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İş sıkıntısından mı yoksa iş yoğunluğundan mı? İş yükünün ve iş sıkıntısının günlük iş çıktıları üzerindeki etkilerinin çok düzeyli bir araştırması

Year 2023, , 426 - 437, 30.05.2023


Literatür hem iş sıkıntısının hem de aşırı iş yükünün çalışanların refahı ve iş sonuçları üzerinde zararlı etkileri olduğunu bildirmektedir. Bu değişkenler günlük olarak dalgalansada, değişkenlerdeki kişi içi ve kişiler arası varyansı ve bunların günlük iş sonuçlarıyla nasıl ilişkili olduğunu ele alan boylamsal çalışmalar azdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, günlük iş yükü ve günlük iş sıkıntısının günlük duygusal emek, stres, iş tatmini ve olumlu ve olumsuz duygulanım ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu belirlemektir. Çalışma kapsamında altı farklı zaman noktasında çok düzeyli veri toplanmıştır (beşi günlük ve biri kişi düzeyinde). HLM yazılımı kullanılarak çok düzeyli analizler yapmak için kişi düzeyi (n=137) ve gün düzeyi (685) veriler eşleştirilmiştir. Hem iş yükü hem de işten sıkılma değişkenlerinin önemli ölçüde günlük varyans gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Çok düzeyli analizlerin sonuçları, işten sıkılmanın genel olarak iş yükünden daha geniş olumsuz etkilere sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Günlük iş sıkıntısı, iş stresi, olumsuz duygulanım ve duygusal emek ile olumlu yönde ilişkiliyken, olumlu duygulanım ile anlamlı bir ilişki göstermiştir. Günlük iş yükünün, yalnızca stres ve olumsuz duygulanımla anlamlı seviyede ilişkili olduğu bulgulanmıştır. Çok düzeyli yöntemler kullanılarak hem genel hem de günlük düzeyde kavramların varyans ve ilişkilerinin araştırılması mümkündür. Sonuçlar, iş yüküne kıyasla daha kritik olabilen günlük iş sıkıntısının olumsuz etkilerini vurgulamaktadır. Sonuçların ayrıca yöneticiler için de önemli pratik çıkarımları tartışılmıştır.


