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2011’den Günümüze Libya’ya Yönelik Uluslararası Müdahale ve Siyasi Etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 234 - 261, 30.12.2019


Bu çalışma, 2011'den beri Libya'daki uluslararası müdahalelerin evrimini, müdahale kavramına daha geniş bir disiplinlerarası anlamda yorum yapan üç ana pivot aracılığıyla tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Aynı bağlamda, çalışma “Korunmaya Karşı Sorumluluk” doktrini ve bu doktrini uluslararası müdahale için bir araç olarak kullanmaya ışık tutmaktadır.


  • Council of the League at ministerial level, developments in Libya, 9/3/2015.
  • Committee of Experts (Security Council), report on Application of Arms Embargo, New York: 1 June 2017.
  • Council of the League at the summit level, serious developments in Libya: approval to Security Council resolution 2214, Cairo: 29/3/2013.
  • Final communiqué of the meeting of Neighboring Countries of Libya, Cairo: 25 August 2014.
  • Statement by League of Arab States Council at a meeting on the level of permanent representatives on Serious developments in Libya, Statement 136 (22/02/2011).
  • League of Arab States Council on the Ministerial Level, Serious Developments in Libya, no 7298 / 135, 2/3/2011.
  • Ministerial Meeting on Libya: Joint Statement, Rome: 13/12/2015.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level, at its extraordinary session, the repercussions of the current events in Libya and the Arab position towards it, Cairo: The General Secretariat in Cairo, 12/3/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level at its extraordinary session, the suspension of the broadcast of Al-Jamahiriya satellite channel on the frequencies of Arabsat, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/5/2011.
  • Council of the League of Arab States held at an extraordinary session at the ministerial level, the situation in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat General, Statement No. 158: 24/11/2011.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 9/03/02014.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, 7/9/2014.
  • Council at a meeting on the level of permanent representatives on Serious developments in Libya, Statement 136 (22/02/2011).
  • League of Arab States Council on the Ministerial Level, Serious Developments in Libya, no 7298 / 135, 2/3/2011.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 9/03/02014.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, 7/9/2014.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level, at its extraordinary session, the repercussions of the current events in Libya and the Arab position towards it, Cairo: The General Secretariat in Cairo, 12/3/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level at its extraordinary session, the suspension of the broadcast of Al-Jamahiriya satellite channel on the frequencies of Arabsat, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/5/2011.
  • The Council of the League of Arab States held at an extraordinary session at the ministerial level, the situation in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat General, Statement No. 158: 24/11/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level held in extraordinary session, Developments in in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/1/2015. United Nations Charter.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2016, meeting 6640, 27 October 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1970, February 2011.
  • United Nations Support Mission in Libya missions pursuant to UNSCRs 170 & 1973.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1970, Meeting 6491, 26 February 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2009, Meeting 6620, 16 September 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2095, Meeting 6934, March 2013.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1973, Meeting 6498, 17 March 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2214, 27 March 2015.
  • United Nations Secretary-General Report on United Nations Support Mission in Libya, New York: 5 September 2014, pp 10 – 14.
  • United Nations Security Council Meeting, 26 August 2014.
  • United Nations Secretary-General report on UNSMIL, New York: 13 August 2015, pp 3 – 18.
  • United Nations Secretary-General, report on UNSMIL, New York: 1 December 2016, p 21.
  • United Nations Secretary-General report on UNSMIL, New York: 4 April 2017, p 2.
  • Address by United Nations Special Envoy Ghassan Salama, High Level Meeting on Libya, New York: 20 September 2017.
  • Article 39 of the United Nations Charter: “The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”
  • AbdelKarim Ba Ismail: NATO Military Interventions in the Arab Region, Booklets of Politics and Law Journal, Issue 12 (2015), p 222.
  • Yusuf M. Alsawanni, US and Libya: Contradictions of the intervention and the future of the Libyan entity, Arab Future Journal, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, pp 17 - 19
  • Rabhi Lakhdar: international intervention between international legitimacy and concept of State Sovereignty (PHD Thesis), Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abi Bakr Belkaid Tlemecan, 2015 pp. 162-164.
  • Eve Massingham: Military intervention for humanitarian purposes: does the Responsibility to Protect doctrine advance the legality of the use of force for humanitarian ends?, International Review of the Red Cross (Geneva, ICRC, Volume 91, Issue 876, December 2009). P 158.
  • Karzan Mustafa: Responsibility to Protect Principle in the Principles and Rules of the General Internatioanl Law (PHD Thesis), Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abi Bakr Belkaid Tlemecan, 2015, P 312.
  • Amina Shamami: Responsibility to Protect: An international duty or a new form of humanitarian intervention?, at: Martin Kobler Interview, Al-Arab Newspaper, London, 2/6/2016.

