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تقييم الحزب القومي التركي وبرنامجه: مساهمة في أبحاث تاريخ الديمقراطية التركية

Year 2021, , 233 - 254, 30.04.2021


تأسس الحزب القومي التركي في إسطنبول في 9 ديسمبر/ كانون الأول 1919. هذا الحزب يهدف إلى مواصلة سياسات الحزب القومي الدستوري والحركة التركية داخل بيئة احتلالية وتركيبة غير متجانسة في عهد الهدنة. تأسس الحزب قبل انتخابات عام 1919. وشارك الحزب في الفعاليات قبل الانتخابات ثم شارك في الانتخابات، وبذلك بدأ بإسماع صوته ولو قليلا. كان هناك في الحزب القومي اختلافات في الرأي مع الأحزاب الأخرى. وفي الانتخابات التي دخلها بقائمة مستقلة تم انتخاب عبد الحق عدنان (أديوار) وحمد الله صبحي (طانروفر) ومحمد أمين (أريشيرغيل) وأحمد فريد (تك) أعضاء في البرلمان. في الحقيقة، إن فوز حزب أنشئ حديثا ويتبنى القومية التركية كأيديولوجية رسمية بمقعد برلماني في عهد الهدنة بإسطنبول، يعد بمثابة إحدى البيانات المهمة لفهم سياسي أكثر وضوحا للعاصمة التي تتمتع بتعددية غير متجانسة. الحزب القومي التركي لم يستطع فتح فرع في أي مكان آخر غير إسطنبول. حاول أن يعرّف بنفسه للناس من خلال صحيفة إفهام. أرسل الحزب أحمد حكمت وحمد الله صبحي إلى المؤتمر الوطني كأعضاء. ونظرا لأنه لم يتخذ موقفا متشددا ضد حركة الأناضول، فقد شهد صراعات مع المنظمات السياسية الأخرى. الحزب تعرض لانتقادات شديدة من قبل دوائر حزب الحرية والائتلاف لدعمه حركة الدفاع عن الحقوق بقيادة مصطفى كمال باشا وتأييده إنشاء مركز مقاومة في الأناضول. وبعد مداهمة مجلس المبعوثان وحله، أصبح الحزب في حالة لا تسمح له بالعمل في إسطنبول. وعلى إثر ذلك، توجه بعض مؤسسي وأعضاء الحزب أحمد فريد ود. عدنان أديوار وحمد الله صبحي إلى أنقرة وانضموا إلى مجلس الأمة التركي الكبير. وبذلك انتهت الحياة السياسية للحزب القومي التركي.


  • İfham Newspaper, “A Notable Report of Mustafa Kemal Pasha”, Number:74, October 19, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party Declaration”, Number: 81, October 22, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “Political Economy of the National Turkish Party-Interview with Zühtü Bey, one of the Party Founders and an Economist”, Number: 84, October 25, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party and Small Business Owner”, Number: 90, October 31, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The Program of the National Turkish Party”, Number:130, December 10, 1919.
  • Atabay, Mithat, Turkish Democracy History, Edirne: Paradigma Academy Publications, 2015.
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Ankara: Atatürk Research Center Publishing, 2003.
  • Çavdar, Tevfik, Turkey’s History of Democracy (1839-1950), Ankara:İmge Publishing, 2013.
  • Demirel, Ahmet, Elections in the First Struggle of the National Assembly Period, İstanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2017.
  • Güner, Zekai, Orhan Kabataş, National Struggle Period Statements and Press, Ankara: Atatürk Cultural Center Publishing, 1990.
  • Hacıfettahoğlu, Murat, Political Regime and Constitutional Order of First Grand National Assembly of Turkey Period, Ankara: Adalet Publishing, 2016.
  • Karpat, Kemal H., History of Turkish Democracy, İstanbul: Timaş Publishing, 2015.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Second Constitutional Era, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1988.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Armistice Era 1918-1922, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1986.
  • Ünal, Yenal, Ahmet Ferit Tek, İstanbul: Bilgeoğuz Publishing, 2009.
  • Yalçın, E. Semih, History of the Republic of Turkey-I Resources, Ankara: Siyasal Bookstore, 2004.
  • Baykal, Tan, et al, “Reflections of the 1919 Elections in the Turkish Press”, Social Sciences Research Journal 7, no 2, (June 2018): 214-229.
  • Sarı, Muhammed, “First Nationalist Party of the Second Constitutional Monarchy: The National Constitutional Monarchy Party”, Presented in International Congress on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2018, 358-368.
  • Türe, Fatih, “Freedom and Accord Party”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 57-79.
  • Uzun, Turgay, “Political Parties and Turkey”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 7-30.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The View and the Attitude of Allies High Commissioners Toward İstanbul During the Declaration of National Pact”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 1, no 1, (Summer 2017): 281-304.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The Policies of the Damat Ferit Government After the Occupation of Izmir and the Ongoing Discussions at the Sultanate Council”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 3, no 7, (Summer 2020): 57-94.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, The Voice of “The National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Pursuit of History Periodical, no 7, (April 2012): 1-26.
  • Doğruer, Meral, “İfham Newspaper, a Media Organ of Armistice Period Publications”, Master’s Thesis, Niğde University, 2010.
  • Dumlu, Merve, “İfham Newspaper from The National Constitutional Monarchy Party to The National Turkish Party”, Master’ Thesis, Ataturk University, 2019.
  • Karakoç, Sedat, “İfham Newspaper and Literary Addition Analysis and Selected Texts”, Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University, 1995.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, “The Voice of the National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Master’s Thesis, Selcuk University, 2010.
  • Devellioğlu, Ferit, Ottoman-Turkish Encyclopedic Dictionary, Ankara: Aydın Bookstore Publishing, 2001.
  • Encyclopedia of Turkish Language and Literature, “İfham”, İstanbul: Dergah Publishing, 1981.

