Year 2016,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 102 - 135, 01.07.2016
Kaan Kutlu Ataç
After the end of the Second World War there were political and economic pressures causing President Truman’s foreign policy towards more forceful stand against the USSR. This was a action away from the direction taken by the traditional US policies. Negotiation and co-operation were no longer seen as productive tools of dealing with the wartime alliance Moscow. Truman’s actions were aimed at restricting the USSR power and influence. In February 1947, the British announced the ending of British military and financial support for both Greece and Turkey. Washington feared with the international communism would have a significant gains in the Near East swiftly adopted a new foreign policy. The main feture of this new approach was the Truman Doctrine announced on 12 March 1947. The Truman Doctrine was mainly a response to the political and social upheaval taking place in Greece and Turkey. The Doctrine was a decisive turning point in the origins of the Cold War. After this announcement, the foreign policy of the USA took a more militant character in the containment of what was perceived as Soviet-communist expansionism
- Abdul Rahman, Zulkanain, Amer Saifude Ghazali, Rosmadi Fauzi ve Noraz- lan Hadi Yaacob, “Britain, the United Nations and the Iranian Crisis of 1946”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 18/11 (2013): 1544-1556.
- Acheson, Dean, Present at the Creation: My Years at the State Department, New York: W.W. Norton, 1969.
- Alperovitz, Gar, Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam: The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power, 2. ed. Chicago: Pluto Press, 1994.
- Ambrose, Stephen, Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938, 7. ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.
- Asteris, Michael, “Biritish Overseas Military Commitments 1945-47: Ma- king Painful Choices”, Contemporary British History, 27/3 (2013): 348-371.
- Aydın, Mustafa, “İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Türkiye”, Türk Dış Politikası: Kurtu- luş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, ed. Baskın Oran, 399-476, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınlar, 2009.
- Aydoğan, Erdal, “Kliment Yefromoviç Voroşilov’un Türkiye’yi Ziyareti ve Türkiye-Sovyet Rusya İlişkilerine Katkısı”, Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi 39 (Mayıs 2007): 337- 357
- Bartlett, C. J., The Global Conflict 1880-1970: International Rivalry Great Powers, Londra: Longman, 1986.
- Bernstein, Barton (ed), Politics and Policies of the Truman Administration, Chi- cago: Quadrangle Books, 1970.
- Bilsel, Cemil, “The Turkish Straits in the Light of Recent Turkish-Soviet Rus- sian Correspondence”, The American Journal of International Law 41/4 (Ekim 1947): 727-747.
- Brands, H. W., The Devil We Knew: Americans and the Cold War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Criss, Nur Bilge, “Önsöz”, Türkiye’nin Batı İle ittifaka Yönelişi¸ Melih Esenbel, İstanbul: İsis Yayıncılık, 2000.
- Dixon, Piers, Double Diploma: The Life of Sir Pierson Dixon, Londra: Hutc- hinson, 1968.
- Djilas, Milovan, Conversations with Stalin, New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1962.
- Donovan, Robert J., Conflict and Crisis: The Presidency of Henry S. Truman, 1945-1948, New York: Norton, 1977.
- Erkin, Feridun Cemal, Türk-Sovyet İlişkileri ve Boğazlar Meselesi, Ankara: Baş- nur Matbaası, 1968.
- Ferrell, Robert H. (ed.), Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
- Frazier, Robert, Anglo-American Relations with Greece: The Coming Of The Cold War 1942-47, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991.
- Foreign Relation of the United States (FRUS) 3 (1941), 4 (1943), 1 (1945), 2 (1945), 8 (1945), 6 (1946), 7 (1946), 5 (1947), 3 (1948), 4 (1948).
- Gaddis, John Lewis, “Was the Truman Doctrine a Real Turning Point?”, Fore- ign Affairs 52/2 (Ocak 1974): 386-402.
- –––––––––, “The Tragedy of Cold War History: Reflections on Revisionism”, Foreign Affairs 73/1 (Ocak-Şubat 1994), 142-154.
- –––––––––, The Cold War: The Deals The Spies The Truth, Londra: Penguen Books, 2005.
- –––––––––, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of American Natio- nal Security Policy During The Cold War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- ––––––––, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947, Columbia: Columbia University Press, 1972.
- Gönlübol, Mehmet vd., Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabe- vi, 2000.
- Greenwood, Sean, Britain and the Cold War, 1945-91, Londra: Palgrave Mac- millan, 2000.
