Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the attitudes of healthcare workers against seasonal influenza vaccine and the reasons for vaccine avoidance. Materials and Methods: This national survey was conducted from April 1st to June 30th in 2017. The study was carried out among health care workers working in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. A total of 12 questions were sent to 5046 health care professionals from 55 different cities who agreed to participate in the survey. Results: 7% of the participants stated that they get vaccinated regularly every year. 65.8% of the participants stated that they don’t get vaccinated at all. The most important reason for those who did not receive influenza vaccination was their disbelief in the necessity of the vaccination (51.9%). The most common reason for the seasonal influenza vaccination was the prevention of influenza infection (56.7%). Conclusion: The results of the study showed that HCWs influenza vaccination rates are very low. Doctors have been found to have slightly better rates than other HCWs. The high level of education and the increase in professional experience had a positive effect on the vaccination rate. It is important to know the HCWs attitudes and behaviors towards the vaccination to increase the rates.
Dini G, Toletone A, Sticchi L, et al. Influenza vaccination in healthcare workers: A comprehensive critical appraisal of the literature. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 Mar 4;14(3):772-789.
Schmid P, Rauber D, Betsch C, et al. Barriers of Influenza Vaccination Intention and Behavior - A Systematic Review of Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy, 2005 – 2016. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 26;12(1):e0170550.
Seasonal Influenza (Flu): Influenza Vaccination Information for Health Care Workers [İnternet]. Atlanta, GA ABD: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:
Dellafiore S, Contarini M, Blasi F, et al. Knowledge and attitudes on influenza vaccination among Italian physicians specialized in respiratory infections: an Italian Respiratory Society (SIP/IRS) web-based survey. J Prev Med Hyg. 2018 Jun 1;59(2):E128-E131.
Ozisik L, Tanriover MD, Altınel S, et al. Vaccinating healthcare workers: Level of implementation, barriers and proposal for evidence-based policies in Turkey. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2017 May 4;13(5):1198-1206.
Çiftci F, Şen E, Demir N, et al. Beliefs, attitudes, and activities of healthcare personnel about influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 Jan 2;14(1):111-117.
Akan H, Yavuz E, Yayla ME, et al. Factors affecting uptake of influenza vaccination among family physicians. Vaccine. 2016 Mar 29;34(14):1712–8.
Asma S, Akan H, Uysal Y, et al. Factors effecting influenza vaccination uptake among health care workers: A multi-center cross-sectional study. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 May 4;16:192.
Edmond MB. Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Healthcare Workers: Not Worthwhile. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 17;6(4):ofy214.
Perl TM, Talbot TR. Universal Influenza Vaccination Among Healthcare Personnel: Yes We Should. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 17;6(4):ofz096.
Genovese C, Picerno IAM, Trimarchi G, et al. Vaccination coverage in healthcare workers: a multicenter cross-sectional study in Italy. J Prev Med Hyg. 2019 Mar 29;60(1):E12-E17.
Chiu S, Black CL, Yue X, et al. Working with influenza-like illness: presenteeism among US health care personnel during the 2014-2015 influenza season. Am J Infect Control2017; 45:1254–8.
Ahmed F, Lindley MC, Allred N, et al. Effect of influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel on morbidity and mortality among patients: systematic review and grading of evidence. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jan;58(1):50-7.
Ryser AJ, Heininger U. Comparative acceptance of pertussis and influenza immunization among health-care personnel. Vaccine. 2015;33:5350–6.
Petek D, Kamnik-Jug K. Motivators and barriers to vaccination of health professionals against seasonal influenza in primary healthcare. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Nov 14;18(1):853.
Bonaccorsi G, Santomauro F, Porchia BR, et al. Beliefs and Opinions of Health Care Workers and Students Regarding Influenza and Influenza Vaccination in Tuscany, Central Italy. Vaccines (Basel). 2015 Feb 26;3(1):137-47.