International Intervention in Libya since 2011 and Its Political Implications

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 234 - 261, 30.12.2019


This study seeks to discuss the evolution of international interventions in Libya since 2011 through three main pivots where ıt makes an interpretation to the concept of intervention in a broader trans-disciplinary sense. In the same context, the study sheds lights on the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine and relying on this doctrine as a vehicle for international intervention.
All over the perıod, the international intervention had taken its place in establishment some rules to run the political process through military actions and the UN and its Libya-focused institutions like the sanctions committee, the UNSMIL and the Libya panel of experts; as well as focusing on the Arab League stance and decisions on Libya. By focusing on the policies of intervention in Libya mainly: military intervention, counter-terrorism, national dialogue and building a consensual national army and arms embargo.
The study tried to observe some conclusions on the unconscious role of international institutions which appeared in conflict relations rather than resolution, as well as, the hardness of status quo in Libyan politics and its interactions with regional politics vice versa.


  • Council of the League at ministerial level, developments in Libya, 9/3/2015.
  • Committee of Experts (Security Council), report on Application of Arms Embargo, New York: 1 June 2017.
  • Council of the League at the summit level, serious developments in Libya: approval to Security Council resolution 2214, Cairo: 29/3/2013.
  • Final communiqué of the meeting of Neighboring Countries of Libya, Cairo: 25 August 2014.
  • Statement by League of Arab States Council at a meeting on the level of permanent representatives on Serious developments in Libya, Statement 136 (22/02/2011).
  • League of Arab States Council on the Ministerial Level, Serious Developments in Libya, no 7298 / 135, 2/3/2011.
  • Ministerial Meeting on Libya: Joint Statement, Rome: 13/12/2015.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level, at its extraordinary session, the repercussions of the current events in Libya and the Arab position towards it, Cairo: The General Secretariat in Cairo, 12/3/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level at its extraordinary session, the suspension of the broadcast of Al-Jamahiriya satellite channel on the frequencies of Arabsat, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/5/2011.
  • Council of the League of Arab States held at an extraordinary session at the ministerial level, the situation in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat General, Statement No. 158: 24/11/2011.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 9/03/02014.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, 7/9/2014.
  • Council at a meeting on the level of permanent representatives on Serious developments in Libya, Statement 136 (22/02/2011).
  • League of Arab States Council on the Ministerial Level, Serious Developments in Libya, no 7298 / 135, 2/3/2011.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 9/03/02014.
  • League of Arab States Council at Ministerial Level, Developments in Libya, 7/9/2014.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level, at its extraordinary session, the repercussions of the current events in Libya and the Arab position towards it, Cairo: The General Secretariat in Cairo, 12/3/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level at its extraordinary session, the suspension of the broadcast of Al-Jamahiriya satellite channel on the frequencies of Arabsat, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/5/2011.
  • The Council of the League of Arab States held at an extraordinary session at the ministerial level, the situation in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat General, Statement No. 158: 24/11/2011.
  • The Council of the League at the ministerial level held in extraordinary session, Developments in in Libya, Cairo: Secretariat, 15/1/2015. United Nations Charter.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2016, meeting 6640, 27 October 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1970, February 2011.
  • United Nations Support Mission in Libya missions pursuant to UNSCRs 170 & 1973.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1970, Meeting 6491, 26 February 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2009, Meeting 6620, 16 September 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2095, Meeting 6934, March 2013.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 1973, Meeting 6498, 17 March 2011.
  • United Nations Security Council resolution 2214, 27 March 2015.
  • United Nations Secretary-General Report on United Nations Support Mission in Libya, New York: 5 September 2014, pp 10 – 14.
  • United Nations Security Council Meeting, 26 August 2014.
  • United Nations Secretary-General report on UNSMIL, New York: 13 August 2015, pp 3 – 18.
  • United Nations Secretary-General, report on UNSMIL, New York: 1 December 2016, p 21.
  • United Nations Secretary-General report on UNSMIL, New York: 4 April 2017, p 2.
  • Address by United Nations Special Envoy Ghassan Salama, High Level Meeting on Libya, New York: 20 September 2017.
  • Article 39 of the United Nations Charter: “The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”
  • AbdelKarim Ba Ismail: NATO Military Interventions in the Arab Region, Booklets of Politics and Law Journal, Issue 12 (2015), p 222.
  • Yusuf M. Alsawanni, US and Libya: Contradictions of the intervention and the future of the Libyan entity, Arab Future Journal, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, pp 17 - 19
  • Rabhi Lakhdar: international intervention between international legitimacy and concept of State Sovereignty (PHD Thesis), Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abi Bakr Belkaid Tlemecan, 2015 pp. 162-164.
  • Eve Massingham: Military intervention for humanitarian purposes: does the Responsibility to Protect doctrine advance the legality of the use of force for humanitarian ends?, International Review of the Red Cross (Geneva, ICRC, Volume 91, Issue 876, December 2009). P 158.
  • Karzan Mustafa: Responsibility to Protect Principle in the Principles and Rules of the General Internatioanl Law (PHD Thesis), Faculty of Law and Political Science, Abi Bakr Belkaid Tlemecan, 2015, P 312.
  • Amina Shamami: Responsibility to Protect: An international duty or a new form of humanitarian intervention?, at: Martin Kobler Interview, Al-Arab Newspaper, London, 2/6/2016.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sadeq A. İ. Alshaikheid This is me

Khiry Mohammad Omar This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


Chicago Alshaikheid, Sadeq A. İ., and Khiry Mohammad Omar. “International Intervention in Libya since 2011 and Its Political Implications”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 11, no. 2 (December 2019): 234-61.

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