  • Abraham, S. (2012). Job satisfaction as an antecedent to employee engagement. sies Journal of Management, 8(2).
  • Adil, M. S. and Baig, M. (2018). Impact of Resources Model on Burnout and Employee’s Well-Being: Evidence From The Pharmaceutical Organisations of Karachi. IIMB Management Review, 30(2), 119-133.
  • Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands–resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of occupational health psychology, 22(3), 273
  • Baycan, F. A. (1985). An Analysis of the Several Aspects of Job Satisfaction Between Different Occupational Groups. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Bilgiç, R. (2008). İş Özellikleri Kuramı: Geniş Kapsamlı Gözden Geçirme. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 11(22).
  • Çakıcı, A., Özkan, C. and Akyüz, H. B. (2013). İş Yükü Yoğunluğunun, İş ve Yaşam Doyumuna Etkisi Üzerine Otomativ İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma. Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2).
  • Çalışkan, A. and Bekmezci, M. (2019). Aşırı İş Yükünün İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisinde İş Tatmini ve Yaşam Tatminin Rolü, Sağlık Kurumu Örneği. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(31).
  • Cao, Qilong and An, J. A. (2019). Boredom Proneness and Aggression Among People With Substance Use Disorder: The Mediating Role of Trait Anger and Impulsivity. Journal of Drug Issues, 1(12).
  • Coşkun, H. (2012). The examination of the modereting role of personality trait on the relationship between job characteristics, boredom at work and intention to leave. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, B. A., Nachreiner, F. & Schaufeli, B. W. (2001). The Job Demands Resources Model of Burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3): 499-512.
  • Diefendorff, J. M., Croyle, M. H. & Grosserand, R. H. (2005). The Dimensionalty and Antecedents of Emotional Labor Strategies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 339-357.
  • Dolbier, C. L., Webster, J. A., McCalister, K. T., Mallon, W. M. ve Steinhhardt, M. A. (2005). Reliability and Validity of A Single Item-Measure of Job Satisfaction. American Journal of Health Promotion, 19(3), 194-198. Doi: 10.4278/0890-1171-19.3.194
  • Efeoğlu, İ. E. (2006). İş- Aile Yaşam Çatışmasının İş Stresi, İş Doyumu ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşleme Anabilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi. Adana
  • Eroğlu, F. (2010). Davranış Bilimleri. 10. Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Fahlman, A. S., Mercer-Lynn, K. B., Flora, B. D. & Eastwood, D. J. (2013). Development and Validation of the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale. Sage Journal, doi: 10.1177/1073191111421303
  • Faiz, E. (2019). Aşırı İş Yükü ve Tükenmişlik Sendromunun İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Satış Personelleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Çalışma İlişkileri Dergisi, 10(1): 26-38.
  • Faragher, E. B., Cass, M., & Cooper, C. L. (2013). The relationship between job satisfaction and health: a meta-analysis. From stress to wellbeing volume 1: the theory and research on occupational stress and wellbeing, 254-271.
  • Geurts, A. E. S., Kompier, A. J. M., Roxburg, S., & Houtman, L. D. I. (2003). Does Work-Home Interference Mediate the Relationship Between Workload and Well-Being? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63: 532-559. Groenewegen, P. P., & Hutten, J. B. (1991). Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: a review of the literature. Social science & medicine, 32(10), 1111-1119.
  • Hackman, R. and Oldham, R. G. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(2).
  • Harju, L. K., & Hakanen, J. J. (2016). An employee who was not there: a study of job boredom in white-collar work. Personnel Review.
  • Hart, G. S. and Bortolussi, R. M. (1984). Pilot Errors As A Source of Workload. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 26(5): 545-556.
  • House, R. J. and Rizzo, J. R. (1972). Role Conflict and Ambiguity As Critical Variables in Model of Organizational Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 7: 467-505.
  • Hu, R., Kang, C. and Shieh, J. C. (2018). Based on Emotinal Labor to Discuss the Effect of Work Load on Job Satisfaction of Employees -The Case of Ecological Industry. Ekoloji, 106(27)
  • Hulin, L. C. and Blood, R. M. (1968). Job Enlargement, Individual Differences, and Worker Responses. Psychological Bulletin, 69(1): 41-55
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home. Journal of applied psychology, 92(5), 1368.
