Research Article
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Capacity to Striving for Goals and Coping with Earthquake Stress in University Students After the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 5, 300 - 315


Earthquakes are natural disasters that cause loss of life, property, and can lead to mental health issues such as PTSD. The Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, which caused widespread destruction across Turkey on February 6, 2023, significantly impacted the psychosocial well-being of university students. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, coping strategies with earthquake stress, and striving for goals and the factors affecting them in university students after the 6 February earthquakes in Turkey. The mean scale scores of the participants were ESCS (46.0±8.7) high, SGS (40.8±6.1) moderate, and PSS-SR (32.9±12.0) moderate. According to the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants and their experiences in the earthquake, the mean scores of ESCS and PSS-SR and the median score value of SGS showed a significant difference (p<.01). A negative correlation was found between PSS-SR and ESCS and SGS (p<.01). In addition, the goals give up sub-dimension of SGS is the factor that most positively predicts PTSD. In this context there is a need to develop coping strategies for earthquake stress and the capacity to struggle for goals in university students. For this reason, universities and mental health professionals should develop programs and practices to help students achieve goals in their lives and develop strategies to cope with earthquake stress.

Ethical Statement

Before starting the study, ethics committee permission (Date: 10/03/2023, No: 34) was obtained from Muş Alparslan University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee. Then, institutional permission (Date: 15.03.2023, No: 87317) was obtained from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Informed consent was obtained from the participants before the questionnaire was administered.

Supporting Institution

Not supported by any institution

Project Number

Not a Project


The authors would like to thank the students of Muş Alparslan University, Faculty of Health Sciences who participated in the study.


  • Adhikari, B. I. & Bhagawati, K.C. (2019). Post traumatic stress disorder and coping strategies among adult survivors of earthquake, Nepal. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 118 doi:10.1186/s12888-019-2090-y
  • AFAD. (2023). 6 Şubat 2023 Mw7.7 Pazarcık- Mw7.6 Elbistan Kahramanmaraş Deprem Bilgi Destek Sistemi (DeBiDeS).
  • Ahmed SK, Chandran D, Hussein S, Sv P, Chakraborty S, Islam MR, Dhama K. (2023). Environmental Health Risks After the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake and Salient Mitigating Strategies: A Critical Appraisal. Environmental Health Insights, 26(17), 1-17. doi: 10.1177/11786302231200865. PMID: 37771788; PMCID: PMC10524068.
  • Akın Arıkan, Ç., Demirtaş Zorbaz, S., & Koç, M. (2019). University Students’ Life Goals. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 9 (2), 236-242.
  • Ali, M., Farooq, N., Bhatti, M. A., & Kuroiwa, C. (2012). Assessment of prevalence and determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of earthquake in Pakistan using Davidson Trauma Scale. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(3), 238–243. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2011.12.023
  • Alipour, F. & Ahmadi, S. (2020). Social support and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in earthquake survivors: a systematic review, Social Work in Mental Health, 18(5), 501-514. DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2020.1795045
  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA). (2013). Ruhsal Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal Elkitabı, Beşinci Baskı (DSM-5). Tanı Ölçütleri Başvuru Elkitabı. Çeviri editörü: Köroğlu E. Ankara, Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • Aydın, A., Barut, Y., Kalafat, T., Boysan, M. & Beşiroğlu, L. (2012). Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Belirtileri Ölçeği-Kendini Değerlendirme (TSSBÖ-KD) Türkçe formunun psikometrik özellikleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 13,125-130.
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  • Disabato, D. J., Goodman, F. R. & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Is grit relevant to well-being and strengths? Evidence across the globe for separating perseverance of effort and consistency of interests. Journal of Personality, 87, 194–211. doi:10.1111/jopy.12382
  • Ehrenreich J. H. (2001). Coping with disasters. A guide book to psychosocial intervention. New York: Centre for psychology and society. Available Online: (accessed on:1 January 2024)
  • Elliott, E.S. & Dweck, C.S. (1988). Goals: An approach to motivation and achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(1), 5–12. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.54.1.5
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  • Eryılmaz, A. (2015). Amaçlar için Mücadele Ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(4), 233-244.
  • Farooqui, M., Quadri, S. A., Suriya, S. S., Khan, M. A., Ovais, M., Sohail, Z. & Hassan, M. (2017). Posttraumatic stress disorder: a serious post-earthquake complication. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 39(2), 135–143. doi:10.1590/2237-6089-2016-0029
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Kahramanmaraş Depremleri Sonrasında Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Amaçlar İçin Mücadele Etme Kapasitesi ve Deprem Stresiyle Baş Etme

