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Instagram Başarısını Ortaya Çıkarmak: Sosyal Medya Pazarlamasında Tüketici Etkileşimini Şekillendiren Kilit Faktörler

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 121 - 136, 08.01.2024


Firmaların tüketicilere ulaşmasında sosyal medya pazarlaması oldukça önemli bir araçtır. Kurumlar ve markalar için kilit bir ölçüt olan sosyal medyanın önemi, dijital pazarlama stratejileri içinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışma, kullanıcı etkileşimini artıran faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla, 2023 yılının başından bu yana iki Türk giyim markasının Instagram’da yayınladığı gönderilere odaklanmaktadır. Sıralı lojistik regresyon analizi ile elde edilen sonuçlara göre, paylaşımlarda görsel kullanımı, paylaşımda ünlü bir figürün varlığı ve etiket kullanımı faktörlerinin, gönderinin yüksek etkileşimde olma olasılığını artırdığı görülmüştür. Bu bulguların, sosyal medya araştırmacıları ve pazarlamacıları için etkili Instagram stratejileri geliştirmede değerli bilgiler sağlaması beklenmektedir.


  • Aggarwal, P. (2004). The effects of brand relationship norms on consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), 87–101.
  • Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Jurić, B., & Ilić, A. (2011). Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), 252–271.
  • Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2018). College-Aged Young Consumers ’ Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram College-Aged Young Consumers ’ Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram. 1734.
  • Chen, L., Yan, Y., & Smith, A. N. (2023). What drives digital engagement with sponsored videos? An investigation of video influencers’ authenticity management strategies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51(1), 198–221.
  • Cho, M., Schweickart, T., & Haase, A. (2014). Public engagement with nonprofit organizations on Facebook. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 565–567.
  • Choi, S. M., & Rifon, N. J. (2012). It Is a Match: The Impact of Congruence between Celebrity Image and Consumer Ideal Self on Endorsement Effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 30(6), 461–469.
  • de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W. J., Pinto, D. C., Herter, M. M., Sampaio, C. H., & Babin, B. J. (2020). Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(6), 1211–1228.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., & Chen, H. (2023). Food media, marketing and advertising. Food Policy in the United Kingdom, 15(3), 112–128.
  • Eigenraam, A. W., Eelen, J., van Lin, A., & Verlegh, P. W. J. (2018). A Consumer-based Taxonomy of Digital Customer Engagement Practices. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 44, 102–121.
  • Felix, R., Rauschnabel, P. A., & Hinsch, C. (2017). Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework. Journal of Business Research, 70, 118–126.
  • Filo, K., Lock, D., & Karg, A. (2015). Sport and social media research: A review. Sport Management Review, 18(2), 166–181.
  • Gavilanes, J. M., Flatten, T. C., & Brettel, M. (2018). Content Strategies for Digital Consumer Engagement in Social Networks: Why Advertising Is an Antecedent of Engagement. Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 4–23.
  • Hill, S. R., Troshani, I., & Chandrasekar, D. (2020). Signalling Effects of Vlogger Popularity on Online Consumers. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60(1), 76–84.
  • Jara, Antanio J.; Parra, Maria Concepcion; Skarmeta, A. F. (2014). Participative marketing : extending social media marketing through the identification and interaction capabilities from the Internet of things. 997–1011.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world , unite ! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media.
  • Kumar, V., Aksoy, L., Donkers, B., Venkatesan, R., Wiesel, T., & Tillmanns, S. (2010). Undervalued or overvalued customers: Capturing total customer engagement value. Journal of Service Research, 13(3), 297–310.
  • Kusumasondjaja, S. (2018). The roles of message appeals and orientation on social media brand communication effectiveness An evidence from Indonesia. 30(4), 1135–1158.
  • Lee, E., Kim, Y. J., Lim, Y. S., & Kim, M. (2015). Trait reactance moderates facebook users’ irritation with brand communication. Social Behavior and Personality, 43(5), 829–844.
  • Lup, K., Trub, L., & Rosenthal, L. (2015). and Strangers Followed. 18(5), 8–10.
  • Mcalexander, J. H., Schouten, J. W., & Koenig, H. F. (2002). Bulding Brand Communily. Journal of Marketing, 66(1), 38–54.
  • McCracken, G. (1989). Who is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundations of the Endorsement Process. Journal of Consumer Research, 16(3), 310.
  • Mert, M. (2016). Yatay Kesit Veri Analizi Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Munaro, A. C., Hübner Barcelos, R., Francisco Maffezzolli, E. C., Santos Rodrigues, J. P., & Cabrera Paraiso, E. (2021). To engage or not engage? The features of video content on YouTube affecting digital consumer engagement. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(5), 1336–1352.
  • Neuendorf, K. A. (2001). “The Content Analysis Guidebook”. Sex Roles, 64(3-4):276-289.
  • Pansari, A., & Kumar, V. (2017). Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 294–311.
  • Phua, J., Lin, J. S. (Elaine), & Lim, D. J. (2018). Understanding consumer engagement with celebrity-endorsed E-Cigarette advertising on instagram. Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 93–102.
  • Podobnik, V. (2013). An analysis of facebook social media marketing key performance indicators: The case of premier league brands. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2013, 131–138.
  • Sabate, F., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Cañabate, A., & Lebherz, P. R. (2014). Factors influencing popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages. European management journal, 32(6), 1001-1011.
  • Saravanakumar, M.; SuganthaLakshmi, T. (2012). Life Science Journal, 9(4), 4444–4451.
  • Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision, 50(2), 253–272.
  • Scheinbaum, C. A. (2016). Letter from the CEO H ow Advertising Works: Truth and Dare.
  • Seo, E. J., & Park, J. W. (2018). A study on the effects of social media marketing activities on brand equity and customer response in the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66(August 2017), 36–41.
  • Sheldon, P., & Bryant, K. (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 89–97.
  • Zhang, J. S., & Su, L. Y. F. (2022). Outdoor-sports brands’ Instagram strategies: how message attributes relate to consumer engagement. International Journal of Advertising.
  • (access date: 12.09.2023) (access date: 12.09.2023)

Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 121 - 136, 08.01.2024


In reaching out to consumers, social media marketing is indispensable. The prominence of social media serves as a vital metric for corporations and brands, and it currently occupies a pivotal role within digital marketing strategies. This study focuses on the analysis of posts published on Instagram by two Turkish clothing brands since the beginning of 2023, with the aim of identifying factors that enhance user engagement. According to the results obtained through ordered logistic regression analysis, factors such as the use of images in posts, the presence of a celebrity figure in the post, and the inclusion of tags increase the likelihood of heightened engagement levels. These findings are expected to provide valuable insights for social media marketers and researchers in devising effective Instagram strategies.


  • Aggarwal, P. (2004). The effects of brand relationship norms on consumer attitudes and behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), 87–101.
  • Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Jurić, B., & Ilić, A. (2011). Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), 252–271.
  • Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2018). College-Aged Young Consumers ’ Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram College-Aged Young Consumers ’ Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram. 1734.
  • Chen, L., Yan, Y., & Smith, A. N. (2023). What drives digital engagement with sponsored videos? An investigation of video influencers’ authenticity management strategies. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51(1), 198–221.
  • Cho, M., Schweickart, T., & Haase, A. (2014). Public engagement with nonprofit organizations on Facebook. Public Relations Review, 40(3), 565–567.
  • Choi, S. M., & Rifon, N. J. (2012). It Is a Match: The Impact of Congruence between Celebrity Image and Consumer Ideal Self on Endorsement Effectiveness. Psychology & Marketing, 30(6), 461–469.
  • de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W. J., Pinto, D. C., Herter, M. M., Sampaio, C. H., & Babin, B. J. (2020). Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(6), 1211–1228.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., & Chen, H. (2023). Food media, marketing and advertising. Food Policy in the United Kingdom, 15(3), 112–128.
  • Eigenraam, A. W., Eelen, J., van Lin, A., & Verlegh, P. W. J. (2018). A Consumer-based Taxonomy of Digital Customer Engagement Practices. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 44, 102–121.
  • Felix, R., Rauschnabel, P. A., & Hinsch, C. (2017). Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework. Journal of Business Research, 70, 118–126.
  • Filo, K., Lock, D., & Karg, A. (2015). Sport and social media research: A review. Sport Management Review, 18(2), 166–181.
  • Gavilanes, J. M., Flatten, T. C., & Brettel, M. (2018). Content Strategies for Digital Consumer Engagement in Social Networks: Why Advertising Is an Antecedent of Engagement. Journal of Advertising, 47(1), 4–23.
  • Hill, S. R., Troshani, I., & Chandrasekar, D. (2020). Signalling Effects of Vlogger Popularity on Online Consumers. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60(1), 76–84.
  • Jara, Antanio J.; Parra, Maria Concepcion; Skarmeta, A. F. (2014). Participative marketing : extending social media marketing through the identification and interaction capabilities from the Internet of things. 997–1011.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world , unite ! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media.
  • Kumar, V., Aksoy, L., Donkers, B., Venkatesan, R., Wiesel, T., & Tillmanns, S. (2010). Undervalued or overvalued customers: Capturing total customer engagement value. Journal of Service Research, 13(3), 297–310.
  • Kusumasondjaja, S. (2018). The roles of message appeals and orientation on social media brand communication effectiveness An evidence from Indonesia. 30(4), 1135–1158.
  • Lee, E., Kim, Y. J., Lim, Y. S., & Kim, M. (2015). Trait reactance moderates facebook users’ irritation with brand communication. Social Behavior and Personality, 43(5), 829–844.