Esposito S, Bosis S, Pelucchi C, et al. Influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in a multidisciplinary University hospital in Italy. BMC Public Health. 2008 Dec 23;8:422.
Gramegna bir, Dellafiore S, Contarini M, et al. Knowledge and attitudes on influenza vaccination among Italian physicians specialized in respiratory infections: an Italian Respiratory Society (SIP/IRS) web-based survey. J Prev Med Hyg. 2018 Jun 1;59(2):E128-E131.
Wicker S, Rabenau HF, von Gierke L, et al. Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines: important occupational vaccines differently perceived among medical students. Vaccine. 2013 Oct 17;31(44):5111-7.
Wong NS, Lee S, Lee SS. Differing pattern of influenza vaccination uptake in nurses between clinical and long term care facilities setting, 2014-2018. Int J Infect Dis. 2018 Oct;75:8-10.
Učakar V, Kraigher A. Acceptance of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Among Slovenian Physicians, 2016. Zdr Varst. 2019 Jan 21;58(1):47-53.
Mevsimsel grip aşısı kapsama oranları: sağlık çalışanları arasında çok merkezli kesitsel bir çalışma
Year 2020,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 113 - 119, 01.03.2020
Amaç: İnfluenza tüm dünyada önemli ölçüde morbidite, mortalite ve maliyet yükünden sorumludur. Sağlık çalışanları (HCP) mesleksel bulaş açısından risk altındadırlar. Bu çalışmada sağlık çalışanlarının mevsimsel influenza aşısına karşı tutumlarının ve aşıdan kaçınma nedenlerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çok merkezli ulusal anket çalışması 1 Nisan-30 Haziran 2017 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi. Ankete katılmayı kabul eden 55 şehirden toplam 5046 HCP uzaktan katılım yoluyla cevaplamaları için toplam 12 sorudan oluşan bir anket gönderildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılanların %7’si her yıl düzenli olarak aşı yaptırdığını belirtti. Hiç yaptırmıyorum diyenlerin oranı %65,8 idi. İnfluenza aşışını yaptırmayanların en önemli nedeni grip aşısının gerekliliğine inanmama idi (%51,9). Mevsimsel grip aşısı yaptıranların en önemli gerekçesi grip infeksiyonundan korunma (%56,7) idi. Sonuç: Sonuçlarımız, tüm HCP influenza aşılama oranlarının çok düşük olduğunu göstermiştir. Doktorların diğer HCP’lerden biraz daha iyi oranlara sahip olduğunu görülmüştür. Eğitim düzeyinin yüksek olması ve mesleki tecrübenin artması aşılama oranını olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Sağlık çalışanlarının aşılanma oranlarının artırılabilmesi için öncelikle aşı konusundaki tutum ve davranışlarının bilinmesi gerekir.
Dini G, Toletone A, Sticchi L, et al. Influenza vaccination in healthcare workers: A comprehensive critical appraisal of the literature. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 Mar 4;14(3):772-789.
Schmid P, Rauber D, Betsch C, et al. Barriers of Influenza Vaccination Intention and Behavior - A Systematic Review of Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy, 2005 – 2016. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 26;12(1):e0170550.
Seasonal Influenza (Flu): Influenza Vaccination Information for Health Care Workers [İnternet]. Atlanta, GA ABD: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:
Dellafiore S, Contarini M, Blasi F, et al. Knowledge and attitudes on influenza vaccination among Italian physicians specialized in respiratory infections: an Italian Respiratory Society (SIP/IRS) web-based survey. J Prev Med Hyg. 2018 Jun 1;59(2):E128-E131.
Ozisik L, Tanriover MD, Altınel S, et al. Vaccinating healthcare workers: Level of implementation, barriers and proposal for evidence-based policies in Turkey. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2017 May 4;13(5):1198-1206.
Çiftci F, Şen E, Demir N, et al. Beliefs, attitudes, and activities of healthcare personnel about influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 Jan 2;14(1):111-117.