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 5, 300 - 315


Depremler, can ve mal kaybına neden olan ve TSSB gibi ruh sağlığı sorunlarına yol açabilen doğal afetlerdir. 6 Şubat 2023'te Türkiye genelinde yaygın yıkıma neden olan Kahramanmaraş Depremleri, üniversite öğrencilerinin psikososyal refahını önemli ölçüde etkiledi. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye de meydana gelen 6 Şubat depremleri sonrasında üniversite öğrencilerinde travma sonrası stres bozukluğu belirtileri, deprem stresi ile baş etme stratejileri ve amaçlar için mücadele durumları arasındaki ilişkiyi ve bunlara etkide bulunan faktörleri araştırmaktı. Katılımcıların ölçek puan ortalamaları DSBSÖ (46.0±8.7) yüksek, AMÖ (40.8±6.1) ve TSSBBÖ-KD (32.9±12.0) için orta düzeyde saptanmıştır. Katılımcıların sosyodemografik özelliklerine ve depremde yaşadıkları deneyimlere göre DSBÖ ve TSSBBÖ-KD puan ortalaması, AMÖ ortanca puan değerinin anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği (p<.01), TSSBBÖ-KD ile DSBSÖ ve AMÖ arasında negatif yönlü ilişki saptanmıştır (p<.01). Ayrıca AMÖ’nin mücadeleyi bırakma alt boyutu TSSBB’yi en fazla pozitif yordayan faktördür. Bu bağlamda üniversite öğrencilerinde deprem stresi ile baş etme stratejilerinin ve amaçlar için mücadele kapasitesinin geliştirilmesine gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bunun için üniversiteler ve ruh sağlığı profesyonelleri öğrencilerin yaşamlarında amaçlar edinmeleri ve deprem stresi baş etme stratejileri geliştirmeleri için programlar ve uygulamalar geliştirmelidirler.