Türk Demokrasi Tarihi Araştırmalarına Bir Katkı: Milli Türk Fırkası ve Parti Programının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 233 - 254, 30.04.2021


Millî Türk Fırkası, 9 Aralık 1919 tarihinde, İstanbul’da kuruldu. Bir bakıma Millî Meşrutiyet Fırkası’nın politikalarını ve Türkçülük akımını, mütarekenin işgalci ve kozmopolit iklimi içinde sürdürmek amacında olan fırka, 1919 seçiminden önce kurulmuştur. Fırka seçim öncesi çalışmalarına ve seçimlere katılmış, adından az da olsa söz ettirmiştir. Millî Kongre’de diğer fırkalarla fikir ayrılıkları yaşamıştır. Bağımsız bir listeyle girdiği seçimlerde, gösterdiği adaylardan Abdülhak Adnan (Adıvar), Hamdullah Suphi (Tanrıöver), Mehmet Emin (Erişirgil) ve Ahmet Ferit (Tek) mebus seçilmiştir. Yeni kurulmuş ve Türk milliyetçiliğini resmî ideoloji olarak benimsemiş bir fırkanın, mütareke İstanbul’unda bir mebus çıkarabilmesi, kozmopolit bir çoğulculuğa sahip olan başkentin siyasi yönden daha sıhhatli anlaşılabilmesi için önemli bir veridir. Millî Türk Fırkası, İstanbul dışında, hiçbir yerde şube açamamıştır. Kendisini, İfham gazetesi vasıtasıyla kitlelere anlatmaya çalışmıştır. Fırka, Millî Kongre’ye, Ahmet Hikmet’i ve Hamdullah Suphi’yi delege olarak göndermiştir. Anadolu hareketine karşı sert bir tutum takınmadığı için diğer siyasi kuruluşlarla çatışma yaşamıştır. Fırka, Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın önderliğindeki Müdafaa-i Hukuk hareketini ve direnme merkezinin Anadolu’da kurulmasını desteklediği için özellikle Hürriyet ve İtilaf Fırkası çevrelerince ağır bir şekilde eleştirilmiştir. Meclis-i Mebusan’ın basılmasından ve feshedilmesinden sonra, fırka İstanbul’da çalışamaz duruma gelmiştir. Kurucu ve yöneticilerinden Ahmet Ferit, Dr. Adnan Adıvar ve Hamdullah Suphi Ankara’ya geçerek Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne katılmışlardır. Böylece Millî Türk Fırkası’nın siyasi ömrü sona ermiştir.