Akan H, Yavuz E, Yayla ME, et al. Factors affecting uptake of influenza vaccination among family physicians. Vaccine. 2016 Mar 29;34(14):1712–8.
Asma S, Akan H, Uysal Y, et al. Factors effecting influenza vaccination uptake among health care workers: A multi-center cross-sectional study. BMC Infect Dis. 2016 May 4;16:192.
Edmond MB. Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Healthcare Workers: Not Worthwhile. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 17;6(4):ofy214.
Perl TM, Talbot TR. Universal Influenza Vaccination Among Healthcare Personnel: Yes We Should. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 17;6(4):ofz096.
Genovese C, Picerno IAM, Trimarchi G, et al. Vaccination coverage in healthcare workers: a multicenter cross-sectional study in Italy. J Prev Med Hyg. 2019 Mar 29;60(1):E12-E17.
Chiu S, Black CL, Yue X, et al. Working with influenza-like illness: presenteeism among US health care personnel during the 2014-2015 influenza season. Am J Infect Control2017; 45:1254–8.
Ahmed F, Lindley MC, Allred N, et al. Effect of influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel on morbidity and mortality among patients: systematic review and grading of evidence. Clin Infect Dis. 2014 Jan;58(1):50-7.
Ryser AJ, Heininger U. Comparative acceptance of pertussis and influenza immunization among health-care personnel. Vaccine. 2015;33:5350–6.
Petek D, Kamnik-Jug K. Motivators and barriers to vaccination of health professionals against seasonal influenza in primary healthcare. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Nov 14;18(1):853.
Bonaccorsi G, Santomauro F, Porchia BR, et al. Beliefs and Opinions of Health Care Workers and Students Regarding Influenza and Influenza Vaccination in Tuscany, Central Italy. Vaccines (Basel). 2015 Feb 26;3(1):137-47.
Esposito S, Bosis S, Pelucchi C, et al. Influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in a multidisciplinary University hospital in Italy. BMC Public Health. 2008 Dec 23;8:422.
Gramegna bir, Dellafiore S, Contarini M, et al. Knowledge and attitudes on influenza vaccination among Italian physicians specialized in respiratory infections: an Italian Respiratory Society (SIP/IRS) web-based survey. J Prev Med Hyg. 2018 Jun 1;59(2):E128-E131.
Wicker S, Rabenau HF, von Gierke L, et al. Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines: important occupational vaccines differently perceived among medical students. Vaccine. 2013 Oct 17;31(44):5111-7.
Wong NS, Lee S, Lee SS. Differing pattern of influenza vaccination uptake in nurses between clinical and long term care facilities setting, 2014-2018. Int J Infect Dis. 2018 Oct;75:8-10.
Učakar V, Kraigher A. Acceptance of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Among Slovenian Physicians, 2016. Zdr Varst. 2019 Jan 21;58(1):47-53.