- Hale, William, Türk Dış Politikası 1774-2000, çev. Petek Demir, İstanbul: Mozaik, 2003.
- Halle, Louis J., Soğuk Harp, çev. Fahri Çeliker, Ankara: Genelkurmay Bası- mevi, 1976.
- Harbutt, Fraser J., The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
- Harris, George S., Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-71, Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Insti- tute for Public Policy Research, 1972.
- Higgins, Hugh, The Cold War, Londra: Heineman Books, 1974.
- Jeffery, Judith, Ambiguous Commitments and Uncertain Policies: The Truman Doctrine in Greece, 1947-1952, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Bo- oks, 2000.
- Jones, Joseph M., The Fifteen Weeks, New York: The Viking Press, 1964.
- Jones, Howard, New Kind of War: America’s Global Strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece, Cary, NC,: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Kennan, George F. Memoirs, 1925-1950, New York: Bantam, 1969.
- Kucherov, Samuel, “The Problem of Constantinople and the Straits”, The Rus- sian Review 8/3 (Temmuz 1949): 205-220.
- Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet, The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East: Great Power Conflict and Diplomacy in Iran, Turkey, and Greece, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1980.
- LaFeber, Walter, America, Russia and the Cold War 1945-1990, 6. ed. New York: Edition McGraw-Hill, 1991.
- Leffler, Melvyn P., “Strategy, Diplomacy, and the Cold War: The United Sta- tes, Turkey, and NATO, 1945-1952”, The Journal of American His- tory 71/4 (1985): 807-825.
- Madanoğlu, Cemal, Anılar (1911–1953), İstanbul: Evrim Yayınevi, 1982.
- Marshall, George C., “Testimony of February 14, 1947 Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee”, Historical Series, Volume Eightieth: Congress, First and Second Sessions 1947-1948, Washing- ton: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.
- Mastny, Vojtech, Russia’s Road to the Cold War: Diplomacy, Warfare, and the Politics of Communism, 1941-1945, Columbia: Columbia Univer- sity Press, 1979.
- McCauley, Martin, The Origins of the Cold War: 1941-1949, Londra: Pearson Longman, 1995.
- McGhee, George, The US-Turkish-NATO Middle East Connection: How the Truman Doctrine and Turkey’s NATO Entry Contained Soviets, Lond- ra: Macmillan, 1990.
- McLellan, David, Present at the Creation: My Years at the State Department, New York: W.W. Norton, 1969.
- ––––––––––, Dean Acheson: The State Department Years, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1976.
- Mr. X, “The Sources of Soviet Conduct”, Foreign Affairs (Temmuz 1947): 566-582.
- Paterson, Thomas G., Soviet-American Confrontation: Postwar Reconstruction and the Origins of the Cold War, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Press, 1975.
- Pechatnov, Vladimir O. “The Big Three After World War II: New Documents on Soviet Thinking about Post War Relations with The United States and Great Britain”, Working Paper No. 13 (1995), Cold War Inter- national History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholors.
- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower 1957, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1999.
- Resis, Albert, “The Churchill-Stalin Secret ‘Percentages’ Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944”, The American Historical Review 83/2 (Nisan 1978): 368-387.
- Saray, Mehmet, Sovyet Tehdidi Karşısında Türkiye’nin NATO’ya Girişi, III. Cumhurbaşkanı Celal Bayar’ın Hatıraları ve Belgeler, Ankara: Ata- türk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, 2000.
- Saville, John, The Politics of Continuity: British Foreign Policy and the Labour Government 1945-1946, Londra ve New York: Verso, 1993.
- Schlesinger, Arthur, “Origins of the Cold War”, Foreign Affairs 46 (Ekim 1967): 22-52.
- Schwarzenberger, Georg, Power-Politics: A Study of International Society, 2. ed. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1951.
- Sever, Ayşegül, Soğuk Savaş Kuşatmasında Türkiye, Batı ve Ortadoğu 1945- 1958, İstanbul: Boyut Kitapları, 1997.
- Stalin, Joseph, Speeches Delivered at Meetings of Voters of The Stalin Electoral District, Moscow, Moskova: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954.
- U.S. Department of State, Reports to Congress on Assistance Greece and Turkey, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office 1947-1949.
- Weisband, Edward, 2. Dünya Savaşı ve Türkiye, İstanbul: Örgün Yayınevi, 2002.
- Woods, Randall ve Howard Jones, Dawning of the Cold War: The United Sta- tes Quest for Order, Athens, Georgia: University Of Georgia Press, 1991.
