Strategic Status of Technology Management and Enterprises for the Technology Adoption Lifecycle
Year 2022,
, 437 - 447, 31.05.2022
Bülent Akkoyun
Harun Demirkaya
The aim of the study is to present a conceptualizing study in order to express the strategic nature of this situation in the technology adoption life cycle and that it may be possible to manage technology in the context of industry 4.0. Social science has also been included in the study created by the department of management and organization and strategic management. The rapid change of technology leads to a change in the understanding of fashion and a change in the perception of the benefits of the user or consumer on the product. From the point of view of enterprises, it is important to consider this situation at a more thoughtful stage in terms of strategicity. The introduction of technology management in order to use the effects and benefits of industry 4.0 in the technology adoption life cycle in the best and strategic context reveals the originality of the study; management science and its importance due to its potential to be a guiding guide to the business world. As a result, it is thought that the business world can be successful with the decisions they will make using the technology adoption life cycle before the supply of new products.
- Aktan, C.C. (2003). Management in the age of change. Istanbul: Sistem Publishing.
- Badawy, M.K. (1998). Technology management education: alternatives models. Colifornia Management Review, 40(4), 94-116.
- Baransel, A. (1979). Evolution of contemporary management thought. Istanbul: Istanbul University Press, Fatih Press.
- Bruin, L.D. (2020). Technology adoption lifecycle. ET: 10.02.2022.
- Calis D. M. (2022). Toplum 5.0: İnsan odaklı dijital dönüşüm. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, Advanced online publication. ET: 11.02.2022.
- Çetindamar, D., Phaal, R., ve Probert, D. (2013). Teknoloji yönetimi faaliyet ve araçları. İstanbul: Efil Yayınevi.
- Claude, S. G. (1972). The history of management, 2th Edition. NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Dogson, M., Gann, D. ve Salter, A. (2008). The management of technological innovation: Strategy and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Er, H. , Turan, S. & Kaymakcı, S. (2021). Toplum 5.0 sürecinin gelişimi ve eğitime etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 39, 27-66.
- Fukuyama, M. (2018). Society 5.0: Aiming for a new human-centered society. Japan SPOTLIGHT, Special Article, 39(2), 47-50.
- Gregor, Y.M.J. (1995). Technology management: A Process Approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 209(1), 347-356.
- Levin, D.Z. ve Barnard, H. (2008). Technology management routines that matter technology managers. International Journal of Technology Management, 41(1-2), 22-37.
- Linn, R.,J.,Zhang,W. and Li, Z. (2000). An intelligent management system for technology management. Computer and Industrial Engineering, 38(1) 397-412.
- Lunenburg, F. C. and Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Educational administration. Ankara: Nobel.
- Mashur, R., Gunawan, B. I., Fitriany, F., Ashoer, M., Hıdayat, M. & Adıtya, H. P. K. P. (2019). Moving from traditional to society 5.0: Case study by online transportation business. The Journal of Distribution Science, 17(9), 93-102.
- Mills, M. (2021). Technology lifecycle management: A CEO roadmap. (ET: 01.04.2021).
- Moore. G. A. (2014). Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Ed. USA: Harper Collins.
- Pillai, S. G., Haldorai, K., Seo, W. S., & Kim, W. G. (2021). COVID-19 and hospitality 5.0: Redefining hospitality operations. International journal of hospitality management, 94, 102869.
Potocan, V., Mulej, M. & Nedelko, Z. (2021), Society 5.0: Balancing of Industry 4.0, Economic Advancement and Social Problems. Kybernetes, 50(3), 794-811.
Roberts, E.B. (2004). A perspective 50 years of engineering management field. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51(4).
- Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition. New York: the Free Press.
- Rush, H., Bessant, J. ve Hobday, M. (2007). Assesing the technological capabilities of firms: Developing a policy tool. R&D Management, 37(3), 221-236.
- Schirtzinger, W. (2019). https://www.hightechstrategies. com/ methods/ technology-adoption-lifecycle/.
- Sumanth, D.J., (1988), A Total Systems Approach to Technology Management, Technology Management Frontiers-I, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 14 (3), 241-249.
- Ülgen, H. and Mirze, S.K. (2020). Strategic management in businesses. 10th Edition. Istanbul: Beta.
- Wenger, E., White, N. and Smith, J.D. (2009). Digital habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities, Published by CPSquare, Portland.
- Wren, D.A. (2020). The evolution of management thought. New York: Kindle Edition Wiley.
- Zhong, QC (2017). Synchronized and democratized smart grids to underpin the third industrial revolution. IFAC-Papers Online, 50(1), 3592-3597.