  • İfham Newspaper, “A Notable Report of Mustafa Kemal Pasha”, Number:74, October 19, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party Declaration”, Number: 81, October 22, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “Political Economy of the National Turkish Party-Interview with Zühtü Bey, one of the Party Founders and an Economist”, Number: 84, October 25, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party and Small Business Owner”, Number: 90, October 31, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The Program of the National Turkish Party”, Number:130, December 10, 1919.
  • Atabay, Mithat, Turkish Democracy History, Edirne: Paradigma Academy Publications, 2015.
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Ankara: Atatürk Research Center Publishing, 2003.
  • Çavdar, Tevfik, Turkey’s History of Democracy (1839-1950), Ankara:İmge Publishing, 2013.
  • Demirel, Ahmet, Elections in the First Struggle of the National Assembly Period, İstanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2017.
  • Güner, Zekai, Orhan Kabataş, National Struggle Period Statements and Press, Ankara: Atatürk Cultural Center Publishing, 1990.
  • Hacıfettahoğlu, Murat, Political Regime and Constitutional Order of First Grand National Assembly of Turkey Period, Ankara: Adalet Publishing, 2016.
  • Karpat, Kemal H., History of Turkish Democracy, İstanbul: Timaş Publishing, 2015.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Second Constitutional Era, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1988.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Armistice Era 1918-1922, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1986.
  • Ünal, Yenal, Ahmet Ferit Tek, İstanbul: Bilgeoğuz Publishing, 2009.
  • Yalçın, E. Semih, History of the Republic of Turkey-I Resources, Ankara: Siyasal Bookstore, 2004.
  • Baykal, Tan, et al, “Reflections of the 1919 Elections in the Turkish Press”, Social Sciences Research Journal 7, no 2, (June 2018): 214-229.
  • Sarı, Muhammed, “First Nationalist Party of the Second Constitutional Monarchy: The National Constitutional Monarchy Party”, Presented in International Congress on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2018, 358-368.
  • Türe, Fatih, “Freedom and Accord Party”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 57-79.
  • Uzun, Turgay, “Political Parties and Turkey”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 7-30.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The View and the Attitude of Allies High Commissioners Toward İstanbul During the Declaration of National Pact”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 1, no 1, (Summer 2017): 281-304.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The Policies of the Damat Ferit Government After the Occupation of Izmir and the Ongoing Discussions at the Sultanate Council”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 3, no 7, (Summer 2020): 57-94.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, The Voice of “The National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Pursuit of History Periodical, no 7, (April 2012): 1-26.
  • Doğruer, Meral, “İfham Newspaper, a Media Organ of Armistice Period Publications”, Master’s Thesis, Niğde University, 2010.
  • Dumlu, Merve, “İfham Newspaper from The National Constitutional Monarchy Party to The National Turkish Party”, Master’ Thesis, Ataturk University, 2019.
  • Karakoç, Sedat, “İfham Newspaper and Literary Addition Analysis and Selected Texts”, Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University, 1995.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, “The Voice of the National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Master’s Thesis, Selcuk University, 2010.
  • Devellioğlu, Ferit, Ottoman-Turkish Encyclopedic Dictionary, Ankara: Aydın Bookstore Publishing, 2001.
  • Encyclopedia of Turkish Language and Literature, “İfham”, İstanbul: Dergah Publishing, 1981.

A Contribution of Democracy Research to Turkish History: Evaluation of The National Turkish Party and Its Program

Year 2021, , 233 - 254, 30.04.2021


The National Turkish Party was founded on December 9th, 1919 in Istanbul. The National Turkish Party was founded prior to the 1919 election. In a sense; it aimed at maintaining policies of the National Constitutional Monarchy Party and the movement of Turkism in the period of the armistice and of an occupation and cosmopolitan climate. The party participated in the pre-election work and elections and made some name for itself. The party dissented in opinion from other parties at the National Congress. Abdulhak Adnan (Adıvar), Hamdullah Suphi (Tanrıöver), Mehmet Emin (Erişirgil) and Ahmet Ferit (Tek), party’s nominees, got into parliament in the elections in which the party participated with an independent list. In order
to better understand the cosmopolitan pluralistic capital in a political way, we can consider that a newly established party, which formally adopted “Turkish Nationalism”, was able to win a parliamentary seat in armistice Istanbul. The National Turkish Party was not able to open any branch office except in Istanbul. They tried to explain themselves to the masses through the newspaper İfham. The party sent Ahmet Hikmet and Hamdullah Suphi as delegates to the National Congress. They were in conflict with other political organizations because of not taking a harsh attitude towards the Anatolian movement. The Party was strongly criticized especially by the Freedom and Accord Party circles for supporting the movement of the Union for the Defense of Law as well as centralizing the resistance point in Anatolia under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. After the invasion and abolition of the Ottoman Parliament, the party became unable to work in Istanbul. Ahmet Ferit, Dr. Adnan Adıvar, and Hamdullah Suphi, the founders and directors of the party, moved to Ankara and participated
in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Thus, the political life of the National Turkish Party ended.