- Xydis, Stephen G., “Truman Doctrine in Perspective”, Balkan Studies 8 (1967): 239-262.
- Yergin, Daniel, Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War, New York: Pen- guin Books, 1990.
- Zubok, Vladislav M., A Failed Empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
- Zubok, Vladislav ve Constantine Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Krushchev, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1996.
- Address of the President to Congress, Recommending Assistance to Gree- ce and Turkey, 12 Mart 1947. Harry S. Truman Administration, Elsey Papers, collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?documentda- te=1947-03-12&documentid=5-9&pagenumber=1, (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- “CC CPSU Plenum, Evening 28 June 1957” notları, 06/28/1957, Istoricheskii arkhiv 3-6 (1993) ve 1-2 (1994). Çev. Benjamin Aldrich-Moodie, http:// document&identifier=5034F03A-96B6-175C-997CF0E22D8D- 3F3E&sort=Collection&item=Soviet%20Foreign%20Policy, (Son erişim tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2012)
- Clark Clifford, Report, “American Relations With The Soviet Union” by [“Clifford-Elsey Report”], 24 Eylül 1946. Conway Files, Truman Papers ons/coldwar/documents/sectioned.php?documentid=4-1&page- number=1&groupid=1 (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014).
- Interview with Clark Clifford episode-2/clifford1.html (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- Truman Libary, “Meeting Notes, ca. February 1947, Subject File, J. M. Jo- nes Papers”, collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?documentda- te=1947-02-00&documentid=8-4&pagenumber=1 , (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- Truman’ın Kongre konuşması study_collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?document- date=1947-03-12&documentid=5-9&pagenumber=1, (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014).
- Vyshinsky, Andrei, “A Soviet Criticism of the Truman Doctrine and Mars- hall Plan, September 18, 1947”, ps142j/documents/vyshinsky-criticism-of-truman-doctrine.html (Son erişim tarihi: 16 Mart 2009).
Year 2016,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 102 - 135, 01.07.2016
Kaan Kutlu Ataç
İkinci Dünya savaşı sonrasında Başkan Truman siyasi ve ekonomik zorluklar sonucunda Amerikan dış politikasında Sovyetler Birliği’ne karşı yürütülen mücadelede daha güçlü bir duruş sergilemek zorunda kalmıştı. Washington, savaş dönemi müttefiki Moskova’yla müzakere ve işbirliğini artık uygun siyasi araç olarak görmüyordu. Truman’ın amacı Sovyetler Birliği’nin gücünü ve etkisini sınırlandırmaktı. Şubat 1947’de İngiltere, siyasi ve ekonomik sıkıntılarla boğuşan Yunanistan ve Türkiye’ye askeri ve ekonomik yardımı sonlandıracağını bildirdi. Yakın Doğu’da Sovyet etkisinin artacağından endişe eden Truman yönetimi 12 Mart 1947’de Truman Doktrinini ilan etti. Doktrin, Soğuk Savaş’ın önemli kilometre taşlarından biri oldu. Doktrinin ilanı Sovyet-komünist yayılmacılığının çevrelenmesi siyasetinde askerî niteliklerin ön plana çıkmasına neden oldu
- Abdul Rahman, Zulkanain, Amer Saifude Ghazali, Rosmadi Fauzi ve Noraz- lan Hadi Yaacob, “Britain, the United Nations and the Iranian Crisis of 1946”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 18/11 (2013): 1544-1556.
- Acheson, Dean, Present at the Creation: My Years at the State Department, New York: W.W. Norton, 1969.
- Alperovitz, Gar, Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam: The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power, 2. ed. Chicago: Pluto Press, 1994.
- Ambrose, Stephen, Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938, 7. ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1993.
- Asteris, Michael, “Biritish Overseas Military Commitments 1945-47: Ma- king Painful Choices”, Contemporary British History, 27/3 (2013): 348-371.
- Aydın, Mustafa, “İkinci Dünya Savaşı ve Türkiye”, Türk Dış Politikası: Kurtu- luş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, ed. Baskın Oran, 399-476, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınlar, 2009.
- Aydoğan, Erdal, “Kliment Yefromoviç Voroşilov’un Türkiye’yi Ziyareti ve Türkiye-Sovyet Rusya İlişkilerine Katkısı”, Ankara Üniversitesi Türk İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü Atatürk Yolu Dergisi 39 (Mayıs 2007): 337- 357
- Bartlett, C. J., The Global Conflict 1880-1970: International Rivalry Great Powers, Londra: Longman, 1986.