Selma Tosun
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey0000-0001-9844-9399Türkiye
İlknur Esen Yıldız
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Rize University School of Medicine, Rize, Turkey0000-0003-2987-0483Türkiye
Duru Mıstanoglu Ozatay
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Dumlupınar University School of Medicine, Kutahya, Turkey0000-0002-0005-192XTürkiye
Duygu Mert
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0002-6810-2199Türkiye
Kenan Ugurlu
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Aralik State Hospital, Gaziantep, Turkey0000-0002-1008-9681Türkiye
İbrahim Mungan
Department of Intensive Care Unit, Advanced Speciality Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0003-0002-3643Türkiye
Mustafa Doğan
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Corlu State Hospital, Tekirdag, Turkey0000-0002-3341-925XTürkiye
Merve Sefa Sayar
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Van Training and Research Hospital, Van, Turkey0000-0002-0436-4122Türkiye
Suna Seçil Öztürk Deniz
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-8072-6543Türkiye
Zehra Karacaer
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0002-2658-4679Türkiye
Fernaz Yıldız
This is me
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-8113-7038Türkiye
Gul Durmus
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey0000-0002-3021-8831Türkiye
Fatma Unlu
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Van Training and Research Hospital, Van, Turkey0000-0003-1822-9965Türkiye
Yesim Uygun Kızmaz
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Kartal Kosuyolu Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-8208-8485Türkiye
Sirin Menekse
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Kartal Kosuyolu Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0003-3908-0135Türkiye
Nefise Öztoprak
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Clinic, Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Antalya, Turkey0000-0003-3520-6132Türkiye
Zehra Çağla Karakoç
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Istinye University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-1618-740XTürkiye
Nuran Sarı
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Sincan State Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0002-3165-4520Türkiye
Cumhur Artuk
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0003-0827-990XTürkiye
Emre Güven
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Murat Erdi Eker State Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0001-8398-994XTürkiye
Yasemin Balkan
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Gaziantep University School of Medicine, Gaziantep, Turkey0000-0002-2815-0698Türkiye
Abdulkadir Daldal
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Aralik State Hospital, Gaziantep, Turkey0000-0002-5582-8214Türkiye
Ozlem Mete
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Gaziantep University School of Medicine, Gaziantep, Turkey0000-0003-0994-4465Türkiye
Tansu Yamazhan
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey0000-0001-5950-0702Türkiye
Deniz Akyol
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey0000-0001-8856-0018Türkiye
Pinar Ergen
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-9505-5607Türkiye
Ozlem Senaydın
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0001-6395-4141Türkiye
Selda Sayın
This is me
Department of Research and Development Center, Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey0000-0002-6443-3628Türkiye
Rıza Aytac Cetinkaya
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Sultan Abdülhamid Han Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-5676-9527Türkiye
Ercan Yenilmez
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Sultan Abdülhamid Han Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-1145-8856Türkiye
Nurgul Ceran
This is me
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-6886-8266Türkiye
Serpil Erol
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0001-5655-3665Türkiye
Sinan Ozturk
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital Istanbul, Turkey0000-0003-4231-3753Türkiye
Ayten Kadanalı
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-3176-2126Türkiye
Osman Ekinci
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-7891-1774Türkiye
Ozgur Dagli
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey0000-0002-6978-8671Türkiye
Hulya Ozkan Ozdemir
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Izmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, TurkeyTürkiye
Ayse Batırel
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Kartal Lutfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey0000-0002-6005-636XTürkiye
Ergenekon Karagoz
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Van Training and Research Hospital, Van, Turkey0000-0002-5473-3897Türkiye
Uğur Kostakoğlu
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Rize University School of Medicine, Rize, Turkey0000-0002-4589-0962Türkiye
Fazılet Duygu
This is me
Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey0000-0002-0383-2887Türkiye
Tumturk A, Tosun S, Yıldız İE, Alay H, Mıstanoglu Ozatay D, Mert D, Ugurlu K, Mungan İ, Doğan M, Ergüt Sezer B, Sayar MS, Öztürk Deniz SS, Karacaer Z, Uguz M, Yıldız F, Durmus G, Unlu F, Uygun Kızmaz Y, Menekse S, Öztoprak N, Karakoç ZÇ, Sarı N, Öğütmen M, Artuk C, Güven E, Balkan Y, Daldal A, Mete O, Işıkgöz Taşbakan M, Yamazhan T, Akyol D, Ergen P, Senaydın O, Sayın S, Aytac Cetinkaya R, Yenilmez E, Ceran N, Erol S, Ozturk S, Kadanalı A, Altunçekiç Yıldırım A, Ekinci O, Dagli O, Ozkan Ozdemir H, Batırel A, Karagoz E, Kostakoğlu U, Duygu F. Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage: a multicenter cross-sectional study among healthcare workers. otd. 2020;12(1):113-9.