  • İfham Newspaper, “A Notable Report of Mustafa Kemal Pasha”, Number:74, October 19, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party Declaration”, Number: 81, October 22, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “Political Economy of the National Turkish Party-Interview with Zühtü Bey, one of the Party Founders and an Economist”, Number: 84, October 25, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The National Turkish Party and Small Business Owner”, Number: 90, October 31, 1919.
  • İfham Newspaper, “The Program of the National Turkish Party”, Number:130, December 10, 1919.
  • Atabay, Mithat, Turkish Democracy History, Edirne: Paradigma Academy Publications, 2015.
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Ankara: Atatürk Research Center Publishing, 2003.
  • Çavdar, Tevfik, Turkey’s History of Democracy (1839-1950), Ankara:İmge Publishing, 2013.
  • Demirel, Ahmet, Elections in the First Struggle of the National Assembly Period, İstanbul: İletişim Publishing, 2017.
  • Güner, Zekai, Orhan Kabataş, National Struggle Period Statements and Press, Ankara: Atatürk Cultural Center Publishing, 1990.
  • Hacıfettahoğlu, Murat, Political Regime and Constitutional Order of First Grand National Assembly of Turkey Period, Ankara: Adalet Publishing, 2016.
  • Karpat, Kemal H., History of Turkish Democracy, İstanbul: Timaş Publishing, 2015.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Second Constitutional Era, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1988.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Political Parties in Turkey Armistice Era 1918-1922, İstanbul: Hürriyet Foundation Publishing, 1986.
  • Ünal, Yenal, Ahmet Ferit Tek, İstanbul: Bilgeoğuz Publishing, 2009.
  • Yalçın, E. Semih, History of the Republic of Turkey-I Resources, Ankara: Siyasal Bookstore, 2004.
  • Baykal, Tan, et al, “Reflections of the 1919 Elections in the Turkish Press”, Social Sciences Research Journal 7, no 2, (June 2018): 214-229.
  • Sarı, Muhammed, “First Nationalist Party of the Second Constitutional Monarchy: The National Constitutional Monarchy Party”, Presented in International Congress on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, 2018, 358-368.
  • Türe, Fatih, “Freedom and Accord Party”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 57-79.
  • Uzun, Turgay, “Political Parties and Turkey”, Political Parties from Union and Progress Party to the Present, edited by Turgay Uzun, Ankara: Orion Bookstore, 2010, 7-30.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The View and the Attitude of Allies High Commissioners Toward İstanbul During the Declaration of National Pact”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 1, no 1, (Summer 2017): 281-304.
  • Yavuz, Resul, “The Policies of the Damat Ferit Government After the Occupation of Izmir and the Ongoing Discussions at the Sultanate Council”, Tarih ve Günce Journal, 3, no 7, (Summer 2020): 57-94.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, The Voice of “The National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Pursuit of History Periodical, no 7, (April 2012): 1-26.
  • Doğruer, Meral, “İfham Newspaper, a Media Organ of Armistice Period Publications”, Master’s Thesis, Niğde University, 2010.
  • Dumlu, Merve, “İfham Newspaper from The National Constitutional Monarchy Party to The National Turkish Party”, Master’ Thesis, Ataturk University, 2019.
  • Karakoç, Sedat, “İfham Newspaper and Literary Addition Analysis and Selected Texts”, Master’s Thesis, Hacettepe University, 1995.
  • Yetkin, Bilgen, “The Voice of the National Turkish Party, The View of İfham Newspaper to the Armistice Period (1919-1920)”, Master’s Thesis, Selcuk University, 2010.
  • Devellioğlu, Ferit, Ottoman-Turkish Encyclopedic Dictionary, Ankara: Aydın Bookstore Publishing, 2001.
  • Encyclopedia of Turkish Language and Literature, “İfham”, İstanbul: Dergah Publishing, 1981.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Yenal Ünal 0000-0002-4043-8424

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Chicago Ünal, Yenal. “A Contribution of Democracy Research to Turkish History: Evaluation of The National Turkish Party and Its Program”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 13, no. 2 (April 2021): 233-54.

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