- Bernstein, Barton (ed), Politics and Policies of the Truman Administration, Chi- cago: Quadrangle Books, 1970.
- Bilsel, Cemil, “The Turkish Straits in the Light of Recent Turkish-Soviet Rus- sian Correspondence”, The American Journal of International Law 41/4 (Ekim 1947): 727-747.
- Brands, H. W., The Devil We Knew: Americans and the Cold War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Criss, Nur Bilge, “Önsöz”, Türkiye’nin Batı İle ittifaka Yönelişi¸ Melih Esenbel, İstanbul: İsis Yayıncılık, 2000.
- Dixon, Piers, Double Diploma: The Life of Sir Pierson Dixon, Londra: Hutc- hinson, 1968.
- Djilas, Milovan, Conversations with Stalin, New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1962.
- Donovan, Robert J., Conflict and Crisis: The Presidency of Henry S. Truman, 1945-1948, New York: Norton, 1977.
- Erkin, Feridun Cemal, Türk-Sovyet İlişkileri ve Boğazlar Meselesi, Ankara: Baş- nur Matbaası, 1968.
- Ferrell, Robert H. (ed.), Off the Record: The Private Papers of Harry S. Truman, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
- Frazier, Robert, Anglo-American Relations with Greece: The Coming Of The Cold War 1942-47, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991.
- Foreign Relation of the United States (FRUS) 3 (1941), 4 (1943), 1 (1945), 2 (1945), 8 (1945), 6 (1946), 7 (1946), 5 (1947), 3 (1948), 4 (1948).
- Gaddis, John Lewis, “Was the Truman Doctrine a Real Turning Point?”, Fore- ign Affairs 52/2 (Ocak 1974): 386-402.
- –––––––––, “The Tragedy of Cold War History: Reflections on Revisionism”, Foreign Affairs 73/1 (Ocak-Şubat 1994), 142-154.
- –––––––––, The Cold War: The Deals The Spies The Truth, Londra: Penguen Books, 2005.
- –––––––––, Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of American Natio- nal Security Policy During The Cold War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- ––––––––, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947, Columbia: Columbia University Press, 1972.
- Gönlübol, Mehmet vd., Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabe- vi, 2000.
- Greenwood, Sean, Britain and the Cold War, 1945-91, Londra: Palgrave Mac- millan, 2000.
- Hale, William, Türk Dış Politikası 1774-2000, çev. Petek Demir, İstanbul: Mozaik, 2003.
- Halle, Louis J., Soğuk Harp, çev. Fahri Çeliker, Ankara: Genelkurmay Bası- mevi, 1976.
- Harbutt, Fraser J., The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
- Harris, George S., Troubled Alliance: Turkish-American Problems in Historical Perspective, 1945-71, Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Insti- tute for Public Policy Research, 1972.
- Higgins, Hugh, The Cold War, Londra: Heineman Books, 1974.
- Jeffery, Judith, Ambiguous Commitments and Uncertain Policies: The Truman Doctrine in Greece, 1947-1952, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Bo- oks, 2000.
- Jones, Joseph M., The Fifteen Weeks, New York: The Viking Press, 1964.
- Jones, Howard, New Kind of War: America’s Global Strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece, Cary, NC,: Oxford University Press, 1997.
- Kennan, George F. Memoirs, 1925-1950, New York: Bantam, 1969.
- Kucherov, Samuel, “The Problem of Constantinople and the Straits”, The Rus- sian Review 8/3 (Temmuz 1949): 205-220.
- Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet, The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East: Great Power Conflict and Diplomacy in Iran, Turkey, and Greece, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1980.
- LaFeber, Walter, America, Russia and the Cold War 1945-1990, 6. ed. New York: Edition McGraw-Hill, 1991.
- Leffler, Melvyn P., “Strategy, Diplomacy, and the Cold War: The United Sta- tes, Turkey, and NATO, 1945-1952”, The Journal of American His- tory 71/4 (1985): 807-825.
- Madanoğlu, Cemal, Anılar (1911–1953), İstanbul: Evrim Yayınevi, 1982.
- Marshall, George C., “Testimony of February 14, 1947 Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee”, Historical Series, Volume Eightieth: Congress, First and Second Sessions 1947-1948, Washing- ton: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.
- Mastny, Vojtech, Russia’s Road to the Cold War: Diplomacy, Warfare, and the Politics of Communism, 1941-1945, Columbia: Columbia Univer- sity Press, 1979.
