  • Alazzam, M. B., Tayyib, N., Alshawwa, S. Z., & Ahmed, M. K. (2022). Nursing care systematization with case-based reasoning and artificial intelligence. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 1–9.
  • Altmiller, G., Pepe, L. H. (2022). Influence of Technology in Supporting Quality and Safety in Nursing Education. Nurs Clin North Am, 57(4):551-562. doi: 10.1016/j.cnur.2022.06.005.
  • Asiri, H., Househ, M. (2017). The Use of Mobile Technologies in Nursing Education and Practice. In Health Professionals' Education in the Age of Clinical Information Systems, Mobile Computing and Social Networks (pp. 421-433). Elsevier Inc,
  • Bayram, B. S., Çalışkan, N. (2022). The Use of Virtual Reality Simulations in Nursing Education, and Patient Safety. IntechOpen,
  • Booth, R. G., Strudwick, G., McBride, S., O’Connor, S., & López, AL. (2021). How the nursing profession should adapt for a digital future. BMJ, 14;373: n1190-n1190.
  • Buchanan, C., Howitt, M L., Wilson, R., Booth, R., Risling, T., Bamford, M. (2021). Predicted Influences of Artificial Intelligence on Nursing Education: Scoping Review. JMIR Nursing, 4(1):e23933.
  • Ciecierski-Holmes, T., Singh, R., Axt, M., Brenner, S., & Barteit, S. (2022). Artificial intelligence for strengthening healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review. Nature Portfolio, Digit. Med, 5(1).
  • Clipper, B., Batcheller, J., Thomaz, A L., & Rozga, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: A Nurse Leader's Primer. Nurse Leader,16(6), 379-384.
  • Dave, M., & Patel, N. (2023). Artificial intelligence in healthcare and education. Br Dent J, 234(10), 761-764.
  • Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health: WHO guidance. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Access link:
  • Gagné, J. C. D. (2023a). The State of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education: Past, Present, and Future Directions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20(6), 4884-4884.
  • Gagné, J. C. D. (2023b). Values Clarification Exercises to Prepare Nursing Students for Artificial Intelligence Integration. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 20(14), 6409-6409.
  • George, L., Davidson, L. J., Serapiglia, C. P., Barla, S., & Thotakura, A. (2010). Technology in Nursing Education: A Study of PDA Use by Students. Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6), 371-376.
  • Ghorashi, N., Ismail, A., Ghosh, P., Sidawy, A. N., Javan, R. (2023). AI-Powered Chatbots in Medical Education: Potential Applications and Implications. Cureus, 15(8): e43271.
  • Glauberman, G., Ito-Fujita, A., Katz, S., Callahan, J. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Education: Opportunities and Challenges. Hawaii J Health Soc Welf, 82(12):302-305.
  • Gligorea, I., Cioca, M., Oancea, R., Gorski, A., Gorski, H., Tudorache, P. (2023). Adaptive Learning Using Artificial Intelligence in e-Learning: A Literature Review. Educ. Sci, 13(12), 1216-1216.
  • Hasse, A., Cortesi, S., Lombana-Bermúdez, A., Gasser, U. (2019). Youth and Artificial Intelligence: Where We Stand. Youth and Media, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.
  • Jallad, S. T., Alsaqer, K., Albadareen, B. I, Al-Maghaireh, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence tools utilized in nursing education: Incidence and associated factors. Nurse Educ Today, 142:106355. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106355.
  • Jha, D., Rauniyar, A., Srivastava, A., Hagos, D H., Tomar, N K., Sharma, V., Keleş, E., Zhang, Z., Demir, U., Topcu, A E., Yazidi, A., Håakegård, J E., & Bağcı, U. (2023). Ensuring Trustworthy Medical Artificial Intelligence through Ethical and Philosophical Principles. arXiv preprint arXiv, 2304.11530.
  • Jiang, F., Jiang, Y., Zhi, H., Dong, Y., Li, H., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Dong, Q., Shen, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 2017;2(4): e000101, 230-243.