Project Number

Not a Project


  • Adhikari, B. I. & Bhagawati, K.C. (2019). Post traumatic stress disorder and coping strategies among adult survivors of earthquake, Nepal. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 118 doi:10.1186/s12888-019-2090-y
  • AFAD. (2023). 6 Şubat 2023 Mw7.7 Pazarcık- Mw7.6 Elbistan Kahramanmaraş Deprem Bilgi Destek Sistemi (DeBiDeS).
  • Ahmed SK, Chandran D, Hussein S, Sv P, Chakraborty S, Islam MR, Dhama K. (2023). Environmental Health Risks After the 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake and Salient Mitigating Strategies: A Critical Appraisal. Environmental Health Insights, 26(17), 1-17. doi: 10.1177/11786302231200865. PMID: 37771788; PMCID: PMC10524068.
  • Akın Arıkan, Ç., Demirtaş Zorbaz, S., & Koç, M. (2019). University Students’ Life Goals. Journal of Higher Education and Science, 9 (2), 236-242.
  • Ali, M., Farooq, N., Bhatti, M. A., & Kuroiwa, C. (2012). Assessment of prevalence and determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of earthquake in Pakistan using Davidson Trauma Scale. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(3), 238–243. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2011.12.023
  • Alipour, F. & Ahmadi, S. (2020). Social support and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in earthquake survivors: a systematic review, Social Work in Mental Health, 18(5), 501-514. DOI: 10.1080/15332985.2020.1795045
  • Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği (APA). (2013). Ruhsal Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal Elkitabı, Beşinci Baskı (DSM-5). Tanı Ölçütleri Başvuru Elkitabı. Çeviri editörü: Köroğlu E. Ankara, Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
  • Aydın, A., Barut, Y., Kalafat, T., Boysan, M. & Beşiroğlu, L. (2012). Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu Belirtileri Ölçeği-Kendini Değerlendirme (TSSBÖ-KD) Türkçe formunun psikometrik özellikleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 13,125-130.
  • Bolin, R. & Stanford, L. (1998). The Northridge earthquake: Vulnerability and disaster. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Brough, P., O’Driscoll, M. & Kalliath, T. (2005). Evaluating the criterion validity of the cybernetic coping scale: Cross-lagged predictions of psychological strain, job and family satisfaction. Work and Stress, 19(3), 276–292. doi:10.1080/02678370500287507
  • Brunstein J.C., Schultheiss O.C., Grässmann R. (1998). Personal goals and emotional well-being: the moderating role of motive dispositions. J Pers Soc Psychol, 75(2):494-508. doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.75.2.494. PMID: 9731321.
  • Brunstein, J. C., Schultheiss, O. C., & Maier, G. W. (1999). The pursuit of personal goals. A motivational approach to wellbeing and life-adjustment. In J. Brandtsta¨dter, & M. Lerner (Eds.), Action and self-development. Theory and research through the life span (pp. 169-196). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Cerdá, M., Paczkowski, M., Galea, S., Nemethy, K., Péan, C. & Desvarieux, M. (2013). Psychopathology in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake: a population-based study of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression. Depress Anxiety, 30(5):413-24. doi: 10.1002/da.22007
  • Cohen G.H., Tamrakar S., Lowe S., Sampson L., Ettman C., Kilpatrick D., Linas B.P., Ruggiero K. & Galea S. (2019). Improved social services and the burden of post-traumatic stress disorder among economically vulnerable people after a natural disaster: a modelling study. Lancet Planet Health, 3(2):e93-e101. DOI:
  • Cohen, J. (1992a). Statistical Power Analysis. Current Psychological Science, 1(3), 98-101.
  • Cohen, J. (1992b). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155- 159.
  • Cooper, J., Metcalf, O. & Phelps A. (2014) PTSD--an update for general practitioners. Aust Fam Physician, 43(11):754-7. PMID: 25393459.
  • Dai, W., Chen, L., Lai, Z., Li, Y., Wang, J., & Liu, A. (2016). The incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors after earthquakes:a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 16(1). doi:10.1186/s12888-016-0891-9
  • Disabato, D. J., Goodman, F. R. & Kashdan, T.B. (2018). Is grit relevant to well-being and strengths? Evidence across the globe for separating perseverance of effort and consistency of interests. Journal of Personality, 87, 194–211. doi:10.1111/jopy.12382
  • Ehrenreich J. H. (2001). Coping with disasters. A guide book to psychosocial intervention. New York: Centre for psychology and society. Available Online: (accessed on:1 January 2024)
  • Elliott, E.S. & Dweck, C.S. (1988). Goals: An approach to motivation and achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54(1), 5–12. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.54.1.5
  • Emmons, R.A. (1999). The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality. New York, Guilford, 123-145.
  • Eryılmaz, A. (2015). Amaçlar için Mücadele Ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(4), 233-244.
  • Farooqui, M., Quadri, S. A., Suriya, S. S., Khan, M. A., Ovais, M., Sohail, Z. & Hassan, M. (2017). Posttraumatic stress disorder: a serious post-earthquake complication. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 39(2), 135–143. doi:10.1590/2237-6089-2016-0029
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Learning, Motivation and Emotion
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşin Çetinkaya Büyükbodur 0000-0002-8042-4174

Ayşegül Kılıçlı 0000-0003-1105-9991

Murat Genç 0000-0002-8486-2905

Ümmet Erkan 0000-0002-7806-4886

Project Number Not a Project
Early Pub Date October 12, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date August 7, 2024
Acceptance Date September 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 21 Issue: 5


APA Çetinkaya Büyükbodur, A., Kılıçlı, A., Genç, M., Erkan, Ü. (2024). Capacity to Striving for Goals and Coping with Earthquake Stress in University Students After the Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes. OPUS Journal of Society Research, 21(5), 300-315.