Teknoloji Benimseme Yaşam Döngüsünde Teknoloji Yönetiminin İşletmeler Açısından Stratejikliği
Year 2022,
, 437 - 447, 31.05.2022
Bülent Akkoyun
Harun Demirkaya
Yapılan çalışmanın amacı, gelişim hızı baş döndüren ve toplumda kaygı yaratan endüstri 4.0 bağlamında teknolojinin yönetilmesinin mümkün olabileceği ve bu durumun teknoloji benimseme yaşam döngüsündeki stratejikliğini ifade etmek adına kavramsallaştırıcı bir çalışma ortaya koyabilmektir. Kapsamını yönetim ve organizasyon bilim dalının yanı sıra stratejik yönetimin oluşturduğu çalışmada toplum bilimine de yer verilmiştir. Teknolojinin hızlı değişimi moda anlayışının değişmesine ve bu durum ise kullanıcı veya tüketicinin ürün üzerindeki fayda algısının değişmesine neden olmaktadır. İşletmeler açısından bu durumun, daha kaynağındayken yani düşün aşamasında ele alınması stratejiklik anlamında önem arz etmektedir. Teknoloji benimseme yaşam döngüsünde endüstri 4.0’ın etkilerini ve faydalarını en iyi ve stratejiklik bağlamında kullanabilmek için teknoloji yönetiminin ileri sürülmesi konunun/çalışmanın özgünlüğünü; yönetim bilimi ve iş dünyasına bir yol gösterici klavuz olabilme potansiyelinden ötürü ise önemini açığa çıkartmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, piyasaya sürülen teknolojik ürünlerin yaşam eğrilerinin fazlasıyla kısaldığı günümüz işletme dünyasının, yönetimin elini kuvvetlendirecek ve yeni ürün arzından önce, planlama aşamasında teknoloji benimseme yaşam döngüsünü kullanarak alacakları kararlar ile başarılı olunabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Supporting Institution
Destekleyen Kurum Bulunmamaktadır.
Saygıdeğer Editöre, sayın alan editörüne, değerli hakemlerimiz ve emeği geçen herkese teşekkürü borç biliriz.
- Aktan, C.C. (2003). Management in the age of change. Istanbul: Sistem Publishing.
- Badawy, M.K. (1998). Technology management education: alternatives models. Colifornia Management Review, 40(4), 94-116.
- Baransel, A. (1979). Evolution of contemporary management thought. Istanbul: Istanbul University Press, Fatih Press.
- Bruin, L.D. (2020). Technology adoption lifecycle. ET: 10.02.2022.
- Calis D. M. (2022). Toplum 5.0: İnsan odaklı dijital dönüşüm. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, Advanced online publication. ET: 11.02.2022.
- Çetindamar, D., Phaal, R., ve Probert, D. (2013). Teknoloji yönetimi faaliyet ve araçları. İstanbul: Efil Yayınevi.
- Claude, S. G. (1972). The history of management, 2th Edition. NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Dogson, M., Gann, D. ve Salter, A. (2008). The management of technological innovation: Strategy and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Er, H. , Turan, S. & Kaymakcı, S. (2021). Toplum 5.0 sürecinin gelişimi ve eğitime etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 39, 27-66.
- Fukuyama, M. (2018). Society 5.0: Aiming for a new human-centered society. Japan SPOTLIGHT, Special Article, 39(2), 47-50.
- Gregor, Y.M.J. (1995). Technology management: A Process Approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 209(1), 347-356.
- Levin, D.Z. ve Barnard, H. (2008). Technology management routines that matter technology managers. International Journal of Technology Management, 41(1-2), 22-37.
- Linn, R.,J.,Zhang,W. and Li, Z. (2000). An intelligent management system for technology management. Computer and Industrial Engineering, 38(1) 397-412.
- Lunenburg, F. C. and Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Educational administration. Ankara: Nobel.
- Mashur, R., Gunawan, B. I., Fitriany, F., Ashoer, M., Hıdayat, M. & Adıtya, H. P. K. P. (2019). Moving from traditional to society 5.0: Case study by online transportation business. The Journal of Distribution Science, 17(9), 93-102.
- Mills, M. (2021). Technology lifecycle management: A CEO roadmap. (ET: 01.04.2021).
- Moore. G. A. (2014). Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Ed. USA: Harper Collins.
- Pillai, S. G., Haldorai, K., Seo, W. S., & Kim, W. G. (2021). COVID-19 and hospitality 5.0: Redefining hospitality operations. International journal of hospitality management, 94, 102869.
Potocan, V., Mulej, M. & Nedelko, Z. (2021), Society 5.0: Balancing of Industry 4.0, Economic Advancement and Social Problems. Kybernetes, 50(3), 794-811.
Roberts, E.B. (2004). A perspective 50 years of engineering management field. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51(4).
- Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition. New York: the Free Press.
- Rush, H., Bessant, J. ve Hobday, M. (2007). Assesing the technological capabilities of firms: Developing a policy tool. R&D Management, 37(3), 221-236.
- Schirtzinger, W. (2019). https://www.hightechstrategies. com/ methods/ technology-adoption-lifecycle/.
- Sumanth, D.J., (1988), A Total Systems Approach to Technology Management, Technology Management Frontiers-I, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 14 (3), 241-249.
- Ülgen, H. and Mirze, S.K. (2020). Strategic management in businesses. 10th Edition. Istanbul: Beta.
- Wenger, E., White, N. and Smith, J.D. (2009). Digital habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities, Published by CPSquare, Portland.
- Wren, D.A. (2020). The evolution of management thought. New York: Kindle Edition Wiley.
- Zhong, QC (2017). Synchronized and democratized smart grids to underpin the third industrial revolution. IFAC-Papers Online, 50(1), 3592-3597.