  • Jin, J., & Bridges, S. (2014). Educational Technologies in Problem-Based Learning in Health Sciences Education: A Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res, 16(12):e251.
  • Koukourikos, Κ., Tsaloglidou, A., Kourkouta, L., Papathanasiou, I V., Iliadis, C., Fratzana, A., & Panagiotou, Α. (2021). Simulation in Clinical Nursing Education. Acta Inform Med, 29(1), 15-20.
  • Kamalov, F., Calonge, D S., & Gurrib, I. (2023). New Era of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Towards a Sustainable Multifaceted Revolution. Sustainability, 15(16), 12451-12451.
  • Khan, B., Fatima, H., Qureshi, A., Kumar, S., Hanan, A., Hussain, J., & Abdullah, S. (2023). Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence and Their Potential Solutions in the Healthcare Sector. Biomedical Materials & Devices, 1(2), 731–738.
  • Lee, S. (2013). Features of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems Supportive of Nursing Practice. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 31(10), 477-495.
  • Mello, R. F., Freitas, E, Pereira, F. D., Cabral, L., Tedesco, P., & Ramalho, G. (2023). Education in the age of Generative AI: Context and Recent Developments. arXiv preprint arXiv, 2309,12332.
  • Milton, C. L. (2021). Risking Human Dignity With Innovations: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Discipline of Nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(3):244-246.
  • Nazer, L., Zatarah, R., Waldrip, S., Ke, J. X. C., Moukheiber, M., Khanna, A. K., Hicklen, R., Moukheiber, L., Moukheiber, D., Ma, H., & Mathur, P. (2023). Bias in artificial intelligence algorithms and recommendations for mitigation. PLOS Digit Health, 2(6): e0000278-e0000278.
  • Ng, Z. Q. P., Ling, L. Y. J., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. (2022). The role of artifi-cial intelligence in enhancing clinical nursing care: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Management, 30(8), 3654–3674. doi:10.1111/jonm.13425
  • Pailaha, A.D. (2023). The Impact and Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Science and Healthcare Settings. SAGE Open Nurs, 9:23779608231196847.
  • Pasricha, S. (2023). “AI Ethics in Smart Healthcare”. in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 12(4), 12-20.
  • Penaflor-Espinosa, M. J. B. (2016). Technology Integration in Nursing Education: Its Implications to Colleges of Nursing in Western Visayas, Philippines., International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 9(9), 375–392. doi:10.14257/ijhit.2016.9.9.35
  • Pepito, J. A., Locsin, R. C. (2018). Can nurses remain relevant in a technologically advanced future? Int J Nurs Sci, 4; 6(1), 106-110.
  • Rudd, J., Igbrude, C. (2023). A global perspective on data powering responsible AI solutions in health applications. AI and Ethics,
  • Shellenbarger, T., & Robb, M. (2014). Technology-Based Strategies for Promoting Clinical Reasoning Skills in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 40(2), 79-82.
  • Soferman, R. (2019). The Transformative Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Engineering, 44(3), E1-E3.
  • Sullivan-Mann, J., Perron, C., Fellner, A. N. (2009). The Effects of Simulation on Nursing Students' Critical Thinking Scores: A Quantitative Study. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 9(2), 111–116.
  • Varma, J. R., Fernando, S., Ting B. Y., Aamir, S., Sivaprakasam, R. (2023). The Global Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: A Systematic Review. Cureus, 15(5): e39701.
  • Wong, F. M. F., Chan, A., Lee, N. P. M., & Luk, K. K. H. (2023). Can High-Fidelity Patient Simulation Be Used for Skill Development in Junior Undergraduate Students: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Healthcare (Basel), 11(15), 2221-2221.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Dahili Hastalıklar Hemşireliği
Bölüm Derlemeler

Hatice Ceylan 0000-0001-6423-6010

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ceylan, H. (2025). AI-Enhanced Nursing Education and Clinical Practice: Transforming with Emerging Technologies. OneHealth Plus Journal, 3(1), 1-5.