  • Lup, K., Trub, L., & Rosenthal, L. (2015). and Strangers Followed. 18(5), 8–10.
  • Mcalexander, J. H., Schouten, J. W., & Koenig, H. F. (2002). Bulding Brand Communily. Journal of Marketing, 66(1), 38–54.
  • McCracken, G. (1989). Who is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundations of the Endorsement Process. Journal of Consumer Research, 16(3), 310.
  • Mert, M. (2016). Yatay Kesit Veri Analizi Bilgisayar Uygulamaları, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Munaro, A. C., Hübner Barcelos, R., Francisco Maffezzolli, E. C., Santos Rodrigues, J. P., & Cabrera Paraiso, E. (2021). To engage or not engage? The features of video content on YouTube affecting digital consumer engagement. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(5), 1336–1352.
  • Neuendorf, K. A. (2001). “The Content Analysis Guidebook”. Sex Roles, 64(3-4):276-289.
  • Pansari, A., & Kumar, V. (2017). Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 294–311.
  • Phua, J., Lin, J. S. (Elaine), & Lim, D. J. (2018). Understanding consumer engagement with celebrity-endorsed E-Cigarette advertising on instagram. Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 93–102.
  • Podobnik, V. (2013). An analysis of facebook social media marketing key performance indicators: The case of premier league brands. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications, ConTEL 2013, 131–138.
  • Sabate, F., Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Cañabate, A., & Lebherz, P. R. (2014). Factors influencing popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages. European management journal, 32(6), 1001-1011.
  • Saravanakumar, M.; SuganthaLakshmi, T. (2012). Life Science Journal, 9(4), 4444–4451.
  • Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision, 50(2), 253–272.
  • Scheinbaum, C. A. (2016). Letter from the CEO H ow Advertising Works: Truth and Dare.
  • Seo, E. J., & Park, J. W. (2018). A study on the effects of social media marketing activities on brand equity and customer response in the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66(August 2017), 36–41.
  • Sheldon, P., & Bryant, K. (2016). Instagram: Motives for its use and relationship to narcissism and contextual age. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 89–97.
  • Zhang, J. S., & Su, L. Y. F. (2022). Outdoor-sports brands’ Instagram strategies: how message attributes relate to consumer engagement. International Journal of Advertising.
  • (access date: 12.09.2023) (access date: 12.09.2023)
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration, Business Systems in Context (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Duygu Aydın Ünal 0000-0001-7566-0933

Publication Date January 8, 2024
Submission Date September 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Aydın Ünal, D. (2024). Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 121-136.
AMA Aydın Ünal D. Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing. OJEMS. January 2024;11(1):121-136. doi:10.17541/optimum.1363501
Chicago Aydın Ünal, Duygu. “Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing”. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 11, no. 1 (January 2024): 121-36.
EndNote Aydın Ünal D (January 1, 2024) Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 11 1 121–136.
IEEE D. Aydın Ünal, “Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing”, OJEMS, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 121–136, 2024, doi: 10.17541/optimum.1363501.
ISNAD Aydın Ünal, Duygu. “Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing”. Optimum Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi 11/1 (January 2024), 121-136.
JAMA Aydın Ünal D. Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing. OJEMS. 2024;11:121–136.
MLA Aydın Ünal, Duygu. “Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing”. Optimum Ekonomi Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024, pp. 121-36, doi:10.17541/optimum.1363501.
Vancouver Aydın Ünal D. Unlocking Instagram Success: Factors Shaping Consumer Engagement in Social Media Marketing. OJEMS. 2024;11(1):121-36.

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