- McCauley, Martin, The Origins of the Cold War: 1941-1949, Londra: Pearson Longman, 1995.
- McGhee, George, The US-Turkish-NATO Middle East Connection: How the Truman Doctrine and Turkey’s NATO Entry Contained Soviets, Lond- ra: Macmillan, 1990.
- McLellan, David, Present at the Creation: My Years at the State Department, New York: W.W. Norton, 1969.
- ––––––––––, Dean Acheson: The State Department Years, New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1976.
- Mr. X, “The Sources of Soviet Conduct”, Foreign Affairs (Temmuz 1947): 566-582.
- Paterson, Thomas G., Soviet-American Confrontation: Postwar Reconstruction and the Origins of the Cold War, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Press, 1975.
- Pechatnov, Vladimir O. “The Big Three After World War II: New Documents on Soviet Thinking about Post War Relations with The United States and Great Britain”, Working Paper No. 13 (1995), Cold War Inter- national History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholors.
- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower 1957, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1999.
- Resis, Albert, “The Churchill-Stalin Secret ‘Percentages’ Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944”, The American Historical Review 83/2 (Nisan 1978): 368-387.
- Saray, Mehmet, Sovyet Tehdidi Karşısında Türkiye’nin NATO’ya Girişi, III. Cumhurbaşkanı Celal Bayar’ın Hatıraları ve Belgeler, Ankara: Ata- türk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, 2000.
- Saville, John, The Politics of Continuity: British Foreign Policy and the Labour Government 1945-1946, Londra ve New York: Verso, 1993.
- Schlesinger, Arthur, “Origins of the Cold War”, Foreign Affairs 46 (Ekim 1967): 22-52.
- Schwarzenberger, Georg, Power-Politics: A Study of International Society, 2. ed. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1951.
- Sever, Ayşegül, Soğuk Savaş Kuşatmasında Türkiye, Batı ve Ortadoğu 1945- 1958, İstanbul: Boyut Kitapları, 1997.
- Stalin, Joseph, Speeches Delivered at Meetings of Voters of The Stalin Electoral District, Moscow, Moskova: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954.
- U.S. Department of State, Reports to Congress on Assistance Greece and Turkey, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office 1947-1949.
- Weisband, Edward, 2. Dünya Savaşı ve Türkiye, İstanbul: Örgün Yayınevi, 2002.
- Woods, Randall ve Howard Jones, Dawning of the Cold War: The United Sta- tes Quest for Order, Athens, Georgia: University Of Georgia Press, 1991.
- Xydis, Stephen G., “Truman Doctrine in Perspective”, Balkan Studies 8 (1967): 239-262.
- Yergin, Daniel, Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War, New York: Pen- guin Books, 1990.
- Zubok, Vladislav M., A Failed Empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2007.
- Zubok, Vladislav ve Constantine Pleshakov, Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From Stalin to Krushchev, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1996.
- Address of the President to Congress, Recommending Assistance to Gree- ce and Turkey, 12 Mart 1947. Harry S. Truman Administration, Elsey Papers, collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?documentda- te=1947-03-12&documentid=5-9&pagenumber=1, (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- “CC CPSU Plenum, Evening 28 June 1957” notları, 06/28/1957, Istoricheskii arkhiv 3-6 (1993) ve 1-2 (1994). Çev. Benjamin Aldrich-Moodie, http:// document&identifier=5034F03A-96B6-175C-997CF0E22D8D- 3F3E&sort=Collection&item=Soviet%20Foreign%20Policy, (Son erişim tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2012)
- Clark Clifford, Report, “American Relations With The Soviet Union” by [“Clifford-Elsey Report”], 24 Eylül 1946. Conway Files, Truman Papers ons/coldwar/documents/sectioned.php?documentid=4-1&page- number=1&groupid=1 (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014).
- Interview with Clark Clifford episode-2/clifford1.html (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- Truman Libary, “Meeting Notes, ca. February 1947, Subject File, J. M. Jo- nes Papers”, collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?documentda- te=1947-02-00&documentid=8-4&pagenumber=1 , (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014)
- Truman’ın Kongre konuşması study_collections/doctrine/large/documents/index.php?document- date=1947-03-12&documentid=5-9&pagenumber=1, (Son erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2014).
- Vyshinsky, Andrei, “A Soviet Criticism of the Truman Doctrine and Mars- hall Plan, September 18, 1947”, ps142j/documents/vyshinsky-criticism-of-truman-doctrine.html (Son erişim tarihi: 16 Mart 2009).