  • Kanbur, E. (2018). Aşırı İş Yükünün İş ve Yaşam Doyumu Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşe Bağlı Gerginliğin Aracı Rolü. İş ve İnsan Dergisi/ The journal of Human and Work, 5(2).
  • Keser, A., Bilir, Ö. B. & Aytaç, S. (2017). Niceliksel İş Yükü Envanterinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. ‘’İş, Güç’’ Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları ‘’Dergisi. 2(19): 51-74
  • Laferton, C. A. J., Fischer, S., Ebert, D. D., Stenzel, M. N. & Zimmermann. (2019). The Effects of Stress Beliefs on Daily Affective Stress Responses. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/HDK26.
  • Lee, T. W. (1986). Toward the Development and Validation of A Measure of Job Boredom. Manhattan College Journal of Business, 15: 22-28.
  • Liu, L. H. and Lo, H. V. (2017). An Integrated Model of Workload, Autonomy, Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among Taiwanese Reporters. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(2): 153-169.
  • Lloyd, C., King, R., & Chenoweth, L. (2002). Social work, stress and burnout: A review. Journal of mental health, 11(3), 255-265.
  • Moyle, P. (1995). The Role of Negative Affectivity in the Stress Process: Tests of Alternative Models. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16: 647-668
  • Munandar, A., Musnadi, S. & Sulaiman. (2019). The Effect of Work Stress, Work Load and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction and It’s Implication on the Employee Performance of Aceh Investment and One Stop Services Agency. Banda Aceh Indonesia, DOI 10.4108/eai.3-10-2018.2284357.
  • Newton, C., Teo, S., Pick, D., Ho, M. and Thomas, D. (2016). Emotional Intelligence As Buffer of Occupational Stress, 45(5): 1010-1028.
  • Noblet, A. and Lamontagne, A. D. (2006). The Role of Workplace Health Promotion in Addressing Job Stress. Health Promotion International, 21(4): 346- 353.
  • Nguyen, H. Thi N. and Tuan T. L. (2021). Cretating Reasonable Workload to Enhance Public Employee Job Satisfaction: The Role of Supervisor Support, Co Worker Support. And Tangible Job Resources, Public Performance & Management Review 45: 1, 131-162.
  • Osifila, G. I., & Abimbola, A. T. (2020). Workload and lecturers’ job satisfaction in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 14(3), 416-423.
  • Reijseger, G., Schaufeli, W. B., Peeters, M. C., Taris, T. W., Van Beek, I., & Ouweneel, E. (2013). Watching the paint dry at work: Psychometric examination of the Dutch Boredom Scale. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 26(5), 508-525.
  • Scerbo, W. M. (1998). Sources of Stress and Boredom in Vigilance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42 and Annual Meeting, 42(10): 764- 768.
  • Spector, P. E. and Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of Four Self-Report Measures of Job Stressors and Strain: Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3: 356-367.
  • Surbhi, S. (2018). Difference Between Public Sector and Private Sector. Erişim Tarihi: 15. 07. 2021.
  • Thackray, I. R. (1981). The Stress of Boredom and Monotony: A Consideration of the Evidence. Psychosomatic Medicine, 43(2): 165-176.
  • Ugwu, O. F. and Asogwa, F. (2018). Walking the Tightrope: Perceived High Workload Positive Affectivity and Counter Productive Work Behaviours in the Nigerian Context, Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal, 8(3).
  • Usman, M. and Raja, S. N. (2013). Impact of Job Burnout On Organizational Commitment Of Public And Private Sectors: A Comparative Study, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(11): 1584-1591.
  • Van Hoof, M. L. M. and Van Hooft, E. A. J. (2017). Boredom At Work: Towards a Dynamic Spillover Model of Need Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Work-Related Boredom. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2016.1241769.
  • Van Hooff, M. L., & van Hooft, E. A. (2014). Boredom at work: Proximal and distal consequences of affective work-related boredom. Journal of occupational health psychology, 19(3), 348.
  • Walsh, G. and Bartikowski, B. (2013). Employee Emotional Labour and Quitting Intentions: Moderating Effects of Gender and Age. European Journal of Marketing, 47(8): 1213-1237
  • Watson, D., L. A. Clark and A. Tellegen. (1988). Development and Validation of Brief Measure of Positive and Negative Affect: The PANAS Scales Journal of Personality and Social Pshchology, 54(6): 1063- 1070.
  • Weiss, D. J., Dawis, R. V., England, G. V. & Lofquist, L. H. (1967). Manuel For the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Mineapolis University of Minnesota. Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation.

Is it because of boredom or workload? A multilevel investigation of the effects of workload and job boredom on daily work outcomes

Year 2023, , 426 - 437, 30.05.2023


Studies report that both job boredom and excessive workload have detrimental effects on employee well-being and work outcomes. Although these variables fluctuate daily, longitudinal studies addressing within- and between-person variance in the variables and how they relate to daily work outcomes are scarce. The aim of this study was to determine how daily workload and daily job boredom are associated with daily emotional labor, stress, job satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. Multilevel data were collected at six time points (five daily, one person level). Person level (n=137) and day level (685) data were matched to conduct multilevel analyses using the software HLM. Both workload and job boredom showed substantial daily variability. The results of multilevel analyses revealed that job boredom had wider negative effects than workload in general. While daily job boredom was positively related to work stress, negative affect, and emotional labor, it demonstrated a significant negative relationship with positive affect. Daily workload was significantly related to only stress and negative affect. Using multilevel methods, it is possible to investigate the variance and relationships of the concepts both at general and daily levels. The results emphasize the negative effects of daily job boredom, which can be more critical compared to workload. The results also have important practical implications for managers.


  • Abraham, S. (2012). Job satisfaction as an antecedent to employee engagement. sies Journal of Management, 8(2).
  • Adil, M. S. and Baig, M. (2018). Impact of Resources Model on Burnout and Employee’s Well-Being: Evidence From The Pharmaceutical Organisations of Karachi. IIMB Management Review, 30(2), 119-133.
  • Bakker, A. B., & Demerouti, E. (2017). Job demands–resources theory: Taking stock and looking forward. Journal of occupational health psychology, 22(3), 273
  • Baycan, F. A. (1985). An Analysis of the Several Aspects of Job Satisfaction Between Different Occupational Groups. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Bilgiç, R. (2008). İş Özellikleri Kuramı: Geniş Kapsamlı Gözden Geçirme. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 11(22).
  • Çakıcı, A., Özkan, C. and Akyüz, H. B. (2013). İş Yükü Yoğunluğunun, İş ve Yaşam Doyumuna Etkisi Üzerine Otomativ İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma. Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2).
  • Çalışkan, A. and Bekmezci, M. (2019). Aşırı İş Yükünün İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisinde İş Tatmini ve Yaşam Tatminin Rolü, Sağlık Kurumu Örneği. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(31).
  • Cao, Qilong and An, J. A. (2019). Boredom Proneness and Aggression Among People With Substance Use Disorder: The Mediating Role of Trait Anger and Impulsivity. Journal of Drug Issues, 1(12).
  • Coşkun, H. (2012). The examination of the modereting role of personality trait on the relationship between job characteristics, boredom at work and intention to leave. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, B. A., Nachreiner, F. & Schaufeli, B. W. (2001). The Job Demands Resources Model of Burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3): 499-512.
  • Diefendorff, J. M., Croyle, M. H. & Grosserand, R. H. (2005). The Dimensionalty and Antecedents of Emotional Labor Strategies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 339-357.
  • Dolbier, C. L., Webster, J. A., McCalister, K. T., Mallon, W. M. ve Steinhhardt, M. A. (2005). Reliability and Validity of A Single Item-Measure of Job Satisfaction. American Journal of Health Promotion, 19(3), 194-198. Doi: 10.4278/0890-1171-19.3.194
  • Efeoğlu, İ. E. (2006). İş- Aile Yaşam Çatışmasının İş Stresi, İş Doyumu ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşleme Anabilim Dalı. Doktora Tezi. Adana
  • Eroğlu, F. (2010). Davranış Bilimleri. 10. Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Fahlman, A. S., Mercer-Lynn, K. B., Flora, B. D. & Eastwood, D. J. (2013). Development and Validation of the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale. Sage Journal, doi: 10.1177/1073191111421303
  • Faiz, E. (2019). Aşırı İş Yükü ve Tükenmişlik Sendromunun İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Satış Personelleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Çalışma İlişkileri Dergisi, 10(1): 26-38.
  • Faragher, E. B., Cass, M., & Cooper, C. L. (2013). The relationship between job satisfaction and health: a meta-analysis. From stress to wellbeing volume 1: the theory and research on occupational stress and wellbeing, 254-271.
  • Geurts, A. E. S., Kompier, A. J. M., Roxburg, S., & Houtman, L. D. I. (2003). Does Work-Home Interference Mediate the Relationship Between Workload and Well-Being? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63: 532-559. Groenewegen, P. P., & Hutten, J. B. (1991). Workload and job satisfaction among general practitioners: a review of the literature. Social science & medicine, 32(10), 1111-1119.
  • Hackman, R. and Oldham, R. G. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(2).
  • Harju, L. K., & Hakanen, J. J. (2016). An employee who was not there: a study of job boredom in white-collar work. Personnel Review.
  • Hart, G. S. and Bortolussi, R. M. (1984). Pilot Errors As A Source of Workload. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 26(5): 545-556.
  • House, R. J. and Rizzo, J. R. (1972). Role Conflict and Ambiguity As Critical Variables in Model of Organizational Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 7: 467-505.
  • Hu, R., Kang, C. and Shieh, J. C. (2018). Based on Emotinal Labor to Discuss the Effect of Work Load on Job Satisfaction of Employees -The Case of Ecological Industry. Ekoloji, 106(27)
  • Hulin, L. C. and Blood, R. M. (1968). Job Enlargement, Individual Differences, and Worker Responses. Psychological Bulletin, 69(1): 41-55
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home. Journal of applied psychology, 92(5), 1368.
  • Kanbur, E. (2018). Aşırı İş Yükünün İş ve Yaşam Doyumu Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşe Bağlı Gerginliğin Aracı Rolü. İş ve İnsan Dergisi/ The journal of Human and Work, 5(2).
  • Keser, A., Bilir, Ö. B. & Aytaç, S. (2017). Niceliksel İş Yükü Envanterinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması. ‘’İş, Güç’’ Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları ‘’Dergisi. 2(19): 51-74
  • Laferton, C. A. J., Fischer, S., Ebert, D. D., Stenzel, M. N. & Zimmermann. (2019). The Effects of Stress Beliefs on Daily Affective Stress Responses. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/HDK26.
  • Lee, T. W. (1986). Toward the Development and Validation of A Measure of Job Boredom. Manhattan College Journal of Business, 15: 22-28.
  • Liu, L. H. and Lo, H. V. (2017). An Integrated Model of Workload, Autonomy, Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among Taiwanese Reporters. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(2): 153-169.
  • Lloyd, C., King, R., & Chenoweth, L. (2002). Social work, stress and burnout: A review. Journal of mental health, 11(3), 255-265.
  • Moyle, P. (1995). The Role of Negative Affectivity in the Stress Process: Tests of Alternative Models. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16: 647-668
  • Munandar, A., Musnadi, S. & Sulaiman. (2019). The Effect of Work Stress, Work Load and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction and It’s Implication on the Employee Performance of Aceh Investment and One Stop Services Agency. Banda Aceh Indonesia, DOI 10.4108/eai.3-10-2018.2284357.
  • Newton, C., Teo, S., Pick, D., Ho, M. and Thomas, D. (2016). Emotional Intelligence As Buffer of Occupational Stress, 45(5): 1010-1028.
  • Noblet, A. and Lamontagne, A. D. (2006). The Role of Workplace Health Promotion in Addressing Job Stress. Health Promotion International, 21(4): 346- 353.
  • Nguyen, H. Thi N. and Tuan T. L. (2021). Cretating Reasonable Workload to Enhance Public Employee Job Satisfaction: The Role of Supervisor Support, Co Worker Support. And Tangible Job Resources, Public Performance & Management Review 45: 1, 131-162.
  • Osifila, G. I., & Abimbola, A. T. (2020). Workload and lecturers’ job satisfaction in Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 14(3), 416-423.
  • Reijseger, G., Schaufeli, W. B., Peeters, M. C., Taris, T. W., Van Beek, I., & Ouweneel, E. (2013). Watching the paint dry at work: Psychometric examination of the Dutch Boredom Scale. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 26(5), 508-525.
  • Scerbo, W. M. (1998). Sources of Stress and Boredom in Vigilance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42 and Annual Meeting, 42(10): 764- 768.
  • Spector, P. E. and Jex, S. M. (1998). Development of Four Self-Report Measures of Job Stressors and Strain: Interpersonal Conflict At Work Scale, Organizational Constraints Scale, Quantitative Workload Inventory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 3: 356-367.
  • Surbhi, S. (2018). Difference Between Public Sector and Private Sector. Erişim Tarihi: 15. 07. 2021.
  • Thackray, I. R. (1981). The Stress of Boredom and Monotony: A Consideration of the Evidence. Psychosomatic Medicine, 43(2): 165-176.
  • Ugwu, O. F. and Asogwa, F. (2018). Walking the Tightrope: Perceived High Workload Positive Affectivity and Counter Productive Work Behaviours in the Nigerian Context, Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal, 8(3).
  • Usman, M. and Raja, S. N. (2013). Impact of Job Burnout On Organizational Commitment Of Public And Private Sectors: A Comparative Study, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 18(11): 1584-1591.
  • Van Hoof, M. L. M. and Van Hooft, E. A. J. (2017). Boredom At Work: Towards a Dynamic Spillover Model of Need Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Work-Related Boredom. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2016.1241769.
  • Van Hooff, M. L., & van Hooft, E. A. (2014). Boredom at work: Proximal and distal consequences of affective work-related boredom. Journal of occupational health psychology, 19(3), 348.
  • Walsh, G. and Bartikowski, B. (2013). Employee Emotional Labour and Quitting Intentions: Moderating Effects of Gender and Age. European Journal of Marketing, 47(8): 1213-1237
  • Watson, D., L. A. Clark and A. Tellegen. (1988). Development and Validation of Brief Measure of Positive and Negative Affect: The PANAS Scales Journal of Personality and Social Pshchology, 54(6): 1063- 1070.
  • Weiss, D. J., Dawis, R. V., England, G. V. & Lofquist, L. H. (1967). Manuel For the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Mineapolis University of Minnesota. Minnesota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayla Avcı 0000-0002-1871-4090

Mehmet Çetin 0000-0001-9773-9714

Early Pub Date May 31, 2023
Publication Date May 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Avcı, A., & Çetin, M. (2023). Is it because of boredom or workload? A multilevel investigation of the effects of workload and job boredom on daily work outcomes. OPUS Journal of Society Research, 20(53), 426-437.